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1、HYPERLINK http:/美联英语提供:外媒盘点:老外学中文必背的100个汉字两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 HYPERLINK http:/ http:/ First 100 Characters Every Beginner Needs to Memorize中文入门必背100字Just months before arriving in Beijing, I asked my Chinese friend to give me a Chinese name. She said it was easy since “Andy” can be transliterated to j

2、ust 安迪(n, safe;d, guide).去北京的前几个月,我让我的中国朋友给我起个中国名字。她说因为我的名字Andy可以直接音译为汉字“安迪”,给我起名字简直是小菜一碟。When I did some background research of places to visit in Beijing, Tiananmen 天安门(Tinnmn or Gate of Heavenly Peace) was one of the recommended spots. The word Tiananmen got me really interested in learning more

3、characters HYPERLINK http:/class.hujia/category/12358437290?ch_source=ipo_qbmh_0_gjcdlwj o 更多bec内容 t _blank because it had the samenas in my name. Then I started using Pleco to decipher subway station names (especially when its HYPERLINK https:/dict.hjeng/w/overcrowd t _blank overcrowdedor when Im o

4、n a long train journey).我在查询北京的游览攻略时,热门游览地中有个叫“天安门”的。“天安门”这个词引起了我想要认识更多汉字的欲望,因为它和我的名字当中都有一个“安”字。之后我便开始用汉语字典查询地铁站的名字。(尤其是在拥挤时或是长途旅行中)I remember my Chinese teacher telling me that I would have to memorize not only the phrases but also the pinyin and the characters if I wanted to learn Chinese. Its har

5、d I must say, but just knowing basic characters will give you enough background to get around,especially when youre traveling, dining out, or going to malls.记得我的中文老师告诉我,想要学习汉语,不仅要记词组,还要记拼音和汉字、我必须承认这很难,但是只要了解了基础汉字就足以让你在北京四处逛逛了,尤其是旅行,吃饭,购物。I found several resources listing the first 100 Chinese charac

6、ters beginners to the languagemight memorize. The first 50 are almost the same, but the lists differ when it comes to the 60 to 100 character tier. Regardless, this list fromLearning Chinese Everydaycertainly helps, especially for knowing about 80 characters that can helpbeginners to the language co

7、mpose simple sentences.我找到了一些资料,上面列着汉语初学者需要记忆的100个汉字。前50个字几乎相同,但从第60个开始就有些不同了。尽管如此,“Learning Chinese Everyday”上的这个列表确实有用,尤其是当你学会前80个字,你就可以造一些简单的句子了。If you find pronouncing the characters difficult, we havea starter guidewhichprovides an easy way to speak the four Chinese tones. In the list below, yo

8、ull find the pronunciation guide along with a number, its grammatical function, and lexical meaning. The number indicates the characters usage in most Chinese conver HYPERLINK http:/liuxue.hujia/sat/ o 更多sat内容 t _blank sations.如果你觉得 HYPERLINK http:/class.hujia/151022/intro?ch_source=ipo_qbmh_0_gjcdl

9、wj o 更多发音内容 t _blank 发音很难,我们有“初学者指南”,它提供了一个简单的方法来发汉语的四声。在下面这个列表中,每一个发音后都标着一个数字,表示这个字的 HYPERLINK http:/class.hujia/category/131331623804?ch_source=ipo_qbmh_0_gjcdlwj o 更多语法内容 t _blank 语法及词汇功能。数字代表这个字在汉语会话中的用途。The website also says that “to understand 90 percentof the content in Chinese publications,

10、students have to learn only about 900 Chinese characters and 11,000 phrases/words.”该网站还标榜“想要看懂中文出版物90%的内容,你只需学习900个左右的汉字和1.1万个词汇或词组”。1的(de / 95.9) particleused after an attribute2一(y / 94.3) nounone3是(sh / 93.0) verbto be;adjectivecorrect, right4不(b / 91.8) adverbno5了(le / 90.7) particleused after a

