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1、2022-2023学年中考英语模拟试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、The general _of the competition is much higher this year, so its difficult for me to win the first prize.AstandardBdiscussionCexhibiti

2、onDinstrument2、The movie is most exciting one and I expect to see it for second time.Athe; aBthe; theCa; theDa; a3、 I believe we will get good grades in this English exam. _ . We have prepared for such a long time.AThats for sure.BIt takes time.CAre you kidding?DIt doesnt matter.4、- Do you like the

3、western food, Li Li? - No, I think Chinese food is_ than that of western countries.Amore deliciousBthe most deliciousCnot as deliciousDmuch delicious5、The number of the people that own cars _ becoming _, so parking cars is a big problem.Ais; larger and largerBare; larger and largerCare; more and mor

4、eDis; more and more6、Alex and Tom are brothers. _ often help their father wash the car.AIBYouCWeDThey7、Do you think they will _ the match? I think so. The weather is really terrible.Atake offBturn offCset offDput off8、Why dont you like winter in Beijing?Because it is _ winter in Guangzhou.Aas cold a

5、sBmuch colder thanCnot so clod asDnot colder than9、-She stayed up late last night. She can hardly do more work now.- . I m too tired.ASo can I. BSo I canCNeither can I DNeither I can.10、Your room is very dirty. You should keep it _. OK. Ill sweep it tight away.AcleanBdryCquietDwarm. 完形填空11、There are

6、 many kinds of friends. Many people will step in your life, but only true friends leave footprints (脚印). I shall always recall (回忆) the autumn and the girl with the 1 I know she will always be my best friend. It was the golden season. I liked walking alone in the leaves, 2 to the sound of them.Autum

7、n is a 3 season but life is uninteresting. The free days always get me down. But one day, the sound of a violin flowed into my ears. A young girl, standing in the wind, was interested in playing her violin. I had 4 seen her before. The music was so nice that I listened 5 Lost in the music, I didnt k

8、now that I had been standing there for so long. But it did not seem to disturb her.Leaves were still falling. Every day she played the violin in the corner of the building 6 I went downstairs to watch her performance. I was the only 7 Autumn was nearly over. One day, when I was listening carefully,

9、the sound suddenly 8 To my surprise, the girl came over to me.You must like violin. she said. Yes. And you play very well. Why did you stop? I asked.Suddenly, a sad expression appeared 9 her face and I could feel something unusual. I came here to see my grandmother, but now I must leave. I once play

10、ed very badly. It was 10 listening every day that encouraged me. she said.In fact, it was your playing that gave me a meaningful autumn, I answered, Lets be friends.1Apiano Bguitar Cviolin Ddrum2Alistening Bhearing Cwatching Dlooking3Alively Blovely Charvest Dlonely4Aever Balready Cjust Dnever5Aquic

11、kly Bquietly Cslowly Dfriendly6Awhen Bwhere Cif Dthat7Areader Bwriter Csinger Dlistener8Awaited Bstopped Cbegan Dchanged9Ain Bof Con Dwith10Ayour Bmy Cher Dour. 语法填空12、Think before we speak!It was a sunny and enjoyable day. Everyone in the railway station was waiting for the train 1 (arrive). Among

12、the crowd, there was a group of young friends who were on board for vacation.It was a busy station with a lot of people and some juice shops, coffee and tea stalls, newspaper shops, etc. The train 2(arrive) and everyone prepared to get into the train to their seats.The group of friends made loud noi

13、se to welcome the train as it moved into the station. They ran to get their seats before anyone entered the train.The empty seats were 3 (fill) and the train whistled (鸣汽笛) to move. An old man with a young boy 4 (age) around 15 had their seats just next to the friends group. The young boy was so 5 (

14、surprise) to see everything. He cheered, Dad, the train is moving and the things 6 (move) backward.His father smiled and 7 (nod) his head.As the train started moving fast, the young boy again screamed (尖叫) , Dad, the trees are green in color and run backward very fast. His father said, “Yes, dear, a

15、nd smiledJust like a kid, he was watching everything with great 8 (interesting).A fruit seller passed 9 (sell) apples, bananas and oranges. The young boy asked his dad, I want to eat apples. His father bought some for him. He said, Oh, this apple looks a lot 10(sweet) than it tastes. I love this col

16、or. The group was watching all the activities of this boy and asked the boys father, Is your son having any problem? Why is he behaving so 11(different)?His son is mad, I think, a friend from the group made fun of him and shouted.The father of the young boy, with patience, replied to the friends gro

17、up, “My son was born blind. Only a few days ago he 12 (operate). He is seeing different things in his life for the first time.The young friends became very quiet. 阅读理解A13、In the 1920s and 30s the airlines were just beginning. It was unusual for people to travel by air because it was expensive and da

