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1、 PAGE 21网红直播代言产品外文翻译2020英文The effects of match-ups on the consumer attitudes toward internet celebrities and their live streaming contents in the context of product endorsementHyun ParkAbstractStreaming media platform opens new ways for celebrity endorsement. Based on the researches related to celeb

2、rity endorsement and match-up hypothesis, this study explores the influences of various matches on the consumer attitudes within the context of live streaming shopping with internet celebrities in China. Results suggest that product-source fit affects the perceived source attractiveness and trustwor

3、thiness, while product-content fit affects utilitarian and hedonic attitude toward the content. Source trustworthiness, hedonic attitude and self-product fit increased the intention to buy. This study develops and tests an integrative model of internet celebrity endorsement by investigating congruen

4、ce effects on live streaming viewers.Keywords: Internet celebrity, Live streaming, Match-up hypothesis, Social media, WanghongIntroductionWith increasing popularity of social media, influencers with numerous followers have recently generated advertising effects and sales. The emergence of celebritie

5、s who have achieved influence based on the use of live streaming contents, Wanghong in China, comes at a time when consumers search for ways to express themselves and companies require creative ways to endorse brands. These internet celebrities are content creators who have the power to affect other

6、s on social media platforms (Li, 2018). Based on the notable influence, they turn online traffic into sales through e-commerce or online advertising. The most successful ones who have monetized their huge fan bases are fashion icons posting live streaming contents about style and fashion products.St

7、reaming media platform opens new channel for celebrity endorsement providing promotion information or product recommendations and shaping followers interest. Many internet celebrities attract a lot of followers with their own attractiveness as well as gain credibility with original quality contents

8、based on opinion and analysis. They provide values for their followers by offering useful or entertaining live contents. Most of them are actual consumers who are willing to promote products they have experienced to potential consumers among their followers and companies want to incorporate these in

9、fluencers into marketing strategies. As social media can provide more effective environment for celebrity-fans interaction than traditional mass media, many consumers perceive these user-based contents as more trustworthy than traditional commercial strategies (Gong and Li, 2017).However, content vi

10、ewers assess the content and the influencers and calculate their suitability for a specific product or brand image. A good product-source match is in favor of the evaluations of the advertisement that is endorsed by even unfamiliar celebrities (McCormick, 2016). On the contrary, when fans recognize

11、the mismatch between the endorsed product and the endorser, they are likely to consider the celebrity as a marketer who pursues commercial motives. If the internet celebrity is perceived as a marketer instead of an opinion leader as another consumer, followers might have negative attitude toward the

12、 celebrity.Similarly, product placement studies (Shamdasani et al., 2001) attach importance to the ways products are placed in a media or the ways products fit in the context. Placements out of context are perceived negatively and may result in low levels of trust in brand claims and even in the med

13、ia (Bhatnagar et al., 2004). The harmony of the match between an endorser and an endorsed product can influence the image of the endorser. The fit between an endorsed product and the media content may affect the attitude toward the content. As limited research exists, especially within the context o

14、f live streaming shopping, it is necessary to investigate the synthetic influences of fits on the related consumer attitudes.Previous studies on celebrity endorsements indicate that attractiveness, credibility, and the celebrity-product congruence have positive impacts on consumer attitude toward th

15、e advertising, brand, product, as well as purchase intention (Gong and Li, 2017;Till and Busler, 2000). However, most studies were conducted within the traditional mass media context and some other form of social media context such as blog or social network service. There is very little research exa

16、mining the live streaming phenomenon or new types of celebrities. Moreover, few studies offer synthetic frameworks to integrate the influences of matches related to celebrity, content, consumer and the endorsed product. To bridge the research gaps, this study focuses on live streaming by internet ce

17、lebrities to investigate the impacts of these various matches on the audiences evaluation.The present study offers further insights regarding the reverse effects of endorsements on the endorsers as a result of a bad match. The perceived trustworthiness and attractiveness of a celebrity can be decrea

18、sed when the celebrityproduct fit is low (Yoo and Jin, 2015). Most internet celebrities less well-known than traditional celebrities could be more vulnerable to this kind of reverse flow. As they should put even greater emphasis on the congruence, it is necessary to investigate the reverse transfer

19、effect in the context of live streaming endorsements by internet celebrities.Literature review and hypothesesSource characteristics and endorsement effectivenessWanghong became popular by presenting attractiveness via Chinese social media. They provide variety of contents and affect consumption tren

20、ds based on the reliability established through continuous communication with fans. Personal characteristics or the self-presentation of unique images to attract fans form their identities and followers decode these symbolic meaning in the process of interactions (Li, 2018).Many studies suggest that

