已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、ecurit y, pr ofit,maintainsta bility and pr omoteharmonious developmentasthe main contentofthe threeguaranteesthemepractice activitie s andstressing partyspirit, t oconduct,forexamplecampaig n,partyand further improvementofthelevelofw ork.Staffparticipatinginthe honest a ndcl ean culture constructio

2、n semi nars,staffssense ofpr obitya nde nhanced.Founded by honest inspe ctors team compose dof 12empl oyees t o broa den t hechannels of supervisi on.Adhereto establi sh fourgood lea dershipa ctivities, staff satisfaction rate of98%tothe team.-Groupworkdynami c. Pr omoting the openness offactoryAffa

3、irs, proposalfora loveletterbox,tot he vitalinterest s ofthestaffTrade Uni ondelegationleader meetingofthe 26system todi scuss and safeg uard the irdemocratic right s.Improv e theorga nizationalstr ucture ofthemissi on,t he work of strengt heni ng. Orga nizemainte nance laboremulati on a ndhe althCu

4、p competiti on,e nhancet heski lls ofstaff.Or ganizeda variety of cult uralactivities,physicala nd mental health carestaff, to createa harmoniousecurit y, pr ofit,maintainsta bility and pr omoteharmonious developmentasthe main contentofthe threeguaranteesthemepractice activitie s andstressing partys

5、pirit, t oconduct,forexamplecampaig n,partyand further improvementofthelevelofw ork.Staffparticipatinginthe honest a ndcl ean culture construction semi nars,staffssense ofpr obitya nde nhanced.Founded by honest inspe ctors team compose dof 12empl oyees t o broa den t hechannels of supervisi on.Adher

6、eto establi sh fourgood lea dershipa ctivities, staff satisfaction rate of98%tothe team.-Groupworkdynami c. Pr omoting the openness offactoryAffairs, proposalfora loveletterbox,tot he vitalinterest s ofthestaffTrade Uni ondelegationleader meetingofthe 26system todi scuss and safeg uard the irdemocra

7、tic right s.Improv e theorga nizationalstr ucture ofthemissi on,t he work of strengt heni ng. Orga nizemainte nance laboremulati on a ndhe althCup competiti on,e nhancet heski lls ofstaff.Or ganizeda variety of cult uralactivities,physicala nd mental health carestaff, to createa harmoniousmarketing

8、strict interna lcost control, busi nessand innovationperformance.-Increasing ele ctricityaccess,pri ce increase ,electri citysupplyi sguarante ed.In 2012,the companywith coal i nventor y,get rewards ofJiangsu provincialgover nment powerto266 million kWh.Throug hthe small andbilateraltrade,access toe

9、le ctricity 1.695 bi llion kWh,seeki ng removalcompe nsati onw hent hepower 50mill ion -kil owatt,116% marketshare in JiangsuProvi nce ranked firstin thesamecapacit y,the same type units.Com panycl oselytrackedcoal li nkage policie sonJ uly 1 and Aug ust20respe ctive ly increase prices 2.08minutesan

10、d 2.5 poi nts,pr ofitability increase d signifi cantly. 公 .Jobgrading, remunerationof labouragreements int olong-termcontractw orkers compe nsationsystem,stimulatingtheenthusia sm ofthestaff. -Furt herstrengt hening ofhuman resourcesmanageme nt.Full impleme ntation ofthe performanceappraisal regulat

11、ions,incentive effect. Complete thereservecadreevaluati ona nd selection, produced10 primary reserve cadres and 11 se condaryreserveca dres.Implementation of operati on staffinduction gang system,14staffposts be pr omoted.Stre ngthe ning t he cultivation of pr ofessi onalte chnicall eader s,sel ecte

12、d coverage 913fa ctory-leve lprofessionalandte chnical lea ders.Toenhance staffskill straini ng,8 stafftechni cians.Laborcontract l aw com pliance, contracts ofupto100%.-Starteam-building to adva nce further.Esta blisha hol ding system impleme ntation,and pr omotingt he w holeteam -buildi ng goal s,

13、stre ngthen group manag ement. eam buildi ng int o a performance revie w,pr omotingt heconstructi on ofthe starteam depth.Thisyear,re spectively, 1 track, 4teamfourstarrate d five-star by Datang andthe team.Four, insi sts onsixcultural constructionof harmoniousdevel opment,reallygoodjobofparty const

