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1、WEEE and RoHSWaste Electrical and Electronic Equipment废弃电子电气设备The restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment限制有害物质在电子电气设备中的使用A short introduction into the European environmental policy under special consideration of electrical and electronic equipme

2、nt简单介绍欧洲环境方针,特别针对电子电气设备2022/8/201第1页,共119页。Overview (内容梗概)Short introduction into the environmental policy of the EU简单介绍欧盟的环境方针Introduction into the WEEE Directive废弃电子电气设备指令(WEEE)的介绍 Objective and Scope(目标和范围 )Categories of EEE (电子电气设备的种类 )Important definitions (重要的定义)Recycling, Recovery, Treatment

3、of EEE (电子电气设备的再循环,回收和处理 )Financing (经费)Information for users and treatment facilities(用户须知以及处理设备信息) 2022/8/202第2页,共119页。Overview (内容梗概)Introduction into the RoHS Directive限制有害物质在电子电气设备中使用的指令的介绍 Objective and Scope目标和范围Categories of EEE affected by this Directive受该指令影响的电子电气设备种类 Requirements of this

4、Directive该指令的要求 Services of TV PRODUC SERVICE TV 产品服务有限公司的服务 2022/8/203第3页,共119页。Purpose of this presentation (本研讨会的目的)To provide an overview of the content of the mentioned European Directives概括以上提及欧洲指令的内容To show the changes occurring in the industry说明工业中出现的变化To highlight the legislative impact强调立法

5、的效应To sensitize the manufacturer of EEE regarding an ecological product design提醒电子电气设备的生产厂家从生态学的角度重视产品的设计2022/8/204第4页,共119页。Introduction (导言)Directive 2002/96/EC of January 27, 2003: 2002/96/EC 指令( 2003年1月27日) : Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)废弃电子电气设备 Directive 2002/95/EC of Januar

6、y 27, 2003:2002/95/EC 指令 ( 2003年1月27日): Restriction of the use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment (ROHS)限制有害物质在电子电气设备中的使用 Both published in the OJ L 37 of 13. February 20032003 年2月13日在官方定期刊物L37上出版公布2022/8/205第5页,共119页。Environmental Policy of the EU I (欧盟环境方针I)Obje

7、ctives of the Communitys environment policy are in particular:欧盟环境方针的主要目标是to preserve 维护to protect 保护to improve 改善the quality of the environment as well as环境的质量以及to protect human health 保障人类健康and utilize natural resources prudently and rationally谨慎合理地使用自然资源2022/8/206第6页,共119页。Environmental Policy of

8、 the EU II (欧盟环境方针II)This policy is based on 本方针基于the precautionary principle and on 预防性原则the principles that preventive action should be taken,以及应该采取预防措施的原则that environmental damage as a priority should be rectified at source and资源方面的环境破坏应优先补救 that the polluter should pay以及制造污染者应赔偿 2022/8/207第7页,共1

9、19页。Environmental Policy of the EU III (欧盟环境方针III)The Commission Communication of 30 July 1996 on review of the Community strategy for waste management states that, where the generation of waste cannot be avoided, it should be reused or recovered for its material or energy.委员会在1996年7月30日对欧盟废物管理策略检讨时

10、指出,虽然有时废物的产生是不可避免的,但是其原料和能源应当被重新利用或者回收。It states also the need to reduce the content of hazardous substances in waste and points out the potential benefits of Community-wide rules limiting the presence of such substances in products and in production process. 同时也指出减少废物中有害物质的必要性以及采用整个欧盟范围内限制有害物质在产品和生

11、产过程中出现的潜在有效的法规的好处。2022/8/208第8页,共119页。WEEE Directive (废弃电子电气设备指令)Directive 2002/96/EC of January 27, 2003: Waste Electrical and ElectronicEquipment (WEEE)2002/96/EC 指令(2003年1月27日)废弃电子电气设备 2022/8/209第9页,共119页。Todays environment (现今环境状况)WEEE is growing very fast废弃电子电气设备的增长速度很快From 2005 on: German priv

12、ate households will return 1.1 Mil tons of electronic and electrical waste per year. App. 800,000 tons are large household appliances (Freezers, Fridges, Washing machines, Electric heating appliances, etc.).2005年起: 德国私人家庭每年将产生110万吨废弃电子电气设备。其中大约八十万吨是大家电。(冷冻机,电冰箱,洗衣机,电热器等)Within the “old” 15 EU countr

13、ies: app. 6.5 to 7.5 Mil tons per year在“老”的15个欧盟国家: 大约每年650万至750万吨 Estimated rise: up to 15 Mil tons / year预计增长: 1500万吨/每年2022/8/2010第10页,共119页。Disposal Costs (废物处理费用)Total costs for the disposal of appliances from private household in GERMANY are estimated between 350 500 Mil Euros per year. Costs