18、ngerous. In those days, there were no flight attendants to look after the passengers. Young men, or stewards helped the passengers onto the airplane and carried the passengers luggage (行李) but they did not provide food and drinks. But then in 1930, a woman called Ellen Church invented the stewardess

19、.Ellen Church was born in 1904 on a farm in Iowa. She was a different child. She didnt want to work on a farm or marry a farmershe wanted a more adventurous (冒险的) life. Ellen studied to be a nurse at the University of Minnesota and then got a job in a hospital. For the next few years she stayed at t

20、he hospital but also took flying lessons and got her pilots license. Ellen was twenty-five years old when she first got in touch with Boeing Air Transport. She loved flying but she understood that airlines were a mans world. Although women like Emelia Earheart were becoming famous, she realized it w

21、as impossible for a woman to have a career as a pilot. But she had another idea. Most people were frightened of flying because flying was still an unreliable (不可靠的) way to travel. There were often delays (延误), many crashes and the bad weathers made many passengers sick. Ellen thought nurses could ta

22、ke care of passengers during flights and BAT. Agreed.The young woman from Iowa and seven other nurses became the first air stewardesses.At first pilots were unhappy because they did not want stewardesses on airplanes, but passengers loved the stewardesses. In 1940 there were around 1000 of them work

23、ing for different airlines. The early stewardesses had to be under twenty-five-year old, single and slim. When a woman joined an airline, she had to promise not to get married or have children. It was hard job and not well paid. They worked long hours and earned $1 an hour.In the 1970s, stewardesses

24、 were unhappy in their job and airlines had to make some changes. Since the 1970s, stewardesses have been called flight attendants. They are well paid and work fewer hours than in the past.1The last sentence of the first paragraph suggests that _.Athe word stewardess was made up by Ellen ChurchBElle

25、n Church was the first woman who flew a planeCEllen Church was the first woman who worked on a planeDEllen Church was the first woman passenger on a plane2From the second paragraph, we learn that _.AEllen did not behave in the same way as most as other girlsBEllens family was not rich enough to supp

26、ort her educationCEllen was fond of working as a nurse in the hospitalDEllen has an unhappy childhood that changed her completely3The main reason for Boeing Air Transport offering Ellen the job was _.Aher flying experienceBher university educationCher nursing experienceDher life attitudes4According

27、to the passage, in the 1940s a woman had to _ if she wanted to be a stewardess.Abe a nurseBbe marriedCbe a motherDbe young5The passage mainly talks about _.Athe background of early flying pilotsBthe experience of flying passengersCthe history of early flight attendantsDthe development of airplanesB1

28、4、 When you look up into the night sky, you can see the moon. But did you know that youre only seeing one side of the moon? The other side, also known as the far side of the moon, has long been a secret to us_But now, we have a chance to see whats on the far side.On Jan 3, Chinas Change 4 probe (探测器

29、) landed on the far side of the moon. It is the first probe in history to land there.Change 4 has already done a lot of things on the moon. One of its jobs is to grow plants. Change 4 took six living things to the moon, such as cotton , potatoes and fruit flies. The cotton has already started growin

30、g. This is the first time humans have grown plants on the moon.Change 4 also took a lot of pictures of the moons far side. With these pictures, scientists will learn more about the moon.1What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 mean?AThere is a secret place on the other side.BWe are not inte

31、rested in the far side.CWe dont know much about the other side.DThe other side has already been known to humans.2What do we know about the Change 4 probe?AIt landed on the far side of the moon.BIt left Earth on Jan 3.CIt is the first probe made by China.DIt has found out all of the moons secrets.3Wh

32、at has Change 4 done so far?a. It has grown some plants on the moon.b. It has become the first probe to land on the moon.c. It has built a probe on the moon. d. It has taken photos of the far side of the moon.Aa bBa dCc dDb cC15、Zoo One Day PassAdults Seniors Children 60 and up Ages 3-11$24.95 $22.9

33、5 $19.95Children under 2 FREE!FREE Parking!9:30 am to 5 pm seven days a week.4、 Open every day except Thanksgiving Day and Christmas DayZoo One Day PassAdults Seniors Children 60 and up Ages 3-11$24.95 $22.95 $19.95Children under 2 FREE!FREE Parking!9:30 am to 5 pm seven days a week.4、 Open every da

34、y except Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day1If a mother takes her 3-year-old son to the zoo, she will pay .A$24.95 B$22.95 C$49.90 D$44.902What can we learn from the zoo pass?AIt can be used for two days. BThe zoo is free for old people.CThe zoo has no free parking. DKids under 2 dont need tickets.3

35、People can visit the zoo .Aafter 5:00 pm Bon weekendsCon Christmas Day Don Thanksgiving DayD16、Recently, China Dream has been the subject of a public topic. Although it is quite common for Chinese people to dream of a developed China, most people also have their own dreams. I interviewed several you

36、ng Chinese students with higher US educational backgrounds. They all had their own dreams for their native country.Fred Wang, an MBA student in the US, said, “I dream of equal chance for the young in China. Equality means all young people can compete fairly, based on the rule-of-law no matter whethe

