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1、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上精选优质文档倾情为你奉上专心专注专业专心专注专业精选优质文档倾情为你奉上专心专注专业知识点大全SA重要动词词组help with housework 帮忙做家务, read 阅读, read English books 读英语书,exercise 锻炼, watch TV 看电视, go shopping 去购物, go to the movies 去看电影,shop 购物,use the internet 使用互联网,基本句型1What do you do on weekends? 你周末做什么?I always/usually/often/sometimes wat

2、ch TV. What does he/she do on weekends?He/She always/usually/often/sometimes helps with housework.分析:试分析句子结构。基本句型2Do you exercise? 简略肯定:Yes, I do. 完整肯定:Yes, I usually/often/sometimes exercise.简略否定:No, I dont. 完整否定:No, I never/hardly ever exercise.分析:试分析句子结构。思考:如果针对he/she提问,应该怎么问与答?语法:关于频率副词频率副词:一般用来

3、表示动作或状态发生的频率。用法:助动词/Be动词/情态动词之后,实意动词之前。根据动作发生的频率由大到小排列依次为:always(总是) usually(通常)often(经常,常常)sometimes(有时)hardly ever (几乎不)never(从不)重要辨析:hardly ever与hardly1)hardly ever是频率副词,用于描述动作或状态的频率。e.g. I am hardly ever late for school. 我上学几乎不迟到。e.g. Jack hardly ever does his homework. 杰克几乎不做作业。e.g. I hardly ev

4、er watch TV on weekends. 我周末几乎不看电视。2)hardly adv. 几乎不,几乎没有。(其本身就具备否定的含义,相当于否定词no或not等。因此hardly不能用来表示频率,只能单纯的用于构成否定句。 用法:用于助动词/Be动词/情态动词后,实意动词前。)e.g. I dont have friends.= I have no friends. 我没有朋友。 I hardly have friends. 我几乎没有朋友。e.g. I am not happy. 我不开心。 I am hardly happy. 我几乎不开心。e.g. He cant help yo

5、u. 他没法帮你。 He can hardly help you. 他几乎没法帮你。基本句型3How often do you exercise? 你多久锻炼一次?回答一:I do exercise every day.回答二:Every day.How often does he/she go shopping? 回答一:He/She goes shopping twice a week. 他/她一周去购物两次。回答二:Twice a week. 一周两次。How often do they use the Internet?回答一:They sometimes use the intern

6、et. 他们有时用一次英特网。回答二:Sometimes. 有时用。分析:试分析句子结构。分析2:试分析并观察这六种回答,你能总结出什么规律吗?小知识:how often 这个疑问词的意思是 “多久一次”,用于询问“频率”。该类问题的答语可有以下几种情况:一、every+可数名词单数:every morning / afternoon / evening / day / night / Sunday / weekend / week / month / term(学期) / year等。e.g. How often do you do your homework? I do my homewo

7、rk every night. e.g. Last year, I went shopping every weekend. 二、次数+ a/an + 可数名词单数:(英语中一般用once表1次,twice表2次,3及以上用基数词+times表示)e.g. once a day 一天一次 e.g. twice a week 一周两次e.g. three times a month 一月三次 e.g. once or twice a year 一年一次或二次e.g. two or three times a term 一学期2次或3次(特例)e.g. three to six times a d

8、ay 一天3到6次。三、用频度副词回答:always(100%) usually(90%)often(60%)sometimes(30%)hardly ever(10-20%)never(0%)e.g. I always exercise. e.g. He hardly ever exercises.复习辨析:四个类似的词1) sometimes 频率副词,意为“有时候”。2) some times 名词短语,意为“几次,几倍”。(本单元所学的 three times a week中,times即是作次数讲)3) sometime adv. (将来)某个时候,某时。e.g. Can you c

9、ome again sometime tomorrow? 你明天的某个时候能再过来吗?e.g. I will be a scientist sometime.4) some time 名词短语, 意为“一段时间”e.g. I spend some time on my homework.e.g. It takes me some time to do my homework.知识点大全2cWhats your favorite program? 你最喜欢的节目是什么?Animal World. 动物世界。小知识: program n. (电视或广播的)节目。(可数)e.g. I like th