14、will increase due to future recycling quotas.在德国处理废弃家用电器的费用估计每年达3.5至5亿欧元。由于今后再循环配额此费用还会增长。Disposal costs for example废物处理费用如下: Television set: 10 Euro电视机: 10 欧元 Washing machine 8 Euro洗衣机:8 欧元 Refrigerator 15 Euro电冰箱:15 欧元2022/8/2011第11页,共119页。Treatment of EEE Landfill v Recycled v IncineratedSource:

15、Implementation of Waste Legislation within the European Union Report COM (1999) 752 Final, prepared by the European Commission and issued 10th January 2000.2022/8/2012第12页,共119页。电气和电子设备 (EEE)的处理 垃圾掩埋法 v 循环再用 v 烧弃数据来源: 欧盟废物条例的执行 报告 COM (1999) 752 Final,欧洲委员会制作并于2000年1月10日公布。2022/8/2013第13页,共119页。EU M

16、S WEEE Transposition TimingNLOctober2003End of 2003IEBJanuary 2004DKSDFGBEarly2004August2004Summer2004Official Implementation Deadline13. August 20042022/8/2014第14页,共119页。欧盟成员国废弃电子电气设备指令的执行日期欧盟成员国废弃电子电气设备指令的执行日期2003年10月2003年年底意大利西班牙比利时2004年1月丹麦瑞士德国法国英国2004年年初2004年8月2004年夏季正式执行 最终限期2004年8月13日荷兰2022/8

17、/2015第15页,共119页。WEEE Implementation (废弃电子电气设备指令的执行)Official implementation deadline13. August 2004正式执行最终限期2004年8月13日Implementation of free take-back13. August 2005免费回收的执行2005年8月13日Average collection target of4 kg/year/inhabitant 31. December 2006平均的回收目标为4公斤/每年/每个居民2006年12月31日Commission sets newcolle

18、ction/recycling/recovery targets31. December 2008委员会制定新的回收/再循环/再生的目标 2008年12月31日2022/8/2016第16页,共119页。Objective of the Directive (指令的目标)Article 1 条款 1Prevention of WEEE and in addition 防治废弃电子电气设备以及实现这些废物的Reuse 再利用 2022/8/2017第17页,共119页。Objective of the Directive (指令的目标)Recycling再循环 Other forms of re

19、covery of such waste to reduce the disposal of waste其他回收废物的形式以减少废物的处理Improve the environmental performance of operators in the live cycle of EEE, e. g. producer, distributor, consumers and in particular those operators directly involved in the treatment of WEEE改进涉及电子电气设备生命周期的所有操作人员,如生产者、销售商、消费者,特别是直

20、接涉及废弃电子电器设备处理人员的环保行为。 2022/8/2018第18页,共119页。Scope of the Directive (指令的范围)Article 2 条款 2The Directive applies to electrical and electronic equipment falling under the categories set out in the Directive (Annex 1A and Annex 1B) provided that the equipment concerned is not part of another type of equi

21、pment that does not fall within the scope of this Directive本指令适用于附件1A目录设定类别下的电子电气设备,只要这些设备不是本指令范围外其它类设备的部件。附件1B包含了附件1A设定类别下的产品目录。Equipment which is connected with the protection of the essential interests of the security of MS, arms, munitions and war material shall be excluded from this Directive与保

22、护成员国重要的安全利益相关的设备、武器、军需品和战争物资不适用本指令 2022/8/2019第19页,共119页。Categories and Products I 分类和产品 ILarge household appliances (Refrigerators, Freezers, Washing & Dish washing machines, Microwaves, Electric radiators, etc.)大家电 (电冰箱,冷冻机,洗衣机,洗碗机,微波炉,电暖炉等)Small household appliances (Vacuum cleaners, Carpet sweep

23、ers, Toasters, Fryers, Electric knifes, Scales, etc.)小家电 (吸尘器,地毯清洁器,多士炉,油炸锅,电刀,电子秤等)2022/8/2020第20页,共119页。Categories and Products I 分类和产品 IIT & telecommunication equipment (Mainframes, Minicomputers, Printers & Printer units, PCs & Laptops CPU, mouse, screen and keyboard included, Fax, Phones, etc.

