秋分Autumn Equinox(中英双语解读简介、历史、由来、习俗、农谚与诗歌)_第1页
秋分Autumn Equinox(中英双语解读简介、历史、由来、习俗、农谚与诗歌)_第2页
秋分Autumn Equinox(中英双语解读简介、历史、由来、习俗、农谚与诗歌)_第3页
秋分Autumn Equinox(中英双语解读简介、历史、由来、习俗、农谚与诗歌)_第4页
秋分Autumn Equinox(中英双语解读简介、历史、由来、习俗、农谚与诗歌)_第5页
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1、秋分Autumn Equinox目录 TOC o 1-3 h z u HYPERLINK l _Toc94472581 秋分Autumn Equinox PAGEREF _Toc94472581 h 1 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472582 简介 PAGEREF _Toc94472582 h 2 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472583 Autumn Equinox PAGEREF _Toc94472583 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472584 三候 PAGEREF _Toc94472584 h 3 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472585 气候

2、特点 PAGEREF _Toc94472585 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472586 Cool autumn PAGEREF _Toc94472586 h 4 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472587 习俗与养生 PAGEREF _Toc94472587 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472588 Sacrificing to the moon PAGEREF _Toc94472588 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472589 竖鸡蛋 PAGEREF _Toc94472589 h 5 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472590 S

3、tanding eggs on end PAGEREF _Toc94472590 h 6 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472591 南极仙翁 PAGEREF _Toc94472591 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472592 粘雀子嘴 PAGEREF _Toc94472592 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472593 秋分吃秋菜 PAGEREF _Toc94472593 h 7 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472594 吃汤圆 PAGEREF _Toc94472594 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472595 Season for

4、 enjoying osmanthus PAGEREF _Toc94472595 h 8 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472596 秋分养生 PAGEREF _Toc94472596 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472597 Eating Qiucai PAGEREF _Toc94472597 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472598 谚语与诗歌 PAGEREF _Toc94472598 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472599 谚语 PAGEREF _Toc94472599 h 9 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472600 农事

5、歌 PAGEREF _Toc94472600 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472601 秋夜诗(南北朝)沈约 PAGEREF _Toc94472601 h 10 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472602 晚晴(唐)杜甫 PAGEREF _Toc94472602 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472603 夜喜贺兰三见访(唐)贾岛 PAGEREF _Toc94472603 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472604 依韵奉和司徒侍中庚戌秋分(宋)强至 PAGEREF _Toc94472604 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc94

6、472605 秋分后顿凄冷有感(宋)陆游 PAGEREF _Toc94472605 h 11 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472606 秋分日忆用济(清)紫静仪 PAGEREF _Toc94472606 h 12 HYPERLINK l _Toc94472607 道中秋分(清)黄景仁 PAGEREF _Toc94472607 h 12简介农历二十四节气中的第十六个节气,时间一般为每年的9月22或23日。南方的气候由这一节气起才始入秋。太阳在这一天到达黄经180度,直射地球赤道,因此这一天24小时昼夜均分,各12小时;全球无极昼极夜现象。秋分之后,北极附近极夜范围渐大,南极附近极昼范围渐

7、大。月令七十二候集解:“八月中,解见春分”、“分者平也,此当九十日之半,故谓之分。”分就是半,这是秋季九十天的中分点。Autumn EquinoxAutumn Equinox lies at the midpoint of autumn, dividing autumn into two equal parts. After that day, the location of direct sunlight moves to the south, making days shorter and nights longer in the northern hemisphere. The trad

8、itional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Autumn Equinox, (Chinese: 秋分), the 16th solar term of the year, begins this year on Sept 23 and ends on Oct 7.三候我国古人将秋分分为三候:一候雷始收声;二候蛰虫坯户;三候水始涸。古人认为雷是因为阳气盛而发声,秋分后阴气开始旺盛,所以不再打雷。因此,雷声不但是暑气的终结,也是秋寒的开始;由于天气变冷,蛰居的小虫开始藏入穴中,并且用细土将洞口封起来以防寒

9、气侵入;由于天气干燥,水汽蒸发快,所以湖泊与河流中的水量变少,一些沼泽及水洼处便处于干涸之中。气候特点气象专家介绍说,按农历来讲,“立秋”是秋季的开始,到“霜降”为秋季终止,“秋分“正好是从立秋到霜降90天的一半。从秋分这一天起,气候主要呈现三大特点:阳光直射的位置继续由赤道向南半球推移,北半球昼短夜长的现象将越来越明显,白天逐渐变短,黑夜变长(直至冬至日达到黑夜最长,白天最短);昼夜温差逐渐加大,幅度将高于10以上;气温逐日下降,一天比一天冷,逐渐步入深秋季节。南半球的情况则正好相反。Cool autumnAs it is said in the ancient book, The Deta

