高中英语 选必B2 Unit2 Improving yourself 第1课时-Starting out 课件_第1页
高中英语 选必B2 Unit2 Improving yourself 第1课时-Starting out 课件_第2页
高中英语 选必B2 Unit2 Improving yourself 第1课时-Starting out 课件_第3页
高中英语 选必B2 Unit2 Improving yourself 第1课时-Starting out 课件_第4页
高中英语 选必B2 Unit2 Improving yourself 第1课时-Starting out 课件_第5页
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1、2021年秋季学期 深圳市线上课程高二英语深圳市教育科学研究院教学材料:外研版高中英语新教材选择性必修第二册教学内容:Unit 2 Improving yourself第一课时:Starting Out and Vocabulary执教人:乔雨楠/深圳市美术学校2021.8.1Unit 2 Improving yourselfP1 Starting outIn what areas do you think you can improve yourself?social skills?.learning efficiency(效率)? physical quality?time managem

2、ent?Watch and sayWatch the video and answer the question:1P13What is the video about?The video is about time management tips for busy teenagers.Watch the video again and list the time management tips mentioned in the video:Watch and saycreate a scheduleset small goalsmake the most of every secondide

3、ntify your productive timewear a watchfocus your efforts What other tips are there to make full use of your time? Understand how youre currently spending your time (and where youre losing it) Break large projects into small, actionable (可执行的) tasks Take breaks at the right time Build better habits a

4、nd routines for long-term successSome tips to make full use of your time:Do you think it is easy for you to do these things?Is your self-control good?What is self-control?Psychologists typically define self-control as:The ability to control behaviors in order to avoid temptations(诱惑) and to achieve

5、goals;The ability to delay gratification(满足) and resist(抵抗) unwanted behaviors or urges(冲动).What is self-control?Discipline?Determination?Willpower?Now lets complete a questionnaire and find out how good your self-control is.1. I _ lose my temper with my family, friends or classmate. a. neverb. some

6、timesc. always2. I _ find it difficult to resist temptations such as junk food.3. I _have bad habits that I cannot break. 4. I _ fail to get work done because I cannot concentrate. 5. I _ offend people by speaking carelessly. Questionnaire: Mostly “a” You are the captain of self-control, the ruler o

7、f self-regulation! Be careful not to take everything so seriously though. Try to relax more and once in a while, do something impulsive.Mostly “b” Whilist you seem to have grasped the basics of self-management, there is still room for improvement! Think about how you could be more focused on your go

8、als and gain more control of your emotions.Mostly “c” Far from being in control, it seems your emotional impulses and temptations are controlling you! Find out whats going wrong and draw up a plan of action. Try to stick with it!Now find out your result.Do you think self-control is important? How to

9、 build your self-control?Building Self-ControlRecognize impulsive(冲动的) thoughts.Place time restrictions(限制) on impulsive thoughts. Try belly breathing.Find a healthy distraction(注意力分散). How to build your self-control?securitymoderatordetoxfundraisingswitchswitch on motivateoccupyprofilen. 安全n. 主持人n.

10、 脱瘾n. 募捐,筹款v. (用开关)改变,转换(用开关)开,打开v. 激发,激励v. 占用,占去(时间)n. 概况Words Previewsecurity 保护措施,保卫部门,担保,保证n.secure 安全的(safe),稳固的(stable) adj. 获得,取得,关严 v.insecure 不安全的 adj.security guard 保安人员national security 国家安全security check 安全检查eg. They carried out security checks at the airport. 他们在机场实施了安全检查。switch (电路的)开关

11、 n. (用开关)改变,调换,调班 v.switch on (用开关)开,打开switch off (用开关)关,关闭switch seats 换座位eg. Press the two keys to switch between channels on screen. 按这个键就可以在屏幕上的频道之间转换。 The dates of the last two exams have been switched. 最后两门考试的日期调换了。motivate 激发,激励 v.motivation 动机 n.motivated 受到激发的 adj. be motivated by 受.所激励; 出于

12、.的动机 motivate sb to do sth 激励某人做某事eg. The plan is designed to motivate the employees to work efficiently. 这个计划旨在使员工更加卓有成效地工作。 He is a highly motivated student. 他是学习积极性很高的学生。occupy 占据,占用(时间、空间、面积)v. =take upoccupation 职业,工作,使用,居住 n.occupied 使用中,有人(使用或居住)adj.be occupied with sth/in doing sth 忙于 = be b

13、usy withoccupy oneself with sth /in doing sth 忙于eg. The bed seemed to occupy most of the room. 床似乎占据了大半个屋子。 Problems at work continue to occupy his mind for some time. 工作的问题继续在他脑海中萦绕了一段时间。 profile 概述,简介,侧面轮廓,印象,形象 n. 写简介,概述 v.a high profile 惹人注目,高姿态a low profile 不惹人注目,低姿态eg. We first build up a deta

14、iled profile of our customers and their requirements. 我们建立起我们客户及其需要的详细资料。 I advise her to keep a low profile for the next few days. 我建议她未来几天保持低调。v. 分散(注意力),使分心adv. 持续不断地,经常地n. 毛巾认输n. 接触的机会v. (为生活或生存而)依赖依靠,依赖distractconstantlytowelthrow in the towelaccessrelyrely on Words Previewconstantly 持续不断地,始终,一

15、直 adv.constant 连续发生的,重复的,不断的 adj.constancy 稳定性 n.eg. Fashion is constantly changing. 时尚总是日新月异。 There is a constant stream of visitors coming here all day. 那里整天都有络绎不绝的游客。access 接触的机会,通道,通路 n. 访问,进入,使用 v.have access to 有机会使用,有权见到,可以进入eg. Citizens may have free access to the library. 市民们可以免费进入图书馆。rely 依赖,依靠,信任,信赖 v.reliable 可靠的 adj.reliability 可靠性 n. rely on/upon 依赖,依靠eg. These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work. 现在,我们在很大程度上依赖电脑来安排我们的工作。1. Can you list some tips to


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