24、IT 及电讯产品 (大型计算机主机,小型计算机,打印机及打印机组件, 个人电脑及手提电脑中央处理器,鼠标,显示器和键盘, 传真机,电话等)。and other products or equipment of transmitting sound, images or other information by telecommunications as well as other products and equipment for the collection, storage, processing, presentation or communication of information

25、 by electronic means其他通过电讯传输声音、图象传输或其他信息的产品或设备以及其他通过电子方式进行信息收集、贮存、处理、演示或通讯的产品和设备用户终端和系统 2022/8/2021第21页,共119页。Categories and Products II 分类和产品 IIConsumer equipment (Radio & TV sets, Video cameras, Video recorders, Hi-Fi equipment, Musical instruments, etc.) 用户设备(收音机及电视设备,摄像机,录像机,音响器材,乐器等)and other p

26、roducts or equipment for the purpose of recording or reproducing sound or images, including signals or other technologies for the distribution of sound and image than by telecommunications其他通过电讯以外的发送声音和图像技术录制或复制声音或者图象的产品或设备 2022/8/2022第22页,共119页。Categories and Products II 分类和产品 IILighting equipment

27、(Luminaires for fluorescent lamps with the exemption of luminaires in households, Straight & Compact fluorescent lamps, etc.)照明设备 (荧光灯管,家用荧光灯,直线式荧光灯管,紧凑型荧光灯管等除外)and other lighting or equipment for the purpose of spreading or controlling light with the exemption of filament bulbs其他照明或用于发射或者控制灯光的设备,白炽

28、灯除外 2022/8/2023第23页,共119页。Categories and Products III分类和产品 IIIElectrical and electronic tools with the exemption of large-scale stationary industrial tools (Drills, Saws, Sewing machines, Tools for welding, soldering or similar use, Tools for mowing or other gardening activities, etc.)电气和电子工具 大型固定工业

29、工具除外 (钻孔机,电锯,缝纫机,用作焊接,锡焊或者类似用途的工具,用于割草或者其他园林活动的工具等。)Toys, leisure and sports equipment (Electric trains or car racing sets, Hand-held video game consoles, Video games, Sports equipment with electric or electronic components, etc.)玩具,休闲和运动设备 (电动火车或者玩具赛车,手持式视频控制台,视频游戏机,带电子电器零配件的运动设备等)2022/8/2024第24页,共

30、119页。Categories and Products III分类和产品 IIIMedical devices with the excemption of all implanted and infected products (Radiotherapy equipment, Cardiology, Dialysis, Nuclear medicine, Analyzers, Freezers, Fertilization tests, etc.)医疗设备 植入设备及感染性产品除外 (例如放射性疗法设备,心血管仪器,透析机,核磁疗设备,各种的分析设备,冷冻设备,验孕设备,等等), and

31、other appliances for detecting, preventing, monitoring, treating, alleviating illness, injury or disability其他诊断、预防、监测、处理、减轻疾病、伤痛或者残疾的器具 2022/8/2025第25页,共119页。Categories and Products IV分类和产品 IVMonitoring and control instruments (Smoke detectors, Heating regulators, Thermostats, etc.)监测和控制设备(烟雾感应器,温控器

32、,自动调温器等)and other monitoring and control instruments used in industrial installations (e. g. control panels)其他用于工业用途的监测和控制设备 (例如:控制面板)2022/8/2026第26页,共119页。Categories and Products IV分类和产品 IVAutomatic dispensers ( for hot drinks, for hot or cold bottles or cans, for solid products, for money, all app

33、liances which deliver automatically all kind of products)自动售货机 (热饮料自动售货机,冷热饮或者罐头自动售货机固体产品自动售货机,自动取款机,自动售货所有产品的所有器具)2022/8/2027第27页,共119页。Important Definitions I 重要定义 IElectrical and electronic equipment电子电气设备Electrical and electronic equipment or EEE means equipment which is dependent on electric cu

34、rrents or electromagnetic fields in order to work properly and equipment for the generation, transfer and measurement of such currents and fields and designed for use with a voltage rating not exceeding 1 000 Volt for alternating current and 1 500 Volt for direct current.电子电气设备或者EEE指的是属于附件IA所列类别下的、设

35、计使用电压为交流电不超过1000V和直流电不超过1500V的、正常工作需要依赖电流或者电磁场的设备和实现这些电流与磁场的产生、传递和测量的设备。 2022/8/2028第28页,共119页。Important Definitions II重要定义 IIReuse 再利用 Reuse means any operation by which WEEE or components thereof are used for the same purpose for which they were conceived, including the continued use of the equipm

36、ent or components thereof which are returned to collection points, distributors, recyclers or manufacturers.“再利用”指将废弃电子电气设备或者其组件用于该设备设计的同一用途的任何行为,包括被返还到收集点、销售商、再循环商或制造商的设备或其组件的连续使用。2022/8/2029第29页,共119页。Important Definitions III重要定义 IIIRecycling再循环Recycling means the reprocessing in a production pro

