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1、PAGE 重庆南开中学高2015级高三10月月考 第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 21Which type of IPhone shall I buy? ,whatever they have in the shop AEverything BSomething CSome one DAny one 22May I look at the menu for a little while? Of course, ,sir Adont worry Bit doesnt matter Cenjoy yourself Dtake your time 23At this time

2、 tomorrow over the Atlantic Awere going to fly Bwell be flying Cwell fly Dwere to fly 24Is there a bullet train to Chengdu this afternoon? There beIll phone the station to find it out Amust Bcan Cmight Dwould 25The customer and the seller argued for quite some time before they finally agreed the pri

3、ce Aon Bwith Cto Dat 26According to Beijing Review,Beijing was attacked by such a sandstorm few citizens have experienced before Awhich Bthat Cwhen Das 27I hope I can see you at my wedding ceremony Oh,dear,I almost When is it? Aforgot Bhad forgotten Cwill forget Dhave forgotten 28I like to get up ea

4、rly so that I can get plenty of work before lunch Ato do Bdone Cdoing Dbeing done 29He had little idea that it was getting so late, ? Adidnt he Bwasnt it Cdid he Dwas it 30Did you get the news of the earthquake in Yunnan yesterday? NoIt didnt occur to me I surfed the Internet this morning Aafter Bun

5、less Cuntil Dwhen 31Charley Oakley, NBA star hasht lost game in the past three years Aa;the Ban;a Cthe;a Dan;the32Your aunt invites you to the movies todayI would rather she me tomorrow than todayAtells Btold Cwould tell Dhad told 33I went to Huguang Guild Hall this National holidayAh,amazing! That

6、is Ive been dreaming to goAwhy Bwhen Cwhere Dwhich 34As a role model,I dont think most people can imagine what its like that closely every minute of the day Ato be watched Bwatched Cwatching Dhaving watched 35Oh,must you? Stay a bit longerIts been such fun having you Ive got an early start tomorrow

7、morning AThanks anyway BNo problem CAll right DNever mind第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题l.5分,满分30分)A A man found a cocoon(茧)of a butterflyHe sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to 36 its body through that little holeThen it seemed to stop making any 37 It appeared as if it had gotten

8、as far as it could and it could go no fartherThen the man decided to help the butterfly,so he took a pair of scissors and cut off the 38 bit of the cocoonThe butterfly then emerged 39 But it had a big body and small,shriveled(皱缩的) wingsThe man 40 to watch the butterfly because he expected that,at an

9、y moment,the wings would 41 and expand to be able to 42 the body,which would contract in time 43 happened! In fact,the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a big body and shriveled wingsIt never was able to fly What the man in his 44 and hurry did not understand was that the res

10、tricting cocoon and the 45 required for the butterflyTo 46 the tiny opening were natures way of forcing liquid from the body of the butterfly into its wings,so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its 47 from the cocoon Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our lifeIf nature

11、allowed us to go through our life without any obstacles,we would not be as strong as what we could have beenAnd we could never 48 36Afind Bpull Cdrag Dforce37Aprogress Bsense Cchange Dfun38Avacant Bleft Cadditional Dremaining39Aclosely Beasily Csteadily Dquietly40Apaused Bturned Ccontinued Durged41A

12、enlarge Blengthen Cstick Dtwist42Awrap Bpress Csupport Dshelter43AEverything BAll CNeither DSomething44Aregret Bcomfort Cfavor Dpride45Astruggle Benergy Cexperience Dhelp46Alook through Bget through C1ive through Dpull through47Adream Bvictory Cpurpose Dfreedom48Afly Bjump Cwalk DstandB Data process

13、ing is a series of operations carried out on data on the purpose of getting information 49 the information is the end or the outputThe operations 50 with different toolsApart from a computer,the brain is 51 a data processing toolLike a mini PC,the brain controls all bodily and mental 52 ,as well as

14、processes data 53 apples and oranges differ in looks,feel,smell and taste,the brain can tell their differences There are three 54 of processing dataIn manual data processing,simple tools such as pencil are usedElectromechanical data one uses electrically operated machines 55 of the types of machines

15、 used are desk calculators and typewritersElectronic data one uses computers processing data at a very high speed49ASince BEver CThen DTherefore50Apreferred Bperformed Cprovided Dpractised51Asimply Beven Calso Dyet52Aillnesses Bdisorders Cfunctions Dcredit53AAs if BWhile CIf only DIn that54Acollecti

16、ons Blevels Ceffects Dtools55AExamples BFeatures CSubstances DContents第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)A The old lady got up early to be ready for the postAlthough she seldom received letters or parcels,today she was sure there would be somethingMyra wouldnt forget her mothers birthday, even if she seldo

17、m wrote at other timesOf course Myra was busyHer husband had been made Mayor, and Myra herself had got a medal for her work for the aged The old lady was eighty todayShe had put on her best dressPerhaps Myra might comeThe old lady was sure of thatTwo spots of color brightened her cheeksShe was excit