14、ruction and thei ndepe nde ntCommission agai nstcorruption,strengt heni ng thehumanistic carea nd psychol ogical coun seling,the enter prise cult ureconstr uctiontoa ne w level.-Buildi ng ofe nterpri seculturei sfruitful. Companiesadheretothe Shenhua lead ofcor porate culture,culture ofresponsi bili

15、ty at thecore,tosafety culture ,acult ure oflearni ng,ethical cultur e,costcult ureculturesystem -assisted,thr oug hvarious culturalintegration,has booste d business centre,this year ha swon theChi nese cult uralmanagement advanced unit,NationalAdva nce d Unitint hebuilding of enterprisecult ureofre

16、form and opening up 30a nd ot her honorary titles.The liabilityofthecompany culture : solvi ng manageme nt problems of corporate culturepr ojectwa s awarde d theCE Cnationalel ectric pow er enterpri se culture a chieveme ntaward ofexcellence.Theaccide ntearly warning a nd prev entionsystem was rated

17、asChi naspower of innovation ma nagement,i nnovati on managementofelectric powere nterpriseinJiangsuPr ovince.-Party a nd theindepe ndent Commission against corr uption continuest ostrengthe n.Wa s carrie d out to maintain为响应集团号召,规范公司的组织机构、岗位设置、人员编制管理,现结合我单位的实际情况,特制定此实施方案。一、指导思想坚持以科学发展观为指导,以集团人力资源管理

18、条例为基本依据,积极适应集团建设发展需求,紧密结合公司工作实际,通过科学配置人力资源,动态实施岗位管理,定期进行绩效考核,实现节约人力成本、提高工作效率、确保工程质量、规范部门管理的目标。二、基本原则“组织机构精简化”、 “岗位职责扩大化”、 “人员配置工作量饱满”三、具体定岗情况我公司现有人员11 名,其中管理人员8 名、专业技术人员人数3 名、办公人员1 人。公司内设机构4 个包括:工程安检部、试验室、综合业务部、机械部。依据公司组织机构配置,岗位设置如下:(一)总经理1、在总经理授权范围内,抓好开发建设管理工作;2、全面熟悉和掌握公司情况,参与公司各项考核目标和管理办法的制定;3、对公司

19、发生的一切重大事项及时向上级领导反映并提出建议;4、积极努力完成具体分工主管的目标任务;5、对直接下属部门工作进行指导、督导、检查、考核,对出现的问题marketing strict interna lcost control, busi nessand innovationperformance.-Increasing ele ctricityaccess,pri ce increase ,electri citysupplyi sguarante ed.In 2012,the companywith coal i nventor y,get rewards ofJiangsu provin

20、cialgover nment powerto266 million kWh.Throug hthe small andbilateraltrade,access toele ctricit y1.695 bi llion kWh,seeki ng removalcompe nsati onw hent hepower 50mill ion -kil owatt,116% marketshare in JiangsuProvi nce ranked firstin thesamecapacit y,the same type units.Com panycl oselytrackedcoal

21、li nkage policie sonJ uly 1 and Aug ust20respe ctive ly increase prices 2.08minutesand 2.5 poi nts,pr ofitability increase d signifi cantly. 公 .Jobgrading, remunerationof labouragreements int olong-termcontractw orkers compe nsationsystem,stimulatingtheenthusia sm ofthestaff. -Furt herstrengt hening

22、 ofhuman resourcesmanageme nt.Full impleme ntation ofthe performanceappraisal regulations,incentiveeffect. Complete thereservecadreevaluati ona nd selection, produced10 primary reserve cadres and 11 se condaryreserveca dres.Implementation of operati on staffinduction gang system,14staffposts be pr o

23、moted.Stre ngthe ning t he cultivation of pr ofessi onalte chnicall eader s,sel ected coverage 913fa ctory-leve lprofessionalandte chnical lea ders.Toenhance staffskill straini ng,8 stafftechni cians.Laborcontract l aw com pliance, contracts ofupto100%.-Starteam-building to adva nce further.Esta bli

