已阅读5页,还剩15页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Topic 2 Would you like to go for a picnic. Section AThe main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是 . Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1a;1. Learn some new words and phrases: free, be free, Sunday, up, go, West Hill, picnic, love, call, forget, bring, guitar, tomorrow, go fishing 2. Learn to make telephone calls: Hel

2、lo. Hello, Jane. This is Kangkang. 3. Learn to make appointments: Are you free this Sunday. Yes. Whats up. 4. Learn to make invitations: Would you like to go to West Hill for a picnic. Oh, I d love to. 5. Learn the reminding: 1Please tell Maria about it. 2Don t forget to bring your guitar. . Teachin

3、g aids 教具苹果 /帽子 /教学挂图 /录音机 /手机. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步复习 时间 :9 分钟 利用实物和教学挂图,通过师生问答等形式,使同学身临其境,创设轻松的学习氛围,充分调动同学学习的积极性;1. 1老师出示两个苹果; for all of you. 同学T: Boys and girls, what are these. Ss: They are apples. T: Would you like some apples. Ss: Yes. T: How many apples. Ss: Two.

4、 T: Yes, there are only two. They are not enough 老师说明:“ 不够” ;笑 T: How much are they. Guess. Ss: They are 1/2/3 yuan. 2 老师请一位同学到讲台,并出示一顶帽子;T: S1, come to the front. Try on the cap, please. T: How do you like this cap. S1: It looks very nice. T: How much is it. Can you guess. S1: 10 yuan. T: Oh, no. I

5、t s only 8 yuan. Now, it s a little cold. Give it to you, OK. S1: Thank you very much, Mr./Miss 2. 师生对话,导入本课部分生词; T: What does your father do, S 2. S2: He is a teacher/a worker/an office worker T: I think he is free on Sunday, right. 板书并要求同学把握; free be free Sunday S2: Yes./No. T: What does he often

6、do on Sunday. S2: He often T: I often go fishing on Sunday. But this Sunday I want to go for a picnic. Boys and girls, would you like to go with me. Ss: Yes, wed like to. 告知同学也可以用 wed love to 回答; 板书并要求同学把握; go fishing picnic go for a picnic love T: OK. You can ask your friends to go with you. Oh, do

7、 you have Mr. Chens telephone number. S3: His telephone number is T: Ill call him and ask him to bring a guitar. 板书并要求同学把握; call bring guitar 出示 1a 教学挂图; T: Now Kangkang is calling Jane. What are they talking about. Step 2 Presentation 其次步 出现 时间 :10 分钟 让同学两人一组练习并仿照,培育同学听说才能,使其娴熟把握电话约会的功能用语;1. 播放 1a

8、录音,让同学回答疑题;1 Where would they like to go. 2 What do they want to do. 再听 1a 录音,核对答案; 板书并要求同学懂得; West Hill 2. 同学阅读 1a,找出打电话用语和约会用语;要求同学观看打电话用语和日常用语的区别,师生共同总结归纳打电话和约会的句型;依据情境猜出 Whats up.和 forget 的意思; T: OK, boys and girls, please read 1a and find out the expressions of making telephone calls and making

9、 appointments. 老师说明 :打电话时,表达“ 我是 ” ,要用“This is ” 而不能用“I am ” ; 板书并要求同学把握; Making telephone calls: Hello. Hello, Jane. This is Making appointments: Are you free this Sunday. Yes. Whats up. 板书重点短语,说明并要求同学把握; forget to do 3. 让同学听 1a 录音并跟读,留意仿照语音语调; T: Listen to 1a and repeat. Pay attention to the pronu

10、nciation and intonation. 4. 让同学两人一组练习 1a 对话; Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固 时间 :8 分钟 通过大量分层次练习,巩固本课功能用语“ 电话会话” ,使目标语言得到强化训练;1. 找两三组同学表演 1a 电话会话,并对杰出表演者赐予夸奖; T: Please act out the conversation in pairs. 2. 让同学依据 1a 对话,独立完成 1b; T: Please complete the telephone conversation between Jane and Maria. 核对答案; 3.