37、cess of the waste materials for the original purpose or for other purposes再循环指的是废物材料为其原有目的或其它目的在生产过程中的再加工,2022/8/2030第30页,共119页。Important Definitions III重要定义 IIIbut, excluding energy recovery which means the use of combustible waste as a means of generating energy through direct incineration with or

38、 without other waste but with recovery of the heat但是不包括将可燃性废物作为产生能量的方式通过直接与或不与其它废物一起焚烧仅回收热能的能源回收。2022/8/2031第31页,共119页。Important Definitions IV-a重要定义 IV-aRecovery 回收 Use principally as a fuel or other means to generate energy 主要利用燃料或其他方式产生能量Solvent reclamation/regeneration 溶解性回收/再生Recycling/reclamat

39、ion of organic substances which are not used as solvents (including composting and other biological transformation processes) 不能用作溶剂有机物的循环利用/回收(包括堆肥或其他生物转换的方式)2022/8/2032第32页,共119页。Important Definitions IV-a重要定义 IV-aRecycling/reclamation of metals and metal compounds 金属或金属化合物的循环利用/回收Recycling/reclam

40、ation of other inorganic materials 其他无机物的循环利用/回收2022/8/2033第33页,共119页。Important Definitions IV-b重要定义 IV-bRegeneration of acids or bases酸或碱的再生Recovery of components used for pollution abatement用来消除污染的组分的回收Recovery of components from catalysts催化剂组分的回收Oil re-refining or other reuses of oil 油的精炼或其他重新使用方

41、式Land treatment resulting in benefit to agriculture or ecological improvement对土地的整治从而有利于农业或生态的改善In the sense of Directive 75/442/EEC Annex IIB参见于75/422/EEC指令附录IIB2022/8/2034第34页,共119页。Important Definitions V-a重要的定义 V-aDisposal 废物处置Deposit into or onto land (e.g. landfill, etc.) 堆积在土地里面或上面 (垃圾掩埋法等) L

42、and treatment (e.g. biodegradation of liquid or sludgy discards in soils, etc.) 土地整治 (例如对液体或土壤中淤泥废物进行生物降解等)2022/8/2035第35页,共119页。Important Definitions V-a重要的定义 V-aDeep injection (e.g. injection of pumpable discards into wells, salt domes or naturally occurring repositories, etc.) 深度注射 (如把可用泵抽吸的废物注射到

43、井,盐窖或天然贮藏室等) Surface impoundment (e.g. placement of liquid or sludgy discards into pits, ponds or lagoons, etc.) 地面储存 (如把液体或土壤中淤泥废物放进深坑,池塘或泻湖等) Specially engineered landfill (e.g. placement into lined discrete cells which are capped and isolated from one another and the environment, etc.) 专门工程化的垃圾掩埋

44、 (如放置于离散排列分布有封盖并与环境和相互之间隔离的单位中等) 2022/8/2036第36页,共119页。Important Definitions V-b重要的定义 V-bRelease into a water body except seas/oceans 放入水中,海/海洋除外Release into seas/oceans including sea-bed insertion 放入海/海洋中,包括埋入海底Incineration on land or at sea在陆地上或海上焚化Permanent storage (e.g. emplacement of containers

45、 in a mine, etc.) 永久的保存(如把容器放入矿井里等)In the sense of Directive 75/442/EEC Annex IIA参见于75/442/EEC指令附录IIA2022/8/2037第37页,共119页。Important Definitions VI重要定义 VITreatment 处理Treatment means any activity after the WEEE has been handed over to a facility for depollution, disassembly, shredding, recovery or pr

46、eparation for disposal and any other operation carried out for the recovery and/or the disposal of the WEEE.处理指的是报废电子电气设备为防止污染、分解、切碎、回收或处置准备而被运送到一设施后的任何行为,和其它任何为回收和/或处置报废电子电气设备而实施的操作。2022/8/2038第38页,共119页。Important Definitions VII-a 重要定义 VII-aProducer 生产者Producer means any person who, irrespective o

47、f the selling technique used, including by means of distance communication“生产者”指的是不考虑其使用的销售技术,包括远程通讯技术的任何人2022/8/2039第39页,共119页。Important Definitions VII-a 重要定义 VII-amanufactures and sells electrical and electronic equipment under his own brand,用自己品牌生产并销售电子电气设备 resells under his own brand equipment

