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1、沪教牛津版八年级英语下册 各单元知识点总复习Unit 1一、单词归纳与练习permission, teenager, illness, pain, friendship, difficulty, joy, peace, courage, spirits, community raise, offer, suffer, organize, express, hurt, payadj.disabled, serious, lonely2. hurt (过去式)_4. difficult (名词)6. organize (名 词)2. hurt (过去式)_4. difficult (名词)6. o

2、rganize (名 词)I.根据要求写出相应的单词。1. ill (名词)3. peaceful (名词)5. expression (动词)IL根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词,完成句子。Peter often goes to help the dThey are going to r1 didn*t pchildren in the hospital.money to build a school for the children in the poor village.for my house. My parents bought it for me.We should learn t

3、o control our sShe showed great cwhen we get very angry.when she faced the danger. She was so brave.in.用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空,完成句子。The doctor gave him some medicine to reduce his(painful) in his stomach.15. The young man often offers(help) his mother with housework.As(teenager), we can learn to solve probl

4、ems by ourselves.Pm confident about the(friend) between Mary and me.Our school(organization) an activity to help the poor children last week.二、词组归纳与练习1. in need3. ask permission5. suffer from需要帮助的报请批准因受苦;受折磨2. voluntary work4. give sb. a handcontinue to do sth.have difficulty doing sth.做某事有困难in good

5、 / bad health 身体状况较好/较差11. aged from.to.年龄从岁到13. attend school上学8. raise ones spirits10. in order to12. be unable to do sth.14. in the future义务性工作帮助某人继续做某事使振奋;使鼓起勇气目的在于;为了无法做某事在将来用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空,完成句子。continue to ., suffer from, raise one*s spirits, be unable toin order to1.make his dream come true,

6、he works very hard.Although he met a lot of problems in his study, hework hard and didnt give up.He is sad because of the failure in his exam. Lets do something toHe broke his leg yesterday and hewalk now. 5. Shethe headache last四.词法填空.What will life be like in the future? Lets just close our eyes a

7、nd think. Computer will be able to show their (feel). They w川 think 2 (well) than us. We will become more and more interested 3 computers and the internet, and spend more and more time in front of computers. Many of 4 (we) will become overweight.We will have narobots(微型机器人)and use them when we are s

8、ick. 5 example, when we have a stomachache, we will swallow a very small robot and it will travel through our stomach, 6 (take) video of whats happening there. The video will help the doctor find out our problems 7 (quick).Genetic engineering(基因工程)will make human perfect. Babies will grow up to play

9、 basketball as 8 (good) as Yao Ming or look the same 9 Li Yifei. We will also be able to make plants and animals. 10 fantastic the life will be in the future!.. 10.八年级(下)复习之Unit 5一、单词归纳与练习n.file, giant panda, wild, bamboo, adult, weight, kilogram, population, behaviour, birth, shoulder, menu,

10、 fur, organization, dangerV.face, weighadj.central, cruel, AsianI.根据要求写出相应的单词。1. behave (名 词)3. dangerous (名词)5. Asia (形容词)n.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词,2. organize (名词)4. weight (动词)6. cruel(名词)完成句子。B is useful. We can use it to make baskets.A can often take good care of their baby animals.Its c of you to kil

11、l the lovely dog. You shouldnt do that.In the past, we could see many animals in the w, but now we can see them only in zoos.The p of this city is becoming larger and larger because more people are moving to the city.III.用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空,完成句子。We can use our(shoulder) to carry heavy things.There is lo

12、ts of litter in the(centre) part of the playground.These(file) are very important. You*d better put them away.My little sistefs weight is about 25(kilogram).Do you know how(make) your mother happy on Mothers Day?Tom spends one hour(read) books after school.二、词组归纳与练习1. endangered animal 濒危动物4. high u

13、p in the mountains 在深山里7. stay healthy 保持健康10. nature reserve 自然保护区14. show a great love for 对1. endangered animal 濒危动物4. high up in the mountains 在深山里7. stay healthy 保持健康10. nature reserve 自然保护区14. show a great love for 对2. fact file 小档案5. at birth出生时8. give birth to 生育12. go missing 失踪; 走丢表示出极大的爱3

