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1、高三英语试卷试题模拟复习2020年聊城市高考模拟试题英语(二)本试卷分三局部.共10页。总分值120分。考试用时100分钟。 考前须知:.答题前考生务必将向己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。.回答选择题时.选出每题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后.再选涂其他答案标号。问答非选择题时答案写在答 题R上c写在本试卷上无效。.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一局部 阅读(共两节.总分值50分)第一节(共15小题;每题2.5分,总分值37.5分)阅读以下短文,从每题所给的A、B、CJ)四个选项中选出最正确选项。AXdeeting al a

2、 church on a Friday night is not usual for most college stuclents. but it is usual for the women members of the Alcoholics Anonymous (A A) in my hometown. which is an organization for alcoholics who want to stop drinking alcohol. AA is founded upon a number of principles, including twelve steps and

3、twelve traditions but the only requirement tor becoming a member is a strong wish to stop drinking.Ihe A A meeting I attended was in a speaker week, which meant that most of the time was spenl listening to a member talking about her journey with alcohol. The speaker told other members her true story

4、 of alcohol problems. The group processed the story in a positive way. 1 noticed several times when members laughed, smiled, and made brief supporting comments while she spoke. Later, a member named Lucy shared with me her view that this is the kind of place where you can talk about things, and ever

5、yone just laughs . no judgment but support. Being able to talk about her feelings and experiences, receiving support. and the lack of judgment were a large part of her decision to keep coming io the meetings.英语试题.(二)(共IQ页)第1页I looked out at the smiling faces packed into the school hall. Flashes from

6、 cameras lit up in all directions. 1he applause filled my ears. 1 had done it. I had really done it.Just a few months earlier, I would never have pictured myself acting in a play in front of two hundred people. Not for a million dollars/* I would have said. But when the time came. I got up on stage

7、and faced one of my greatest fears - and discovered I could do more than I ever gave myself credit for. I found a new person inside me. a much more daring outgoing person who had been hidden all along, just waiting for the opportunity to appear.If not for my teacher, Mrs Sather. I might never have f

8、ound that opportunity.In the first and second grade, I was extremely shy. I had friends, but it just wasn t in my personality to be very outgoing. even when I knew someone well. I was afraid I would do or say something wrong, so usually I just smiled and listened to other people s conversations. 1 d

9、id well in school and 1 loved to write. However. I would escape into my writing. where I could be myself and never had to worry about what other people thought of me. In my stories. I was never shy.My teacher. Mrs Sather always encouraged me to write more. She told our class to go after our dreams a

10、nd dig in with both hands. I think she was one of the first people to sec my inner strength. ()ne day. she announced that our class was going to perform a play she had written. Ill begin to cast everyone tomorrowshe said. I need someone who is not afraid to be on stage in front of a lot of people to

11、 play the lead part of Dorothy. Anybody want to iry?” A few excited hands shot up mine, of course, was not one of them - and Mrs Sather smiled. Well talk more about it tomorrow.v she said, t hen the bell rang a nd my classmates slowly left the classroom.Paragraph 1 :When I teas loading up my backpac

12、k . Mrs Sather asked me to go to her,Paragraph 2 :Hearing Mrs Sather * s words / realized it was time to make a change.英语试题(二)(共IQ页)第1。页2020年聊城市高考模拟试题英语(二)参考答案第一局部阅读(说明:此题共20小题;每题2. 5分,总分值50分)1-5 CABBD 6-10 DBDCA 11-15 ABCAD 16-20 FEACG 第二局部语言运用 第一节(说明:此题共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分)21-25 DCABD 26 30 DACAB 31-

13、35 ABCFX: 第二节(说明:此题共10小题;每题 1.5分,总分值15分)36. or 37. encouragement 38. Scientists 39. the 40. has proved / proven 41. universal42. broadly43, which44, showing 45. to第三局部写作 第一节(说明:此题总分值15分)One possible version :NoticeI o enrich your campus life, the school newspaper plans to hold an essay competition t