21、 celebrity credibility has a great impact on endorsement effectiveness related to product or advertising attitudes, as well as purchase intentions (e.g.Gong and Li, 2017;Lafferty and Goldsmith, 1999). Source credibility refers to the positive characteristics of an endorser leading to consumers accep

22、tance of the honesty of their messages (Ohanian, 1990) containing two dimensions: source trustworthiness and expertise (Erdogan, 1999). This study focuses on source trustworthiness as a meta-analysis affirms that source trustworthiness is more powerful for attitude changes (Amos et al., 2008). Sourc

23、e trustworthiness means consumers perception of endorsers honesty, believability, and integrity (Erdogan, 1999). It is particularly important when endorsed brands or products do not require an endorsers expertise. Internet celebrities do not need to be perceived as experts and continuous social medi

24、a interactions provide information to evaluate the level of source trustworthiness. Highly trustworthy celebrity can produce effective attitude toward brand credibility and purchase intentions (Chung and Cho, 2017).Live streaming contents and consumer attitudePrior studies on the success of many eme

25、rging online interactive media assert that one of the most important values for audiences is the content value. The more attractive content you present, the more attention and influence you achieve (Li, 2018). Internet celebrities usually create interesting contents for entertainment as well as disp

26、lay useful information related to products or brands. Previous research suggests that consumer decisions are influenced by both hedonic and utilitarian attitude (Voss et al., 2003). The motivations to make purchase in online shopping also include both utilitarian and hedonic dimensions (Childers et

27、al., 2001). In a similar vein, consumer attitude toward the media content can be divided into utilitarian attitude and hedonic attitude. Utilitarian attitude reflects how useful or beneficial the content is for the consumer, whereas hedonic attitude refers to how fun or enjoyable the content is or e

28、xperiential emotions that the consumer associates with the content. Understanding of how contents presented by internet celebrities affect cognitive as well as emotional attitude of consumers may allow more effective content design.Match between celebrity and productResearchers have explored the imp

29、ortance of match between the endorser and the product (e.g.Choi and Rifon, 2012;Yoo and Jin, 2015), such as sports-related products endorsed by athletes (Kim and Na, 2007), attractiveness-related products endorsed by physically attractive celebrity (Kamins, 1990). Most of researches on match-up hypo

30、thesis predicted the impact of endorserproduct match on the various measures of advertising effectiveness, such as product attitude, advertising attitude, and purchase intention (Gong and Li, 2017).Interestingly, the negative effects of endorsements on the celebrity as a result of a bad match were a

31、lso reported. The perceived trustworthiness and attractiveness of a celebrity was decreased when the celebrityproduct fit was low (Yoo and Jin, 2015). When the brand is strong but the celebrity is not, this reverse flow of personality from the brand to the celebrity can occur (Roy and Moorthi, 2012)

32、. As most of internet celebrities are less well-known than traditional celebrities, they should put even greater emphasis on the match. Thus, it is necessary to investigate this underexplored reverse transfer effect in the context of product endorsements related to internet celebrities.DiscussionThi

33、s study provides initial evidence about specific factors that can affect consumer attitude toward the internet celebrities, the live content, and the product endorsed. Consumer attitude toward the celebrities or their contents depends on the various fits related to the product. This study focused on

34、 the congruence between the celebrity and the product, congruence between the live content and the product, and congruence between the self and the product to understand how consumers view Wanghong and the live content and what factors drive the purchase intention.Our results confirm that, first, ma

35、tch between the celebrity and the product improves source trustworthiness and attractiveness. The great fit between the endorsed product and the endorser was an antecedent of trustworthiness of Wanghong. The perceived trustworthiness was a vital factor in predicting the willingness to buy the produc

36、t. This result is consistent with the studies reporting that information from credible sources is perceived as highly valid and is persuasive, thereby positively affecting beliefs, opinions, attitudes, and behaviors through a process called internalization (Craig and McCann, 1978;Wu and Shaffer, 198

37、7). However, source attractiveness failed to influence purchase intention. According toLevi et al. (2017), not all highly attractive endorses produce favorable advertising outcomes and people with low self-esteem might identify with the comparatively less attractive model in the ad. Due to the possi

38、ble interactions with the psychological states of consumers with model attractiveness, future research on this issue is to explore the role of other psychological factors of consumers regarding the practical value of using attractive models as product endorsers.Second, match between the live content

39、 and the product led to positive utilitarian attitude and hedonic attitude toward the content of Wanghong. The hedonic attitude plays a significant role in enhancing purchase intention partly because the contents of Wanghong focus on providing enjoyment. Moreover, this study is on shopping behavior

40、and fashion products, which is related to hedonic characteristics. As the relative importance of utilitarian and hedonic attitudes has the potential to change depending on the environment, the results could be different according to the specific characteristics of Wanghong, content, or consumers. Fi