37、r they are rich or poor.”Yujie Zhao, another MBA student in California, said, “I dream of having the best education for my children so they will not lose at the starting line, and I dream of being able to take good care of my parents after they return home from work.”Yiqiong Zhang, an MBA graduate f

38、rom the US, shared her dreams. “I have a dream which I have been holding for many years, that is after working hard for about 20 to 25 years, I can have enough money to build and manage a bookstore or a flower shop. Besides working hard, I am able to enjoy life, to play the piano, to hike and to enj

39、oy a two-month-long vacation every year. This may be a common dream among young Chinese students.”There is no doubt that all of these young students have their own China Dream. They all love chasing their dreams. The beautiful China Dream requires everyones hard work. Everyone should work hard to ma

40、ke their dreams come true.1Which is TRUE about the three young Chinese students?AThey receive higher education in their native country.BThey receive education of all levels in California.CThey have their own hopes and dreams for China.DThey have their own hopes and dreams for the US.2What does the w

41、ord “compete” in the second paragraph mean?A竞争 B完成 C对待 D成功3Which one is Yiqiong Zhangs dream?AHaving an equal chance for the young in China.BHaving the best education for her children.CManaging a bookstore or a flower shop in her middle ages.DTaking a four weeks vacation every year.4From the passage

42、 we can learn that China Dream _.Ais very difficult to come trueBrequires everyones hard workCis a subject we need to teach in schoolDis only a dream of young Chinese studentsE17、On December 14, 2017, we were sorry to hear that Yu Guangzhong, a famous poet died of illness in Taiwan. He was born in N

43、anjing in 1928. His mothers hometown is in Wujin, Changzhou. So he called himself a southern person.Later, he went to Taiwan. In 1952 he graduated from Taiwan University. Then he graduated from University of LOWA in 1959. He taught at Soochow University, Normal University, Taiwan University, and Che

44、ngchi University. He got a lot of prizes in literature(文学),such as Wu San lien Literature Prize, China Times Award, Golden Tripod, National Arts Award and all the major Awards in Taiwan. He is famous both in Taiwan and in Mainland.He was in Taiwan, but he always missed his hometown in Mainland. In o

45、ne of his poems Nostalgia(乡愁), showed his feeling of homesickness. Lets enjoy his famous poem Nostalgia.NostalgiaWhen I was young, But later on,Nostalgia was a tiny, tiny stamp. Nostalgia was a low, low grave.Me on this side, Me on this side,Mother on the other side. And my mother inside.When I grew

46、 up, And at present,Nostalgia was a narrow boat ticket. Nostalgia becomes a shallow strait.Me on this side, Me on this side,Bride on the other side. Mainland on the other side.1Yu wrote the poem Nostalgia because he .Awanted to find his boat ticketBwanted to show his love to his brideCmissed his mot

47、her in WujinDmissed his hometown in Mainland2From the second paragraph, we can learn about .AYus achievementsBYus school lifeCYus homesicknessDYus working time3In the poem, stamp, ticket, grave and strait represent the poets .Awishes for Taiwan and the MainlandBfavourite things in different timesCdi

48、fferent feelings about homesicknessDgood ideas for coming back homeF18、Recently a Beijing father sent in a question at an Internet forum(论坛) asking what “PK” meant.“My family has been watching the I Am the Singer singing competition TV programme. My little daughter asked me what PK meant, but I had

49、no idea,” explained the puzzled father.To a lot of Chinese young people who have been playing games online, it is impossible not to know this term. In such Internet games, “PK” is short for “Player Kill”, in which two players fight until one ends the life of the other.In the case of the “I Am the Si

50、nger” singing competition, “PK” was used to refer to the stage where two singers have to compete with each other for only one chance to go up in competition raking.Like this father, Chinese teachers at Middle schools have also been finding their students using_which are difficult to understand. A te

51、acher from Tianjin asked her students to write the compositions with simple language, but they came up with a lot of Internet jargons that she didnt understand.“My GG came back this summer from college. He told me Ive grown up to be a PLMM. I loved to FB with him together; he always took me to the K

52、PM,” went one composition.“GG” means Ge Ge (Chinese pinyin for brother). “PLMM” is Piao Liang Mei Mei (beautiful girl). “FB” means Fu Bai (corruption). “KPM” is short for KFC, Pizza Hut and McDonalds.Some specialists welcome Internet jargons as a new development in language.If you do not even know w

53、hat a Kong Long (dinosaur, meaning an ugly looking femal) or a Qing Wa (frog, meaning an ugly looking male) is, you will possibly be regarded as a Cai Niao!1By writing the article, the writer tries to _.Aexplain some Internet jargonsBsuggest common Internet jargonsClaugh at the Beijing fatherDdraw our attention to Internet jargons2What does the underlined


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