1、PAGE -学习是持续改变人生,体会人生,快乐人生关键。学习是美好的学习美好吗?也许你会不以为然。其实,这是一个简单的不能再简单的问题,这也是一个复杂的不能再复杂的问题。与其说,这是一个问题,莫如说这是一种生命、意志、生理和心理的体验和感受。让我们一起来面对这样一个事实:放假前,很多同学期盼着暑假的到来,那种渴望,那种焦急,是多么真切!是啊,勤奋努力了一个学期,能够放松身心、好好休息,无论对谁都有着无法抗拒的吸引力。放假的最初几天,大家都会沉浸在假日的悠闲与喜悦之中。十天、二十天后,如果你没有自主安排好暑期学习,你会渐渐感到慵懒、倦怠甚至空虚、无聊。但新学期的到来使你满怀憧憬与希望,你会精神振
3、学习是美好的。但这美好的彼岸,有时伴随着快乐,有时却充满艰辛。轻松快乐时,我们可以像诗人,游走在如诗如画的美景中,驻足、沉醉;艰辛坎坷时,我们应该像勇敢的弄潮儿直挂云帆、乘风破浪,应该像无畏的探险队员迎难而上、勇攀高峰。我们不是海伦凯勒和张海迪,我们的学习过程不会那样艰辛,也不会那样惊天动地;我们不是孙敬和苏秦,我们没有“头悬梁”、“锥刺股”的疼痛,也不会那样千古留名。古希腊德尔菲阿波罗神庙的石柱上有句著名的哲言:Know of yourself Always the best“认识你自己,做好每一天。”是的,我们需要认识自己,脚踏实地,做好每一天。我们就是我们,怀着平常心,纵然平凡但绝不平庸
4、,我们会满怀热情,向着美好的彼岸,努力做最好的自己,以勤劳的汗水浇开希望之花,用勤奋的学习创造自己的美好未来!最后,我想引用一位法国著名思想家的名言与大家共勉如果上帝一手拿着真理,一手拿着追求真理。上帝问我:你要什么?我说,我要追求真理!同学们,学习就是追求真理的过程。或许,我们永远不能获得永恒的真理。但是,我们通过学习,却可以获得真理的永恒!从这个意义上讲,学习就是最美好的经历、最美好的生活和最美好的人生。谢谢! (2012年9月3日闵行五中开学典礼讲话稿) 附英文翻译: Learning is beautifulIs learning beautiful? However, you may
5、 disapprove of it.Actually this is just a simple problem; meanwhile it is also a complicated question. It is a kind of life, will, physiological and psychological experience and feelings rather than a problem. Lets face such a fact together: many schoolmates are eagerly looking forward to the arriva
6、l of the summer vacation before the holiday. You are truly anxious. Yes, having made painstaking effort for one semester, you would like to relax and have a good rest. In the first few days of the vacation, you are immersed in the leisure and joy of the holiday. 10 to 20 days later, if you havent in
7、dependently and properly arranged for your learning, you will gradually feel languid, tired, even empty and boring. However, the advent of the new semester makes you full of hopes and expectations. You are HYPERLINK /w/in/ in HYPERLINK /w/high/ high HYPERLINK /search?q=spirits&keyfrom=E2Ctranslation
8、 spirits, just like a ship which will sail out to sea, brave wind and waves, and reach the other side. The learning life of the new term, just like a scroll painting, is gradually unfolding before you. The color is so bright, and the picture is so beautiful! Yes, learning is beautiful. When you work
9、 out a difficult problem and HYPERLINK /search?q=jump&keyfrom=E2Ctranslation jump HYPERLINK /w/for/ for HYPERLINK /w/joy/ joy, when you realize a truth and dance with excitement, when you are indulged in the details of the article and share heart and soul, cognitive assimilation, and emotional reson
10、ance with the author, when you walk into the cultural depth to feel the broad life, rich history, lofty spirit, and deep thoughts, you may exclaim: learning is so beautiful! Boys and girls, do you know that, numerous excellent people, ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign, have such feelings? The
11、ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle said: “Seeking knowledge is human instinct.” The ancient classic “Analects of Confucius” which has had a profound influence on Chinese history begins with: “Confucius says, to learn and to practice what is learned time and again is pleasure, ist it?” in its first
12、article “learning”.Yes, learning is beautiful. Yet the other side of the sea, sometimes goes with happiness, while sometimes is full of hardships. When we are relaxed and cheerful, we can wander in the picturesque scenery, like poets, stopping here and there, and becoming intoxicated. When we are co
13、nfronted with hardships and frustrations, we should set sail like the courageous seamen, braving wind and waves, and we should also brave difficulties like the dauntless explorers, reaching the new heights.We are not Helen Keller and Zhang Haidi; our learning process is neither so painstaking nor so
14、 earthshaking. We are not Sun Jing and Su Qin; we have neither piercing pain nor immortal fame. There is a famous maxim in the stone pillar of Delphi Apollo Temple in ancient Greece: “Know of yourself, always be the best.” Yes, we need to know ourselves, and always be the best and down-to-earth. We
15、are what we are, having common hearts, ordinary but not indifferent. We are full of enthusiasm. We will strive to be the best, and study hard to create our own bright future.Finally, I would like to quote the words of a famous French thinker If the God holds truth in one hand, and takes the pursuit of truth in the other hand. The God asks me: “What do you want?” And I will say: “I want to pursue the truth!” Boys and girls, learning is the process of pursuing the truth. Perhaps, we can never obt
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