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1、七年级英语导学案Unit 4 Topic 1年级:七年级 科目:英语 课题:Unit 4 -Topic 1 SectionA一、学习目标:学习数字表达法。学习一些购物时用到的句型。二:学习重难点1、数字表达法和购物交际用语。What can I do for you ?I want to buy some clothes for daughter.2、buy sth for sb= buy sb sth 给某人买某物 eg,He buys me a bike . =He buys a bike for me。 3、Not at all.= You are welcome = That is a

2、ll right . = That is ok。 (不客气)4、try on “试穿”eg, try it / them on。5、How much is /are 用于询问价钱. Eg, How much is your coat? How much are the apples?三、巩固练习(一)从栏中选出栏句子的最佳答语。 ( ) (1) Thank you very much. A. Yes, please. I want a toy.( ) (2) May I help you?B. All right.( ) (3) How much is this pen? C. Thank y

3、ou.( ) (4) Your cap looks very nice. D. Not at all.( ) (5) Lets see a movie. E. Thirteen yuan.(二)基础题 根据句意填空。1I like the green dress 。 Can I _ it on?2The hat is nice . I will _ it。3How _is the shirt ? It is only 98 yuan。(三)提升题根据汉语意思, 完成下面的英语句子1. 妈妈想为我买一个篮球。 My mother wants _ _ a basketball _ me. 2. 你

4、穿上这件衬衫很好看。 The shirt _ very nice _ you . 3. 他们有900张照片。 They have _ _ photos.四、教学反思 七年级英语导学案Unit 4 Topic 1年级:七年级 科目:英语 课题:Unit 4 -Topic 1 SectionB一、学习目标:继续学习关于购物的句型。学习一些表示建议的句型。二、学习重难点:购物交际用语和表示建议的句型。(一)表示建议的句型。Why not try on that pair?How about the blue one?How do you like+n.?=What do you think of+n

5、.? 你觉得.怎么样?Eg :How do you like the shoes? What do you think of the shoes?你觉得.怎么样?的答语有好多种。例如:I like it very much/a little.I dont like them at all.They are very nice.They are too long/small/big.Why not +动词原形。 How about ? = What about ?三、巩固练习:(一)根据课文给他们找到合适的答语。1 Can I help you? 6. All right. 2.How do y

6、ou like the trousers? 7.Im just looking, thanks3.Why not try on that pair? 8.Theyre too long. 4.What do you think of this yellow skirt? 9.Its 280 yuan. 5.How much is it ? 10. I dont like it at all. (二)达标测评单项选择:( ) 1 How do you like my T-shirt?-_A I like it B Its on the bed C Thank you D Not bad( )2

7、-How _apples do you want ?-I want two kilos.-How _are they ?-They are 5 yuan .A much many B many much C many many D much much ( )3 -What do you _the blue pants ?-They are _short .A like ; too B think of ; tooC like ; very D think of ; a lot of ( ) 4 -Can I help you ?-I am _looking , thanks.A just B

8、only C just only D A and B四、教学反思: 七年级英语导学案Unit 4 Topic 1年级:七年级 科目:英语 课题:Unit 4 -Topic 1 SectionC学习目标:学习询问数量的句型。继续学习关于购物的表达。学习重点、难点:1、购物交际用语和询问数量的句型。2、表示数量: how many + 可数名词(复数) how much + 不可数名词 How many bottles of milk do you need? How much rice do you need? 3、Could you help me do some shopping, Ben?

9、 本,你能帮我买些东西吗?do some shopping 买东西,购物 How heavy 多重巩固练习:反馈提升.1. 用how many/how much完成下列句子 1._ rice do you want? 2._ hamburgers would you like? 3._ water is there in the glass? 4._ apples do they need?(二)、达标测单项选择 ( )1. -_are these bananas? -Two yuan a kilo. A What B How much C How many ( ) 2. This dress

10、 looks very nice. Can I _? A Try on them B try it on C Try on it ( ) 3. -How much is the fish? -Its_. A a kilo five yuan B five yuan a kilo C five yuans a kilo ( ) 4. Please give me_. A Three cups of milk Bthree cup of milks C three cups milk ( ) 5. Would you please do _things with me? A any B some

11、C little提升题从方框中选出适当的句子补全对话,有两项多余。A: Good morning. Can I help you?B: OK. A: Apples? All right. Here you are.B: Thanks. A: Yes. How many oranges do you want?B: A: Sure. Here you are.B: A. Not at all.B. Yes, please.C. How much are these things (东西)?D. Do you have any oranges here?E. I want some apples.

