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1、2022-2023学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2答题时请按要求用笔。3请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、Have you watched the latest TV program Running Mat?Of course! Its popular with_the young_the old.Ae

2、ither; orBneither; norCboth; andDnot; but2、In western culture, people are not supposed to ask a lady .Awhere she comes fromBwhether has she got marriedChow old she isDhow much does she weigh3、If you are buying todays Nanjing Daily, could you get _ for me?I am glad to help you.Ait Bthis Cone Dthat4、I

3、ts very nice _you _my parents your best wishes.Aof; sending Bfor; sending Cfor; to send Dof; to send5、Dont trouble your brother. He _ on a new computer program.AworksBwas workingCis workingDhas worked6、Oh, my God! I cant find my key to the office.Dont worry. Perhaps it _ at your home.AleftBhas leftC

4、was leftDhad left7、 What about a cup of coffee? Youll feel better. Thanks, I am sleepy. I really need _.AoneBthatCthisDit8、Jimmy bought _ car yesterday, but its _ used one.Aa, aBa, anCa, theDthe, an9、-Lucy, what do you think of the film The Wandering Earth?-It is a big success and wins high _ from t

5、he public.AprizeBprideCpraiseDprogress10、Lets play _ soccer. I dont have _ soccer ball.A/; aBthe; aCa; theD/; the. 完形填空11、词语填空A hobby is a special interest or activity that people like to do in their free time. Most people in Britain have their own _.Some people train dogs to race or keep pigeons(鸽子

6、) 1 carry messages. Some people are crazy about plants. They put all_of beautiful flowers in their kitchens or living rooms._are mad about their cars or motorbikes. They spend their weekends 2 them, painting them or trying to make them go 3 than before. Children and teenagers are 4 in collecting thi

7、ngs. They collect stamps,postcards,or pictures of a favorite pop star. 5 something new is also peoples hobby. Some people go to evening classes to learn_or making bread. Some people learn these things by _at home.1Ahobbys Bhobby Chobbies2Ato Bfor Cof3Akind Bkinds Clot4AOther BOthers CThe others5Awas

8、hing Bto wash Cwashed6Afast Bfaster Cmore fast7Ainteresting Binterest Cinterested8ALearn BLearning CLearnt9Adancing Bdance Cdancer10Athemself Bhimself Cthemselves. 语法填空12、 Chinese New Year begins in late January1early February. It is one of the2(great) festivals in China.Many things are done to get

9、ready3this festival. The house is cleaned in the days before the holiday. No sweeping is done on the holiday because people worry about that good luck will be cleaned away. Best 4(wish)are written on red paper and hung around the house.One the5(one) day of Chinese New Year, children are given red en

10、velopes. Food is 6 important part of the holiday season. Special foods are7(eat)on certain days. Different foods have different 8(mean) behind them. For example, fish is said to mean success.Chinese New Year is9(certain) regarded as a time to be with ones family. Many visits are done during the 15 d

11、ays. Many traditions are to honor family members who10(die) in the past.What an interesting festival it is!. 阅读理解A13、阅读下面的图表,做两个小题。1On which day does this event end?AMarch 14th.BMarch 23rd.CMarch 24th.2This event is about _.Aplanting more trees and flowersBmaking the world green and cleanCflower and

12、 garden artB14、Three Little KittensThe three little kittensThey lost their mittens and they began to cryOur mittens we have lost.What? Lost your mittens? You naughty kittens!Then you shall have no pie!Meow meowNow you shall have no pie!The three little kittensThey found their mittens and they began

13、to cryOh mother dear see here see hereOur mittens we have found. Put on your mittens you silly kittens.And you shall have some pie!Meow meow oh, let us have some pie!The three little, kittens put on their mittensAnd soon ate up the pieOh mother dear we greatly fear.Our mittens we have soiled. Soiled

14、 your mittens? You naughty kittens! Then they began to sigh.Meow MeowThen they began to sighThe three little kittensThey washed their mittens and _ them out to dryOh mother dear do you not hearOur mittens we have washed. Washed your mittens? Then you are good kittens.Lets all have some pie!Meow Meow