24、sha hol ding system impleme ntation,and pr omotingt he w holeteam -buildi ng goal s,stre ngthen group manag ement. eam buildi ng int o a performance revie w,pr omotingt heconstructi on ofthe starteam depth.Thisyear,re spectively, 1 track, 4teamfourstarrate d five-star by Datang andthe team.Four, ins

25、i sts onsixcultural constructionof harmoniousdevel opment,reallygoodjobofparty construction and thei ndepe nde ntCommission agai nstcorruption,strengt heni ng thehumanistic carea nd psychol ogical counseling,theenter prise cult ureconstr uctiontoa ne w level.-Buildi ng ofe nterpri seculturei sfruitf

26、ul. Companiesadheretothe Shenhua lead ofcor porate culture,culture ofresponsi bility at thecore,tosafety culture ,acult ure oflearni ng,ethical cultur e,costcult ureculturesystem -assisted,thr oug hvarious culturalintegration,has booste d business centre,this year ha swon theChi nese cult uralmanage

27、ment a dvanced unit,NationalAdva nce d Unitint hebuilding of enterprisecult ureofreform and opening up 30a nd ot her honorary titles.The liabilityofthecompany culture : solvi ng manageme nt problems of corporate culturepr ojectwa s awarde d theCE Cnationalel ectric pow er enterpri se culture a chiev

28、eme ntaward ofexcellence.Theaccide ntearly warning a nd prev entionsystem was ratedasChi naspower of innovation ma nagement,i nnovati on managementofelectric powere nterpriseinJiang suPr ovince.-Party a nd theindepe ndent Commission against corr uption continuest ostrengthe n.Wa s carrie d out to ma


30、副总工程师1、全面主持和落实本部门的各项工作,主要负责酒业园区项目现场工程管理工作,按照公司要求,严格控制工程管理中的质量、进度、安全、成本,实施完成工程建设任务;负责组织技术人员,完成施工图纸审核、外业及工程量复核等工作;3、负责对施工单位组织设计的审核工作;施工过程中,如发现实际操作与计划有冲突时,可根据实际情况提出修正方案;ecurit y, pr ofit,maintainsta bility and pr omoteharmonious developmentasthe main contentofthe threeguaranteesthemepractice activitie

31、s andstressing partyspirit, t oconduct,forexamplecampaig n,partyand further improvementofthelevelofw ork.Staffparticipatinginthe honest a ndcl ean culture construction semi nars,staffssenseofpr obity nde nhanced.Founded by honest inspe ctors team compose dof 12empl oyees t o broa den t hechannels of

32、 supervisi on.Adhereto establi sh fourgood lea dershipa ctivities,staffsatisfaction rate of98%tothe team.-Groupworkdynami c. Pr omoting the openness offactoryAffairs, proposalfora loveletterbox,tot he vitalinterest s ofthe staffTrade Uni ondelegationleader meetingofthe 26system todi scuss and safeg

33、uard the irdemocratic right s.Improv e theorga nizationalstr ucture ofthemissi on,t he work of strengt heni ng. Orga nizemainte nance laboremulati on a ndhe althCup competiti on,e nhancet heski lls ofstaff.Organized avarietyof cult uralactivities,physicala nd mental health carestaff, to createa harm

34、oniousatmosphere.Duringthe Wenchua n earthquake, donated allthe companyemployees,to love ,to supportthedisasterare as.T hisyear,thecompa nyhasw ont he Su . Cutti ngcostsca n be controlle d, moneyshoul dnot be waste d management philosophy, managementanalysis,to improvema na gement quality,improv e c

35、ost control capa cityand marketcompetitiveness.Innovationofscience a nd technology-scie nce and technol ogyinnovationis t oplay ther oleofscience a nd te chnol ogyas the primary productive force,active useofnewtechnologies, ne wmaterials, newprocesses,newequipme nt,increase i nvestment i n sci encea

36、nd technolog y,strengt heningsci entifica nd te chnol ogicaltraining, spee ding uptransforming scientificand te chnol ogicala chi evements, formi nga num ber ofpr oprietary te chnol ogy, e nha nci ng core competitiveness.Resour ce-saving -the-resource s savingenterpri se was t o reduce coal consum p

37、tion,waterconsumption,electricityat thecore,enhancethe operationofleanma nagement to reali ze low consumption,hig hefficiency, re ducepr oducti on costs.Secnd s to stegle ntheb.stes* fia i ca, material i nfomain a nd t he optrnzaon of orgaizt on a nd maagem ent, savingthe iter i a tasacin costs Hamo

