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1、精品word学习资料 可编辑资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Beauty in Common Things 教材分析 : 2a2e 是本单元的阅读版块, 介绍具有中国特色的传统艺术如孔明灯、 剪纸和泥塑, 包括它们的制作工艺、制作原料和象征意义等; 2a 的读前活动让同学谈论中国传统文化艺术;2b 活动要求同学先快速寻读 (scanning),找到表格中的信息, 即文中所提到的传统艺术形式和制作所需原材料;2b 的一个重要的阅读策略 先总体介绍,后细节描述;2c 活动指导同学关注文章细节,帮忙他们加深对文章的懂得;2d 活动训练文章中显现的重要短语,特

2、殊是动词短语;2e 活动是开放性的读后争论:哪种艺术形式最简洁?哪种形式最难?为什么?自己喜爱什么样的艺术形式?为什么?这种争论可以加深同学对中国传统艺术的明白和观赏,也为后面的写作做铺垫和语言储备;教学目标 Teaching aims :Knowledge aims :Master vocabulary words and target language Learn some Chinese traditional arts. Ability aims :Master the reading strategies: moving from general to specific. Emoti

3、onal aims :Feel the beauty in common things, Learn to love our country and our people. Important points:Reading comprehension and reading strategies.第 1 页,共 6 页Difficult points.:- - - 细心整理 - - - 欢迎下载 - - -精品word学习资料 可编辑资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. Improve studentslistening and reading abi

4、lity 2. Help students to express their opinion freelyTeaching.Aids :multi-media, blackboard, some paper cuttings, Chinese clay, kites and so on.教学步骤 Teaching procedures :Step1. Warm up and lead-in. Show something interesting to students: sky lanterns , Chinese paper cuttings, Chinese clay, Russian d

5、olls ,kites and so on. Tell Ss they are Chinese traditional arts. Add some more on the screen. Prompt Ss to think about Chinese folk or traditional art. (设计目的: 通过展现实物以及图片,明白中国传统艺术,激发同学爱好并自然引入教学内容;).Step2. Pre-reading Look at the title and the pictures on page 38. Then answer the questions. (Tip :留意标

6、题、首段、读图)1. What does the passage may talk about A: traditional art B: sky lanterns D: Chinese clay art C: paper cutting 2. How many traditional art forms are mentioned What are they Step3 While-reading Task1: How many parts can the passage be divided into划分 Traditional Para. 1.Sky lanternsPara.2 第 2

7、 页,共 6 页Paper cuttingPara.3 art forms- - - 细心整理 - - - 欢迎下载 - - -Para.4精品word学习资料 可编辑资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Clay artA general introduction 总体介绍 Specific details and examples(Tip :move from general to specific)细节和例子 Task2: Speed challenge Scanning Complete the chart according to Para2 4;

8、Common Objects of made ofSymbolsin thingsbeautybamboo Happiness and good wishes bamboo Sky lantern and paper paper Paper cutting red Wishes for good luck and a clay Chinese clay paper happy new year clay Love for life and beauty art Practice : is are turned into . 设计目的: 运用 Scanning 技巧,快速把握第一段的要点,寓教

9、于乐;其次三四段,整体把握全篇总分的结构并明白文章大意 , 完成表格; Task 3.Careful Reading 1. Read Para.1 and answer the question What do traditional Chinese art forms try to show- - - 细心整理 - - - 欢迎下载 - - -第 3 页,共 6 页精品word学习资料 可编辑资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Traditional Chinese art forms try to show the things that are im

10、portant in the life, such as love, beauty and family .2. Read Para.2 and complete the information about sky lanternsfirst used byused forsky lanternsmade ofsymbols of3. Read Para.3 and complete the information about paper cuttingpaper cutting 3.Read Para.4 The paper is _.It is _ with _.1 Clay art pi

11、eces are The common pictures are _, 五个形容词 2)Number the steps步骤 of making clay art pieces _ and things about history.shaped by hand During Spring Festival, they _ _ allowded to air -dry设计目的: 通过上述活动对本文内容进行深化学习,并训练学 polished and painted on windows, _ and _.as symbols of _ for good luck and a happy new

12、year. fired生复述课文的才能 Task4 Read the passage again and answer the questions1-5 in 2c then check the answers. 设计目的: 再次运用 scanning技巧,完成课本问题 Task5 Fill in the blanks with the proper forms Sky lanterns _use by Zhuge Kongming, He _send them out to ask for help when in trouble. Today, sky lanterns _use at f

13、estivals and other celebrations.They_make of bamboo and _cover with paper. When the lanterns - - - 细心整理 - - - 欢迎下载 - - -第 4 页,共 6 页精品word学习资料 可编辑资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _light, they slowly rise into the air like small hot -air balloons for all to see. They _see as bright symbols of happ

14、iness and good wishes;.Step4.Post-reading: Task1 Find and discuss the difficulties in pairs, give explanations if necessary. Task2 Finish 2d and check the answers. 设计目的 :巩固重点词组及单词,堂堂清 Step5 Homework: Draw two mind-maps of paper cutting and Chinese clay and make a report about one of them to us next class.Blackboard design: Beauty in Common Things Reading - - - 细心整理 - - - 欢迎下载 - - -第 5 页,共 6 页精品word学习资料 可编辑资料 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 课后反思:本课是一堂阅读课, 同学们对老师刚开头所供应的插图课件比较感爱好,学习积


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