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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业Module 11. In the _ _ _ _(失物招领盒), there is an _(橡皮) a _(钱包), a _(手表), a pair of _(手套) and some _(蜡笔). _(谁的) are they? Oh, _ _ _(首先),lets have a look.整句翻译:_2. Is the _(录音带) yours? No, it isnt. _(我的) is _(紫色的).Its _(她的).整句翻译:_3. Be _(仔细的)

2、with your things _ _ _(从现在开始), class! Sure, Miss Zhou.整句翻译:_4. Here are your _(照相机) and _ _(手机). Thanks a lot.整句翻译:_5. Why are there _ _(成百上千)lost and found offices at _(机场) and stations? Because people are sometimes _ _ _(匆忙). They _(落下) things on _(飞机), in _(出租车) or on trains.整句翻译:_6. _ _(成千上万) pe

3、ople go to the city lost and found offices to _ _(寻找) their things, such as _(船), ducks, _(猪), or even _(香肠). Thats too _(奇怪的).整句翻译:_Module 21. The new club for this _(学期) are on the _(公告板). Which do you want to join? I can _ _ _(弹奏钢琴), so I want to join the music club. I _ _(想要) to join the sports

4、club, because I can play _ _(乒乓球) well. Bike club. I like _(骑) bikes.整句翻译:_2. I can read only a little Chinese._ _(仅此而已). Dont _ _(担心) Chinese. Our _(班长) can _(教) you. 整句翻译:_3. Its the _(开始) of a new _(学期). I hope you can _ _ _ _(与人相处融洽) your classmates. OK, I am always _(乐意) to help others. I promi

5、se I can do that. 整句翻译:_4. I am _(体型健康的) and I run very _(快). I can also play most _ _(球类运动) well. I usually get the _ _(最好的分数) in football matches for our school football _(队). I _(选择) you _(作为) our PE monitor.整句翻译:_5. Im _(确信) everybody would like a clean and _(整洁的) classroom, _ _(正如) home. _(选择)

6、me to be the _(清洁) monitor and I can make our classroom beautiful. OK, you are the _(最好的).整句翻译:_6. Can you _ _ _(放风筝)? Yes, I can, but not very well. I can _(游泳) very well.整句翻译:_Module 3What are you going to do at the weekend? Im going to _ _(复习)lessons and help with the _(家务) on Saturday morning, t

7、hen _ _ _(去野炊) in the afternoon.整句翻译:_Who _(别的) is going to be there? _(没人). We are all going to _ _ _(待家里). Dont be _(傻). Go out, and its going to be a _(极好的) weekend.整句翻译:_Are you _ _ _(期待) the football match? Yes, we are their _(粉丝). We are going to wear the team shirt and _(喝彩) the players. We c

8、an _ _ _(结交更多朋友) there. And we hope they can _(赢) the match.整句翻译:_4. What are your plans for the _ _(五一节)? Im going to _ _(玩得愉快) _(在.期间) it. Im going to get up _(迟) in the morning and_ _ _(散步) in the _(乡下) in the afternoon.整句翻译:_5. What is he going to do in the _ _(暑假)? He is going to have fun on hi

9、s _(第二个) summer _(营地). He is going to _ _(收集垃圾) in the park with friends.整句翻译:_6. How are you going to spend your_(假期)? Im going to stay with an _(澳大利亚的) family. We are going to _ _(去观光) on the _(海滩) on the _(早的) morning.整句翻译:_Module 4_ _ _(在未来), _(每件事) in our _(生活) will _(改变). Sure. Teachers wont n

10、eed _(粉笔), and students wont _(背) books, even _(尺子) to school. Both they will use computers.整句翻译:_Will students _(问) teachers _(问题) by Internet and email? Yes, but _(或许) teachers wont _ _ _(能) check students _(水平) any more. So we will still _(需要) schools.整句翻译:_3. I think people will have more _ _(空闲

11、时间)because _(机器人) and _(机器) can give a lot of help. But I think there will be _ _(交通堵塞) _ _ _(在陆地上), in the _(大海) and even in _(太空). Yes, so the _(空气) will get bad. There will be _ _(大雨) and _(风).整句翻译:_4. Are you looking forward to the future? Sure. Here is my new idea about the future. I think it w

12、ill be not only _(便宜的) but also great for people to travel _(到处) by _(自行车) or _(小汽车). Hope your idea can _ _(实现).整句翻译:_5. _(机器人) will do _(繁重的) and difficult jobs for us. And we will only do _(轻的) and _(容易的) work. Yes, so the _ _(工作时间) will be _(短的). We will have _(长的) holidays. The salaries(薪水) wil

13、l _(上升) as well.整句翻译:_6. I think people will have more _ _(空闲时间)because _(机器人) and _(机器) can give a lot of help. But I think there will be _ _(交通堵塞) _ _ _(在陆地上), in the _(大海) and even in _(太空). Yes, so the _(空气) will get bad. There will be _ _(大雨) and _(风).整句翻译:_Module 5Its _ _(母亲节) soon. I want to

14、buy something in the _(超市). I am going to buy some _(柠檬) and _(草莓) to make _(饼干) for my mum.整句翻译:_(可以) I _(试穿) it on? _(当然). What _(尺码) do you want? Small, please. Just _ _ _(稍等).整句翻译:_Look at the _(价格) for the apples. Theres a _(降价销售) on today. Yes, and they _ _(看起来新鲜). Lets buy some.整句翻译:_4. Onlin

15、e shopping has some _(优点). Yes, we will be able to buy _(任何东西) on the Internet, and _(收到) it _(任何地方) by post after we _(支付) for it. We can also _(比较) the prices of _(产品).整句翻译:_5. Online shopping also has _(几个) disadvantages. Yes. It is _ _(.之一)the new _(方式) of shopping, you can buy _(几乎) everything

16、online, but sometimes it is not _(安全) to _(支付) over the Internet.整句翻译:_6. Maybe a few years _(后来), people wont _ _(外出) for shopping any more. OK. Shops on the Internet are always _(营业的), and we can _(支付) over the Internet.整句翻译:_Module 6_ _(打扰一下)! Im a _(游客). Can you tell me the way to the city _(博物馆

17、)? Yes. Go _(沿着) this road and then _(穿过) Zhongshan park. Its _(在.对面) the _(银行).整句翻译:_Could you tell me how to get to the _(书店)? Why not take a _(导游册)? But you can go _(沿着) this _(街道) and _ _(向右转) at the _(第三) crossing. Its on your left.整句翻译:_How can I get to _ _(天安门广场)? You can _ _ _(搭乘地铁) or bus over there. Have a nice _(旅行) in Beijing!整句翻译:_Welcome to London! We are standing _ _ _(在中部) of the city. From here, you can see the _(著名的) _(博物馆) with lots of _(著名的) _(油画). Over there is the London Eye. It can take


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