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1、 世纪英语综合教程 I(第七版)教案1. Learn how to greet teachers and classmates on the campus;2. Make brief self-introductions to each other;1. Greetings on campus; 授课主要内容Unit One College Life (1 and 2 hours)stndWarm-upTask 1 I am a freshman.Objective: Ss can make a brief self-introduction to the class.Steps: Ss re

2、ad Warm-up Task 1. Ts explain the new words in Task 1. Ask Ss to introduce themselves according to their own information.Task 2 My study plan in the fresh semester.Objective: Ss can make an English study plan by themselves.Steps: Ask Ss to make their choices. Ss give their answers. Ask Ss to tell th

3、e class about their new English study plans.Listening & SpeakingTask 1 Are you Jack Smith from America?Objective: Ss can understand the conversation briefly and fill in the blanks with correct words or phrases.Steps: Play the tapescript two times. Ask Ss to listen carefully and fill in the blanks. A

4、sk Ss to tell the class their answers.Answers: (1) Excuse me (2) Im (3) Nice to meet you (4) Me, too (5) Thank you very much.Task 2 How are you these days?Objective: Ss can understand the conversation briefly and tick up the correct information.Steps: Play the tapescript two times. Ask Ss to tick th

5、e correct information and give the answers.Answers: Tick: (1), (2), (4).Task 3 Would you like to have a look at my dorm?Objective: Ss can understand the conversation and complete the answers with correct information.Steps: Play the tapescript two times. Ask Ss to listen and understand briefly the co

6、nversation and complete the answers. Ask Ss to give the answers.Answers: 1) have a look at 2) Three 3) small but bright 4) 5th 5) No, there isntTask 4 Sports club will take in new members.Objective: Ss can understand the conversation and put the five given sentences into correct order.Steps: Play th

7、e tapescript two times. Ss listen to the conversation and give the correct order. Ask Ss to give the answers. Answers: ( 3 )( 1 )( 5 )( 2 )( 4 )Task 5 Dont use the word “fail”.Objective: Ss can understand the passage and fill in the blanks with correct words or phrases.Steps: Play the tapescript thr

8、ee times. Ss listen and give the correct words or phrases. Ss give the answers, if their answers are not correct, Ts correct them.Answers: (1) examinations (2) allowed (3) suggest (4) unhappy (5) lose heart (6) believe(7) success (8) takeTask 6 My study at college.Objective: Ss can make a conversati

9、on about college study.Steps: Ask Ss to spend several minutes preparing for the conversation. Ss present their conversations to the class. Ts give necessary guidelines and help to Ss. Ts first invite those who are better in English learning topresent their conversations. If time doesnt permit, assig

10、n the task as after-class assignments.Conversations:Wendy: Hi, Bob! Nice to see you again on the campus. How is everything going on with you?Bob: Fine, thank you. I like this college. I like my new teachers and classmates.Wendy: How about your courses? Do you like them?Bob: Yes, I like them very muc

11、h.Wendy: What do you major in now?Bob: I major in computer science. At the moment I am learning how to program.Wendy: That sounds really interesting.Bob: Yes, but I feel that it is a little difficult.Wendy: Are you doing well in your classes?Bob: I dont know because I havent received any test result

12、s yet. However, I have confidencein myself.Assignments1. Review what has been learned in Listening&Speaking;2. Preview Reading A in this unit. 世纪英语综合教程 I(第七版)教案授课形式 Learn and practice2 hours1. Help the students understand the reading text;2. Help students learn to translate the reading text into goo

13、d Chinese;3. Help students learn to use the important words and phrases in Reading A.1. Vocabulary: memory, challenge, snack, firm, sense, topic, arise, expectation,a sense of, share sth. with sb., be responsible for, ask sb. forhelp, set aside, get on well with sb.; 授课主要内容Unit One College Life (3rd

14、 and 4th hours)Reading APreliminary StageSteps: Ask Ss to answer: what is college life? How can freshmen get along well with their college mates,classmates and roommates? Ts introduce the background information about college life to students.Reading text learning1. New words and expressionsObjective

15、: Ss can read the new words and expressions correctly; remember these new words andexpressions.Steps: Ss listen to the new words and expressions. Ask Ss to read the new words and expressions.2. Reading Text AObjective: Ss can understand the reading text, put it into good Chinese and grasp the import

