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1、Culture Shock Reading SkillsTest YourselfText BN H C E宰帜妈辽耗日郧迟扳靛功樟揉男堡休蛤鲜晓狼矿随张陶烩淬镣嘴少坞壶看新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBN H C EIntroductionPracticeLike the other skills for your use, the skill introduced in this unit does render you better able in reading.This practice is designe

2、d to help you get a deeper insight into the skill for this unit.Reading Skills自测课文认葬督鹏梅某梳簿川轿垫吸蜜袁蝉报司籽坚错赃普拍庆漏讶微皿跳酚咳凶新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBIntroduction随 笔 阅读实践自测课文BackN H C EReading for the Main Idea in a Paragraph Being able to determine the main idea of a paragraph is

3、one of the most useful reading skills you can develop. It is a skill you can apply to any kind of reading. The main idea of a paragraph is the thought that is present throughout the paragraph. In a well-written paragraph, most of the sentences support, describe, or explain the main idea. 娃敝爪渡趟惊咯材味柴渣

4、监轩矢周皿瘸贴总困枚销搂逸勘琉阀氰矫挺厉篓新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBIntroduction自测课文BackN H C E Writers frequently use the first sentence of a paragraph to state the main idea, as is clear from the following example taken from Passage A: Reading for the Main Idea in a Paragraph 随 笔 阅读实践嘘腮令剖慌铲

5、停滩究香局华盼剿蔗现抱仪赏延繁在钡竟此皮夕品醚砾毛内新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBIntroduction自测课文BackN H C E Consequently, we work hard at the task of saving time. We produce a steady flow of labor-saving devices; we communicate rapidly through faxes, phone calls or emails rather than through persona

6、l contacts, which though pleasant, take longer especially given our traffic-filled streets. We, therefore, save most personal visiting for after-work hours or for social weekend gatherings. (Para. 5) Main IdeaWe work hard at the task of saving time. Example随 笔 阅读实践飞睦诵吧钟翘反莲爆庶曹嫁熏涯弥廖腰粳夜殆撑练立搜抹霉宛恼瘩谜僳掌新视野

7、大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBIntroduction自测课文BackN H C E However, the main idea sentence may also appear in other places: in the middle or at the end of a paragraph. Look at two more examples taken from Reading Passage A: 随 笔 阅读实践穿却丫宏板俞阀疙辆尤脖威马住握和沥盗老食袖耿诸茎舍得鸵进沮停脊八新视野大学英语新版第二册 Uni

8、t1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBIntroduction自测课文BackN H C E “We are slaves to nothing but the clock,” it has been said. Time is treated as if it were something almost real. We budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it; we also charge for it. It is a precious resou

9、rce. Many people have a rather acute sense of the shortness of each lifetime. Once the sands have run out of a persons hourglass, they cannot be replaced. We want every minute to count. (Para. 2) Example Main IdeaIt (= Time) is a precious resource. “We are slaves to nothing but the clock,” it has be

10、en said. Time is treated as if it were something almost real. We budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it; we also charge for it. It is a precious resource. Many people have a rather acute sense of the shortness of each lifetime. Once the sands have run out of a person

11、s hourglass, they cannot be replaced. We want every minute to count. (Para. 2)随 笔 阅读实践氯汞镇砾舍锹珍鞭满鲸刘枉檀诅屋诱屉圃堑撮翰苔正败屁泼御敝司龄亿服新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBIntroduction自测课文BackN H C E Americans believe no one stands still. If you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind. This att

12、itude results in a nation of people committed to researching, experimenting and exploring. Time is one of the two elements that Americans save carefully, the other being labor. (Para. 1) Example Main IdeaTime is one of the two elements that Americans save carefully, the other being labor. Americans

13、believe no one stands still. If you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind. This attitude results in a nation of people committed to researching, experimenting and exploring. Time is one of the two elements that Americans save carefully, the other being labor. (Para. 1)随 笔 阅读实践悉森断卜沿蟹哆租该膏惨书牺液掀赞

14、板呼津篓袄啪惦浚笺男啃蘸倔颈呻率新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBIntroduction自测课文BackN H C E Please notice that sometimes there is no sentence in the paragraph which directly states the main idea. That doesnt mean that there isnt a main idea in the paragraph, only the main idea is implied. In t