11、 让同学两人一组练习 1b 对话,然后找一两组同学上台表演; T: Please practice 1b in pairs, then I will ask some groups to act it out in front of the class. Step 4 Practice 第四步练习 时间 :11 分钟 拓展本课功能话题,在真实情境中运用目标语言,活跃课堂气氛;1. 老师要求同学在熟识1a, 1b 的基础上,独立完成1c,巩固本节课所学目标语言;核对答案; 2. 完成 2;核对答案;然后同学之间模拟电话会话; T: Match the sentences in Column A

12、with those in Column B. 板书并要求同学把握; tomorrow 3. 打电话表演;课前老师预先把一部手机交给一位同学,叫他 /她在做该练习的时候接老师的电话,并按支配好的内容与老师通话,要求该生对这次表演保密; 1 老师在讲台上拿出手机,拨打电话 看到这,同学都很惊奇; 2 教室里一位同学口袋里有手机铃声在响,他 /她掏出了手机 3 老师和同学进行如下对话; T: Hello, S 1. This is Dad/Mom. S1:Hello, Dad/Mom. T: S1, where are you. S1:Im at the toy shop. I d like a

13、toy car. T: OK. I ll buy you one this afternoon. Don S1:All right. t forget to go to school. 4 老师勉励其他同学给老师打电话,同学都活跃起来; T: Boys and girls, who wants to call me. My telephone number is Anybody. 其他同学接过 S1的手机,给老师打电话;师生通过手机再现通话真实情形,同学非 常有兴致;此活动既活跃了课堂气氛,又巩固了本节课的目标语言; Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动 时间 :7 分钟 功能话题

14、加深,由易到难,使同学对所学学问有新熟识,在任务型教学中实现教学目标;1. 全班星期日早上要去野餐,让同学分组争论或电话制定野餐方案,完成 Example: 3; Ring S1: Hello. S2: Hello, S1. This is S 2. S1: Hi, S2. Whats up. S2: A re you free this Sunday morning. S1: Yes. S2: Would you like to go for a picnic with me. S1: Yes, Id like to. 通过这个活动,既可以复习电话用语,又能巩固本课生词;2. Homewor

15、k: 1 熟读 1a 和 1b 对话;2 依据野餐方案写一篇邀伴侣去野餐的电话会话,巩固本课所学内容;板书设计:Would you like to go for a picnic. Section A be free This is 电话用语 go for a picnic Are you free . call sb. Whats up. Would you like to . Dont forget to Section BThe main activities are 1a, 2a and 3. 本课重点活动是 1a、2a 和 3;. Teaching aims and demands

16、教学目标1. Learn some useful words and expressions: sing, song, have to, fun, fly, kite, fly a kite, afraid, time, carry, speak to, ask, back, call back 2. Learn to make invitations: 1Would you like to sing some songs with me. Im sorry I can t. I have to cook. 2Steve, how about flying a kite with me. Id

17、 like that, but I m afraid I have no time. 3. Learn about making telephone calls: 1Hello. May I speak to Maria. 2Who s this, please. 3Could you ask her to call me back this evening. Sure. . Teaching aids 教具教学挂图 / 录音机 / 幻灯片 / 小黑板 / 课件 / 电话机. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步复习 时间 :10

18、分钟 通过复习预约野餐的电话会话,过渡到野餐情境,出现本课生词和交际用语,调动同学学 习的积极性;1. 找两三组同学上台表演上节课中的1a 电话会话;掌声勉励; 2. 出示 1a 图片,通过师生对话导入新课; T: Look at the picture. Now they are very happy. Kangkang, Michael and Wang Junfeng are cooking. Cooking is fun. But now they have no water. Whod like to help them carry some water. 板书并要求同学把握;fun

19、 carry Ss: Steve. T: Right. Look at Jane. She is playing guitar. Would you like to sing some songs with her. S1: Yes, Id like to. 可帮忙同学回答; 板书并要求同学把握; Would you like to sing some songs with her. Yes, Id like to. T: And Maria wants to fly a kite. How about flying a kite with her. S2: Id like that. 帮忙同