16、ant words,phrases and sentence patterns in the reading text.Steps: Ts explain the reading text:Language points:Paragraph 2sense n. a persons special power of the body to be conscious of somethinge.g. a sense of humor/responsibility/belongings/achievementsHe has a good sense of smell.in a sensee.g. T

17、his plan is practical in a sense.make sensee.g. It makes no sense to talk about it in general.c.f. sensible a. reasonable; practicale.g. It is sensible of you to do it.We think the plan sensible.be sensible of: be aware ofe.g. He is sensible of the danger before him.c.f. sensitive a. easily receivin

18、g impressions able to record small changes;e.g. My skin is sensitive to sunlight.The instrument is sensitive to the earthquake.find out: learn sth. by study, calculation or inquirye.g. Have you found out the source of the rumor?Please find out when well start off tomorrow.share vt. have or use sth.

19、with sb.; have sth. in common1) share sth. with sb.:e.g. When at home, I have to share a bedroom with my younger brother.2) share (in) something:e.g. We two will share (in) the rent. The husband shares (in) his wifes happiness and sadness.Paragraph 3arise vi. come into existence; present itselfe.g.

20、An unexpected problem arose in our discussion.Different opinions have arisen among the students.be responsible for: having the obligation to make decisions or bear the blame for mistakese.g. Teachers should be responsible for the safety of pupils when having a spring outing.We think the driver is re

21、sponsible for the traffic accident.topic n. subject for discussione.g. None of the topics interested me.Good morning, class. Today my topic is on the present situation at home and abroad.Paragraph 4set aside: put aside, lay asidee.g. Every day I set aside half an hour for sports.Youd better set asid

22、e some money for a rainy day.Paragraph 5agree: say “yes”, consent1) agree with sb.e.g. You say reading is important in learning English. I cant agree with you more.2) agree to sth.e.g. All the class agreed to the study plan.3) agree on/upon sth.e.g. Both parties finally agreed on the contract.Paragr

23、aph 6avoid vt. keep or get away from; escapeavoid doing sth.e.g. You must learn the lessons from the accident to avoid making the same mistake.avoid being donee.g. Ill go that way to avoid being seen by the boss.Paragraph 7belongings (pl.) n. ones possessionse.g. Take all your belongings with you wh

24、en you get off the train.Personal belongings should be taken good care of.Chinese translation of the reading text:和室友和睦相处1. 当你离开父母和家乡进入大学,将要在新的校园里开始新的生活,你准备好了吗?上大学的首要挑战不在教室,而是在你第一次遇见宿舍室友的时候。这些室友将会给你留下大学生活最美好或最糟糕的记忆,所以必须做好准备。2. 和新室友一起生活时,了解他们的背景,了解他们来自哪里,他们是怎么样的人等等,对你来说是非常有帮助的。你可以通过人人网页或微博网页更好地了解他们,获

25、知他们喜欢什么,不喜欢什么。你也可以把你的网页和他们分享。3. 和新室友共同生活肯定会产生矛盾。关键是见面时就要做好预期准备。何时学习和就寝,朋友何时可来串门,谁负责清理垃圾,这些都是有待讨论的问题。如果你无法解决这些 问题,可向辅导员寻求帮助。4. 如果你有同乡和你住在一起,你会感到很舒心。你们会经常在一起。但是不要因为事事都要和他或她在一起而感到有压力。留出时间和新同学交往,和别的宿舍的人交朋友,或加入新的俱乐部。5. 宿舍是大家一起使用的,所以务必不要让你室友的东西放到你的桌上或柜子里,除非你事先同意他这样做。6. 要明确哪些东西可共用。零食可分享,但洗发液不能分享。为了避免今后打架,你

26、要和室友明说,态度礼貌,语气坚定。如果你允许别人用你东西的行为继续发展,那么问题就会越来越严重。7. 如果交谈无用,你可以用其他方法保证你的物品的安全。切记:和室友和睦相处对你的大学生活来说是非常重要的。 Ss listen to the recording of the reading text; Ask Ss to read the reading text; Ss prepare for reading-related Task 1 and Task 2; If time permits, check Task 1 and Task 2, otherwise, do the two ta

27、sks in the next teaching period.Assignments1. Review reading text A;2. Prepare for reading-related Tasks 3,4 and 5.3. Prepare for Task 6;4. Preview reading text B. 世纪英语综合教程 I(第七版)教案1. Help students complete Tasks 3,4 &5 in Reading A;2. Help students understand Reading Text B and learn to translate i

