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1、Persuasive Letter Lecture 10Learning ObjectivesDefinition of Persuasive LettersFormats of Persuasive LettersTips For Writing Sales LettersNovice Writing and CommentsTeaching Focus Part One Definition of Persuasive LetterI. Definition of Persuasive Writing To persuade means to influence other peoples

2、 minds or actions by skillful use of spoken or written language. 1. Persuasive Writing It is the use of written language to make a reader accept a message that the writer intends to deliver and then act according to the message. It is one of the four types of writing, the others being expository, na

3、rrative and descriptive writing.II. Function of Persuasive Writing Persuasive writings for political, educational or commercial purposes are the most widely used in human life. II. Function of Persuasive Writing Functions of Persuasive Writing (1) Politicians write in order to gain the voters trust

4、and make them believe their ideas. (2) Teachers write in order to deliver knowledge and motivate the students to learn. (3) Businessmen write in order to sell services or products. They usu. write in the forms of advertisements or sales letters. III. Understanding of Persuasive Writing A Persuasive

5、message is solicited(恳求) when it is responding to a readers request for information. In this case, the reader is willing to be persuaded. On the other hand, a persuasive message is unsolicited when it is written and sent our without being asked by the reader.Solicited persuasive writing is easier th

6、an unsolicited one, for the readers expectation is known to the writer. For unsolicited persuasive writing, the challenge involves how to capture the readers imagination by appealing to a particular audience. IV. Ways to PersuadeThere are three main ways to persuade people.1. We can use our credibil

7、ity, reputation, expertise and past achievements in order to make someone come round to our way of thinking. 2. A second way is to appeal to the emotions, such as fear, anger and pride, this can be quite effective if used in the right situation.3. The third way is to use logical arguments based on f

8、acts. This is very common in business writing. Typical arguments will use statistics, examples, past experience, comparisons and son on to persuade. Part Two Formats ofPersuasive LettersIII. Formats of Persuasive LettersAIDA format is a useful one to sell an idea or a product.A Attention First of al

9、l you need to get the attention of your readerI Interest Next, you need to explain the advantages and benefits of your idea or product.D Desire Then, you may arouse your readers desire and convince the reader of your idea or product.A Action Last, you need to encourage your readers to take action in

10、 order to get the product1. AttentionThe first part of a persuasive writing must be eye-catching. It is true for a solicited sales letter expected by a ready reader. Otherwise it will be ignored just as an unsolicited direct-mail. To catch the readers attention, the writer has to make the best of hi

11、s or her imagination or original thinking. This tricky part may be an interesting phrase or promise of free gifts. 2. InterestWhen the first part has successfully got the readers attention, it is time for the second part to develop this attention to an interest in the product or service to be sold.

12、This is a chance too precious to be wasted. The uniqueness of the product or service is the key to this part, which should stand out from others with its own characteristics. 3. DesireAfter the second part finishes, the third part is to follow up with supporting details to arouse readers desire and

13、convince them of your product or ideas, such as: (1) favorable comments in direct quotations from a third-party, (2) names of awards won, (3) most important of all evidence that shows benefits the product or service will bring to the reader.4. Action The ultimate goal of a persuasive letter is to ma

14、ke the reader willing to buy what is being sold. Introducing an action of buying is what makes the persuasive letter as a sales letter. Sometimes, gifts are also offered as incentive for visits to the company or the sales representatives.IV. Sample of a Persuasive Letter Hi John I realized that we w

15、aste so much time trying to find out what various people have said to the same customer over years. Because I know there is software available which can help alleviate this problem. (Draw readers attention) The benefits are obvious. If we buy this software then every letter we have ever sent to a cu

16、stomer will be automatically linked and we will be able to check all previous letters. (Explain advantages and benefits of your idea to arouse readers interest) The product is not cheap because we need to buy a license which will cover our whole network. And I am sure that everyone who has any conta

17、ct with customers will beimpressed if we buy this software. (Convince readers desire) If you think this is a good idea I will contact the software supplier and arrange for a demonstration. (Encourage readers to take action) Part Three Tips for Sales LettersI. Types of Sales LettersSales letters are

18、the most common persuasive writing for commercial purpose. They fall into three general, and sometimes overlapping categories: (1) Unsolicited sales letters (2) Solicited sales letters (3) Soft-sell letters大量发送的电邮广告I. Types of Sales Letters1. Unsolicited sales letters: (1)They are known as direct-ma