20、学回答; 板书并要求同学把握; fly a kite How about flying a kite with her. Id like that. Step 2 Presentation 其次步出现 时间 :12 分钟 通过听录音,仿照语音语调,为同学的口语打下良好基础;用幻灯片出现真实的生活场 景,帮忙同学在实际生活中运用目标语言;1. 听 1a 录音,回答小黑板上的问题; T: It s fun to be with them, isn the small blackboard. t it. Now please listen to 1a. Then answer the questio

21、ns on 1What would Wang Junfeng like to do. 2Who would like to fly a kite with Maria. 再听 1a 录音,核对答案; 2. 老师引导同学关注回绝邀请的表达方法,出现新功能句; T: Wang Junfeng would like to cook with Michael. What about Kangkang and Steve. Do they accept the invitations 老师说明:“ 接受邀请” ;. Ss: No. T: Good. 幻灯片展现两幅图片;一幅画着一个女孩正在放风筝,另一幅

22、画着一个男孩正在提水;T: Look at the pictures. The girl wants the boy to fly a kite with her. What should she say. Ss: Would you like to fly a kite with me. T: Well done. But can the boy fly a kite with her. Ss: No. T: Help the boy to respond. 老师说明:“ 回应” ; Ss: Im sorry I can t.帮忙同学回答,并重复几遍; 板书,并要求同学懂得; Im sorr

23、y I can t. T: But why. 老师指向幻灯图片中的水桶;句子; What should the boy say. He has to carry water. 老师说明句义并重复该Ss: Im sorry I can t. I have to carry water. 引导并帮忙同学回答; 板书,领读并要求同学把握; I have to He has to carry 要求同学留意观看have to 的词形变化,并归纳其用法; 教学 have to; T: The boy has to carry water. So he isn 板书并要求同学把握;time t free.

24、He has no time. T: Then the boy can say 引导同学回答; Ss: Im sorry I can t. I have no time. T: Nice work. He can also say, “ Id like that, but I m afraid I have no time. ”板书,说明句义并领读;要求同学把握; Id like that, but I m afraid I have no time. 提示同学在回绝邀请时,语气肯定要委婉; 3. 听 1a 录音,跟读并留意仿照语音语调; T: Please listen to 1a and

25、repeat. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固 时间 :6 分钟 通过反复练习表示邀请的目标语言,使同学熟识语言规章,提高同学运用语言的才能;1. 七人一组练习并表演对话;小组之间绽开竞赛,看哪组表演得好,并赐予掌声勉励;完成 1a 和 1b; 2. 让同学阅读 1c,依据 1a 用所给词的适当形式填空,独立完成 1c,然后核对答案; T: Complete the passage with the correct forms of the words or phras

26、es in the box according to 1a. 3. 让同学大声朗读 1c,并标出关键词; T: Read 1c aloud and mark the key words. 4. 出示写有关键词的小黑板,让同学依据关键词复述 1c; go out, take, Jane, sing, no time, cook, Wang Junfeng, help, carry, Maria, happy Step 4 Practice 第四步练习 时间 :8 分钟 运用情形教学功能用语进行电话会话,激发同学的学习热忱,同时培育同学的听、说、读、写等语言技能;1. 老师拿出手机假装拨打电话,让

27、一个事先支配好的同学接电话,师生进行电话会话,导入本课目标语言; T: Hello. May I speak to Mr. Lee. S1: Oh, sorry. He isn t here. T: Who s this. S1: This is S1. T: Could you please ask him to call me back this evening. S1: Sure. T: Thank you. 板书并要求同学把握; May I speak to Mr. Lee. Whos this. ask him to call me back T: Now Sally is maki

28、ng a telephone call. 2. 播放 2a 录音,让同学回答疑题; T: Please listen to 2a and answer the question: Who does Sally want to call. 师生核对答案; 3. 同学再听录音,跟读并仿照语音语调; 4. 同学两人一组表演此对话;依据对话内容,学习电话留言的写法; 5. 独立完成 2b 横线上的内容,并使用简洁、流畅的语言完成电话信息;6. 老师播放 3 录音,同学跟读,提示同学留意连读; 板书以下句子,让同学操练; 1 It is a car. 2 Help yourselves. 3 Can I

