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1、 化学电源测试原理与技术教学大纲课程编号:100096204课程名称:化学电源测试原理与技术高等教育层次:本科课程在培养方案中的地位:课程性质:必修对应于新能源材料与器件专业;属于:BZ专业课程基本模块开课学年及学期:第三学年 第2学期先修课程:a 分析化学 b物理化学课程总学时:32 学分:2课程教学形式: 0普通课程课程教学目标(给出知识能力素养各方面的的具体教学结果)(必填项)本课程是研究化学电源共性测试原理与技术及其应用的课程,也是新能源材料与器件专业的一门专业教育必修课,课题教学目标如下:1.知悉和理解化学电源测试的基础知识和主要利用技术;2.能够解决典型的化学电源测试表征中的关键技



4、源测试的主要内容、基本信息、核心过程能完整系统地理解。2. 具备运用化学电源测试表征中的原理,分析解决化学电源测试中的实际问题的能力。备注:课程的每一个教学目标对应需考核的一项知识能力点,上表中的四种表述形式是对知识能力点的不同掌握层次。教学内容、学时分配、与进度安排教学内容学时分配所支撑的课程教学目标教学方法与策略(可结合教学形式描述)(选填)第一章化学电源测试技术的发展和内容第一节化学电源的简介与分类第二节化学电源专业术语第三节化学电源测试技术的发展历程和未来趋势4123讲授,视频展示与辅助网络课题资源补充相关拓展知识。第二章电极材料的分析测试与评估第一节电化学活性材料的结构测试技术第二节


6、学核磁共振测试技术61234讲授,视频展示、提问与课堂讨论。第六章化学电源综合性能测试与评估第一节化学电源的电化学性能测试第二节电池的安全性能第三节电池生产过程中的质量控制第四节电池组性能检测项目第五节电池相关测试标准41234讲授,视频展示、提问与课堂讨论。考核与成绩评定:平时成绩、期末考试在总成绩中的比例,平时成绩的记录方法。考核方式:考试(闭卷笔试)采用统一命题,统一阅卷,专人复查,严把质量关。 = 1 * GB3 考勤与课堂提问:10% = 2 * GB3 作业与测验:20% = 3 * GB3 期末卷面成绩:70% 最终成绩按照百分制给分,记录在成绩表中,总成绩按照各项比例进行加权,

7、然后总和得出考核成绩,60分以下为不及格,60分(含)70分为及格,70分(含)80分为中等,80分(含)90分为良好,90分(含)100分为优秀。教材,参考书:选用教材:杨军编著的化学电源测试原理与技术M.化学工业出版社2006参考书: HYPERLINK /author_%e7%ae%a1%e5%ad%a6%e8%8c%82/ o 更多同作者相关图书 t _blank 管学茂 等著 现代材料分析测试技术M. HYPERLINK /press_%e4%b8%ad%e5%9b%bd%e7%9f%bf%e4%b8%9a%e5%a4%a7%e5%ad%a6%e5%87%ba%e7%89%88%e7

8、%a4%be/ o 点击查看更多该出版社图书 t _blank 中国矿业大学出版社 2013雷迪 等著 电池手册M. 化学工业出版社 2013大纲说明:关于教材:为提高课程的理论与实践相结合,本课程选用杨军编著的化学电源测试原理与技术化学工业出版社2006年出版的教材为教科书,并适当考虑我校教学改革要求而制定的。 HYPERLINK /author_%e7%ae%a1%e5%ad%a6%e8%8c%82/ o 更多同作者相关图书 t _blank 管学茂著的现代材料分析测试技术 HYPERLINK /press_%e4%b8%ad%e5%9b%bd%e7%9f%bf%e4%b8%9a%e5%a

9、4%a7%e5%ad%a6%e5%87%ba%e7%89%88%e7%a4%be/ o 点击查看更多该出版社图书 t _blank 中国矿业大学出版社2013年出版的教材为第一参考书,雷迪等著的电池手册化学工业出版社2013年出版的教材为第二参考书。教学重点和难点在于掌握化学电源测试的原理、实用技术和当今国内外化学电源测试技术的发展趋势。教学方法上,课堂上结合理论进行实例分析,提高学习效果;课后留有思考作业。在保证基本教学要求的前提下,教师可以根据实际情况,对内容进行适当的调整和删节。 编写教师签名: 责任教授签名: 开课学院教学副院长签名: Testing Principles and Te

10、chniques of Chemical PowerCourse code: 100096204Course name: Testing Principles and Techniques of Chemical PowerLecture Hours: 32Laboratory Hours: 0Credits: 2Term(If necessary): Junior(Grade III), 2nd TermPrerequisite(s): Analytical chemistry, Physical chemistryCourse Description:This course is a re

11、quired course for the major of new energy materials and devices. It is to learn about chemical power testing and characterization techniques, such as analysis and evaluation of electrode materials, system testing and research methods of the electrolyte, application of the testing technology for elec

12、trochemical interface, in-situ test technique and the comprehensive performance test and evaluation of chemical power. During this course, not only the basic theory and utilization technologies and applications are introduced, but also it involves the resources status and development situation, as w

13、ell as the development and future trend of chemical power testing technology. This course is focused on basic knowledge and main technologies to explore the research on typical chemical power testing and characterization techniques, which is a professional basic education course. It supplies prelimi

14、nary theoretical basis for students to learn further courses and be ready for engaged in professional work in the future.Course Outcomes:After completing this course, a student should be able to:Understand the key technology of typical testing methods of chemical power, as well as its application, i

15、ncluding the basic knowledge and applied technology;Solve the testing problems based on the typical testing principles and techniques of chemical power.Develop the chemical power testing and characterization techniques, such as analysis and evaluation of electrode materials, system testing and resea

16、rch methods of the electrolyte, application of the testing technology for electrochemical interface, in-situ test technique and the comprehensive performance test and evaluation of chemical power.Analyze the application cases and evaluation techniques of testing principles and techniques of chemical

17、 power, using the technology and application of implementation program, in order to provide professional knowledge and basic skills for students.Course Content:Lectures and Lecture Hours: R&D of chemical power testing technology 4- Introduction and classification of chemical power sources- Professio

18、nal terminology of chemical power - Development and future trend of chemical power testing technology Analysis and evaluation of electrode materials 6- Structure testing technology of chemical active material- Electrochemical measurement and evaluation of electrochemical active materials - Current c

19、ollectors- BinderSystem testing and research methods of the electrolyte 6- Liquid electrolyte- Solid electrolyte - Ionic liquid- Separator - Proton exchange membrane Application of the testing technology in the study of electrochemical interface6- Introduction- Metal lithium electrode / electrolyte interface- Carbon material / electrolyte interface- Transition metal oxide cathode material / electrolyte interface In situ test technique in the study of chemical power 6- In situ SEM technique- Atomic force microsco


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