14、. in the wild在野生环境中6. on ones own 单独9. close to几乎;接近13. in memory of 纪念L用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空,完成句子。in the wild, endangered animal, stay healthy, give birth to, go missingIn order to, I often eat vegetables and fish.This kind of animals have died out. We cant find them any more.Some travelers in the mounta

15、in yesterday. Now the rescue team is looking for them.We should try our best to protect animals, especially those.The dog at our home five lovely baby dogs last night.II.根据汉语意思补全句子,每空一词。.那个婴儿出生的时候眼睛就很大。The baby had two big eyes.有将近二十个学生在这次交通事故中受伤。There are twenty students getting hurt in the traffic

16、 accident.那个妇女从不单独散步。她常常和她的丈夫一起散步。The woman never goes walking.She often does that with her husband.我们应该对那些爱我们的人表示出我们极大的爱。We shouldthose who love us. 一些旅行者买一些明信片纪念他们的旅行。Some travellers buy some postcards their trips.三、句型归纳与练习it is + adj.+ of sb. to do sth.sb. / sth. can cause problems to.,sb / sth.

17、be + adj. enough to doWhat should we do to.?Have you ever heard of. ?it is + adj.+ of sb. to do sth.sb. / sth. can cause problems to.,sb / sth. be + adj. enough to doWhat should we do to.?Have you ever heard of. ?某人做某事太一某人/某事会给带来问题 某人/某物足够去做某事 为了,我们应该做什么? 你听说过?连词成句。problems, floods, can, cause, here

18、, to, people (.)you, heard, have, ever, of, the, Han Geng, superstar (?)is, problem, it, of, smart, you, to, solve, so, this, quickly (.)should, do, English, we, to, improve, what,big, to, vegetables, hold, in, these, the, all, enough, is, it, basket (.)四、语法归纳与练习语法一:It is + adj. + for + n / pron. +

19、to + v.语法二:adj. + enough + to+ v.语法三:It is + adj. + of + n / pron. + to +v.根据括号中的提示翻译以下句子。1. 对那个女孩来说, 移动那个重包是困难的。2. 那个人足够富, 可 以买下那个大房子。3. 帮 我 找 到 那 个 公 园,4. 对我来说4. 对我来说回答你这个问题太简单5. 风 足 够 大5. 风 足 够 大可 以 使 风 筝6. 多 做 运 动 对 我 们 很五.语法填空。Allen studied in a city far from her hometown. One day, she went to

20、buy a blue umbrella for her mother as a birthday present, because (1) (she) was old and (2) (break).On her way back to school, Allen felt (3) (thirst) and went into a tea house for a drink. There were so many people in it. She found a (4)(sit) and sat at a table. She put the umbrella behind thechair

21、. (5) she finished her cup of tea, she went back to school.Suddenly, she found that she had left her umbrella in the tea house. She ran back to the tea house. But the umbrella was no (6) (long) there.She couldnt stop herself from (7) (cry) , and she told the people around about the blue umbrella, wh

22、ich was a birthday present for her mother. The people all felt sorry for her. Then the owner of the tea house came and asked for her mothers address. He said if someone took it away (8) mistake and came to return the umbrella, he would send it to her mother. The girl told him (9) address and thanked

23、 him (10) (polite) and then left.5. 10.八年级(下)复习之Unit 6一、单词归纳与练习n.chocolate, reason, responsibility, sofa, stranger, choice, attention, heart, heart attackV.respond, cause, feed, lie, believeadj.cute, noisy, commonadv.nearlyconj.untilprep.according toI.根据要求写出相应的单词。1. sofa (复数)2 . noise (形容词)3. cause

24、(第三人称单数)4. feed (过去式)lie (动名词)6. responsibility (形容词)II.根据句意及首字母提示写单词,完成句子。She often tells lies, none of the people around her b her words any more.How did your teacher r to your being late? Did he get very angry?To make your children feel being cared, you need to pay more a to them.You should give