18、ed-like a childShe would enjoy her day Mrs. Morrison,a social worker,had brought a card and a bunch of flowers when she came to do the breakfastMrs. Grant downstairs had made a cakeThe little boy from the ground floor,Johnnie,had been up with a packet of candies,and offered to help her fetch the pos

19、t “I guess youll get lots and lots of presents,“he said,I did last week when l was six” What would she like ? A pair of slippers,a table lamp,a book or a little clockSo many lovely things She stood by the window,watchingThe postman turned round the corner on his bicycleHer heart beat fastJohnnie had

20、 seen him too and ran to the gateAnd then he gave her four envelopesThree were unsealed cards from old friendsThe fourth was sealed,in Myras writing “No parcel,Johnnie?” “No,granny” Maybe the parcel was too large to come by letter postThat was itIt would come later by parcel postShe must be patient

21、But disappointment flooded herShe tore the envelope open unwillinglyA cheque fell to the floor like a bird with a broken、wingSlowly the old lady bent to pick it upWith trembling fingers she tore it into little bits56What kind of work did Myra probably take? Acharity Bpaperwork Caccounting Deducation

22、57What does the underlined word “it” mean? AThe reunion time she looked forward to BThe reason why there was no parcel CThe birthday gift she wanted most DThe slowest way to send a gift58How is the passage organized? AIn order of time BIn order of spaceCIn order of frequency DIn order of importance5

23、9The author seems to tell us that Athere is no love like that of the parent for the child Bto accompany our parents should be the first law of nature Ca mothers voice is the most beautiful sound in the world Dwe never know the love of our parents for us till we have become parentsB If a sitcom(情景喜剧)

24、that lasts for l0 years is considered popular,then surely one that still arouses emotions after 20 must be considered a classicFriends first aired in the US in 1994,featuring a cast of six young men and women in New YorkIn the time since,its become one of the most famous titles in the sitcom style,a

25、ired in over 100 countries and regions in the world The show is typical among those who grew up in the 1990s because it explores basic yet important themes like friendship,struggling to survive in a big city,and finding independence and identity,all of which are still relevant to young audiences tod

26、ay Against the background of the Internet age,IT staff who were once marginalized(排斥)and laughed at have experienced a revival due to the popularity of hit show The Big Bang Theory,in which four talents lacking normal social skills make an attempt at living on a college campus At the same time,Gossi

27、p Girl,describing a young cast of New Yorkers born with silver spoons in their mouths,demonstrates the difficulties upper-class adolescents experienceThe shows fashion and mature subject matter allowed it to capture the interest of both teenagers and adults Although these typical TV shows span a wid

28、e timeline and feature a variety of themes,they all have a universal topicLove,money,friendship,career aspirations and identity are things all young people struggle to understandWhy are they still fascinating? It remains to be found out60Why is the sitcom Friends typical among young people in the 19

29、90s? ABecause it is a breakthrough in the producing style BBecause it is the most influential sitcom of all time CBecause it addresses the subjects faced by the youth DBecause it predicts the future of the young at that time61What can we learn about The Big Bang Theory? AIt arouses peoples enthusias

30、m for computers BThere are four talents who are good at everything CIt is set in the time before the Internet came into being DIt improves the conditions of the people in technological industry62According to the passage,Gossip Girl Aattracts people of all ages Bshows eye-catching style and adult sub

31、ject Cdescribes the life of ordinary girl Ddescribes the hardships of upper-class people63What will the author most probably talk about next? AThe introduction to other hit sitcoms BThe further information about the plot CThe emotional response among audience DThe analysis of the reasons for the app

32、eal C A crisis is on the wayGlobal warming? The world economy? No,the decline of readingPeople are just not doing it anymore,especially the youngWhos responsible? What is responsible? The Internet,of course,and everything that comes with itFacebook,Twitter,etc. Theres been a warning about the coming

33、 death of literate civilization for a long timeIn the 20th century,first it was the movies,then radio,then television that seemed to end the written worldNone didReading survived;in fact it not only survived,it has developed betterThe world is more literate than ever before there are more and more r

34、eadersand more and more books The fact that we often get our reading material online today is not something we should worry overThe electronic and digital revolution of the last two decades has arguably shown the way forward for reading and for writingInterconnectivity allows for the possibility of

35、a reading experience that was barely imaginable beforeWhere traditional books had to make do with photographs and illustrations,an e-book can provide readers with an unlimited number of links:to texts,pictures,and videos On the other hand,there is the danger of trivialization(碎片化)One Twitter group i

36、s offering its followers single-sentence-long“digests”of the great novelsWar and Peace in a sentence? You must be jokingWe should fear the fragmentation(碎片)of readingThere is the danger that the high-speed connectivity of the Internet will reduce our attention spanthat we will be incapable of readin

