



1、初中英语专项练习题:副词(二)一、单项选择题1. 一What,s the English word forthe Chinesefood jiaozi?2.You canA. justdoesBy subway.A. How一 say jiaozi .It has beenadded to the OxfordEnglish Dictionary.B. evenC.stillD. hardlyNancy usuallygo to work?B. WhenC.WhatD. Where3. Emma likes to playthe music prettydont like that.I lik

2、e to listen to4.5.6.music.A. loudly ;quietC. loud ;quietThe woman is.She is cryingA. happily; happy B. sadly; sadB.D.loudly ;quietlyloud ;quietlyC. sad; sadlyD.sadly; sadlyHans gave the lecture instead of Einstein perfectly.A. happilyB. excellentlyC. hurriedlyD.simplyUnluckily, Mr.Brown drove sothat

3、 his car crashedinto atree yesterdayevening.A. carelessB.carefulC. carefullyD.carelessly7. Take care whenyou aredriving,in a snowstorm likethis.A.immediatelyB. especiallyC.probably8. Ofall the students inhis class, Xiao Ming writesA.very carefulB. the most carefulC.most carefullyD. much more carful9

4、. Huangguoshu Waterfallisbeautiful that I want to come here againnext year.A. soB. tooC. such10. Have you usedthenew computerYes, I have. Ihaveused it.A. just, just二、填空题B. yet, justC. just, yetD. yet, yetAs we can set, the cost of children s education has almost doubled s 2005.The ideas that he came

5、 up with worked out f He now has 16bikes fixed up and gives to children who don,t have bikes.However, no one could find a scale (称) (large enough, enough large).We haven,t finished the work (already/yet) because of the bad weather.Look! Your clothes are wet through. It must be raining outside now.Ta

6、ke a (deep/deeply) breath, and you will feel more relaxed.I describe the sights. (Write from memory.)They were s married last week without telling anybody.China has (already/yet) succeeded in hosting the 2008 Olympic Games.一 You look so tired! Why?Because I have (just/yet) carried the heavy boxes he

7、re.三、单词拼写(词汇运用)Chinese is w used in the world these days.r ve already asked her (两次)but she hasn,t replied to me.The cat always walks (with little sound or no sound).Nancy lives the(最远) from school in our class.As Jack tries to be truthful, he expects everyone e (其他的)to be truthful, too.The twins we

8、re thirteen two years .Time won,t stop going(永远).Its impolite to talk 1 (大声土也)while people are reading in the library. 四、语法填空This machine is (special) designed for blind people.The make-up artist did the work very(good), so the director liked her very much.Li Ming jumps (high) than Kate. (lucky), he

9、 didn,t get a chance to visit New York.She became so nervous that she shook(violent).Hurry up! We should go to the railway station , or we will miss the train, (immediate)Ann spoke the most of all the students in the school speech contest, (accurate), Kitty and her classmates arrived at the top of t

10、he mountain, (final) 五、句型转换The little girl is too short to reach the orange on the table.(改为同义句)The little girl isn,t to reach the orange on the table.The classroom is so dirty that we can,t study in it. (保持句意不变)The classroom isn,t for us to study in.They usually play basketball on weekends.(对画线局部提问

11、) they usually play basketball?What do you think of the news?(同义句转换)do you the news?My favorite radio show is from 7 a. o to 9 a. n (对画线局部提问) is your favorite radio show?I like pandas a lot.(对画线局部提问) do you like a lot?I go to the movies once a month.(对划线局部提问) do you go to the movies?I prefer playing

12、 sports outdoors to watching TV at home.(保持句意基本不变)I playing sports outdoors than watching TV at home.答案解析局部.【答案】A.【答案】A.【答案】A.【答案】C.【答案】B.【答案】D.【答案】B.【答案】C.【答案】A.【答案】B.【答案】since.【答案】fine.【答案】large enough.【答案】yet.【答案】heavily/hard.【答案】deep.【答案】略.【答案】secretly.【答案】already.【答案】 just.【答案】widely.【答案】 twice23.【答案】quietly24.【答案】farthest25.【答案】else26.【答案】ago27.【答案】forever28.【答案】loudly29.【答案】specially.【答案】well.【答案】higher.【答


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