29、 take your order. 4 There is a bus over there. Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动 时间 :9 分钟 创设虚拟语境,让同学运用目标语言沟通;使同学在学习中获得成就感,激发其学英语的 爱好;1. 晚上八点钟, Sally 家的电话响了 s home is T: Boys and girls, now it s eight o clock in the evening. The telephone at Sallyringing. Suppose you are Sally. Your partner, Maria, calls you

30、back and you tell her something about the picnic. Pair work. 1 同学两人一组编排对话; 2 老师请两组同学到台上表演; Example: Ring Sally: Hello. Maria: Hello. May I speak to Sally. Sally: This is Sally. Who s this. Maria: Hi, Sally. This is Maria. Sally: Hi, Maria. Don t forget to bring a kite for our picnic. t worry. I won

31、t forget it. Maria: Don Sally: OK. Goodbye. Maria: Bye. 2. 康康在广西农村结交了一位小伴侣,他经常赐予这位小伴侣帮忙;让同学扮演康康,给 那位小伴侣打电话;小伴侣名叫杨松,在期望学校读书;接电话的是校长;三人一组进行电话会话练习; T: Kangkang makes a friend in the countryside in Guangxi. He is a little boy. His name is Yang Song. Kangkang often helps him. Now you are Kangkang. You gi

32、ve Yang Song a call. And the headmaster answers the phone. Work in groups of three. Then act it out. Example: Ring Headmaster: Hello. This is Hope Primary School. Kangkang: Hello. May I speak to Yang Song. Headmaster: Just a moment, please. Yang Song: Hello. Kangkang: Hello. Is that Yang Song. Yang

33、Song: Yes. Kangkang: Hi, Yang Song. This is Kangkang. How are you. Yang Song: Fine, thank you. And you. Kangkang: Im fine, too. Do you need any help. Yang Song: Yes. My English is poor. Kangkang: Dont worry. I can help you. I ll give you some books about English. Yang Song: Thanks. Goodbye. Kangkang

34、: Bye. 3. Homework: 仿照 2a、 2b,用英语给你的同学打电话,练习并巩固电话用语,然后将该对话写在作业 本上;板书设计:Would you like to go for a picnic. Section B sing some songs IWould you like . have to m sorry I can t. has to Yes, Id like/love to. fly a kite How about .=What about . be afraid Id like that, but I m afraid have no time carry wa

35、ter speak to ask sb. to do sth. call back Section CThe main activity is 1a. 本课重点活动是 1a;. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful phrases: have a picnic, go shopping 2. Talk about the invitations: 1 Would you like to have a picnic with old McDonald. Yes, Id love to. Thanks. That would be v

36、ery nice. 2 What about having a picnic with old McDonald. Id like that, thanks. 3 How about having some apple juice. Good idea./All right. . Teaching aids 教具小黑板 /图片 /幻灯片 /挂图 /录音机. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步复习 时间 :7 分钟 复习、总结征求看法的表达方式及其回答,培育同学观看、总结和运用语言学问的才能;1. 老师出示小黑板,要求同学按示范练习

37、; T: We have learnt “ Would you like to . How about . What about .” . Let s practice them. Please look at the small blackboard. Make a dialog using the expressions on it. After practice, please act it out in front of the class. 小黑板内容如下: Would you like to . How about . Why not . Yes, Id like/love to.

38、 Id like that. Good idea. All right. Id like that, thanks. Sorry, I cant. No, thanks. 运用以下短语; go fishing go eat fish go shopping have a picnic watch TV shopping drink water have some juice 板书并要求同学把握;have a picnic Example: S1: Would you like to go fishing this afternoon. S2: Yes, I d love to. Would y

39、ou like to watch TV this evening. S1: Sorry, I can t. S2: Why not. S1: I have no time. How about having a picnic this Sunday. S2: Good idea. Would you like to drink water. S1: No, thanks. I d like to have some juice. 2. 老师让两三组同学到台前表演,然后总结同学的练习情形;夸奖优秀,勉励后进;Step 2 Presentation 其次步出现 时间 :15 分钟 由两幅图片引出本