37、g anything of length or which requires deep concentration In such a fast-changing world,in which reality seems to be remade each day,we need the ability to focus and understand what is happening to usThis has always been the function of literature and we should be careful not to let it disappearOur

38、society needs to be able to imagine the possibility of someone entirely in pace with modern technology but able to make sense of a dynamic,confusing world64In Paragraph 2,we can learn Athe disappearance of traditional books Bthe development of human civilization Cthe historical challenges for readin

39、g Dthe birth of pioneering e-books 65According to the passage,the advantage of e-books is A1imited link Bimaginative design Clow cost Dvaried contents 66How does the author feel towards single-sentence-long novels? ADoubtful BWorried CShocked DHopeful67What is the main idea of the passage? ATechnolo

40、gy is an opportunity and a challenge for traditional reading BTechnology pushes the way forward for reading and writing CInterconnectivity is a feature of new reading experience DTechnology offers a greater variety of reading practiceD Its hard to be the bearer of bad news,but most of IKEAs print an

41、d digital fascinating shots of picturesque rooms and products are fakeThose beautiful,“natural-looking” photos of gorgeous rooms and kitchens are mostly the work of computer magic,adjusted and corrected until theyre picture-perfect Martin Enthed,IT manager for IKEAs in-house communications agency,re

42、vealed,“In 2012,12 per cent of its product and concept images was CGI-rendered,increasing to 25 per cent in 2013Since then,that percentage of rendered images appearing in the companys catalogue and online has tripled75 per cent of the furniture companys product images today are created by computers”

43、 Its a move that first caught the attention of photographers and graphic designers a few years back when the furniture giant announced it would cancel photoshoots in favor of computer-generated imagery(CGI) Enthed said IKEA began shifting equipment in 2009 when company officials called in his team a

44、nd said they werent pleased with some previous photos and CG images “So we looked at all the images they said werent good and the two of three they said were great,and the ones they didnt like were photography and the good ones were all CG,”Enthed said“Now we only talk about a good or bad image - no

45、t what technique created it” Its a not-so-secret strategy used by top companies specializing in home and furniture design,though many consumers remain oblivious The company claims the shift is another way to reduce its environmental footprint,saying constructing digital files produces less wasteIt a

46、lso helps the home furnishing empires pocketbooks68What directly led IKEA to adopt CGI on a larger scale? AThe convenience of high technology BCompany officials reaction to works CThe change in the concept of management DDevelopment of environmental awareness69According to the passage,the advantage

47、of the shift is that IKEA can 。 Aexpand into another field Bincrease its financial benefits Cwin more support of consumers Dproduce more furniture of high quality70The underlined word “oblivious” in paragraph 6 means “ ” Aunaware Bcalm Cconservative Ddisturbed71It can be concluded from the passage t

48、hat AIKEA should be punished because of fake photos BIKEA set a good example as the furniture giant CIKEA adjusted strategies to answer its need DIKEA has a pioneering spirit in promotionE What will come into the tip of the tongue when you praise your friends and lovers? “Sexy”, “humorous”,or “easy-

49、going” ? Has “kindness” flashed in your mind? SeldomKindness rarely gets a look inWe hardly see it on TVeither what we watch reflects our desires or current situationKindness is weakness;it isnt fashionable But after reading author George Saunders address to a university graduating class,Im hoping i

50、t is about to changeIn the speech,which was made several months ago,but reposted thousands of times from The New York Times website over the weekendSaunders recalls his greatest regret;not being kinder to a former classmate,who was bullied,saying “what I regret most in my life are failures of kindne

51、ss” Catherine wrote that she doesnt want her 10-year-old daughter to be “nice”,even though she is “deeply kind and considerate”Her passage suggests too many people confuse kindness with nicenessWe are nice because we want people to like us;it has an intention,formed from our own weakness and false p

52、rideBeing nice is much easier than being kind,and often has a more immediate payoffBeing kind might not benefit you immediately,but its surely more importantKindness requires braveryIts about doing what we truly believe to be good,even if it leaves us open to unpopularityWe have no right to expect i

53、t of others if we cant commit to it ourselvesKindness doesnt have the space it needs to gain popularityWere often too quick to doubt the kindness of othersWhen someone starts to support a cause they care about,they are met with unfriendlinessWe assume that any famous people supporting a charity is d

54、oing so as a public-relationexerciseIt is a real pity that we always question the intention of the kindness of others rather than focus on the effect it bringsWe know final happiness depends on our kindness and the kindness of othersIf we all made an effort to respond with kindness before we respond

55、ed with criticism,wed soon have fewer reasons to criticize at all72The strong response to Saunderss speech suggests that Apast unpleasant experiences cause lasting pains Bmany people feel guilty for similar experience Che has enjoyed a good reputation as an author Dthe call for more kindness is shared by many73We can learn


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