



1、Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are ?第1课时Section A 1a-2d知识点1词汇:1)单词:restroom stamp bookstore beside postcard pardon washroom bathroom normally rush 2)词组: get money get some information about. excuse me a room for resting a pair of shoes go along down Main Street on your left go pa

2、stpass turn right on the second floor get to arrive in (at)reach sp 12. sb is excited to do sth begin start with over there No problem need to do sth 句型:1 Excuse me .Can you tell me the way to the library?2 Excuse me .Could you please tell me how I can get to the library?/how to get to the library3.

3、 Excuse me .Do you know if /whether there is a library near here?4. Excuse me .Please tell me where the library is?语法:宾语从句;语序,时态,连接词重难点词汇:1)单词:restroom stamp bookstore beside postcard normally rush 2)词组: get some information about. a room for resting go along down Main Street on your left go pastpas

4、s turn right on the second floor get to arrive in (at)reach sp sb is excited to do sth begin start with No problem 句型:Excuse me .Could you please tell me how I can get to the library?/how to get to the library Excuse me .Do you know if /whether there is a library near here?语法:宾语从句;语序,时态,易混点、易错点get t

5、o arrive in (at)reach 介词的使用Could you please tell me how I can get to the library?/how to get to the library?特殊疑问词后跟句子和词组的替换。词汇:句型Excuse me .Could you please tell me how I can get to the library?/how to get to the libraryExcuse me .Do you know if /whether there is a library near here?语法:第2课时Section A

6、 3a-4c一、知识点1. 词汇:1)单词:suggest pass by staff grape central nearby pardon me mail east词组: go on the new ride come on!/hurry up! on the way to . walk up to pass by/ go past at the door go east along this street句型:1. you never know until you try something.2语法:宾语从句;语序,时态,连接词二、重难点1. 词汇:1)单词:suggest pass b

7、y staff central nearby pardon me l 2)词组: come on!/hurry up! on the way to . pass by/ go past go east along this street2. 句型:you never know until you try something.3. 语法:语法:宾语从句;语序,时态,连接词三、易混点、易错点1. 词汇:pass by/ go past2. 句型:not until never until 3. 语法:宾语从句;语序,时态,连接词第3课时(Section B 1a-2b)一、知识点1. 词汇:1)单

8、词:fascinating convenient mall clerk corner politely speaker request choice kdirection correct direct whom address 2)词组:a good place to eat ask for help 2.句型:1. notuntil2. It seems (that)3_ do you know.4. Could you please tell me. ?5 .1 wonder.6. sb. suggest+ 从句 HYPERLINK / 新课 标 第 一 网3.语法:宾语从句;语序,时态,

9、连接词二、重难点1. 词汇: 1)单词fascinating convenient mall clerk corner politely speaker request choice correct direct address 2)词组:a good place to eat ask for help2. 句型:1. notuntil2. It seems (that)3_ do you know.4. Could you please tell me. ?3. 语法:三、易混点、易错点1. 词汇:politely 和 polite 区别2. 句型:Could you please tell

10、 me. ?3. 语法:宾语从句;语序,时态,连接词第4课时(Section B 2b-3b)一、知识点1. 词汇:1)单词: request choice kdirection correct polite direct speaker whom impolite address underground parking lot2)词组:requests for directions change the way in different situations depend on sound impolite e-mail address lead in to communicate with

11、句型:语法:二、重难点1. 词汇:1)单词:request choice correct polite direct speaker impolite address underground parking lot2)词组:requests for directions change the way in different situations depend on sound impolite lead in to communicate with2.句型:3.语法:宾语从句;语序,时态,连接词1. 词汇:2. 句型:3. 语法:宾语从句;语序,时态,连接词第5课时(Self Check)一

12、、知识点1. 词汇:1)单词:course2)词组: look forward to doing sth be in a rush to do sth do sth for the first time thank sb for doing sth on time 句型:Could you please ? 语法:宾语从句;语序,时态,连接词二、重难点1. 词汇:1)单词:course2)词组:look forward to doing sth be in a rush to do sth do sth for the first time thank sb for doing sth on

13、time2.句型: 3.语法:宾语从句;语序,时态,连接词三、易混点、易错点1. 词汇:2. 句型:Could you please ? 3. 语法:宾语从句;语序,时态,连接词最后能否加一个本单元语法归纳:1你能告诉我到邮局怎么走吗? _ you _ me _ _ _ _the post office? 2. 你能告诉我在哪里能买到字典吗? _ you _ tell me _ _ _ _ a dictionary?3. 你能告诉我中心街在那吗?Can you _ _ _ Center Street _?4. 你能告诉我在新镇上是否有一些好的博物馆? Could you please tell me _ _ _ _ good museums in Newt


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