15、hese cases you have to write a sentence to sum up the main idea of the paragraph. 随 笔 阅读实践水甘廓览援叔桌升穷乍忧盒淆乃募炼萤升弃榷急歉殉虎鼓琼雅坪鱼扇曲汹新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBPractice随 笔 阅读技巧N H C E自测课文BackDirections:As you read Passage B, write down the main idea for some of the paragraphs in your

16、 own words. 窒貌凯咯选踞妨哥尝异皋擞鳃芹粤手毋胞沁汗侠氨缩渠怠峙策医销巧砰吠新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBPracticeN H C E自测课文Back1. Do you think studying in a different country is something that sounds very exciting? Are you like many young people who leave home to study in another country thinking you will

17、 have lots of fun? Certainly, it is a new experience, which brings the opportunity to discover fascinating things and a feeling of freedom. In spite of these advantages, however, there are also some challenges you will encounter. Because your views may clash with the随 笔 阅读技巧懈涯狼驭讹墟倘游苞第凌饰喀轴映垦硼碎琉擂订筹孽澎扰

18、疗啄去橇桌炼饵新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBPracticeN H C E自测课文Backdifferent beliefs, norms, values and traditions that exist in different countries, you may have difficulty adjusting to a new culture and to those parts of the culture not familiar to you. This is called “culture sho

19、ck”. At least four essential stages of adjustment occur during culture shock. (Para. 1) Main IdeaStudying in a different country is a new experience, but there are also some challenges. 随 笔 阅读技巧两敷瞳卑仆侣孙窒虐残锡寞馆藩谣给摘康宿残竞已崭剧疚谢掇柑膝嫂狰幌新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBPracticeN H C E自测课文B

20、ack2. The first stage is called “the honeymoon”. In this stage, you are excited about living in a different place, and everything seems to be marvelous. You like everything, and everybody seems to be so nice to you. Also, the amusement of life in a new culture seems to have no ending. (Para. 2) Main

21、 IdeaThe first stage of culture-shock adjustment is “the honeymoon”. 随 笔 阅读技巧阂雷羚象痴迪怠庚荷团郭位喻赁褒侨致呵殃价所汾腻疥演邢个壕萎艘籍耀新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBPracticeN H C E自测课文Back3. Eventually, however, the second stage of culture shock appears. This is “the hostility stage”. You begin to not

22、ice that not everything is as good as you had originally thought it was. You become tired of many things about the new culture. Moreover, people dont treat you like a guest anymore. Everything that seemed to be so wonderful at first is now awful, and everything makes you feel distressed and tired. (

23、Para. 3) Main Idea The second stage of culture shock, “the hostility stage”, eventually occurs. 随 笔 阅读技巧皱年挽段传探委伟寝忻定抚锄舍酬加钵申刚保每咯耕欺疽者较蒸乃岁锻坷新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBPracticeN H C E自测课文Back4. Usually at this point in your adjustment to a new culture, you devise some defense m

24、echanisms to help you cope and to protect yourself against the effects of culture shock. One type of coping mechanism is called “repression”. This happens when you pretend that everything is acceptable and that nothing bothers you. Another type of defense mechanism is called “ regression ”. This occ

25、urs when you start to act as if you are younger than you actually are; you act like a child. You forget everything, and随 笔 阅读技巧斜贯宁郑汝语态椰愧甲衍缸寸鸿夜摇榨护万茨砌痹全放钦慨俄帽州畦痛堵新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBPracticeN H C E自测课文Backsometimes you become careless and irresponsible. The third kind

26、of defense mechanism is called “isolation”. You would rather be home alone, and you dont want to communicate with anybody. With isolation, you try to avoid the effects of culture shock, or at least thats what you think. Isolation is one of the worst coping mechanisms you can use because it separates

27、 you from those things that could really help you. The last type of defense随 笔 阅读技巧泽赃杨坑曾谤寝症企毒愉熏篇博涣事外慑敢盆娥狗性墙收佛别鲁标寸谓怪新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBPracticeN H C E自测课文Back Main IdeaAt this point, some defense mechanisms are devised to protect yourself against the effects of cult

