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1、人教版七年级英语下册 Unit 4 知识点强化练习 一.根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词1.It is important( 重要的 ) for us to play sports every day.2.Jack never fights( 打架 ) with his classmates.3.Im sorry( 抱歉的 ),but I cant go with you.4.You cant eat in the classroom.You must eat in the dining hall.根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词5.I dont see Lily,because shes out(

2、外出 ).6.Its always my job to do the dishes( 盘 ) at home.7.Jim cleans( 打扫 ) his room every day.So his room is tidy.8.After school,Jane usually goes to the music club and practices/practises( 练习 ) the guitar there.二.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空1.Dont arrive( not arrive ) late for the meeting,please.2.To play the ga

3、me well,you should know some rules( rule ).3.I want to buy a music player( play ) tomorrow.4.Larry has( have ) to play the guitar every night.5.Tom is always the first( one ) student to arrive at school.根据首字母及汉语提示补全单词6.My brother has to read( 读 ) an English book before going to bed.7.Toms father usu

4、ally makes dinner in the kitchen( 厨房 ).8.My parents are always very strict( 严格的 ) with me in all of my subjects.9.Please follow( 遵守 ) the rules.Dont touch( 触碰 ) the photos in the museum.10.I cant remember( 记起 ) his name.Can you tell me?根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空11.Dont run( not run ) in the hallways or in the

5、classrooms.12.Please tell( tell ) me the news.13.Lets play( play ) soccer now.14.Please be( be ) quiet in the library.15.No taking( take ) photos here.根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空16.You are very lucky( luck ),because you have so many good friends.17.Remember to bring( bring ) your family photo to me tomorrow.18.

6、Please dont be noisy( noise ) at night.19.Every day I practice playing( play ) pingpong with my classmates after school.20.My sister often relaxes( relax ) herself by listening to music.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空quiet,fight,rule,wear,outside21.There are a lot of new rules in my sisters school.22.I dont want to

7、 fight with my best friend at all.23.Dad wants to sleep right now.Can you keep quiet?24.You cant play soccer in the house,but you can play it outside.25.You must wear sports shoes for P.E.class.三.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.你没有必要今天就去那里。You dont have to go there today.2.放学后我得见我的朋友们。I must meet/see my friends af

8、ter school.3.你们能准时完成任务吗?Can you finish the work on time?4.别害怕。我们可以向警察求助。Dont be afraid.We can ask the police for help.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词5.你不能在课堂上戴着帽子。You cant wear a hat in class.6.我们每天必须按时到校。We have to get to school on time every day.7.玛丽,做作业的时候不要听音乐。Mary,dont listen to music when you do your homework

9、.8.在地铁上,你必须保持安静。You must be quiet on the subway.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1.妈妈每天早上都帮汤姆铺床。Mom helps Tom make the/his bed every morning.9.遵守规则很重要。 It is very important to follow the rules.10.在周末,我通常可以做更多的运动。On the weekend,I can usually take more exercise.11.我们可以制定规则来帮助她。We can make rules to help her.按要求完成句子,每空一词

10、12.You cant watch TV when your mother is sleeping.( 改为祈使句 )Dont watch TV when your mother is sleeping.13.He has to be in bed by ten oclock.( 改为一般疑问句 )Does he have to be in bed by ten oclock?14.Let him play computer games.( 改为否定句 )Dont let him play computer games.15.I must help my sister with her mat

11、h.( 改为同义句 )I have to help my sister with her math.四.单项填空( B )1.You cant be late in our school.You must be.A.in time B.on timeC.at times D.all the time( C )2.At 12:00 today,we will arrivethe train station.A.for B.to C.at D.in ( D )3.Mom,I dont want to eat at home.OK,lets eat.A.later B.in C.off D.outs

12、ide( C )4.Dont eat in class.,Ms.Black.I wont do it again.A.Excuse me B.Thank youC.Sorry D.Youre right ( B )6.( 黑龙江绥化中考改编 )walk on the grass.A.Doesnt B.Dont C.Not D.Cant ( A )5.Helen,Im busy doing the dishes now.Can youthe phone to me?OK,Mom.A.bring B.make C.ask D.play ( A )7.( 四川乐山中考改编 )we leave the

13、 library before 5 oclock?No,you neednt.You can stay here until 5:30.A.Must B.May C.Can D.Will( A )8.carefully,Michael!Theres a school ahead.A.Drive B.To driveC.Drives D.Driving ( D )9.Tomplay the guitar every day.A.dont have to B.hasnt toC.havent to D.doesnt have to( C )1.Jenny,letsTom for the tape

14、player.OK.A.to ask B.asksC.ask D.asking( A )11.Look at the “No Parking” sign.Youpark your car here.A.mustnt B.mustC.have to D.dont have to( C )12.Tom gets up early,because he doesnt want to beschool.A.sorry about B.afraid ofC.late for D.good with ( B )13.What do you usually do in the morning?I often

15、 practiceEnglish.A.speak B.speakingC.speaks D.to speak( D )14.You should wash your handsyou eat food.OK.I will.A.after B.or C.because D.before( C )15.Dont take photos here,sir.A.Yes,I do B.No,I dontC.Im sorry D.Youre right( A )16.Can Ithe CD in your room,John?Yes,you can.A.listen to B.talk toC.come true D.live in( A )17.Daniel,play with the mobile phone while youre walking in the street.A.don


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