15、Lets all have some pie!1What happened to the kittens mittens at first?AThey were broken.BThey were lost.CThey were taken away.DThey were hidden.2The best word for the blank is _.AhungBhangedCfoundDlost3What is the song mainly about?ADangerous war.BInteresting games.CDelicious pie.DGood manners.C15、

16、“The hound(猎犬)!” cries Holmes. “Come, Watson! Come.”We run quickly over the moor(荒野). We hear one last cry. A man is lying on the ground. As we approach(靠近) we see the dead body of Sir Henry Baskerville. He is wearing his brown suit.“Oh, no!” says Holmes, “This man has a beard!”Indeed Selden is dead

17、 instead of Sir Henry.“So it is all clear to me. I remember that Sir Henry gave his old suit to Barrymore, and Barrymore probably gave it to Seldenhis wifes brother.”“Then Selden is dead because of this suit,” says Holmes.“Think, Watson! Someone gives the hound some of Sir Henrys clothesprobably the

18、 boot from the hotel in London. The hound picks up Sir Henrys scent and runs after this poor man.”Suddenly we see Stapleton walking towards us. He says, “There was a strange noise. I was worried about Sir Henry. I wanted to check if he was all right.”“Really?” asks Holmes.Stapleton looks at Holmes.

19、“Why, it is Mr Sherlock Holmes, the famous detective! Can you solve the mystery of the Hound of the Baskervilles?”Holmes shrugs his shoulders,“We cannot solve every mystery. Anyway I will return to London tomorrow.”“Oh, will you return to London tomorrow?”“Yes.”So Holmes and I walk off to Baskervill

20、e Hall and Stapleton walk to his home.Holmes thinks Stapleton is dangerous. But we have no proof that Stapleton is the murderer. “There are no marks on Sir Charless body. We know that he died of fright, but we cant prove anything.”“Things are becoming clear to me,” Holmes says to Sir Henry. “Its a v

21、ery difficult case. And you must help me to catch this hound.”We are surprised to see one portrait(画像) of a thin man is Sir Hugo, the first victim of the Hound of the Baskervilles. And hes like both Sir Henry and Stapleton. “Stapleton is a Baskerville,” replies Holmes. “So he wants to inherit(继承) th

22、e Baskerville fortune, and he,” I say. Its an important clue.1The underlined word “scent” in Paragraph 7 probably means “”.AtasteBbootCsuitDsmell.2We can infer(推断) from the passage that .ASir Henry tells Holmes that Stapleton is a BaskervilleBStapleton wants to murder Sir Henry indeedCWatson finds o

23、ut that Selden is Mrs Stapletons brotherDStapleton kills Selden by frightening him with the hound3Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AHolmes and Watson think Mr Barrymore murders Selden.BHolmes doesnt catch Stapleton because he has no proof.CHolmes and Watson find the dead body

24、of Stapleton on the moor one night.DHolmes tells Stapleton that he and Watson are going back to London.D16、A young man was getting ready to graduate from college.For many months he had loved a beautiful sports car,and knowing his father could well afford it,he told him that was all he wanted.As Grad

25、uation Day came ,the young man waited for the good news of the car. Finally,on the morning of his graduation,his father called him into his study.He handed his son a beautiful gift box.Curious and disappointed,the young man opened the box and found a lovely ,leather-bound(用皮包装的)Bible圣经,with the youn

26、g man s name on its cover.Angrily,he raised his voice to his father and said,”With all your money you give me a Bible?”He then rushed out of the house ,leaving the Bible.Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business.But he realized his father was very old,he thought perhaps he

27、should go to see him.He had not seen him since that graduation day.Before he could set off,he received a telegram(电报)telling him his father had passed away.He needed to come home immediately and deal with things.While searching for his fathers papers,he found that new Bible.With tears,he opened the

28、Bible and began to turn the pages.As he was reading,a car key dropped from the back of the Bible,It had a note with the salesmans name ,the same man who had the sports car he had hoped. On the note was the date of his graduation , and the words :“PAID IN FULL.”1From the first paragraph ,we know that