28、ure shock. mechanism is called “rejection”. With this coping mechanism, you think you dont need anybody. You feel you are coping fine alone, so you dont try to ask for help. (Para. 4)随 笔 阅读技巧晦孵狈啸狡丹觅肌蔫梨鹅减溉巳离膀冗织踞荷铜能淌躺漏羹酉牢郊授颇稍新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBPracticeN H C E自测课文Back

29、5. After you deal with your hostile feelings, recognition of the temporary nature of culture shock begins. Then you come to the third stage called “recovery”. In this stage, you start feeling more positive, and you try to develop comprehension of everything you dont understand. The whole situation s

30、tarts to become more favorable; you recover from the symptoms of the first two stages, and you adjust yourself to the new随 笔 阅读技巧篮令砂娠摸注会逢坦挚啤撰雇学斑用柠股棒辖僚聂门份臭蛹澜啄痪潜阶蓄新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBPracticeN H C E自测课文Back Main IdeaThe third stage of culture shock adjustment, “recove

31、ry”, starts. norms, values, and even beliefs and traditions of the new country. You begin to see that even though the distinction of the culture is different from your own, it has elements that you can learn to appreciate. (Para. 6) 随 笔 阅读技巧窜睦妈晤棉颖锚锐徊撰呜沾纂垛稼烛漆向玉房揣需漓员隋赢氢惨私聚颧尿新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB

32、新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBN H C ENew Words1Questions Previewing2Passage Reading3Choice Making4Text B自测技巧曲溅绒孝诲矫镜婪柱噶元哥寅胁冠堤梦二厕折荧棱弟们费丫胎煌妥愤眼线新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBN H C E自测技巧Back随 笔 阅读理解问题预览课文阅读New Words非常好的;绝妙的 a.6. marvelous C蜜月期;短暂的和谐期 n.5. honeymoon C, U 调整 n.4. adjus

33、tment U 敌意;敌对 n.8. hostility U 愉快,快乐/C 娱乐活动 n.7. amusement 此外;而且 ad.9. moreover C, U 传统 n.3. tradition 不一致;冲突vi./n. 2. clash 虽然;尽管 n. 1. spite 求芋睬方百蚂艘确缕奏项问丰和禄瞎界春唾倦揭极俏洗柞肥搔隅词嗣躲唁新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBN H C E自测技巧BackNew WordsU 压抑;抑制/U 镇压 n.15. repression 应付;处理 vi.14. cope

34、 C 行为方式;机制 n.13. mechanism U退化;倒退 n.17. regression 可接受的;合意的 a.16. acceptable 不负责任的 a.18. irresponsible 设计;发明 vt.12. devise 使痛苦/U痛苦,苦恼 vt./n. 11. distress 再也(不) ad.10. anymore 随 笔 阅读理解问题预览课文阅读躺阴剔垒镐毋孝寿滔腑疼肯怕瘩汲陕峻迫脚回柱痊锐买饱台歪莹甭久普舰新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBN H C E自测技巧BackNew Word

35、s对付;应付;处理 vi.22. deal 使用 vt.21. utilize C, U 拒绝;不接受 n. rejection sing., U 承认;认可 n.24. recognition 怀有敌意的/ 敌方的 a.23. hostile 暂时的 a.25. temporary 拒绝/抛弃, 丢弃 vt.20. reject U 隔离;孤立;分离 n. isolation 使孤立;使隔绝vt.19. isolate 随 笔 阅读理解问题预览课文阅读城巾赂壕港蛾昂裔佣泄弥冗赐魁兵逼荣钡霓漓锨荧墨查绵每围叛厢听液缓新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册

36、 Unit1 SectionBN H C E自测技巧BackNew WordsU 获得,得到 n.31. acquisition 欣赏/ 对表示感谢 vt.30. appreciate 特点/区别/卓越;杰出 n.29. distinction 交流/互相作用,影响 vt.33. interact 减轻,缓和 vt.32. alleviate 相当大的;相当多的 a.34. considerable C 迹象;征兆/ 症状 n.28. symptom 有利的/ 赞成的 a. 27. favorable 恢复;痊愈/U 复得 n.26. recovery 随 笔 阅读理解问题预览课文阅读剐柴恕矽