41、nally, self-product congruence is positively associated with purchase intention. The result is in line with the literature where self-image influences consumer behavior (Lee et al., 2012).Theoretical contribution and managerial implicationAcademia and marketing managers can benefit from the informat

42、ion obtained from the research. Most research on celebrity endorser effectiveness has focused on source attributes or a match between a product and the endorser (Choi and Rifon, 2012). Although most studies examined endorser-to-product or context-to-product transfer effect instead of product-to-endo

43、rser or product-to-context effect (e.g.,Till and Busler, 2000), the fits can also affect the attitude toward the endorser or the content. A celebritys perceived trustworthiness and attractiveness can be decreased due to celebrity-product incongruence. This reverse transfer effect is an intriguing ye

44、t underexplored phenomenon (Yoo and Jin, 2015). With the need of a considerable understanding of the success factors of internet celebrity marketing and the reasoning behind consumer behavior, this study investigates how such match-up effects and reverse transfer might occur in terms of Wanghong end

45、orsements, especially within the internet live streaming shopping context.The findings provide several insights for marketers. Marketers can make decisions of how to use celebrities in their product promotions and develop strategies on what celebrity types are highly effective or what product types

46、can be successfully advertised by the celebrities. The match between an endorser and a product improves advertising effectiveness by heightening the perceptions of the endorsers trustworthiness. The fact that some combinations of products and celebrities are good is also important for celebrities to

47、 choose the right product that can represent themselves in the right way to maintain trust among consumers. The important factor that the endorser should consider is trustworthiness when they try to attract consumers to use the product they recommend. When the image or the personality of Wanghong is

48、 congruent with the product, source trustworthiness can be enhanced.The congruence between the product and the live content helps create a favorable attitude toward the live content, and these positive feelings spill over to the product attitude. The more positive attitude consumers have toward the

49、content, the more intention to buy the product in the content. Celebrity should not just introduce and display the product information, but through enjoyable interaction with live streaming viewers by providing entertainment activities, games, flash sales or incentives to keep customers engaged and

50、reduce their boredom when recommending product via live streaming. The effect of congruity between the self and the product was also confirmed. Generally, these various fits matter. The incongruent ads may negatively affect consumer attitude toward the celebrity or the live content, which, in turn,

51、undermines message persuasiveness and purchase intention. Communication strategies should be driven by a careful evaluation of the product characteristic or brand identity. Marketers should identify the personal characteristics of Wanghong and their live content.Limitations and future researchThis s

52、tudy was conducted among young adults. Consumers at different ages, with different incomes, and education levels show the different levels of innovativeness (Tellis et al., 2009). Young consumers, high income earners, and individuals with high levels of education show high innovativeness. Young cons

53、umers may be more attracted to celebrities than older consumers. Perhaps consumers of different ages and gender vary in their susceptibility to celebrity endorsements. Thus, exploring other age ranges of consumers can provide a highly comprehensive picture. In addition, other types of match-up like

54、congruence between celebrity and consumer should also be considered, as previous studies affirmed the congruence between celebrities and consumers to influence consumers attitude and purchasing process (Choi and Rifon, 2012). As this study only focused on Chinese consumers and their attitude toward

55、Chinese celebrities, Wanghong, sampling consumers in other countries may provide further evidence for external validity. Moreover, hedonic motivation in using live streaming tends to have a positive impact on celebrity-based intention, while utilitarian motivation have a positive impact on product-b

56、ased intention (Cai et al., 2018). Thus, future research could extend the current research scope by including motivation to use live streaming or by exploring the interrelationships between the motivation and the attitude toward the live contents. Finally, the present study was limited to a fashion

57、product category without considering the effects of more specific product information such as price and product type. Although we did not designate the celebrities and the specific product type or price range, future study could control these information to provide more rigorous tests. Different res

58、ults may be obtained when other product categories or utilitarian products are examined. Future research should explore the moderating effects of more specific information related to not only products, but also celebrities and live contents on consumer attitudes. We hope that this study provides a f

59、oundation for understanding the phenomenon related to consumer attitude toward personal media advertising.中文在产品认可的背景下,消费者的态度、网红名人及其直播摘要流媒体平台为名人代言开辟了新途径。基于与明星代言和产品匹配相关的研究,我们探讨了在与互联网明星进行在线直播购物的背景下,消费者的态度。结果表明,产品与来源的匹配会影响感知到的来源吸引力和可信度,而产品与内容的匹配会影响对内容的功利主义和享乐主义态度。来源的信任度,享乐态度和自我产品适应性增加了购买意愿。这项研究通过调查对直播代言



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