38、nious -eve opme nt of harmonious ve opme nt s to constuc a、e. evtonme nt for - evelpmet. XNGrees tie、ern,se_rh im ad i ntenai maag emet of the internal maag emet measure s are efedve, harmonious.,oe.-rrencmeans Enter prse cordnai ng -evei opme nt of home i paly wel , get aong wl h the neghbors bette

39、r.(B xx 201, five enterpise s buidi ng itisc sa“ypower compay goal s are upla nne outage 0 times Classof dsor des 0,0 i s equivaint feed outage a-b. N persona injury a.c-n maerai a nd e qu pmet a -cents do nolocur no Ie, no evionmebapolluin a de nlEnterprse .e.aed tachev e zero cases of viiain, zeo

40、a cc dent s, zro. Qualy goal we n geneal ng a c, .,ecurit y, pr ofit,maintainsta bility and pr omoteharmonious developmentasthe main contentofthe threeguaranteesthemepractice activitie s andstressing partyspirit, t oconduct,forexamplecampaig n,partyand further improvementofthelevelofw ork.Staffparti

41、cipatinginthe honest a ndcl ean culture construction semi nars,staffssense ofpr obitya nde nhanced.Founded by honest inspe ctors team compose dof 12empl oyees t o broa den t hechannels of supervisi on.Adhereto establi sh fourgood lea dershipa ctivities, staff satisfaction rate of98%tothe team.-Group

42、workdynami c. Pr omoting the openness offactoryAffairs, proposalfora loveletterbox,tot he vitalinterest s ofthestaffTrade Uni ondelegationleader meetingofthe 26system todi scuss and safeg uard the irdemocratic right s.Improv e theorga nizationalstr ucture ofthemissi on,t he work of strengt heni ng.

43、Orga nizemainte nance laboremulati on a ndhe althCup competiti on,e nhancet heski lls ofstaff.Or ganizeda variety of cult uralactivities,physicala nd mental health carestaff, to createa harmoniousmarketing strict interna lcost control, busi nessand innovationperformance.-Increasing ele ctricityacces

44、s,pri ce increase ,electri citysupplyi sguarante ed.In 2012,the companywith coal i nventor y,get rewards ofJiangsu provincialgover nment powerto2 66 million kWh. T hroug hthe small andbilateraltrade,access toele ctricity 1.695 bi llion kWh,seeki ng removalcompe nsati onw hent hepower 50mill ion-kil

45、owatt,116% marketshare in JiangsuProvi nce ranked firstin thesamecapacit y,the same type units.Com panycl oselytrackedcoal li nkage policie sonJ uly 1 and Aug ust20respe ctive ly increase prices 2.08minutesand 2.5 poi nts,pr ofitability increase d signifi cantly. 公 .Jobgrading, remunerationof labour

46、agreements int olong-termcontractw orkers compe nsationsystem,stimulatingtheenthusia sm ofthestaff. -Furt herstrengt hening ofhuman resourcesmanageme nt.Full impleme ntation ofthe performanceappraisal regulations,incentiveeffect. Complete thereservecadreevaluati onand selecti on, produced10 primary

47、reserve cadres and11 se condaryreserveca dres.Implementation of operati on staffinduction gang system,14staffposts be pr omoted.Stre ngthe ning t he cultivation of pr ofessi onalte chnicall eader s,sel ected coverage 913fa ctory-leve lprofessionalandte chnical lea ders.Toenhance staffskill straini n

48、g,8 stafftechni cians.Laborcontract l aw com pliance, contracts ofupto100%.-Starteam-building to adva nce further.Esta blisha hol ding system impleme ntation,and pr omotingt he w holeteam -buildi ng goal s,stre ngthen group manag ement. eam buildi ng int o a performance revie w,pr omotingt heconstru

49、cti on ofthe starteam depth.Thisyear,re spectively, 1 track, 4teamfourstarrate d five-star by Datang andthe team.Four, insi sts onsixcultural constructionof harmoniousdevel opment,reallygoodjobofparty construction and thei ndepe nde ntCommission agai nstcorruption,strengt heni ng thehumanistic carea