11、n action that has taken place or changed6在(zi / 89.7) prepositionin, on, at;adverbindicating an ongoing action7人(rn / 88.7) nounhuman, people, person soul8有(yu / 87.8) verbhave, possess, get, there is9我(w / 86.9) pronounI;我的wde my; 我们wmen we, us10他(t / 86.1) pronounhe, him;他的tde his11这(zh / 85.3) pr

12、onounthis, these12个(g / 84.7) general measure word for nouns without specific measure words; adjectiveindividual13们(men / 84.1) pronounused to form a plural pronoun14中(zhng / 83.5) nouncenter, middle, in the midst of;abbrev.China15来(82.9 / li) verbarrive, come; indicate an intended action;particlein

13、dicate time period from past to present16上(shng / 82.4) prepositionon, above, upper;verbgo up, go to, leave for;adjectivelast, most recent17大(d / 81.8) adjective HYPERLINK http:/class.hujia/category/12498429425?ch_source=ipo_qbmh_0_gjcdlwj o 更多gre内容 t _blank great, large, big; age; eldest18为(wi / 81

14、.3) prepositionfor, in the sake of19和(h / 80.8) conjunctionand;prepositionin connection to, with;adjectivegentle;nountotal, sum20国(gu / 80.3) nouncountry, state;adjectivenational21地(d / 79.8) nounthe ground; land, soil; place, area22到(do / 79.3) verbarrive, reach, go to;prepositionup until, to23以(y

15、/ 78.8) prepositionby, for;conjunctionand, as well as24说(shu / 78.4) verbto say, speak, talk; to explain; to scold25时(sh / 77.9) nounperiod of time; time of day, hour26要(yo / 77.5) verbto want, ask for, wish; must, should; shall, will; take, need;adjectiveimportant, essential27就(ji / 77.1) adverbat

16、once, right away; already; precisely28出(ch / 76.7) verbto go out, go beyond; exceed; to issue, produce; to happen29会(hu / 76.3) verbcan, be able to; would, might; to assemble; to meet;nounmeeting, party; association30可(k / 76.0) verbcan, may;conjunctionbut, yet, however31也(y / 75.6) adverbtoo, as we

17、ll, also; used for emphasis32你(n / 75.2) pronounyou, yourself; your (used with的de)33对(du / 74.9) adjectiveright, correct; opposite;verbto answer, reply;prepositionwith regard to34生(shng / 74.5) verbto bear, to give birth to;nounstudent;adjectivealive, living; unripe, raw35能(nng / 74.2) verbcan, coul

18、d, be able to;nounability, skill; energy;adjectivecapable, able36而(r / 73.8) conjunctionand, as well as, to37子(z / 73.5) nounson, child; person; copper;adjectiveyoung, tender, small; affiliated38那(n / 73.2) pronounthat, then39得(d / 72.8) verbto get, obtain; be HYPERLINK http:/liuxue.hujia/sat/ o 更多s

19、at内容 t _blank satisfied; be suitable; (of calculation) result in, equal40于(y / 72.5) prepositionin, on, at; from; by41着(zhe / 72.2) particleadded to a verb or an adjective to indicate a continued action42下(xi / 71.9) prepositionbelow, under;verbto go down; to come;adverbdown;nounnext (in order)43自(z

20、 / 71.6) pronounself;prepositionfrom, since;adverbof course, certainly44之(zh / 71.2) particleused between an attribute and the word it modifies45年(nin / 70.9) nounyear; age;adjectiveannually, yearly46过(gu / 70.6) verbto cross, pass; to exceed; to spend (time);adverbtoo47发(f / 70.3) verbto give, issu

21、e, emit; to start; to feel; to shoot;measure wordfor bullets and shells48后(hu / 70.0) nounbehind, back, rear; after; later; last49作(zu / 69.8) verbto write, compose; regard as;nounwritings; work50里(l / 69.5) prepositionin, inside;nouninner; hometown; neighborhood;measure wordunit of length51用(yng /