25、me a r to explain why you have made so many mistakes in your homework.The boy was unable to speak u he was five years old.in.用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空,完成句子。It is our(responsible) to take care of our parents when they are old.Tim, you should learn to make a(choose) by yourself.The kind lady often offers to hel

26、p those poor(strange) on the street.You can learn English by(read) and writing more.It is not a good idea(let) your parents live alone when they are old.People in this place always use baskets for(carry) things.二、词组归纳与练习1. hold sth. in ones arms 抱住某物 2. care for 照顾;照料 3. a small number of 一小局部4. wha

27、ts more更有甚者;更为重要的是5. have no choice but to do除了别无选择6. run free (动物)四处自由走动;自由自在7. lie around无所事事地混日子;懒散度日8. keep sb. from doing sth.阻止(或防止、阻碍)某人做某事9. (be) faithful to对忠诚的10. for these reasons 出于这些原因 11. die of 死于12. keep on 继续I.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空,完成句子。whafs more, run free, keep on, a small number of, ca

28、re for. When my mother is not at home, I often the little cat. You can learn a lot by traveling., you can know more people.going forward, and you can see the police station you are looking for. The tiger lives in the cage, so it can not. Only students went swimming and most of them went hiking.n.根据汉

29、语意思补全句子,每空一词。.过去很多人死于饥饿。Many people hunger in the past.那个女孩没有别的选择,只有努力学习。The girlstudy hard.如果你闲散度日,没有人会和你做朋友。If you, no one will make friends with you.我认为我们应该忠于我们的祖国。I think we should our country.出于这些原因,我现在不能离开家。, I cant leave my home now.IL这个小狗是如此可爱以至于她忍不住抱住了它。The little dog was so cute that she c

30、ouldnt help it.三、语法归纳与练习语法一:副词的用法语法二:副词的比拟级和最高级.写出以下形容词的副词形式。wide 2. cheerful 3. happy.写出以下副词的比拟级和最高级。fast 5. slowly 6. bad.语法填空。Can animals be made 1 (work) for people? Some 2(science) think that one day animalsmay be taught to do 3 number of simple jobs instead of people. They say that at a circus

31、 , forexample , we may see in a film or on elephants, monkeys, dogs, bears, or other animals doingquite4 (skill) things. Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film.If youwatch5(close) , you may find that the trainer always gives the animals some sugar6 apiece of fruit 7a re ward. We k

32、now that many animals may be trained to do a lot of things if they willget a reward for 8 (do) that.Of course, as we know, dogs can be used to guard a house, and soldiers in both old and modem things have used geese to give warming by 9(make) a lot of noise when an enemy 10(come)near.And also it may

33、 be possible to train animals to work in families and farms.八年级(下)复习之Unit 71. loudly (形容词)3. knife (复数)5. discovery (动词)1. loudly (形容词)3. knife (复数)5. discovery (动词)2. spread (过去式)4. please (形容词)6. frightened(动 词)一、单词归纳与练习n.astronaut, hill, bush, fear, creature, feather, line, mark, desert, tent, kn

34、ifeV.receive, damage, discover, wonder, refuse, spread, explainadj.unknown, loud, quiet, round, frightened, terrible, pleasedL根据要求写出相应的单词。II.根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词,完成句子。6. He is very happy because he has r lots of gifts on Christmas.7.1 w why you are always late for school. Can you tell me the reasons?Eve

35、ryone kept q and no one said anything during the speech.It is hard for you to find water in the d.Can you e the problem to us in a simple way?Ill.用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空,完成句子。The girl cried when she saw those strange(creature).The answer to the problem is still(known) because no one has worked it out.Follow

36、 these(mark) and you will find the right place.The girl was so(frighten) that she could hardly say a word.He refused(go) fishing with us because he was too tired.They ran very fast(catch) the bus.dont want(have) lunch because Tm not hungry at all.二、词组归纳与练习1. wake up 醒来4. weather balloon 气象气球7. power

37、 line输电线10. as soon as possible 尽快1. wake up 醒来4. weather balloon 气象气球7. power line输电线10. as soon as possible 尽快2. keep quiet保持安静5. in fear恐惧地;害怕地8. mother ship 母舰;太空母舰11. agree with 同意;赞成3. because of 因为6. refuse to do sth.拒绝做某事9. landing site 降落场12. disagree with 不同意13.make a terrible noise发出可怕的声音