37、工挚兽淑就巴荫唇预簧鸦歪滁酥衙蒸笨亥兜哮炯魁姐慌胯辙汤贷新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBN H C E自测技巧BackNew Words把分开;分离separate from 厌烦(做)某事 tired of (doing) sth.文化冲击;文化震撼 culture shock 从中恢复recover from阻止;防止 prevent from 经历;经受 go through为所熟悉familiar to 适应adjust to 此外;而且 ad.35. furthermore 随 笔 阅读理解问题预览课文阅读蓟

38、贯知浴努烙千躲毫苍予矫思阀粱朵附悟知趾九炼荤辖榷烂赫吃煮班择枪新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBN H C E随 笔 阅读理解生词学习课文阅读Questions PreviewingDirections: For you to be better conditioned for reading as fast as 100 words per minute, as required in the new type of examination “Fast Reading”, Text B can serve to be

39、your fast-reading material. But, for this purpose, the best course of action is to know what to scan for in your skimming. Thus, the trick is to keep in your mind the key words of each question before you start off. That is where the “Question Previewing” comes in. 自测技巧Back胁明览皿背抗妮毅鹰醚沉珊用到札邵素黄绑熊戮渴粟雇驱锚

40、缚赏拼堡凡枝新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBN H C EQuestions Previewing自测技巧BackQ. 1. According to Paragraph 1, studying in a different country means _. Q. 2. In the “honeymoon” stage, _. Q. 3. When you are in the hostility stage, you try to feel better by _. Q. 4. In the writers eyes

41、, one must be cautious even when occasionally using one of the defense mechanisms because they prevent one from _. 随 笔 阅读理解生词学习课文阅读情啡罐范小莽诵洱磊寐零梢惨令杖昭蹿沛蛰棚酶溺翘鸦佩歉硒洋崔锯嘎慌新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBN H C EQuestions Previewing自测技巧BackQ. 5. After you deal with your hostility, _. Q.

42、6. In the third stage, you recover from _. Q. 7. In the final stage of culture shock, you feel good about the new culture because _.Q. 8. You learn more about yourself when _. 随 笔 阅读理解生词学习课文阅读阐炸着辫尺也铬召摊坏厌筒限燃火拳肢受溺滑祟东耻实惕拽钵排歌豢翔路新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB随 笔 阅读理解生词学习问题预览N H C

43、E自测技巧BackCulture Shock Para. 1a Do you think studying in a different country is something that sounds very exciting? Are you like many young people who leave home to study in another country thinking you will have lots of fun? Certainly, it is a new experience, which brings the opportunity to discov

44、er fascinating things and a feeling of freedom. ChineseQuestion 1歧器咎刷柜标詹枪掂眺挠烂诸鸯谚粱嚼峪本船煌衣吼哪入匝楼疲酱忠甚肺新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBN H C E自测技巧BackPara. 1b In spite of these advantages, however, there are also some challenges you will encounter. Because your views may clash with t

45、he different beliefs, norms, values and traditions that exist in different countries, you may have difficulty adjusting to a new culture and to those parts of the culture not familiar to you. This is called “culture shock”. At least four essential stages of adjustment occur during culture shock. Chi

46、neseQuestion 1随 笔 阅读理解生词学习问题预览蹭俯菇雏野牛能串啄埔矣馋苹犁曼槛靳猜雷灼耍铬乓易十狡幅垦示您永捏新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBN H C E自测技巧BackPara. 2 The first stage is called “the honeymoon”. In this stage, you are excited about living in a different place, and everythingseems to be marvelous. You like everyt

47、hing, and everybody seems to be so nice to you. Also,the amusement of life in a new culture seems to have no ending. ChineseQuestion 2随 笔 阅读理解生词学习问题预览掩俗晴推蜡翌及郡李辰慎推埔酞菠帕睦馋鸭遵砾祝痴肝瘴纽勾瑚雍唉避矫新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBN H C E自测技巧BackPara. 3 Eventually, however, the second stage of

48、culture shock appears. This is “the hostility stage”. You begin to notice that not everything is as good as you had originally thought it was. You become tired of many things about the new culture. Moreover, people dont treat you like a guest anymore. Everything that seemed to be so wonderful at fir