12、F. Could I have two kilos?G. How much are the apples?A: Let me see. Six yuan, please.B: Thank you.A: 四、教学反思: 七年级英语导学案Unit 4 Topic 1年级:七年级 科目:英语 课题:Unit 4 -Topic 1 SectionD学习目标:1学习音标。2复习some与any的用法。3复习购物句型。二、学习重难点1、看看下面的口诀吧巧记 100 以内的基数词基数词,不难记,十二以内词各异;13数到19去,后加 -teen,莫忘记;20、30至90,整十之后有 -ty /ti /;要说基

13、数“几十几”,连字符号“-”别丢弃;a hundred 是“一百”,请你记住别大意2、巧记不可数名词事物 面 包 大 米 饭,(food, bread, rice)牛 奶 茶 水 橘 汁 甜,(milk, tea, orange juice)家 务 工 作 作 业 多,(housework, work, homework)幸 福 生 活 鱼 肉 鲜。(happiness, life, fish, meat)3、a/an + 单数可数名词 any: 用于否定句和疑问句 some: 用于肯定句三、巩固练习(一)用a, an, some, any填空。完成下面的练习题。 I have desk. T

14、hey dont have rulers. She has eraser. Would you like water? Ill buy bottle of milk. Do you need bags of oranges? They would like glasses of apple juice. She doesnt have English book.(二)达标测评提升题补全对话:A : Good afternoon! Can I 1_ you ?B : Yes, please . Id like 2_buy a shirt 3_my daughter.A : OK . What 4

15、_does she like ?Do you 5_?B : Sorry,I dont know.A : What 6_this black one ?B : It looks all right , 7_its too big .A : Now , look 8_this white one .B : Oh , good ! Thats very nice . How 9_is it ?A : Its 99 yuan .B : OK , Ill 10_it .1._2_3_4_5_ 6_7_8_9_10 四、教学反思 七年级英语导学案Unit 4 Topic 2年级:七年级 科目:英语 课题:

16、Unit 4 -Topic 2 SectionA教学目标:1 .掌握表示邀请及应答的常用语。 2.学习打电话的常用语。二、重、难点(一)熟练掌握重点单词,短语及其用法。熟练的运用电话邀请并制定出合适的野餐计划。(二)1.be free 有空的 ,“free”是形容词。2.Would you like to do sth.?“你愿意去做某事吗?” 是询问对方意见,邀请或请求某人做某事的一种委婉表达法,肯定回答用 Yes, Id love to 或者Yes,Id like to 3.tell sb about sth 告诉某人某事 4.电话用语中,回答我是时,用 this is 5.想要做某事 W

17、ould like to do sth = want to do sth “和一起“ 用 “with” 在周日用介词 on.三、巩固练习(一)1.-_-he _tomorrow? -I think so. A. Is: free B; Do; free C; Does; free. D; Be; free2.-Would you like to go for a picnic with me ? -_ A.Yes, Id love to B.No, I dont C. Yes,I am D.No, I dont .3.-Ill go to Beijing next Sunday , could

18、 you tell Jane _ it? -Of course, I can. A. on B.about C,of D. with 4. My uncle is free Sundays. He often goes fishing.A. onB. inC.at D. from5. How about with me? Id like that.A. playB. playingC. to playD. plays6. Do you have any time this afternoon? Yes. _A. What are you? B. Whats going? C. Whats up

19、? D.Whats matter?7. Why not have a picnic _ this Sunday?A. inB. forC. atD. /8. Hello, Mike! _ Wang Wei. Hello, Wang Wei.A. Im B. Thats C. This is D. Its(二)根据汉语提示完成句子。(1).-Lets go for a _(野餐) this Sunday !-Good idea!(2)Chang Xing is _(空闲的) this Sunday. Lets go fishing (3)-Would you like to go to the

20、zoo tomorrow? -Yes ,_(我乐意去)(4)Tomorrow is Sunday. Lets _(去钓鱼)(5) Do you have any time this afternoon? Yes. _ (什么事?)四、教学反思 七年级英语导学案Unit 4 Topic 2年级:七年级 科目:英语 课题:Unit 4 -Topic 2 SectionB教学目标:1.熟练掌握表示邀请及应答的常用语。2.熟练运用打电话的常用语。二、重点短语、句型1.打电话时的常用语,“请找某人接电话”的表达法:May I speak to sb.?或Could I speak to sb.?若接电话