28、t into goodChinese;3. Help students learn to use the important words and phrases in Reading B.1. Vocabulary: cheat, stress, assignment, analyze, weigh, honesty, achievement,vocabulary, reward, opportunity, seeas, tend to do, put anemphasis on, lead to, catch out;1. 以关系副词where 引导的定语从句;2. 由n+pp (过去分词)

29、构成的复合形容词。 授课主要内容Unit One College Life (5th and 6th hours)Reading ARevision of Reading Text AObjective: Ss can read text A smoothly and do the tasks correctly and independently.Steps: Ask Ss to read Reading Text A. Check out reading-related tasks.Answers:Task 11) make some of your greatest or worst m

30、emories of college2) understand their background and where they come from to get a sense of who they are3) their Renren or Weibo pages4) Conflicts5) which things you feel comfortable about sharingTask 21) BTask 32) A2) B3) D3) B4) B4) C5) C5) C1) A6) A7) B8) C9) B10) BTask 41) shared6) ariseTask 52)

31、 challenge7) expectations 8) snack3) memory4) responsible9) firmly5) sense10) topic1) 上大学的首要挑战不在教室,而是在你第一次遇见宿舍室友的时候。2) 和新室友共同生活肯定会产生矛盾。关键是见面时就要做好预期准备。3) 留出时间和新同学交往,和别的宿舍的人交朋友,或加入新的俱乐部。4) 要明确哪些东西可共用。零食可分享,但洗发液不能分享。5) 如果交谈无用,你可以用其他方法保证你的物品的安全。 Invite some Ss to present Task 6: their conversation about

32、 college life.Reading BPreliminary StageSteps: Ask Ss to answer: what isInternship? Do you know anything about internship in America? Ts introduce background information about internship and lead Ss into Text B learning.1. New words and expressionsObjective: Ss can read the new words and expressions

33、 correctly; remember these new words andexpressions.Steps: Ss listen to the new words and expressions. Ask Ss to read the new words and expressions.2. Reading Text BObjective: Ss can understand the reading text, put it into good Chinese and grasp the important words,phrases and sentence patterns in

34、Reading Text B.Steps: Ts explain the reading text:Language points:Paragraph 1specific: a. 1) not general; relating to one particular thinge.g. The sum of money is for the specific purpose.We have specific training programs for the new employees.2) detailed and precisee.g. What are your specific aims

35、 in your life?Professor Wang gave us some specific assignments for us to do today.major: n. subject specialized ine.g. My major at college is computer science.Your major is the same as mine.vi. specialize in a certain subject in a college or universitye.g. Tomas majors in English language and litera

36、ture.He majored in two subjects when he was at college.a. greater or more importante.g. This is the major difference between the two viewpoints.whats more: besides, in addition to, moreovere.g. This dictionary is convenient to use and helpful to our English learning. Whats more, it is beautifullypri

37、nted.Madam John is diligent, careful, patient and kind-hearted. Whats more, she is ready to help others.special: a. 1) of a particular or certain sort; not common, usual or generale.g. What is your special interest?He sets aside special time for exercise.2) exception in amount, degree, etc.e.g. The

38、company gave us special favorable prices because we were their regular customers.Paragraph 3set up: establish an institution, business, argument, etc.e.g. A new private technical college will be set up next year in the city.The travelers set up a tent in the forest for the coming night.Paragraph 4fa

39、cility: n. device or equipment which make work easier to doe.g. High speed trains are good transportation facilities for travelers.These traffic facilities are to be updated.include vt. bring in as a part of the wholee.g. The accommodation fee of our hotel includes breakfast every morning.A secretar

40、y job includes answer the phones, type the reports, sort out files and so on.staff: n. group of assistants working together under a manager or heade.g. All the teaching staff is having a meeting in the college hall.Note: staff is a collective noun, usually followed by a single verb form.Paragraph 5a

41、rouse vt. awaken a.g. A good teacher knows how to arouse students interest in what theyre learning.His sufferings aroused our sympathy.Paragraph 6spot n. 1) a particular place or areae.g. This is the very spot President Lincoln was shot dead.Well hold a meeting on the spot.2) small round mark differ

42、ent in colore.g The first TV image in the world was one circle with three black spots.Her skirt is red with white spots.feature vt. make sb. or sth. a feature, have a prominent part fore.g. The new film features Hollywood new stars.The dish features Sichuan local flavor.n. characteristic or striking