29、 the young man wanted to _.Aafford the sports car himselfBmake money to buy a sports car for his fatherCask his father to buy a sports car for himDgo to college2The young man left home because _.Ahis father gave him nothing on his day of the graduation.Bhe thought his father didnt meet his need.Che

30、argued with his fatherDhis father asked him to read the Bible.3From the telegram ,the young man was told that_.Ahis father would give his possessions to his sonBhis father would set off to see himChis father had diedDall the thing went very well4According to the passage ,which of the following is TR

31、UE?AThe young man was angry because he didnt get the salesman s autograph.BHe wanted to make enough money to affort the sports car himself.CHis father phoned him to ask him to go home.DHis father actually bought him the sports car on his graduation day,while he didnt know.5Whats the best title for t

32、his passage?AA Young Man and His FatherBPaid in FullCThe Missing HappinessDA Sports CarE17、AWelcome to the Art Museum! Youve just stepped into one of the worlds greatest collections of art, covering centuries of human creativity from all over the world. With thousands of works on show, you may wonde

33、r how to start your visit, so we are here to help. Click (点击) on the “dont miss” list, and youll find introductions of the must-see works in our collections in different museum rooms. They are great choices to start if you are new to the museum. The overlook below shows a clear floor plan of the mus

34、eum and its collections. Enjoy your visit and feel free to ask for help and directions at any point during your stay.PS:1.Tickets can be bought online at /tickets or at the ticket office at $10 per person. Children under 16 can get a half price. Family package (for 3-4 people) is $18.2.A guide can b

35、e arranged (安排) for you for $40 for a 2-hour tour, giving you introductions of the must-see artworks and the interesting stories behind them. But it needs to be booked (预订) 1 day before your visit at (212) 769-55.1The passage probably comes from a(n) _.Atour mapBguide bookCmuseum websiteDart magazin

36、e2In the “dont miss” list for the Art Museum, we can know about the _.Afree paintingsBmust-see worksCnew collectionsDmuseum buildings3Which part of the museum shows Chinese art?AThe “Bridge”.BRice Building.CMichigan Avenue Building.DMckinlock Court.4To visit the museum with his 9-year-old twins, Mr.

37、 Smith should at least pay _.A$15B$18C$20D$405We can know that the guide in the museum _.Awill show you around for a whole dayBwill guide you to see every artworkCcan be booked when you arriveDneeds to be booked on the phoneF18、Last night I had an unusual dream. I dreamed that I was flying. When I m

38、oved my arms up and down, I moved higher into the sky. I felt as free as a bird. Martha, aged 35 I had a bad dream that kept coming back. I walked out of my bedroom, and a monster came out and chased me. Jason, aged 14Just like a movie, a dream has a story to tell and it has something to do with you

39、r life. Dreams are like scenes in a movie. So, take a closer look at your dreams, your dreams may be telling you something. Dreams can open doors into your world. Flying is a positive symbol in a dream. Flying in dreams may mean success, confidence, and “being on top of it all.”Monsters in dreams of

40、ten show fears. For Jason, the monsters may stand for the adults who control his life. Or it may mean Jasons fears about growing up and he is very upset.Here are some other common symbols in dreams:Mountains: Mountains are difficulties, so to dream of successfully climbing a mountain can show a true

41、 feeling of achievement. Big waves: Water is peaceful in life. But a big wave(波浪) in dreams probably means an emotional(情感的) worry.Food: Food is a symbol of knowledge, because it nourishes the body just as information nourishes the brain. However, it could just be food.According to Scientific Americ

42、an, an American science magazine, dreaming is a way to create a memory of your current(当前的) emotion. You may dream the same things again and again. They are like a bridge which connects your experience with your emotion and memories. They will help you get a better understanding of yourself.1What mi

43、ght Marthas dream tell her?AShe may be afraid of flying.BShe may like flying a lot.CShe may be very successful.DShe may be very upset.2What does the underlined word “it” refer to?AMovie.BDreamCStory.DLife.3If you dream of climbing mountains successfully, how may you feel?AAfraid.BPeaceful.CWorried.DSatisfied4What might happen to Jason before he slept according to his dream?AHe went swimming in the pool with


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