21、的正是要找的人,可以回答;Speaking/This is sb./This is sb.speaking.2.对别人的邀请一种委婉的拒绝方法用Im sorry I cant.3.be in 表示“在家”。其中in 为副词。它的同义词组是be at home.4.ask sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事 ask sb. not to do sth 要求某人不要做某事。call sb. back 给某人回电话5.how about 的意思是“怎么样?how about doing sth .?常用来表示征求对方意见或提出邀请。how about=what about 可以互换。三、巩固

22、练习1. How about with me? Id like that.A. playB. playingC. to playD. plays2. Hello, Mike! _ Wang Wei. Hello, Wang Wei.A. ImB. ThatsC. This isD. Its3 Can you go for a picnic with us tomorrow? Im sorry I cant. I do my homework.A. haveB. have toC. hasD. has to4-May I _Tom ,please? - This is Tom speaking.

23、A. say to B. tell C.speak D. speak to5-Would you like to go for a picnic with me ?-_.I have to help Kate with her Chinese. A. Thats right B.I m sorry I cant. C.Im afraid its fun. D.See you . 6.Lucy isn t . She goes out. A.at a home B. at the home C.in home. D.at home四、教学反思 七年级英语导学案Unit 4 Topic 2年级:七

24、年级 科目:英语 课题:Unit 4-Topic 2 SectionC学习目标1.掌握表示邀请及应答的常用语。2.学习一些有用的短语。二、重点短语1.Would like to do sth. 想做某事,是固定短语。2.what about .?.怎么样?about 是介词,后面如果跟动词,动词需要加ing.3.go for a picnic 去野餐 ,固定短语。4.would +动词原形。5.food 是不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。三、训练:(一)1.I would like to the zoo with my parents today.A. goB. to goC. going D.w

25、ent2.- What about to the zoo today?Good idea!A. goB. to goC. going D .went 3. Would you like to go _ a picnic?A. forB. toC. atD. out4. Lets go shopping, OK?That would _ very nice.A. areB. isC. beD. am5.Janes favorite food _ fish and bread. A.is B.are C. be D.has(二)选择能够替换划线部分的选项( )(1)What about playi

26、ng soccer with us? A. Why not B. Why dont you C.How about D. Shall we ( )(2)She is at home now. A. in B. out C. at school D. on( )(3) Would you like to have supper with me ?A.Would you please to B. Do you want to C. Do you like D. What about ( )(4)Please tell him to call me. A. speak to me B. give m

27、e a call C.take a message D. help me ( )(5)-Why not have some water?- Good idea!A.All right B.Thats all right C. Thats right D.Right四、教学反思: 七年级英语导学案Unit 4Topic 2年级:七年级 科目:英语 课题:Unit 4-Topic 2 SectionD一知识目标:1.掌握表示邀请及应答的常用语。2.学习一些有用的短语。 二、重点短语、句型(1)Would you like to go to West Hill for a picnic? Oh, I

28、d love to. (2)Steve, how about flying a kite with me? Id like that, but Im afraid I have no time. (3)What about having a picnic with old Mcdonald?Id like that, thanks.三、巩固练习(一)单选 Would you like _ with me? Yes, Id love to. A. go shopping B. to go shopping C. to go shop D. going shopping What about _?

29、 Id like that, thanks. A. have a picnic with old Tom B. to have a picnic with old Tom C. has a picnic with old Tom D. having a picnic with old Tom Would you like to go shopping with us? _. A. Yes, I would. B. No, I wouldnt. C. Yes, Id like to.D. No, no. Could you ask her _ the guitar tomorrow? A. to

30、 bring B. brings C. bringingD. bring The teacher _ on Sunday. A. freeB. are freeC. is freeD. am free(二)每空一词A: Hello?B: Hello. May I _ to Wang Hai?A: Sorry. He _ here now. Whos this?B: _ _ Tom. Could you ask him to _ me back this evening?A: _. Does he have your phone number?B: No, he _. My phone numb

31、er is 8337-5766.A: 8337-5766. All right. Ill tell him _ it.B: Thank you. Goodbye.A: Bye. 四、教学反思 七年级英语导学案Unit 4Topic 3年级:七年级 科目:英语 课题:Unit 4-Topic 3 SectionA一、学习目标:掌握单词2.掌握时间表达方式,会用 :to past3.掌握句型Lets. 二、重点短语、句型1).用来询问时间的句子:Whats the time ? What time is it? 几点了? Can/Could you tell me the time , pleas

