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1、一单项选择1 I have heard bothteachers and studentswell of him.A to speakB spokenC to have spokenD speak2、 They are going tohave the serviceman an electric fan.A installB to installC to be installedD installed3A They 11 have you i f you don t pay your taxes.A to be arrestedB arrestC arrestedD being arrest

2、ed4、They know her very wel1. They had seen her upA growB grewC was growingD to grow5、Is this fridge you wish to have ?A the one, it repairedB that, repaired itC the one, repairedD which, repaired6、When visiting a foreign country,I sometimes found it difficultA making understand meB to make myself un

3、derstoodC to make myself understand7A - Good morning, Can I help you?- 1 * d like to have this packagemadam.A be weighedB to be weighedC to weighD weighed8、The speaker raised his voice but still could not make himselfA hearB having heardC hearingD heard9、Jane was made to the truck for a week as a pu

4、nishment.A to washB washingC to be washingD wash10、The missing boys were last seen near the river.A playingC playD playing11、The police were told that some boys were seen on the street.A playingB to be playingC playD playing12A Paul doesn t have to be made .He always works hardA to learnB learnC lea

5、rnedD learning13、Ellen was absent this morning, she had her teethA fillingB filledD fill14、The manager discussed the plan that they would like to see_ the next door.A carry outB carrying outC carried outD to carry out15、If you want to buy anexpensive camera,we have several modelsA to be chosenB to c

6、hoose fromC to chooseD for choosing16、The examiner made us our identification in order to beadmitted to the text center?A showingB showC showed17、We were told to have our reading room after schoolA cleanB to cleanC cleaningD cleaned18、They made a fire up the room, as soon as their leader cameback.A

7、warmB warmedC to warmD warming19、I often noticed the boy school alone very soon.A leaveB leftC leavingD to notice20、The people s government do se it best to having the living standard of the people ?A risenB raisedC riseD raised21、 Your brother looks tired, What? s wrong with him ? Well, thas becaus

8、e his boss had him all day. A worksB to workC workingD worked22、Jenny hopes that Mr. Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English in a short period ?A improvedB improvingC to improveD improveA took the candy and runB taking the candy and runC take the candy and runD when taking and runn

9、ing24、 I smell something in the kitchen, can I call you back in aminute?A burningB burnt D being burnt D to be burnt二悄态动词表示推测练习题Michael _ be a policeman, for hes much too short ?needn tcantshould D ? mayJohnny, you _ play with the knife? You _hurt yourseif ?won t, cantmustn, t, maycan, t, shouldntPe

10、ter _ come with us tonight, but taken he isnt very sure yet.canmaywillmustPut on more clothes .You _ be taken feeling cold with only a shirt on.mustcancouldwould5.Its nearly seven o clock? Jack _ be here at any momentmustneedC? shouldD. can6.I didnt hear the phone ? I _ asleep.must bemust have beens

11、hould beshould have beenJack _ yet, otherwise he would have telephoned me.mustnt have arrivedshouldn , t have arrivedC? can ,t have arrivedD.need not have arrived- 一 there were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as wel1 ? 一一 It _ a comfortable journey?cant bemustn, t have bee

12、ncouldnt have beenHe _you more help,even though he was very busy.might have givenmight giveC? may have givenD. may giveYesterday Jane walked away from the discussion. 0therwise, she something the would regret later ?had saidsaidC? might sayD. might have saidThere was plenty of time .She _ ?mustnA t

13、have hurriedneednt have hurriedD. couldnt have hurriedTom ought not to _ me your secret,but be meant no harmhave toldtellC? be tellingD. havent toldI told Sally how to get there , but perhaps I _ for her.A. had to write it outmust have written it outshould have written it outought to write it out14.

14、If you had worked harder, youA. would succeedB. had succeededD. would have succeededIf he _, he _that foodluckily he was sent to the hospital一immediately.A. was warned;would not takeB. had been warmed;had not takenC? would be warned;had not takenD. would have been warned;had not takenOh,did you?You一

15、一 I stayed at a hotel while in New Yorkwith BarbaraA. could have stayedB. could staywould staymust have stayedSorry Im late ? I _ have turned off the alarm and gone back to sleep again.A. mightB. shouldcanwill一一 Shall I tell John about it?No you _ ? I ve told him already.A. needntB. wouldn ,tmustnA

16、tshouldntThe new airoprt _ if they had not stopped working on it.A. would completeB. had been completedhad completedwould have been completed 20.I didnt see her in the meeting-room this morning .She _ at the meetingA. mustnA t have spokenB. shouldnt have spokenneednt have spokencouldn ,t have spoken21.That youn man has made so much noise that he _ not have been allowed to attend t


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