48、produced by other suppliers, a reseller not being regarded as the producer if the brand of the producer appears on the equipment, as provided for in point (1), or用自己品牌再销售由其它供应商生产的设备,上述(1)副点规定的生产者的品牌如果出现在再销售的设备上,那么再销售商不能被视为生产者。 2022/8/2040第40页,共119页。Important Definitions VII-b重要定义 VII-b3.imports or e

49、xports electrical and electronic equipment on a professional basis into a Member State.专业从事向成员国进口或出口电子电气设备 Distributor销售商 Distributor means any person who provides electrical or electronic equipment on a commercial basis to the party who is going to use it.销售商是指在商业的基础上将电子电气设备提供给使用方的任何人 2022/8/2041第4

50、1页,共119页。Product Design I (Article 4)产品设计 条款4The design and production of electrical and electronic equipment shall take into account and facilitate dismantling and recovery, in particular the reuse and recycling of WEEE, their components and materials.成员国应鼓励考虑并有利于报废电子电气设备及其部件和材料的分解与回收,特别是再利用和再循环的电子

51、电气设备的设计和生产。2022/8/2042第42页,共119页。Product Design I (Article 4)产品设计 条款4MS shall take appropriate measures so that producers do not prevent, through specific design features or manufacturing processes, WEEE from being reused, unless such specific design features or manufacturing processes present overr

52、iding advantages, for example, with regard to the protection of environment and/or safety requirements成员国应采取适当措施以使生产者不会通过特殊的设计特征或者生产工艺阻止报废电子电气设备的再利用,除非这些设计特征或者生产工艺工程序具有最大的优点,例如,考虑了环境保护和/或者安全要求。2022/8/2043第43页,共119页。Product Design II 产品设计 IIVDI 2243: July 2002 VDI 2243: 2002年7月Recycling oriented prod

53、uct development以再循环为导向的产品开发This guideline provides to the developer and the designer instructions and decision-making aids for the product development, in order to prepare and select technical and economic possibilities and alternatives for improving the recycleability of technical products该原则在产品开发方

54、面为开发者和设计者提供了指导并协作其做出决策,使其能从技术和经济角度进行多重选择,从而改善技术产品的再循环性。2022/8/2044第44页,共119页。Product Design III 产品设计 IIIVDI 2343Recycling oriented product development以再循环为导向的产品开发Part 1: May 2001第一部分:2001年5月Principles and terminology准则和术语Part 2: March 2000第二部分:2000年3月2022/8/2045第45页,共119页。Product Design III 产品设计 III

55、External and internal logistics外部和内部的细节部署Part 3: February 2003第三部分:2003年2月Disassembly and processing拆卸和处理Part 4: November 1999第四部分:1999年11月Marketing市场推广2022/8/2046第46页,共119页。Product Design IV产品设计 IVThis series of guidelines deals with specific aspects of recycling of electrical and electronical equi

56、pment该系列的原则涉及电子电气设备的再循环的一些特殊方面。2022/8/2047第47页,共119页。Product Design IV产品设计 IVMost important is part 3 of that series, which deals specifically with the disassembly and processing of electrical and electronical equipment该系列的第三部分尤其重要,主要涉及到电子电气设备的拆卸和处理。2022/8/2048第48页,共119页。Product Design V产品设计 VStanda

57、rd ECMA 341: December 2002Environmental design considerations for electronic productsECMA 341标准: 2002年12月从环境的角度考虑电子产品的设计2022/8/2049第49页,共119页。Product Design V产品设计 VThe ECMA standard identifies design practices for information and communication technology and consumer electronic products with a rated

58、 voltage not exceeding 1,000 V r.m.s., intended for domestic or commercial use that could reduce the environmental impact of the product. The standard specifies requirements and recommendations for the design of commercially viable, environmentally conscious productsECMA(欧洲计算机制造商协会)标准规定了对以家用或商业为目的的信

59、息和通讯技术以及额定电压不超过1000 伏的用户电子产品的设计准则, 以减少产品对环境的影响。该标准阐述了对设计有商业可行性和环保意识的产品要求和建议。2022/8/2050第50页,共119页。Seperate collection I (Article 5)分类收集 条款5The MS are requested to adopt appropriate measures in order to minimize the disposal of WEEE as unsorted municipal waste and to achieve a high level of separate

60、collection of WEE. 成员国应采取适当措施使报废电子电气设备作为未分类的市政废弃物而处置的可能性最小化,并实现报废电子电气设备高水平的分类收集。2022/8/2051第51页,共119页。Seperate collection I (Article 5)分类收集 I 条款5Special date: 13. August 2005日期:2005年8月13日MS have to ensure, with regard to private households, that:对来自私人家庭的废弃电子电气产品,成员国必须确保:2022/8/2052第52页,共119页。Separat


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