14、hemed Highlights of My Senior Year. The entry essays are expected to focus on the most impressive part of your senior year with the length of 100-200 words. If you are interested, please mail your essay to schoolnewspaper 163. com. You can also hand it in to our editorial office. Room 501 in the tea

15、ching building. Please bear in mind that the deadline for entries is June 15. It is a good opportunity to show your writing talent. Looking forward to your active participation.The School Newspaper 第二节(说明:此题总分值25分)略英语参考答案(二)(共I页)第1页本卷贰。贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。本卷贰0贰贰年贰月捌日编写;出题人:令狐学复;欧阳化语;令狐理总。Ye

16、ars later I looked back on the meeting I attended with positive memories. The members at the meeting were mothers, sisters, grandmothers, aunts, daughters, and friends. Some were professionalst some were students, and some were unemployed. Despite their differences, they united in their common goal

17、for a better life. AA is a prime example of how a group of people follow a program and work together at changing their habils. The meeting changed the way 1 looked at addiction - it was no longer a monster. ow 1 think it s essential to have support when youre struggling with addiction, just as with

18、any lifestyle change.What is the purpose of the Alcoholics Anonymous?Tq create a program for college students.To improve the alcohol industry.To help people give up drinking.I). To break twelve traditions.What is most likely to hurt Lucys feelings according to the text?Unfriendly judgment on her sto

19、ries.Loud laughter from the audiences.Too little time left for her.*Silence after her speech.What is the text mainly about?Sharing feelings with friends.My experience of an AA meeting.A A helping women lead a better life. Tips on getting rid of alcohol addiction.B()n the 3rd of July, about six in th

20、e morning, I was watering my flowers. A young man entered the garden. He was blonde, beardless; he wore a German cap and gold glasses in a proud way. A long, loose woolen coat hung down in a sad way around his body. He wore no gloves; his leather shoes had huge soles. I put down my watering-pot, and

21、 greeted him in German with : ”Guten Morgen!n Monsieur,“ he said to me in French, l)ut with a very unpleasant accent my name is Hermann Schultz; I have come to pass sonic months in Greece, and I have carried your book with me everywhere.”That praise filled my heart with sweet joy; the strangers voic

22、e seemed more beautiful than Mozart1 s music, and I directed a swift look of gratitude toward his gold glasses. You would hardly believe how much wc love those who have taken the trouble to understand our jargon (行业术语).英语试题(二)(共1Q页)第2页I took him by the hand and seated him beside me on the garden-ben

23、ch. He told me that he was a botanist and that he had a commission from the *Jardin des Plantesv in Hamburg. In order to complete his herbarium (植物标本馆),he was studying the country, the animals* and the people. He expressed himself uneasily, but with frankness which inspired confidence. He questioned

24、 me. if not about every one in Athens, at least about all the principal persons in my book. In the course of the conversation, he made some statements on general subjects which seemed to me quite insightful. Therefore, they motivated me to think more deeply and get a more reasonable opinion. At the

25、encl of an hour we had become good friends.How did the author find the young man at first?A. Fashionable. B. Unfavorable. C. Easy-going. D. Indifferent.Why did the author feel grateful to the young man?Because he brought the author a good pair of glasses.Because he thought highly of the authors achi

26、evements.Because he delighted the author with Mozart ,s music.Because he took the time to read the authors work.What can we infer about the young man from the last paragraph?He was good at public speaking.He was lacking in self-confidence.He was slow in learning German culture.He was enthusiastic ab

27、out studies of plants.Whats the authors purpose in writing the text?To ini roduce a young botanist, s achievements.Vo show the start of his friendship with a stranger.To describe the benefits of doing gardening. To explain the beauty of studying biology.CIts common that a Japanesc-American bows on t

