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1、4-4单招英语周考卷-10班您的姓名: 填空题 *_一、单项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)从A、B、C、D四个备选项中,选出最佳选项。错选、多选或未选均无分1, -Dont smoke here, please. -_. 单选题 *A. Sorry, I wont(正确答案)B. I dontC. No wayD. I will2, _can realize his dream if he tries his best. 单选题 *A.NoneB.NobodyC.SomeoneD. Everybody(正确答案)3, Flowers usually come out_spri

2、ng every year. 单选题 *A.in(正确答案)B.atC.onD.of4. -Can I help you with that? -_.I can manage it myself. 单选题 *A.Yes, please.B.You are welcome.C.Yes, you can.D.No, thanks.(正确答案)5. Tom is_, but his brother Kevin is much_. 单选题 *A. heavy; heavier(正确答案)B. heavy; heaviestC. heavier; heaviestD. heavier; the heav

3、iest6. -How delicious the dishes are! They_so pleasant. -Im glad you like them. 单选题 *A.feelB.seemC.taste(正确答案)D.sound7. Hurry up, _you will be able to catch the flight in time. 单选题 *A.ifB.butC.orD.and(正确答案)8. His first book_a good fame since it came out. 单选题 *A.enjoyB.will enjoyC.has enjoyed(正确答案)D.

4、is enjoying9. -Why are you so excited,Sam? -Jane invited me_to Jiuzhaigou for vacation. 单选题 *A.goB.to go(正确答案)C.goingD.went10. Many students may wonder_theyll spend the winter vacation. 单选题 *A. whatB. how(正确答案)C.whichD.whether二、语言应用(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 2 分,共 20 分)从 A、B、C 三个备选项中,选出最 佳选项。错选、多选或未选均无分。 Part

5、A1. Thesigntellsyouthatyourphone_there.单选题 *A.shouldbepoweredoffB.canbeboughtC.canbeused(正确答案)2. Thenoticesmeanthatitslikelytocause_there.单选题 *A.diseaseB.afire(正确答案)C.asmoke3. Youcanprobablybuy_inGillysKitchen. 单选题 *A.cake(正确答案)B.riceC.fruit4. Thisisanadfor_.单选题 *A.sellingclothesB.buyingsmellyclothe

6、sC.washingclothes(正确答案)5. Youmightseethiswhen_.单选题 *A.crossingB.travelling(正确答案)C.shopping6. Fromthesign,weknowthewriterbelievesin_.单选题 *A.hisfamilyB.god(正确答案)C.friends7. Thesignsuggeststhat_.单选题 *A.artisimportantinlife(正确答案)B.theearthiscolorfulC.theearthwillsoondisappearPartBTHECOMMANDOMEMORIALThis

7、areaisdedicatedtothememoryofallCommandoswhogavetheirlivesintheserviceofthisduringthe1939-1945war. Comradeswhohavediedsincethecessationofhostilitiesarealsorememberedhere.TheMemorialwasunveiledbyHermajestyQueenElizabeththeQueenMotheronthe27thSeptember1952.andvisitorsarekindlyrequestedtorespectthesanti

8、tyofthisplaceandofitsawesomesetting.Pleasedonot parkorcampovernight sellanygoods playmusicalinstrumentsorperform parkcommercialvehicles makeanycollections leaveanylitterThankyouforhelpingustopreservethisuniquesite.LochaberArcaManagerTel:01397720388118.Theboardismadefor_. 单选题 *A.sightseeingB.unveilin

9、gQueenElizabethC.remembering heroes(正确答案)19. Theboardsaysthatyoucant_there. 单选题 *A.campB.pollutethearea(正确答案)C.parkyourcar20. Youwillbegreatlyappreciatedifyou_. 单选题 *A.helpkeeptheplacewell(正确答案)B.respecttheQueenMotherC.callLochaberAreaManager三、阅读理解(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 3 分,共 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个 备选项(A、B、C

10、 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。错选、多选或未选均无分。 A21.The text written for_. 单选题 *A.people in a cinemaB.people in a zooC.people in a restaurant(正确答案)D.people in a park22.Which of the following is the most expensive burger? 单选题 *A.the Classic BurgerB.The HJ CheeseburgerC.Green Forest BurgerD. Joes Mega burger(正确答案)23.Who s

11、hould you ask if you want to know todays specials? 单选题 *A.Your friendB.Your server(正确答案)C.Your parentD.Your classmate24.Whats the name of the dish that has chicken in it? 单选题 *A.Mediterranean SandwichB.Joes Club Sandwich(正确答案)C.Home-style CheesecakeD.Hungry Joes Pie25.Which dessert is served with fr

12、esh cream? 单选题 *A.Hungry Joes PieB.Chocolate Banana DelightC.Green Forest BurgerD.Home-style Cheesecake(正确答案)B In Paris, a popular new bike rental program called Velib was introduced.The bikes, which are available from over 1,421 stations around the city, can be rented on a half-hourly basis or peop

13、le can pay 29 euros for an entire year of bike riding. Riders can pick up the bike at one station and return it to any of the other stations.This system is meant to encourage riders to use the bikes as they would a car or public transport. The final goal,of course,is to reduce pollution in the city.

14、 But the mayor has also said that he likes the idea of Parisians and tourists alike enjoying the city by bicycle . The bike program has become extremely popular with Parisians of all ages.Although riders must be at least 14 years old and 1.5 meters tall,these limits have not stopped teenagers from u

15、sing the bikes to go out at night. “ You can ride them home after a party,when the subway is closed”, explained Agathe Deschamps,14 who uses Velib to get to school sometimes. In fact, the Velib is so popular that enthusiasts(狂热者)often have to visit two or three stations before finding an available b

16、ike. At a recent dinner party, one guest excused herself for arriving so late because she couldnt find a Velib. Although helmets arent a must by French law, they are strongly recommended(推荐)and rules of the road are spelled out on the Velib website. An increase in bicycle-related accidents has been

17、unavoidable despite the addition of some 371 kilometers of bike paths in the city. And some riders complain that the pearl gray bikes, which is famous for baskets and rear(后面的)lights that turn on automatically when the bike moves, do not have rear view mirrors. After all, the city plans to have over

18、 20,600 bikes in use by December.26. WhatsthepurposeoftheVelibprogram? 单选题 *A.ToimprovetheairqualityinParis.(正确答案)B.Toencouragepeopletogetridoftheircars.C.TohelptouristshavebetterexperienceinParis.DToreducethepressureonpublictransportation.27.Whyistheguestwhoarriveslateatadinnerpartymentioned? 单选题 *

19、A.TobeagoodexampleshowingthepopularityoftheVelib(正确答案)B.TopresentacaseofcomplaintpeoplehaveabouttheVelib.CToshowthatpeoplealwaysfindexcuseswhentheyarelate.DTopushthecitygovernmenttopreparemorebikesfortheprogram.28.The requirementVelibridersneedtomeetisthattheyhaveto_. 单选题 *AbeadultsBwearhelmetsCobeyroadrules(正确答案)D.betall29.WhatcanwelearnaboutVelibbikes? 单选题 *A.Theyareoftwodifferentcolors-pearlandgray.B.Theyeachhaveonebasketatthefrontandanotherattherear.C.Theyarewell-equippedexce


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