38、.用方框中所给短语的适当形式完成句子。power line, make a terrible noise,disagree with, landing site, in fearThe tiger was shot by the hunter and, which sounded like being full of anger.Im sorry that I you because I have a different plan.There are a lot of planes in the new.She described what she had seen to me.Be care

39、ful not to step on these, or you may get burned.根据汉语意思补全句子,每空一词。.当他醒来的时候,他看到他的母亲正在做饭。When he, he found his mother cooking.听音乐会的时候请保持安静。Please when you listen to a concert.由于天气原因我们不得不取消这次旅行。We have to cancel the trip the weather.她拒绝去说谎,因此她妈妈很高兴。She tell a lie, so her mother was pleased with her.他同意了我

40、的看法并支持我。He me and supported me.请尽快把这些书还给玛丽,她可能需要它们。Please return the books to Mary. She may need them.三、句型归纳与练习1. Pm sure.我确定2.1 wonder.我想知道3.1 think / believe that.我认为4. So do L / I agree. / I think youre right.我也这么认为。/我同意。/我认为你是对的。5.1 don*t agree, / I think youe wrong. / I disagree.我不这么认为。/我认为你是错的

41、。/我不同意。I.连词成句。wonder, always, I, these, sick, days, why, I, get(.)am, it, going, tomorrow, I , rain, is, sure, to (.)believe, your, dream, as, your, come, that, long, you, true, try, I, best, as, will (.)II.单项选择。( )4. - Lily will fail the exam, I think. -She works very hard so shes sure to pass it.A

42、. I think so.B. So do I.C. Neither am I. D. I disagree.( )5. - We need to read the book at least twice if we want to understand it.-It is really hard to understand it.A. I think you*re right. B. So do I.C. Neither am I. D. So is it.三、语法归纳与练习语法一:原因状语从句语法二:Because ofI.单项选择。()1. - Why don*t you believe

43、 his words, Mike? -he always tells lies.A. BecauseB. Because of C. AsD. Since( )2. Jim found it difficult to see the blackboard clearly his eyesight became worse.A. butB. soC. asD. although( )3.the weather is so bad, I decide to stay at home and watch TV.A. AndB. UntilC. Since( )4. Mary must be ill

44、at home she didn*t come to school today.A. whenB. because ofC. but( )5. Tina woke up at midnight a loud noise.A. becauseB. because ofC. as( )6,1 will not tell you the rules I have told you before,A. becauseB. because ofC. untilD. UnlessD. becauseD. sinceD. while八年级(下)复习之Unit 8一、单词归纳与练习n.Internet, po

45、st, apology, excuse, past, present, shape, cafe, technology, softwareV.satisfy, mix, relax, prepareadj.wide, electronicadv.recently, forever, certainlyconj.whileI.根据要求写出相应的单词。1. technologic (名 词)2. satisfied (动词)3. certain (副词)5. relaxed (动词) 5. prepare (过去式)6. wide(动词)(名词)II.根据句意及首字母提示写单词,完成句子。The

46、street is w with many flowers on both sides.When you make mistakes, dont make any e. Its useless to do that.hope we will be good friends f.Don*t m my milk with sugar. I dont like sweet milk.She was a shy girl in the p, but she is very outgoing now.IIL用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空,完成句子。(recent), Fve been busy writ

47、ing a novel.Youve made her sad. You should make an(apologize) to her.13.1 want to buy an14. It took me a long time.1 have a lot of troubleIt must be hard for him(electricity) dictionary to improve my English.(get) to the airport.(solve) the problem. I don*t know what to do. (accept) the bad news.If

48、you feel lonely, you can go outside 二、词组归纳与练习(make) more friends.make apologies 抱歉4. on the Internet 在互联网上in the present 现在5. in the shape of 的形状at the frontmix.with.from place to place 从一个地方到另一个地方9. break down11. by post13. in a short time15. go on(车辆)抛锚 邮寄 在短时间内 (灯)亮8. in this way10. prepare for 1