28、he phone but only in Japanese. Behaviors and manners can become so routine that they appear even when theres no need for them. Ihose who are bilingual and bi cultural know first-hand that how we behave can depend on what language we are speaking. Experts have shown that who you are in the moment can

29、 depend on the language you arc using at that time.英语试题(二)(共IQ页)第3页This is because when you have an experience, the language you are using becomes associated with it. For bilingual people, this means certain memories are more closely associated with one language than the other a phenomenon called la

30、nguage-dependent memory. For example, a childhood memory is more likely to be remembered when the language spoken during that childhood event is spoken again.How wc think and feel can thus change depending on what language we are using. For example, people who are bilingual have an intensified stres

31、s response when listening to the words of scolding in a native language. This may be, in part, because our early memories associated with learning a bad word or being scolded by our parents happened in our native language.Because emotions play a key role in how we make decisions, people are often mo

32、re sensible when making choices in the less emotional foreign language. When asked whether they would be willing to give one persons life to save a group. people who speak more than one language are much more likely to say yes” when answering in a foreign language. The unpleasant feelings that can p

33、revent us from making difficult choices are reduced when wcrc using a non native language.The Language we speak has an influence on how we think, feel, and even behave. In a way. knowing different languages can provide people with a variety of views through which to see the world.Why is the example

34、of Japanese-American mentioned?To show the influence of culture is huge.To show bowing is Japanese peoples routine.(、 To show Japanese people are polite on the phone. To show ones use of language affects ones behavior.What does the underlined word *,intensifiedv in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Worse.B. Bette

35、r.C. Increased. D. Limited.When a person speaks a foreign language, he is likely to.make a sound decisionprevent himself from dangerbe influenced by other peopleI), have difficulty making decisions英语试题(二)(共IQ页)第4页What is the best title for 1 he text?You Are Actually What You Are SpeakingNative Langu

36、ages Make People Speak MoreDifferent Languages Have Different InfluencesSpeak Your Native Language in Other CountriesDNew research has found that grey seals can simulate(模仿)human speech and songs. The study carried out by Dr Amanda Stansbury and Professor Vincent Janik, at the University of St Andre

37、ws, found that grey seals use the same sound production system as humans due to having similar vocal iracls(声道).1liree young grey seals Zola, Gandalf and Janice were monitored from binh by Stansbury and Janik to determine their natural talents. Once this process was complete, the researchers began t

38、eaching the seals to simulate common seal sounds or noises a seal might normally hear from a herd mate in the wild. Fish was used to encourage the seals to come out of the water and sing a series of notes. Stansbury would record the seals own sounds and play them back. The seals quickly learnt that

39、if they sang back the same notes, they would be rewarded with fish.()ncc 1 he seals were familiar with this process and could easily copy these basic sounds. Stansbury and Janik used higher and longer tones and unfamiliar vowels from human speech. The seals were then rewarded for matching these new

40、sounds. Stansbury even used some combinations to simulate songs that no seal would be expected to produce under natural circumstances. Zola had a gift for copying up to ten notes of songs such as Twinkle , Twinkle. Little Star and the theme song of Star Wars. Gandalf and Janice were better at accura

41、tely reproducing combinations of human vowel sounds.Stansbury said. 1 was amazed how well the seals copied the model sounds we played to them. Copies were not perfect but given that these are not typical seal sounds* it is pretty impressive. ()nr study really shows how flexible seal voices are. ”Aft

42、er one year of working with the researchers, the seal pups were released back into the wild. This study gives us a better understanding of the development of vocal learning a skill that is important for human language development. Janik believes this knowledge can help to develop new methods to stud

43、y speech problems.英语试题(二)(共IQ页)第5页What is the first paragraph mainly about?(rrey seals, learning environments.A research finding on grey seals.11 umans? sound production system.A comparison of humans and grey seals.In the study fish would be given when the seals.A. made funny noisesB. came out of th