22、69.2) verbto use, apply; to consume, drink, eat;nounexpenses;adjectiveutility, use52道(do / 68.9) nounroad, way; method; Taoism;verbto say, speak;measure wordfor long, narrow objects; doors, walls; questions, orders; courses in a meal53行(xng / 68.7) verbto go; to travel; to cover; to do; to perform;

23、to publish;nounconduct54所(su 68.4) nounplace; office;measure wordfor houses, schools, hospitals55然(rn / 68.1) adjectiveright, correct;adverbso, like that56家(ji / 67.9) nounfamily; house; household, home; an expert57种(zhng / 67.6) verbto grow, plant; to cultivate; to sow58事(sh / 67.3) nounmatter, aff

24、air, business; work, job; trouble, accident; involvement, responsibility59成(chng / 67.1) verbto accomplish, succeed; to turn into, HYPERLINK http:/class.hujia/category/12358437290?ch_source=ipo_qbmh_0_gjcdlwj o 更多bec内容 t _blank become;nounresult, achievement60方(fng / 66.8) nounsquare; direction; pla

25、ce, locality; side; party61多(du / 66.6) adjectivea lot of, many, more;verbto have more;adverbto what extent62经(jng / 66.3) verbto manage, deal with; to pass through, undergo, experience; bear;adjectiveregular, constant;prepositionafter63么(me / 66.1) suffixfor certain characters (pronoun什么shenme / wh

26、at; 那么nme / then, like that)64去(q / 65.8) verbto go; to go to a place; to remove;65法(f / 65.5) nounlaw; method; way; standard; model66学(xu / 65.4) verbto study, to learn; to imitate, mimic;nounschool, college67如(r / 65.1) verblike, as, if; for instance;conjunctionif68都(du / 64.9) adverball, both; ev

27、en; already69同(tng / 64.7) verbbe the same as;adverbtogether, in common;prepositionused for comparison70现(xin / 64.4) verbto show, to appear, to HYPERLINK http:/class.hujia/category/12358437290?ch_source=ipo_qbmh_0_gjcdlwj o 更多bec内容 t _blank become visible;adjectivepresent, current;nouncash, money71

28、当(dng / 64.2) verbshould; act as; accept; deserve;prepositionjust at72没(mi / 64.0) verbto be without; not have;adverbnot73动(dng / 63.8) verbto move; to use; to touch; to arouse74面(min / 63.6) nounnoodle; face; surface;measure wordfor flat things75起(q / 63.3) verbto rise, to get up; to grow, to begin

29、;adjectiveupward, up76看(kn / 63.1) verbto see, to look at, to watch over; to look after, tend77定(dng / 62.9) verbto decide, fix, set; to subscribe;adjectivecalm, stable;adverbsurely, definitely78天(tin / 62.7) nounsky, heaven; weather; time of day79分(fn / 62.5) verbto divide, part, separate; to allot

30、, distribute, assign;measure wordfor minute, cent, fraction, point, mark80还(hi / 62.3) adverbstill, yet; even more; also, too; even81进(jn / 62.0) verbto advance, move forward; to enter, get into82好(ho / 61.8) adjectivegood, fine, well; done83小(xio / 61.6) adjectivesmall, little, minor; young, younge

31、st; a bit84部(b / 61.4) nounpart, section; headquarters, department;measure wordfor machines, vehicles; films85其(q / 61.2) pronounhis, her, its, their; he, she, it, they; that, such86些(xi / 61.0) measure wordsome, few; a little more87主(zh / 60.8) nounhost; master; owner;adjectivemain;verbto manage, t

32、o take charge88样(yng / 60.6) nounappearance, shape; sample, pattern; type89理(l / 60.4) nounreason, logic, truth;verbto manage, run; to put in order90心(xn / 60.2) nounheart; core, center; feeling; mind; intention91她(t / 60.0) pronounshe, her, hers92本(bn / 59.8) nounbook, script;adjectivecurrent;adverbat


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