40、课内容,集中出现征求看法的表达方式及其回答;激发同学的学习兴 趣;1. 学习 1a;老师出示两幅图片:一幅图中,只有一个人在荒岛上,他很伤心;另一幅中,有很多动物在岛上野炊,他们都很欢乐;T: What can you see in Picture 1. Ss: We can see a man. T: Is he happy. Ss: No, he isnt. T: Why. Ss: Because he has no friends. T: Yes, he has no friends. So he is not happy. Now, lets look at the next pict

41、ure. 同学可能会对“next” 产生疑问,老师可指着其次幅图,并说明“next” 的意思; T: L ook at this picture. What can you see. S1: I can see many animals. S2: I can see some food. T: What do they do. Ss: They have a picnic. T: Are they happy. Ss: Yes, they are. 2. 让同学翻开书,读 1a; T: Now, open your books and read 1a. Then answer these qu

42、estions. 老师用幻灯片展现以下问题; 1 Who is not happy. 2 What would they like to do. 3 What would they like to have. 4 Are they happy. 三分钟后,老师核对答案; T: Who has the answers. S1: Let me try. McDonald is not happy. T: Good. You are clever. Next. S2: They would like to have a picnic. T: Yes. Youre clever, too. The t

43、hird one. S3: They would like to have hamburgers, cakes, fish and bread. T: Yes. The last one, the whole class. Ss: Yes, they are. 3. 同学再读 1a,回答 1b 的问题; 核对答案;完成 1b; 4. 让同学听 1a 录音,留意语音和语调; Step 3 Consolidation 第三步巩固 时间 :8 分钟 仿照 1a 编一个话剧并表演,培育同学的语言迁移才能,使同学能学以致用,最终达到敏捷运用语言的目的;1. 让同学看 1a 挂图,分角色朗读; 2. 让同

44、学依据 1a 的内容,表演一个类似的话剧,五人一组完成 1c; 一个同学假装很孤独的样子,另一个同学邀请其他人与这位同学一块去野炊,并带上自己最喜爱的食物; T: Now suppose one of your friends is not happy. You will invite other friends to have a picnic with him/her. You must take your favorite food. Lets put on a short play about it. There are five students in one group. Do y

45、ou understand. Ss: Yes, we do. T: OK. Let s begin. Then Ill ask some of the groups to act it out in front of the class. Example: S1:I m not happy. Id like to have a picnic with my friends. S2:Would you like to have a picnic with S 1. S3:Yes, Id love to. S4:Thanks. That would be very nice. S2:What ab

46、out having a picnic with S 1. S5:I d like that, thanks. S3:I d like to take some bread and eggs. S4:My favorite food is chicken. S5:I want to take some cakes. 3. 同学表演后,赐予掌声勉励; T: Look. They are all very happy. Step 4 Practice 第四步练习 时间 :5 分钟 听录音,集中训练征求看法的表达方式及其回答,使同学娴熟把握本课目标语言;1. 播放 2 录音,完成 2; T: OK.

47、 Let s listen to 2 and fill in the blanks. 老师核对答案并板书; 1Would you like . 2How/What about . 老师用小黑板出示习题,练习短语及句型用法; 从 A 、 B、 C 三个选项中选出正确答案,填在横线上;1I would like to the zoo with my parents today. A. go B. to go C. going 2Mom, what about to the zoo today. Good idea. A. go B. to go C. going 师生核对答案; 2. 同学两人一组

48、读对话,复习本课目标语言; Step 5 Project 第五步综合探究活动 时间 :10 分钟 假设邀请同学去野餐,然后依据这一情境编对话,并对对话内容进行转述,培育同学的口 头表达才能和写作才能;1. 假设你要打电话邀请表中三位同学中的一位去野餐,依据表格信息编一个电话会话; Kangkang Fish and eggs Guitar Maria Look after her brother Jane Go to the zoo with her parents T: If you want to invite one of the three students in the form t

49、o go for a picnic, please make a telephone call to him/her.“ ”means“ can” ,“ ”means“ cant” , the next two are about favorite food and hobbies. Example: S1: Kangkang, S2: You S1: Hello !S2: Hello, Kangkang !This is S2. Are you free this Sunday. S1: Yes, whats up. S2: Would you like to go to West Hill