44、e waterC. repeated the same notesD. copied typical fish soundsWhat can we find about Zola based on the research?It can copy some musical sounds played to her.It is good al copying human vowel sounds.It is smarter than Gandalf a nd Janice. Il likes singing children s songs.What does Janik think of th

45、e research result?It shows the living environments of grey seals.Il leads to a belter understanding of human vocal system.It raises an awareness of the need to protect grey seals.Il brings inspirations for research on speech problems.第二节(共5小题;每题2.5分.总分值12.5分)阅读下面短文.从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。选项中有两项为 多余

46、选项CYoungsters usually benefit from having a relationship with someone older and wiser to mentor them. The mentor might be a teacher, family member or more experienced peer. However, not everyone is suitable to be an influential positive role model. 16 Here arc some common characteristics of good rol

47、e models.They are confident. Most people admire those who have much confidence in themselves. I 7 _ So they are able to acknowledge their skills and achievements without becoming arrogant (自大的).Just as Child Development Specialist Dr. Robyn Silverman suggests, healthy self-confidence shows as pride

48、in who you are and what you ve learned throughout your life.英语试题(二)(共IQ页)第6页18 Role models show their commitment to a desired goal by their actions and arc willing to invest the necessary time and effort to achieve success. They don t give up easily and con tin ue trying when faced with challenges.

49、Their determination to succcecl encourages youngsters to follow through and reach the goals they set for themselves.They are respectful. 19 Young people appreciate being treated with respect and admire those who treat them and others that way. Role models who show selflessness and an equal non-preju

50、diced view of those different from them earn the admiration of others.They are optimistic and creative. Role models inspire others with a positive outlook on life. For example, a community leader faced with a financial setback might welcome the opportunity to organize a fund- raising project that pu

51、lls everyone together in a constructive manner. 20They are hard-working.They are knowledgeable.Role models show respect for others.I). Pick someone having the same hobbies and similar qualities as you.Good role models have a healthy appreciation of their accomplishments.Effective role models possess

52、 desirable qualities that make them easy to look up to.Role models tend to see the bright side in difficult situations and can find creative solutions.第二局部 语言运用(共两节,总分值30分)第一节(共15小题;每题1分.总分值15分)阅读下面短文从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最正确选项。An act of kindness doesn t have to be a grand gesture. Even those

53、small acts of kindness can make a difference in someones day. That was just the case for Amie Mickey when she 21 a bumper sticker on her car reading: You Matter.Amie started to do this several years ago. At first she wondered if people would22 it. However, much to her surprise, she began seeing a fl

54、ood of 23 every time she hit the road. More often than not. people 24 slowly near her car would roll down their windows, raising their 25, waving and smiling. Sometimes, she even found英语试题(二)(共IQ页)第7页some st icky notes left on her windshield saying t hings like * You 26 too! Once while she was drivi

55、ng down the highway, she became 27 when a man driving a sports car at a high speed pulled his car alongside suddenly, waving and mouthing. You mailer!” Though it took her some time to recover from the 28 she still felt happy. Last year,someone 29 her car while she was waiting for her friend in the c

56、ar by the roadside, saying to her *lt is a(an)30 sticker. 1 ve seen various stickers before but none ofthem have touched me as your sticker has done. The two small words on the sticker seem simple enough, but they really struck a chord with many complete strangers who 31 to catch sight of the sticke

57、r.Stories like Amies really 32 the rest of us. Sometimes a kind word or gesture may lift our 33 and ii doesn ,i cost a thing except for a little extra thoughl. Maybe it means offering a friend a hug. praising the parents when their children 34 well in school. helping someone out or volunteering at a

58、nimal shelters or shelters for ihe homeless. Acts of kindness are waiting everywhere. Small as they seem they can make a英语试题(二)(共IQ页)第8页35impact on the world and help form general goodness.21.A.tore upB.picked upfixed upD.put up22.A.watchB.overlookC.noticeI).neglect23.A.attentionB.si rangersc.confusionD.trouble24.A.runningB


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