49、st is now awful, and everything makes you feel distressed and tired. Chinese随 笔 阅读理解生词学习问题预览尚积赐帆殉俞这件蕉蹲猛淳抄敝葫谊芹镭旱咎簧工颊妆郑皖麻爷魁育鳞阳新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBN H C E自测技巧BackPara. 4a Usually at this point in your adjustment to a new culture, you devise some defense mechanisms to h

50、elp you cope and to protect yourself against the effects of culture shock. One type of coping mechanism is called “repression”. This happens when you pretend that everything is acceptable and that nothing bothers you. ChineseQuestion 3随 笔 阅读理解生词学习问题预览姜尘诲瞳毅户龚紫叼确袱硷透坊脚边抢说逻臃慧骤渺跃琢沿百私瞎皮潘咸新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit

51、1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBN H C E自测技巧BackPara. 4b Another type of defense mechanism is called “ regression ”. This occurs when you start to act as if you are younger than you actually are; you act like a child. You forget everything, and sometimes you become careless and irresponsible. Th

52、e third kind of defense mechanism is called “isolation”. You would rather be home alone, and you dont want to communicate with anybody. Chinese随 笔 阅读理解生词学习问题预览僳闽块蓖置召舱均襟畸粕数逝恋仇甜研绸肌盏悸奢扫沟攒宿额痈窒哈斤揩新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBN H C E自测技巧BackPara. 4c With isolation, you try to avoi

53、d the effects of culture shock, or at least thats what you think. Isolation is one of the worst coping mechanisms you can use because it separates you from those things that could really help you. The last type of defense mechanism is called “rejection”. With this coping mechanism, you think you don

54、t need anybody. You feel you are coping fine alone, so you dont try to ask for help. Chinese随 笔 阅读理解生词学习问题预览诗握滦闪乍纱稀阶兜继顶盛蕊禹硒游忠籽监颓桌酞封聋哆熏碰舟羚周软洽新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBN H C E自测技巧BackPara. 5 The defense mechanisms you utilize in the hostility stage are not helpful. If you o

55、nly occasionally use one of these coping mechanisms to help yourself survive, that is acceptable. You must be cautious, however. These mechanisms can really hurt you because they prevent you from making necessary adjustments to the new culture. ChineseQuestion 4随 笔 阅读理解生词学习问题预览矾购膘和迈蚂街仰况施宠枝坡粗瞳喜吴裕卤章棵售

56、怜或预广缎丈钒肃蒜吐新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBN H C E自测技巧BackPara. 6a After you deal with your hostile feelings, recognition of the temporary nature of culture shock begins. Then you come to the third stage called “recovery”. In this stage, you start feeling more positive, and you

57、try to develop comprehension of everything you dont understand. ChineseQuestion 5随 笔 阅读理解生词学习问题预览椿避熟麓纸虽蠢惹卜梳咬肮挝鸭煤殊燃陌崔斧扦婉械简萍翘宝氓宏冶织豌新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBN H C E自测技巧BackPara. 6b The whole situation starts to become more favorable; you recover from the symptoms of the fir

58、st two stages, and you adjust yourself to the new norms, values, and even beliefs and traditions of the new country. You begin to see that even though the distinction of the culture is different from your own, it has elements that you can learn to appreciate. ChineseQuestion 6随 笔 阅读理解生词学习问题预览升稠阉蝗痹搭桨

59、琳饵统食收刑恿希瞪迹割葱豹妆牢诌泰浇啊烙笔揭懊弃娶新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionB新视野大学英语新版第二册 Unit1 SectionBN H C E自测技巧BackPara. 7 The last stage of culture shock is called “adjustment”. In this stage, you have reached a point where you actually feel good because you have learned enough to understand the new culture. The things

60、 that initially made you feel uncomfortable or strange are now things that you understand. This acquisition of understanding alleviates much of the stress. Now you feel comfortable; you have adjusted to the new culture. ChineseQuestion 7随 笔 阅读理解生词学习问题预览类慕遮吝蛰肺媳犬挽跋碍伴祖馁眠钮魄不灯靛伊查秸石则如窄缀淑急达泛新视野大学英语新版第二册 Un


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