49、2. get a reply 14. in a second16. fail to do sth.在前面(使与)相混合通过这种方法准备收到回复片刻未能做某事L用方框中所给短语的适当形式完成句子。break down, get a reply, from place to place, in this way, in a short time, go on, at the frontYoud better go jogging for half an hour every day. My sister works as a travel guide, so she has to travelWh

50、en we were driving on the road, suddenly our car,you can keep fit.every day.and we had to get it repaired.,you can keep fit.every day.and we had to get it repaired.4. When the red lightswe should stop crossing the road time to write to me.Ben is the shortest boy in his class so he sitsYou dont need

51、to wait for him here. He wont come back.II.根据汉语意思补全句子,每空一词。.这一周我们正忙于准备期末考试。We are busy the final exam this week.虽然他起得很早,但还是没能赶上火车。He catch the train though he got up early.你应该为你刚才的不礼貌向她抱歉。You should to her for your being impolite just now.我准备在圣诞节的时候给我的笔友邮寄一张卡片。I plan to send a card to my pen pal on

52、Christmas.这个塔的塔顶呈三角形。The top of the tower isa triangle.三、语法归纳与练习 语法:过去进行时I.单项选择。( )1. My sister was playing the piano I was watching TV.A. whileB. untilC. becauseD. unless( )2. - Where did you see Terry? In a shopping mall. He the shopping with his mother at thattime.A. didB. was doingC. doesD. is d

53、oing( )3. - I phoned you last night, but no one answered me. - We a film at the cinema at thatmoment.A. sawB. were seeing C. have seen D. is seeing( )4. When I entered her bedroom, she with her friends on QQ.A. was chatting B. were chatting C. chattedD. is chatting( )5.1 was listening to music when

54、someone at the door.are knocking B. were knocking C. knockedD. is knockingIL语法填空。One day, there was a blind man called John 1(sit) on the bench with a hat by his 2(foot)and a sign that read, nI am blind. Please help me.,A 3(create) publicist (广告员)4(name) Tom was walking by the blind man and stopped

55、5(see) that the man only had a few coins in his hat. He put a few of his own corns in the hat. Without asking for 6(permit), took the sign, turned it around and wrote a new message. Then heput the sign by the feet of the blind man, and left.Later that afternoon the publicist returned to the blind ma

56、n and noticed that his hat was almost full of bills and coins. The blind man recognized his footsteps and asked 7 it was he who had changed hissign. He also wanted to know what the man wrote 8 it.The publicist said, HI just wrote the message a little 9(different)/1 He smiled and went on his way.The

57、new sign read, Spring has come,10 I cant see anything.n沪教版八年级下册英语期末测试卷(时间:60分钟;总分值:100分)一、听力局部(总分值20分)(一)听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。每个句子读一遍。A. familyA. bookA. hotelA. differentA. animalsfuture C. favoriteB. job C. cookB. home C. tellB. difficult C. deliciousB. elephants C. whales(二)听句子,(二)听句子,选择适当答语。每个句子读两遍。A.

58、 He is fine. B. He is seventy. C. He is short.A. His favorite food is pizza.B. He likes all of us. C. He is tall and fat.A. I have already eaten. B. Good idea. C. What a beautiful park!A. T m sorry to hear that. B. Wow! A blue bike. C. That sounds beautiful.A. It? s three-thirty. B.lt s Friday. C. I

59、t? s June 14th.(三)听对话,根据问题选出正确答案。每段对话读两遍。What? s wrong with the girl?A. She has a cold. B. She wants to eat something. C. She has a headache.Why does the man want to go to Green Restaurant?Because the music there is loud.Because it s the cheapest.Because it s the nearest.Where did Tim go last week?A

60、. To a flower show. B. To a talent show. C. To a magic show.What is Tom eating?A. A pear. B. An apple. C. A banana.Where does the woman s grandmother live?A. In Paris. B. In London. C. In Macao.(四)听短文,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最正确选项。短文读两遍。Where was I playing football with my classmates?A. On the playgroun


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