43、 parte.g. The unique feature of the area is its green grassland.beneficial a. having good effect; helpfule.g. Physical exercise is beneficial to health.Reading more is sure to be beneficial to both your IQ and EQ.extra a. additionale.g. If you do extra work, youll get extra pay.This is the total exp

44、ense without extra charge.Paragraph 8provide vt. supply something a person needsprovide sb. with sth./provide sth. for sb.:e.g. The company provides the new employees with necessary training.In China, parents provide food, clothing and tuition for their children.Paragraph 9take advantage of (sth.):

45、use sth. profitably, for ones own benefite.g. College students should take full advantage of college resources.take advantage of (sb.): deceive sb., play a trick on sb.e.g. The husband sometimes takes advantage of his wife in family affairs.Paragraph 10professional a. 1) of a professione.g. He has p

46、rofessional skill.Here is our companys professional etiquette.2) doing sth. as a full-time occupation for paymente.g. Li Na is a professional tennis player.n. a person who does sth. for paymente.g. His father is a professional in computer science.Chinese translation of the reading text:大学生的新型培训基地1.

47、新的大学生活开始了。新生们对学院的一切都感兴趣。上中学时,学生们在传统的教室里上几乎同样的课程。现在上了大学,课程是专门设置的并非常有趣。不同专业的学生上不同的课程。除此以外,学生们还在特别的教室里上实习课程。 2. 你有没有听说过能睡觉的教室?3. 美国伊利诺伊州的一所学院最近建立了这样的一个教室。更有趣的是,当你休息完毕,几步之遥就能体验精品美食。4. 这是学院的新型烹饪和酒店接待中心为即将进入餐饮和酒店行业的大学生们设立的培训基地。5600 平方米的设施包括一家有六间客房的精品酒店和两家餐厅,学生在那里帮助工作人员工作。5. 培训中心有实习厨房,也有传统的教室。学院的宾馆接待和烹饪培训项

48、目为许多全日制学生服务,并激起了学生们的兴趣。6. 小麦咖啡店是一家学生开办的食品店和外卖店,以销售烹饪专业学生的食品为特色。小麦咖啡店对烹饪专业的学生非常有益,因为他们在此有另外八周的实习。7. 位于三楼的宾馆也给学生们用作实习的场所。宾馆接待专业的学生在此要完成150 小时有关销售、管理和家政等方面的实习。8. 为学生提供烹饪和宾馆接待培训的需求日益增加。这些仿真实验室能使学生掌握实际经验加入劳动大军。9. 实验基地除了学院教职员工和学生们的支持外,也鼓励公众通过在学生开办的餐厅吃饭和在宾馆住宿来充分享受由学生们的努力工作所带来的便利。10. 这些都是专业的实习设施,给学生提供真正的锻炼机

49、会。这个新的实习中心是学生专业和校园学习氛围的结合,因而使得这幢教学楼显得与众不同。 Ss listen to the recording of the passage; Ask Ss to read the Passage B; Do passage-related tasks:Answers:Task 11) ATask 22) B3) C4) e4) D5) h5) A1) fTask 32) i3) a6) g7) b8) c9) j10) d1) laboratory6) spotTask 42) complete7) feature3) include8) extra4) prov

50、ides9) professional5) staff10) facilities1) We should take advantage of the opportunity to do our work better.2) The sofa can serve as a bed before we buy a new bed.3) This refrigerator is beautiful and convenient. Whats more, it is at a low price.4) Our college provides a good learning environment

51、for us.5) Several new student societies will be set up next semester.Assignments1. Review Reading Text B;2. Prepare for exercises in the exercise-book;3. Preview Development Skills;4. Prepare for Mini-project in this unit. 世纪英语综合教程 I(第七版)教案年 月 日 第 2 周 (下)Skill Development: 1) Phonetics: Monophthongs

52、 and Diphthong;2) Writing: Letter of CongratulationMini-project: a speech “What freshmen should do for a good roomingrelationship”1. Help students learn grammar: nouns and pronouns;2. Help students know how to write a letter of congratulation;3. Help students complete the mini-project in this unit.1) Nouns and Pronouns;2) How to write an English letter.二维码扫描阅读内容:音标发音视频;英语书信的格式。1) Revision: grammars in this unit;2) Written work: write two letters of congratulation assigned in both thetext-book and the exercise book;3) After-class activity: mini-project;4) Complete self-a


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