19、il advertising. (2)They are sent directly to the prospective buyer. Though used widely by business people, they are usually not welcome on the part of the recipients who did not ask for them. (3) The paper version of unsolicited sales letters is called “junk mail”, while the electronic form is calle

20、d “spam”. I. Types of Sales Letters2. Solicited sales letters: (1)They are the replies to requests about products or services. (2) They are often luckier than unsolicited sales letters in the sense that they wont end up in a dustbin without being read. (3) In order to succeed, they still have to pro

21、vide satisfying answers to questions already asked by the reader.I. Types of Sales Letters3. Soft-sell letters (1)They are known as cordial contact letters, which are special goodwill letters designed to maintain good relations with important customers. (2) They are sent as email messages on a regul

22、ar basis. (3) They are soft-sell because they keep a companys name familiar to customers without directly promoting a product or service. (4) They are enjoyable to the reader with a lot of useful information or entertaining materials, in this sense, they may be regarded as sales letters.II. Tips for

23、 Writing Sales LettersThere are some tips for successful Sales Letters:1. Analyze the reader2. Know the product or service3. Emphasize benefits4. Understate the price, unless it is an obvious bargain5. Enclose more detailsII. Tips for Writing Sales Letters1. Analyze the readerThis means a study of t

24、he readers need. Human beings have many needs in life. some are social, e.g. friendship; some are personal , e.g. self-respect; some are about our body, e.g. food; some are about our mind, e.g. a sense of securityII. Tips for Writing Sales Letters2. Know the product or serviceThis refers to a thorou

25、gh understanding of what is being sold. It is devastating for a sales letters to give wrong specifications of the product or service. The mistake may even ruin the selling once and for all. II. Tips for Writing Sales Letters 3. Emphasize benefits Though features are what make the product or service

26、different from others, it is benefits , especially those that could be counted in money, that usually win the readers heart. Thats why many sales letter writers prefer to use the word “free”. II. Tips for Writing Sales Letters4. Understate the price, unless it is an obvious bargainPrice means money

27、to be paid for instead of benefits to be gained from the product or service. To reduce the negative effect of a price, put it after beenfits. II. Tips for Writing Sales Letters5. Enclose more detailsSupplements will shed more light on the product or service. But it is unwise to refer to such enclosu

28、res early in the letter, as this will interrupt the reader from reading on. Part Four Tips for Sales LetterDonts in Sales Letters1. Dont exaggerate. A truth needs no stretching. 2. Dont belittle. Be frank and polite readers.3. Dont ballyhoo.(哗众取宠) Thunder is only a big noise. A bolt of lightening ge

29、ts attention.4. Dont speak ill of your competitors. Show the readers what you can do, not what others cant do. Part Five Home workEx.1 Multiple choice1.Which of the following statement is not true?A. There are four types of writing: persuasive, expository, narrative and descriptive.B. You must know

30、the product or service being sold thoroughly before writing a sales letter.C. When writing a sales letter, you should specify a real selling point.D. Unsolicited persuasive writing is generally easier than solicited message. 2. When writing a sales letter, you should _.A. know your audienceB. be cle

31、ar and conciseC. Establish credibility and develop rapportD. Focus on the benefits the reader can getE. All of the aboveEx.1 Multiple choice3.The essence of sales messages is _.A. influence B. persuasionC. deceitD. authority4. A good sales letter should be able to _. A. get attentionB. arouse intere

32、stC. prove benefitsD. motivate actionKeys to Exercise1I. Multiple choice 1. D 2. E. 3. B 4. ABCDEx.2 RearrangementRearrange the following sentences in an appropriate order to form the body of a four paragraph sales letter. A. Why wait? Come and buy the machine, right now. Each days delay cost you mo

33、ney. B. In addition, within one year of your purchase of the air-conditioning, we will take care of fixing repairing, or even replacing it if there is anything wrong. C. And if you would like to spread the cost, you have three years to pay up. D. The price of the air conditioner is very competitive, five percent lower than that of similar products in the market. E. Tests in over 100 business offices have proved that Luck air conditioners can do this. F. As the increased staff efficiency means greater profits for your business organi


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