32、e? 能告诉我一下现在几点吗?2). 回答用“Its + 时间” 。具体的表达方式有两种: (1)直接表达法:A“点钟数 + oclock (oclock 可省略) B.几点几分,就用“点钟数 + 分钟数” 。间接表达法:A.30分钟,表示“分钟数 + past + 点钟数”。eg: 5:20 读作 twenty past five B.30分钟 , “(60 分钟数)+ to + 点钟数(点钟数 + 1)”即“差几分几点” 。eg: 10:55 读作 five to eleven注意:15分钟常用(a)quarter 表示;半小时常用half 表示。eg:10:15 读作 a quarter

33、 past ten 10:30 读作half past ten10:45 读作a quarter to eleven三、巩固练习(一)方式写出下列时间。1. 10:30_/_2. 08:10_/_3. 12:45_/_4. 11:20_/_512:15_/_6.17:50_/_7.21;20_/_ (二)根据汉语意思,完成下列句子,每空一词。1、你想和我一起去购物吗? Would you like _ _ _ _ us?恐怕我不能和你一起去。 _ _ I cant go with you.今天下午你有空吗 _ _ _ this afternoon ?和我一起去放风筝怎么样? _ _ _ a k

34、ite with me ?现在差一刻钟七点。 Its a _ _ seven.我们去动物园吧。 _ _ _ _ zoo.(三)选择( )1. We usually go to school _ seven oclock. A. in B. on C. at D. to( ) 2. What do you do _Sunday? A. in B. on C. at D. for( ) 3. -Whats the time now?-Its _. A. ten oclock B. Sunday C. morning D. evening( ) 4. -Why not see a movie thi

35、s evening? -_. A. Thats all right B. Good idea C. Yes, I am ( ) 5. -_ . -All right.What can I do for you?What would you like?Dont forget to buy a new coat for me.Are you free this evening?四、教学反思 七年级英语导学案Unit4Topic 3年级:七年级 科目:英语 课题:Unit 4-Topic 3 SectionB知识目标:1.掌握单词及短语:2.掌握时间表达方式,会用 :to past二、重点句型Wha

36、ts your favorite . ? What . do you like best? Its time to do sth巩固练习 一)单项选择( ) 1. 3:45 读作_. A. three-forty-five B. a quarter to four C. forty-five past three D. forty-five to four( ) 2. -Im sorry. I cant tell you the time. Go and ask Mary, please. -_ A. Im sorry, too B. Thank you all the sameC. Good

37、bye D. Thats all right( ) 3. -_ is it now? -Its two oclock.A. Whats B. What time C. How much D. How long( ) 4. Look! This is_ elephant and that is _panda.A. a, a B. a, an C. an, a D.an an( ) 5. -What are your favorite_? -Tigers. A. kids B. clothes C. foods D.animals二)根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1.她常常在早上6:00起床。S

38、he often _ _ at 6:00 in the morning.2.那些猴子很聪明。Those monkeys _ very_.3.该吃早饭了。_ _ to _ _.4.I often _ _ (回家) at 6:00 in the evening. What about you, Li Sha? Me, too.5.你最喜欢的动物是什么?Whats your _ _?6.他们长着长鼻子。They have_ _.三)补全对话Lily: Hi ,Ben ._?Ben: Lions. I like them very much. They are very strong. _?Lily:

39、 Pandas. They have black eyes and black ears. They look cute.Ben: _?Lily: Its half past nine.Ben: Oh ,there is a lion show at 10:00. _?Lily: Yes , Id love to.Ben : _.四、教学反思 七年级英语导学案Unit 4Topic 3年级:七年级 科目:英语 课题:Unit 4-Topic 3 SectionC学习目标1.掌握单词:way wrong meat2短语:on ones way home二、重点短语、句型(1)Whats wron

40、g with . ? Whats the matter with.? Whats up? “怎么了?”“出什么事了?“ (2)my way home 意为“我回家的路”,此处home 是副词。way 后接的是名词则要用to 。如:在他去动物园的路上:on his way to the zoo (3) Here we are. 我们到了。 (4) Its very kind of you.你真好。= Its very nice of you. (5) Thank you for help,Kangkang.康康,谢谢你的帮助。 Thank sb. for (doing) sth. 意为“因(做)

41、某事感谢某人” 。 三、巩固练习1)、单项选择( )1. Jane, its very kind _ you to bring me some food.A. for B. to C.of D. with ( ) 2. -Whats wrong _ you? -I cant find bus No.2.A. with B. about C.of D. to ( ) 3. Dont worry. Kangkang is _ his way _ home.A. on, to B. at, / C. on,/ D. for, to ( ) 4. -_? -I cantt find my bike.A. whats wrong with you B. what are you C.Whats your favorite color( ) 5. - _ the monkeys home? - Its over there. A. Wheres B. What


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