50、 for a picnic. S1: Oh, Id love to. S2: What s your favorite food. S1: Fish and eggs. S2: Dont forget to bring your guitar. S1: All right. See you then. S2: See you. 2. 对对话内容进行口头转述,先让同学之间相互叙述,再请几个说得流利的同学向全班转述,口头完成3;赐予优秀者掌声勉励; Example: On Sunday, I go to West Hill for a picnic with my best friend Kang

51、kang. Jane goes to the zoo with her parents and Maria has to look after her brother, so they can t go with us. We take some fish, eggs, hamburgers and drinks there. Kangkang plays guitar and I sing songs. We also fly kites. We are both happy there. 3. 小组活动:接力竞赛;把班上的同学分成四大组,各组的每个同学都要用表示邀请的句子邀请组内同学,要求

52、所用句子不能重复; T: Now, boys and girls. Let s play a game. I divide our class into four groups. In each group there are ten students. The first student begins with“Would you like to .” The second answers and asks:“ How about .” or“ What about .” and you shouldn t repeat the sentences. OK. Lets begin. The

53、first group. Example: S3: Would you like to sing some songs. S4: Yes, Id like to. How about going shopping. S5: Id like that. Would you like to . 4. Homework: 依据课本中3 的问题,写一段四十个单词左右的短文; T: Write a passage about your picnic. You can begin like this: I would like to go for a picnic, I 板书设计:Would you li

54、ke to go for a picnic. Section C Would you like . What/How about . Yes, Id like/love to. Thanks. That would be very nice. Good idea. All right. Section DThe main activities are 1 and 5. 本课重点活动是 1 和 5;. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn the phonetic alphabets: / /, / /, / /, /a / 2. Review the i

55、nvitations: 1Would you like to go to West Hill for a picnic. Oh, I d love to. 2How about flying a kite with me. Id like that, but I m afraid I have no time. 3. Review how to make telephone calls: 1Hello. Hello, Jane. This is Kangkang. 2Who s this, please. This is Sally. 3Could you ask her to call me

56、 back this evening. Sure. 4. Review making appointments: Are you free this Sunday. Yes. Whats up. . Teaching aids 教具录音机 /单词卡片 /小黑板 /课件. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步复习 时间 :7 分钟 检查作业,开展自由交谈活动;复习打电话用语,培育同学交际才能;1. 检查上节课同学的作文,并作适当点评; 2. 三人一组自由交谈,小梅想约小玲明天去书店买书,打电话给小玲,小玲的妈妈接了电 话 T: Now

57、, boys and girls. Let s have a free talk. Listen to me carefully. Xiao Mei wants to invite Xiao Ling to go to the bookshop tomorrow. She calls Xiao Ling but Xiao Lings mother answers the phone. Work in groups of three. The first and the best groups will get two scores. Example: S1: Hello. S2: Hello,

58、 may I speak to Xiao Ling. S1: Wait a moment. S3: Hello. S2: Hello, Xiao Ling. This is Xiao Mei. S3: Hi, Xiao Mei. S2: Are you free tomorrow. S3: Yes. Whats up. S2: I want to go to the bookshop to buy some books. Would you like to go with me. S3: Yes, Id love to. And what books would you like to buy

59、. S2: My English is poor. So I want to buy some books about English. How about you. S3: I want to buy some books about Chinese. S2: OK. See you tomorrow. S3: See you. 老师请几组同学上台表演,最先上台和表演最好的小组各得两分,并掌声勉励; Step 2 Presentation 其次步出现 时间 :8 分钟 听 1 录音,跟读并仿照,培育同学拼读才能和观看才能;1. 播放 1 录音,同学跟读; T: Listen to the t

60、ape and follow it. 2. 老师让同学自己朗读,然后请几位同学在班上朗读; T: Now, read the words by yourselves. Then I ll ask some students to read them. 3. 老师板书音标 / /, / /, / /, / /;然后把预备好的单词卡片发给一些同学,让同学读出单词,并把该卡片贴在黑板上相应的音标下方;这些单词中有学过的,也有未学过的; T: Now Ill ask the students with the cards to read their words and then put them on


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