10、iled Records of the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476BC), It is on Autumn Equinox day that the Yin and Yang are in a balance of power. Thus the day and night are of equal length, and so are the cold and hot weather.By Autumn Equinox, most of the areas in China have entered the cool autumn. When the

11、cold air heading south meets the declining warm and wet air, precipitation is the result. The temperature also drops frequently.习俗与养生Sacrificing to the moonOriginally, the festival of sacrificing to the moon was set on Autumnal Equinox day. According to historical records, as early as the Zhou Dynas

12、ty (c. 11th century-256BC), the ancient kings by custom sacrificed to the sun on the Spring Equinox, and to the moon on the Autumn Equinox.But the moon wont be full during Autumn Equinox. If there was no moon to make sacrifices to, it would spoil the fun. Thus, the day was changed to the Mid-Autumn

13、Day.竖鸡蛋在每年的秋分那一天,世界各地都会有数以千万计的人在做“竖蛋”试验。这一被称之为“中国习俗”的玩艺儿,何以成为“世界游戏”,目前尚难考证。不过其玩法确简单易行且富有趣味:选择一个光滑匀称、刚生下四五天的新鲜鸡蛋,轻手轻脚地在桌子上把它竖起来。虽然失败者颇多,但成功者也不少。秋分成了竖蛋游戏的最佳时光,故有“秋分到,蛋儿俏”的说法。竖立起来的蛋儿好不风光。Standing eggs on endOn Autumn Equinox day, thousands of people around the world try to make eggs stand on end. This

14、Chinese custom has become the worlds game.According to experts, on the Spring Equinox and Autumn Equinox, the day and night are of equal time both in the southern and northern hemispheres. The earths axis, on its 66.5 degree tilt, is in a relative balance of power with the earths orbit around the su

15、n. Thus it is a very conducive time for standing eggs on end.But some also say that standing the egg has nothing to do with the time. The most important thing is to shift the eggs center of gravity to the lowest part of the egg. In this way, the trick is holding the egg until the yolk sinks as much

16、as possible. For this, youre better off choosing an egg thats about 4 or 5 days old, whose yolk is inclined to sink down.南极仙翁因为我国生活在北半球,因而南极星(也称“南极仙翁或老人星)一年内只有在秋分之后才能见到,且一闪而逝,极难见到,春分过后,更是完全看不到。南极仙翁又称南极真君,是古代汉族神话传说中的老寿星,为元始天尊座下大弟子。因为他主寿,所以又叫“寿星”或“老人星”。粘雀子嘴秋分这一天农民都按习俗放假,每家都要吃汤元,而且还要把不用包心的汤元十多个或二三十个煮好,


18、鱼片“滚汤”,名曰“秋汤”。有顺口溜道:“秋汤灌脏,洗涤肝肠。阖家老少,平安健康。”一年自秋,人们祈求的还是家宅安宁,身壮力健。吃汤圆秋分这一天农民都按习俗放假,每家都要吃汤元,而且还要把不用包心的汤元十多个或二三十个煮好,用细竹叉扦着置于室外田边地坎,名曰粘雀子嘴,免得雀子来破坏庄稼。秋分期间还是孩子们放风筝的好时候。尤其是秋分当天。甚至大人们也参与。风筝类别有王字风筝,鲢鱼风筝,眯蛾风筝,雷公虫风筝,月儿光风筝,其大者有两米高,小的也有二、三尺。市场上有卖风筝的,多比较小,适宜于小孩子们玩耍,而大多数还是自己糊的,较大,放时还要相互竞争看哪个的放得高。Season for enjoying

19、 osmanthusThe Autumn Equinox is the time to smell the fragrance of osmanthus. At this time, it is hot in the day and cool at night in South China, so people have to wear a single layer when it is hot, and lined clothing when it is cool. This period is named Guihuazheng in Chinese, which means osmant

20、hus mugginess.秋分养生秋内应于肺,肺在志为悲(忧),悲忧易伤肺,肺气虚则机体对不良刺激的耐受性下降,易生悲忧之情绪,所以在进行自我调养时切不可背离自然规律,循其古人之纲要“使志安宁,以缓秋刑,收敛神气,使秋气平;无外其志,使肺气清,此秋气之应,养秋之道也”。Eating QiucaiIn South China, there is a custom popularly known as having Qiucai (an autumn vegetable) on the Autumn Equinox day. Qiucai is a kind of wild amaranth.

21、Every Autumn Equinox day, all the villagers go to pick Qiucai in the wild. Qiucai is verdant in the field, thin, and about 20 cm in length. Qiucai is taken back and made into soup with fish, called Qiutang (autumn soup). There is a verse about the soup: Drink the soup to clear the liver and intestines, thus the whole family will be safe and healthy.谚语与诗歌谚语以晴、雨为依据,预测后期的天气谚有:秋分天晴必久旱。秋


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