



1、名师精编 优秀教案Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks 【教学目标】1. 学问目标:把握以下词汇: major , coach, take after, similar, fix up, repair, think up 2 把握并会运用以下重要短语和句子:cheer up , set up , not only but also , be home to sb., volunteer sth. to do sth. These three students all volunteer their time to help other people.

2、Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to do. 2. 才能目标 1 培育同学阅读懂得才能和归纳信息的才能,争论作为一名理想者应当做什么;. 2 要求同学结合所学内容,发挥想象补充表格然后利用该信息进行操练对话;通过学习,学会关注社会,关注他人;3. 情感目标【重点难点】重点: Phrasal verbs about offering help 【教学过程】I. Warm up 1. 复习上节课所学内容:难点: Something about

3、doing volunteering work 老师活动:让同学复习上节课所学的句型,I d like to . I could 表达自己应当怎样帮忙他人,教师说汉语同学说英语;让几个同学朗读自己编写的对话,老师即时正音;听写单词:先让 2 个同学上黑板听写,完成后让另外的 2 名同学来批改,其他的同学与同桌互批;检查完单词后,老师要多勉励同学,并结合同学显现的错误适当的讲解一些有规律性的单词记忆法;同学活动:积极参加制作对话,积极发言,学会用英语表达自己的思想;2. 自由交谈P62 的老师活动:让生用目标语言谈论自己的爱好及他们帮忙他人的方式;(可以依据1a 的句型)然后老师指着图片让同学猜

4、猜是谁,他们在做什么,然后让生留意文章的题目并让生读两遍;同学活动:谈论自己的爱好及帮忙他人的方式;读两遍题目;II. Pre-task 预备任务 老师活动: Read the instructions to the students. This is an article about volunteers. You have two tasks to do: first underline the kinds of work the volunteers do; second circle the reasons why they like their work. Continue sayi

5、ng. The names of the three volunteers are Li Huiping, Lan Pei and Zhu Ming. The article tells you about the different things they do to help people. 同学活动:速读,细读,朗读,精读,听录音;III While-task 同步任务 1 . Task 1 : Fast reading Scanning 老师活动:让同学读课文完成下面的问题,找一名同学回答;同学活动:快速阅读课文,完成试题;Questions: 1 What does Li Huipi

6、ng do to help people as a volunteer. 2 What does Lan Pei do. 3 What does Zhu Ming do. Check the answers by asking three students to answer the questions. 2.Task 2 : skimming 老师活动:让生认真阅读课文,圈出他们做这些事情的缘由;同学活动:同学认真阅读课文,先独立完成,然后再组内争论,最终得出正确答案;After that, get the students to read the article a second time

7、 to circle the reasons. 名师精编 优秀教案Check the answers with the class. 3. Task 3: Reading aloud 老师活动:让同学跟着录音大声阅读课文,然后同学自由朗读,老师抽查同学朗读情形,准时订正语音、语调、停顿等;检查他们的发音;同学活动:认真听录音并且跟着录音大声朗读课文,留意单词的语音语调;4 . Task4: Intensive reading 老师活动: 让同学小组合作学习,找出文中的重点短语和句子及疑难问题;小组选代表发言; 最终老师总结点拨,多媒体投影出示,并让同学做好笔记;Language points:

8、 1 地点 +be home to sb. 对某人来说是家e.g. The supermarket is home to the woman. home 可以做副词例如: go home 也可以做名词,例如: go to my home 2 volunteer to do sth. 自愿做某事 e.g. Mingming volunteers to help the little kids. 3 put to good use 使 得到很好的利用e.g. Please put your time to good use. We need to put the new machine to go

9、od use . 4 plan to do sth. 方案做某事 e.g. We plan to have a party at the classing meeting . 5 sing for sb 介词不行用 to 为 . 唱歌6 not only.but also. 不仅 . 而且 . 谓语跟靠近的主语一样1 引导以 not only but also开头的句子往往引起部分倒装;因此 Not only do I feel good but also . 是倒装句;也是说得要把前面的句子中的助动词或者是情态动词放在主语的前面;如:Not only can I do it but also

10、 I can do best. 我不仅能做到而且做得最好;2 Not only but also接两主语时,谓语动词随后面的主语人称和数的变化也就是就近原就 如:Not only Lily but also you like cat. 不仅莉莉喜爱猫 , 而且你也喜爱;Not only you but also Lily likes cat. 不仅你喜爱猫 , 而且莉莉也喜爱;IV. Post-task 任务提升 处理教材中的 3b,3c 的内容老师活动: Read the instructions to the students. Then ask the students to look

11、at the table in Activity 3b. Move around the classroom to make sure that they are discussing in English and offer them help if necessary. Ask several pairs to report their answers to the class. Keys:He could make a football club. He could tell stories to young children. He could act movies for peopl

12、e. He could sing songs for people. 3c: Ask a pair of the students to model the sample conversation first. Write the conversation on the blackboard. Then let the whole class practice in pairs. Remind them to use the sample conversation, but replace the words loves and skills. Ask two or three pairs t

13、o share their conversations to the class. V. 语言运用Speaking and writing 1.Call the students attention to the chart on the left. Point out the titles Things I like to do and volunteer work I could do to the students. 2. Get the students to write down their own answers individually. 3.Then work in pairs

14、 and give each other suggestions about what volunteer work you 名师精编 优秀教案 could do with those interests. Ask a pair to model the sample conversation before they begin to practice. S1:I like to read about Chinese history. What kind of volunteer work do you think I could do. S2: You could start a Chine

15、se History Club. Write the conversation on the blackboard. 4. Get students to practice in pairs. Sample answers. Volunteer work I could do Things I like to do 1. I love drawing pictures. I could design a wall newspaper for our class. 2. I like to travel. I could guide the tourists in our city. on display. 3. I like visiting museum. I could help look after th


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