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1、Chapter 112012春 杨莉萍1adhere v. 1. (fml.) to stick to sth. 粘附,附着2. adhere to sth. to obey a rule, law, agreement, etc. 遵守(法规、法律或协议等)3. to support or believe in an idea, plan, opinion, etc. 拥护、支持、坚信(想法、计划、意见等) adherence n. 遵守、拥护adherent n. 追随者、拥护者adhesive adj. 有粘性的;n. 粘合剂Synonym: attach to 2词根 here, he

2、s = to stickcohere vi. stick together; hold together firmly 粘着, 凝结, 紧凑 Eg. I glued together the fragments of the vase, but they did not cohere. coherence n. 连贯(性),一致(性)Eg. If the relationship between the first sentence and what follows is not clear, the paragraph lacks coherence. cohesion n. act or

3、stat of sticking together; union 结合,凝聚, 团结,粘合Eg. There can be no real cohesion in an alliance if the parties have little in common. inherent a. ( sticking in) deeply infixed; intrinsic; essential 固有的,内在的Eg. Because of her inherent carelessness, I doubt my sister can ever be a good driver. 3affluent1

4、.“affluent” is a formal word, suggesting an abundant flow of goods or riches and a lavish spending, usu. used to describe people or human societies that possess wealth. eg. 1)This is an affluent community where every family owns two cars. 2)an affluent lifestyle 奢华的生活方式 3) Here was a fine opportunit

5、y to ensure that the less affluent should benefit increasingly from its wealth. 2. affluence n. eg. 1) to live a life of affluence 2) He quickly rose to affluence.4词根 flu = to flow fluent adj. fluency n. fluid n. 流体(液体和气体的总称)fluctuate v. 波动,起伏eg. The price fluctuates between 50 pence and 1 per kilo.

6、 fluctuation n. eg. Even a minor fluctuation in the water temperature can affect the fish. effluent eg. The effluent from the factory makes the river unsafe for swimming. n. 废水,污水confluence eg. the confluence of the two rivers n. 河流的汇合处,交汇处5rich; prosperous; wealthy; well-off/well-to-do 1. rich: is

7、a forceful word, straightforward in meaning, used only to stress the magnitude of wealth possessed by a person.2. wealthy: 1) is often applied to those who not only own goods or have money, but have a tradition of richness, thus are established or prominent members of the community. 2) can be used,

8、not rich, flexibly to describe various levels of wealth. eg. He came from a moderately wealthy family. 63. well-off / well-to-do: is often used in reference to person who, while not necessarily rich or even wealthy, have sufficient money and possessions to be able to enjoy a standard of living consi

9、derably higher than average. 4. prosperous: is applied to persons, enterprises, countries, period, etc. that develop, get wealthy and successful continuously, and often increasingly eg. a prosperous little town a prosperous businessman7alienate v.alienate sb. from sb/sth.: cause sb. to become unfrie

10、ndly or indifferent; estrange sb. 使某人疏远或冷淡;离间某人eg. 1) The private motor car plays a major role in the creation of a society in which individuals are increasingly alienated from others. 2) Many artists feel alienated from society.alienation n. eg. There is a growing feeling of alienation among young

11、unemployed people. alien adj. (1) foreign: an alien land 外国(2) strange: an alien environment 陌生的环境(3) contrary to: Such principles are alien to our religion. 8assess v. 1. to make a judgment about a person or situation after thinking carefully about it (=to judge)评价,评定eg. 1) This report is to assess

12、 the impact of advertising on children. 这份报告是评价广告对儿童的影响的。to assess the impact/ extent/ effectiveness of sth. 2) The technique is being tried in classrooms to assess what effects it may have. 这种方法正在课堂上试用以评定其效果。2. to calculate the value or cost of something 估计,估价eg. The value of the business was asses

13、sed at 1.25 million. assessment n. eg. Whats his assessment of the situation?9contempt n. 轻视,蔑视,不敬eg. 1) She regarded the tabloid press(通俗小报) with absolute contempt(嗤之以鼻). 2) He showed a complete contempt(全然不顾) for other peoples feelings. 3) How could she marry a man whom she holds in such utter con

14、tempt?hold sb/sth. in contempt 根本看不起contempt of court 藐视法庭contemptible adj. 可鄙视的,卑鄙的eg. a contemptible liar contemptuous adj. 表示出蔑视的,鄙视的10词根 tempt = to try 表示“尝试” tempt v. 诱惑,尝试attempt v. 尝试,企图contempt v. 藐视temptation n. 诱惑, 诱惑物Eg. The best way to avoid these temptations is to plan your shopping dur

15、ing off peak hours.11defect1. n. a fault in someone or something Eg. There are a few minor design defects. some genetic defects 遗传性缺陷2. v. to leave a country, political party, organization and go to another one 背叛defection n. 脱党,叛教,变节defector n. 叛离者,变节者defective adj. 有缺陷的,不完美的12词根 fec(t), fac(t), fi

16、c(t) = to make/do affect v. affection n. 关爱,爱慕,慈爱 eg. She has difficulty showing affection for him. affectionateeg. In feeling so affectionate toward them, are we also compensating for our prejudices? adj. 温柔亲切的,深情的office official affectation eg. Her love of jazz was just an affection to attract him. n. 假装,装模作样infect v. infection n.感染,传染infectious adj. Eg. The highly infectious nature of the disease prompted a search for a viral agent (病毒制剂). a. 传染性的 13officiate eg. She has officiated at every major company event this year. v. 行使职权,主持officiator n. 主婚人benefit


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