1、PAGE PAGE - 8 -本科生课程大纲课程名称现代控制理论基础Fundamentals of Modern Control Theory课程代码082302101205课程属性学科基础课时/学分32/2课程性质必修实践学时0责任教师 课外学时64(32*2)课程属性:公共基础/通识教育/学科基础/专业知识/工作技能,课程性质:必修、选修一、 课程介绍 1.课程描述:现代控制理论基础是自动化专业本科生的一门重要专业必修核心课程。该课程与本科生的许多专业课(自动控制原理、过程控制系统、计算机控制系统、控制系统仿真、系统辨识等)有着较强的联系。现代控制理论基础将为自动化专业、电子信息专业、计算
3、程内容主要包括:控制系统的状态空间表达式、线性系统状态方程的解、状态变量的可控性和可观性、线性定常系统的综合、状态观测器、解耦控制、李雅普诺夫稳定性、最优控制等。以现代控制理论课本章节顺序为基础,本课程的内容编排顺序为:(1)现代控制理论概论;(2)现代控制理论数学基础;(3)状态空间方法;(4)能控性与能观性;(5) 极点配置与状态观测器;(6)系统的稳定性;(7)最优控制理论介绍。3. 课程与其他课程的关系 先修课程:自动控制原理 后置课程:智能控制二、课程目标本课程的目标是培养学生的工程观点和工程设计能力,达到华盛顿公约规定的国际工程师认证的标准,培养符合国家经济发展需要的工程技术人才。
8、17第三章第四节能控性与能观性对偶原理,能控能观标准型PPT讲义课本4.8-4.11第四章第一节极点配置与状态观测器基于状态反馈的极点配置方法PPT讲义课本5.1,5.6第四章第二节极点配置与状态观测器全维状态观测器的设计方法,降维状态观测器简介PPT讲义课本5.3,5.5第五章第一节系统的稳定性稳定性基本概念,李雅普诺夫直接法判稳PPT讲义第五章第二节系统的稳定性线性定常系统的二次型李雅普诺夫函数PPT讲义课本7.1-7.3第六章最优控制理论介绍介绍最优控制系统的基本问题和方法,常用的最优控制的性能指标,二次型最优控制的一般格式PPT讲义, ,MatLab指令文档综合性设计项目五、参考教材与
9、主要参考书选用教材现代控制理论,于长官,哈尔滨工业大学出版社,2005年第三版主要参考书自动控制原理(下册),吴麒,清华大学出版社,2006年第二版Linear System Theory and Design, Chi-Tsong Chen, Oxford University Press, 1999 Third Edition电子资源现代控制理论视频教程,山东大学网络教育学院, HYPERLINK 六、成绩评定 (一)考核方式: A.闭卷考试 A.闭卷考试 B.开卷考试 C.论文 D.考查 E.其他(二)课程综合评分方法: 课程设计大作业、普通作业、平时测验、课堂讨论及平常表现10%期末考
10、试90%总计100%七、学术诚信学习成果不能造假,如考试作弊、盗取他人学习成果、一份报告用于不同的课程等,均属造假行为。他人的想法、说法和意见如不注明出处按盗用论处。本课程如有发现上述不良行为,将按学校有关规定取消本课程的学习成绩。八、大纲审核教学院长: 院学术委员会签章:Syllabus for undergraduate of OUCCourse Name:Fundamentals of Modern Control Theory Course Time:Spring semester, usually session 1-2 on ThursdaysCourse Teacher:Dr.
11、Ping REN1.Course OverviewThis course presents the fundamentals of modern control theory with specialization to time-invariant systems. It is a required core course to undergraduates majored in Automation. The course is heavily related to other major courses such as Automatic Control Theory, Process
12、Control System, Control System Simulation, System Identification, etc. Topics include but are not limited to state space representation, state equation solution, discretization of linear system, Lyapunov stability, controllability, observability, state observer, state feedback synthesis and so on. S
13、tudents will develop a basic knowledge of modern control theory that is of sufficient depth to begin reading the subject literature.2.Student Learning OutcomesThrough learning this course, students should obtain the following outcomes:Know the birth and development of modern control theory; be aware
14、 of basic topics in the research on modern control theory; understand the advantages of modern control theory, especially when compared with classical control theory.Know how to apply matrix theory and calculus in modern control theory; understand Cayley-Hamilton theorem; master matrix differential
15、equation representation.Know the general state-space representation of control systems; understand system decoupling; understand the contribution of transfer function matrix; understand the concept of state transition matrix and how to solve a state equation.Know the relationship between zero-pole c
16、ancellation and controllability & observability; understand controllability and observability canonical forms and their transformation schemes; master controllability and observability criteria.Know the commonly used stability criteria; understand Lyapunov stability criterion based on energy-like fu
17、nctions; master Lyapunov stability criterion of linear time-invariant systems.Know the meaning of state feedback and state observer; understand state-feedback based pole-placement approach; master the assignment of poles for a system in controller canonical form; master the synthesis of full dimensi
18、on state observer.Know the basic problems and approaches of optimal control and the commonly used performance indices; master how to solve a basic quadratic optimal control problem using computer simulation. 3.Course ExpectationsStudents are encouraged to review all related knowledge they have learn
19、ed in automatic control theory, linear algebra and calculus, and pre-study the PowerPoint handouts before each lecture. Students in class are expected to participate in group discussions on the topics assigned by the instructor, and prepare for the instructors questions. Quizzes will be conducted in
20、 some lectures. Students are expected to actively join in the Q&A session organized by the instructor and the teaching assistant. Homework assignments must be accomplished independently as well as the comprehensive course project. A few selected assignments must be typed on a word-processor and subm
21、itted electronically. For the course project, a formally written report must be submitted.4.AssignmentsAssignments are due at the start of each class and no late homework is accepted! Students must accomplish their homework independently. Students are permitted to discuss homework questions with oth
22、er students, although they are not permitted to discuss solutions directly. Assignments are mainly problems selected from the textbook. Each semester, there are about ten assignments. Examples of the assignments are shown below:Problem 2.2-2.10Problem 3.1-3.5, 3.11Problem 3.14-3.17Problem 4.1-4.4Pro
23、blem 4.14-4.17Problem 4.8-4.11Problem 5.1,5.6Problem 5.3,5.5Problem 7.1-7.3Comprehensive course projectIn additional to the written assignments above, several numerical simulation assignments will be given as well. Students must turn in electronically their codes, plus figures generated by running t
24、heir programs and brief descriptions.5.Books To PurchaseModern Control Theory, Third Edition, Changguan YU, HIT Press, 2005 Linear System Theory and Design, Third Edition, Chi-Tsong CHEN, Oxford University Press, 1999 6.Grading PolicyThe following approximate grading policy will be used to compute the final course grade:Course Project, Quizzes, Homework assignments, Class performances 10%Final (closed books, closed notes)90%Total100%7.Course C
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