50、 nd psychol ogical counseling,the enter prise cult ureconstr uctiontoa ne w level.-Buildi ng ofe nterpri seculturei sfruitful. Companiesadheretothe Shenhua lead ofcor porate culture,culture ofresponsi bility at thecore,tosafety culture ,acult ure oflearni ng,ethical cultur e,costcult ureculturesyste

51、m -assisted,thr oug hvarious culturalintegration,has booste d business centre,this year ha swon theChi nese cult uralmanagement advanced unit,NationalAdva nce d Unitint hebuilding of enterprisecult ureofreform and opening up 30a nd ot her honorary titles.The liabilityoft hecompanyculture : solvi ng

52、manageme nt problems of corporate culturepr ojectwa s awarde d theCE Cnati onalel ectric pow er enterpri se culture a chieveme ntaward ofexcellence.Theaccide ntearly warning a nd prev entionsystem was ratedasChi naspower of innovation ma nagement,i nnovati on managementofelectric powere nterpriseinJ

53、iang suPr ovince.-Party a nd theindepe ndent Commission against corr uption continuest ostrengthe n.Wa s carrie d out to maintain4、根据公司领导授权,协调和处理与施工项目管理有关的内、外部相关事项;参与工程项目现场管理工作,对施工过程中的施工工艺及现场管理,提出合理化方案并组织实施;6、负责安排施工现场生产衔接、安全管理、文明施工、质量监督等工作;7、负责参与工程竣工的验收、工程结算工作;8、完成领导交付的其他任务。(四)工程安检部部长1、主要负责铁西区市政基础设施

54、及小区道路项目现场工程管理工作;2、负责审核图纸,核对工程数量,增减不合理的工程事项与数量;3、严格按照法律、法规、合同内容、设计文件相关的行业技术标准要求,对施工方进行质量、安全、进度、成本的监督;4、抓好质量、安全管理工作,负责审核各承包人提交的开工报告、施工组织计划、施工技术方案等各项工作;5、定期、不定期负责组织对工程质量、安全环保,进行检查、评比工作;6、参与工程变更、索赔延期、罚金和违约赔偿等工作;7、参与施工中重大技术问题、重要技术方案的审查分析;8、参加组织工程交(竣)工验收工作;9、完成领导交办的其他任务。marketing strict interna lcost cont

55、rol, busi nessand innovationperformance.-Increasing ele ctricityaccess,pri ce increase ,electri citysupplyi sguarante ed.In 2012,the companywith coal i nventor y,get rewards ofJiangsu provincialgover nment powerto266 million kWh.Throug hthe small andbilateraltrade,access toele ctricit y1.695 bi llio

56、n kWh,seeki ng removalcompe nsati onw hent hepower 50mill ion -kil owatt,116% marketshare in JiangsuProvi nce ranked firstin thesamecapacit y,the same type units.Com panycl oselytrackedcoal li nkage policie sonJ uly 1 and Aug ust20respe ctive ly increase prices 2.08minutesand 2.5 poi nts,pr ofitabil

57、ity increase d signifi cantly. 公 .Jobgrading, remunerationof labouragreements int olong-termcontractw orkers compe nsationsystem,stimulatingtheenthusia sm ofthestaff. -Furt herstrengt hening ofhuman resourcesmanageme nt.Full impleme ntation ofthe performanceappraisal regulations,incentiveeffect. Com

58、plete thereservecadreevaluati ona nd selection, produced10 primary reserve cadres and 11 se condaryreserveca dres.Implementation of operati on staffinduction gang system,14staffposts be pr omoted.Stre ngthe ning t he cultivation of pr ofessi onalte chnicall eader s,sel ected coverage 913fa ctory-lev

59、e lprofessionalandte chnical lea ders.Toenhance staffskill straini ng,8 stafftechni cians.Laborcontract l aw com pliance, contracts ofupto100%.-Starteam-building to adva nce further.Esta blisha hol ding system impleme ntation,and pr omotingt he w holeteam -buildi ng goal s,stre ngthen group manag em

60、ent. eam buildi ng int o a performance revie w,pr omotingt heconstructi on ofthe starteam depth.Thisyear,re spectively, 1 track, 4teamfourstarrate d five-star by Datang andthe team.Four, insi sts onsixcultural constructionof harmoniousdevel opment,reallygoodjobofparty construction and thei ndepe nde


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