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3、的结果是否只是收集资料、做出是非判断?问题是否浓缩,在时间、经费和努力的约束状态下实现反思研究问题是否具有研究价值?向有经验的研究者进行咨询,和同行商讨研究问题文献综述IdeaLiteraturereviewDesign Data collectionAnd OrganizationAnalysisAnd findingsdissemination文献综述的概念和意义研究综述是研究工作的重要环节,它既可以帮助研究者全面了解与研究问题相关的知识、方法、使研究更加聚集,又可以使研究者较好的继承前人的研究、推陈出新明确自己的研究价值研究综述的作用尚未受到国内公共管理研究者的重视我从何处来?要向何处去

4、?文献综述:定义: 研究综述是指在全面收集相关资料的基础上,经过归纳整理、分析鉴别、对一定时期内某个专题或是问题的研究成果和进展进行系统、全面的叙述和评论“综”对资料进行综合分析、归纳整理,使材料更精炼明确、更有逻辑层次“述”对综合整理后的资料进行比较专门的、全面的、深入的、系统的评述综述的特点;概括性强、内容全面、语言简练 意义: 知识的获取聚集研究问题提升自己的研究水平找出研究问题的对话点文献综述对文献资料的评估、梳理和综合优秀的文献综述不是报告相关的文献资料评估他人的研究,发现存在的问题不要轻信别人的判断综述的内容应该把不同的观点和研究结果结合起来比较和对照与课题有关的各种理论观点展现问

5、题研究随时间变化的深入描述研究发现的常规趋势鉴别研究发现的差异和矛盾,并对此做出解释确定文献综述的主线文献综述文献综述撰写的注意事项文献收集应当全面忠实于文献思想文献应该紧密聚集在研究问题之上(相关性)明晰参考文献(客观性)文字需精炼概括研究发现,防治综而不述指出已有研究文献的缺失,指明有待深化研究的方向论文的架构论文的架构与写作研究方法(Methodology)Overall description of the research procedures and strategiesDescription of the sample, sampling techniques, and /or

6、subjectsConsideration of the research settingDiscussion of the data-gathering strategy, data organization methods, and analytic procedures研究发现或结果(Findings or Results)General presentation of research findings Linkages between research question and results elaborated. 讨论或结论(Discussion or Conclusion )A

7、nalytic consideration of findings in relation to previous research studiesFitting current research into the extant literature on the topic General discussion of the extent of research findings and their ramifications or policy implications参考文献、注释与附录(references, notes , and appendices)An abstract is

8、a brief summary(50 to 200 words) of the important research findings of a study. In addition, abstracts usually contain some mention of key methodological features of the study and relevant implications of the major findings.A abstract are always found in the beginning of a research report, but given

9、 their content, they can not be created until after the report has been writtenIt is critical that an abstract be both concise and preciseHow to write an abstract? a statement identifying the key focus or issue considered in the studyThe nature of the data analyzed in the studyThe major findings or

10、result examined in the reportPotential use or implication of the reported finding摘要导论An introduction orients the reader to the study and the report It should acquaint the reader with the basic research question or problemIntroductions should be written in statement statement sentences that are clear

11、 and concise, and describe the type of writing that will follow.An introduction also should provide a sequential plan of presentation for the report文献综述The basic intention of a literature reviews is to give a comprehensive review of previous works on general and specific topics considered in the rep

12、ort.During the writing stage of research, it is necessary to report on the state of the literature: its limitations and research directions.Omission of some relevant recent study may leave researchers open to criticism for carelessness. The more throughout the literature review, the more solid the r

13、esearch reports foundation becomes.导论与文献综述MethodologyThe central purpose of a methodological section is to explain to readers how the research was accomplished-in other words, what the data consist of and how data were collected, organized, and analyzed. This section should include considerations of

14、 subjects, data, setting, and analysis techniquesFindings or resultsFindings quite literally refer to what the data say, whereas results offer interpretation of the meaning of the data. In short, results offer an analysis of the dataDiscussion/conclusionThe discussion section provides researchers with an opportunity to elaborate on presented observations and how the findings fit into the extant literature on the topical study area.The discussion section allows the researchers to outline the areas requiring further researchThe discussion section also provides


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