10、is new TV program. 我喜欢这个新的电视节目。补充:program n. 程序(可数)e.g. This is a computer program. 这是一个电脑程序。小知识:Animal World 专有名词,意为“动物世界”(一个电视节目的名词)知识点大全2dAre you free next week? 你下周有空吗?复习:free adj. 免费的,空闲的。常见搭配:do (sth.) for free. 免费做 e.g. My uncle works in the park. So I can go to the park for free.e.g. You can

11、 eat the food for free.Hmm next week is quite full for me, Jack. 直译:唔下周对我来说挺满的,杰克。意译:唔下周我很忙,杰克。(建议积累)复习:quite adv. 挺,十分,相当;完全。在例句中quite作为程度副词修饰形容词full。小知识:full adj. 满的。常见用法:be full of sb./sth. 充满了,装满了e.g. This bottle is full of water. 这个瓶子充满了水。e.g. This classroom was full of people yesterday. 这间教室昨天

12、充满了人。补充:full adj. 饱的。e.g. I am full, mom. 我饱了,妈妈。How come ? 为什么呢?/怎么会?说明:这是英语中的一个口语,相当于汉语的“为什么?”、“怎么会?”等。e.g. I am hungry. How come? You had lunch ten minutes ago.I have dance and piano lessons. 我有舞蹈课和钢琴课。复习:lesson n. 课(指一节45分钟的课)(可数)e.g. I cant go with you. I have a lesson at 9:30 this morning.我不能和

13、你一块去。我今天上午9:30有课。 n.功课 (可数)e.g. You need to review the lessons every day.你每天都要复习功课。e.g. Stop play games! Do your lessons. 别玩游戏了!做你的功课去。 n. 教训 (可数)e.g. Sorry, mom. I learnt my lesson.对不起妈妈,我得到教训了。e.g. Do it again, then I will teach you a lesson.再做一次,我就会给你个教训。辨析:lesson与class共同点1.这两个名词在表示45分钟的“一节课”时是同义

14、词,一般可以相互换用。e.g. We have four English lessons/classes every week.每周我们上四节英语课。不同点1.表示“班级、同学们”时,用class不用lesson。(因为lesson没有这些的含义)e.g. Our school has fifty classes.我们学校有50个班级。e.g. Good morning, class! 同学们,早上好!e.g. I am in Class One, Grade Six. 我在六年级一班。2.表示“开始上课”时,用class不用lesson。e.g. Classes begin at 8:00

15、in the morning.上午8点开始上课。e.g. 打铃后老师经常说“Class begins!”3.表示“第几课”时,用lesson不用class。e.g. Lets learn the first lesson.让我们学习第一课吧。e.g. Unit 5, lesson one. 第五单元第一课。4. 表示“功课”,“教训”时,用lesson不用class。(因为class没有这些含义。)e.g. I can help you with your lesson.我能帮你学习功课。5.某些固定搭配中不能替换。e.g. do ones lessons 做功课e.g. give lesso

16、ns to 给上课e.g. teach sb. a lesson 给某人一个教训。e.g. after/before class 课后/前e.g. in class 在课堂上。e.g. in the class 在教室里What kind of dance are you learning?你正在学哪种舞呢?复习:What kind of +不可数名词/可数名词复数,用于询问“哪种”。小知识:dance vi. 跳舞。e.g. She is dancing. n. 舞蹈,舞蹈艺术(不可数)e.g. What kind of dance do you like? 你喜欢哪种舞蹈?Oh, swin

17、g dance. Its fun! I have class once a week, every Monday. 噢!摇摆舞。它很有趣!我每周上一次课,在每周一。(建议积累)小知识: swing dance 名词短语,意为“摇摆舞”e.g. I like swing dance. 我喜欢摇摆舞。How often do you have piano lessons?你多久上一次钢琴课?小知识:have piano/English/ lessons = take piano /English/ lessons 动词词组,意为“上钢琴课/英语课/课”。e.g. Sorry, mom. I am

18、having/taking a piano lesson now.e.g. Before, I didnt want to have/take music lessons. But now I really like music.Twice a week, on Wednesday and Friday.一周两次,在周三和周五。But do you want to come? 但是,你想来吗?知识点大全GFI go to the movies maybe once a month. 我大概一个月去看一次电影复习:may 情态动词,用于表示推测,意思是“大概,或许,可能”。(其否定直接在may后

19、加not即可。表示“可能不,也许不。”)常见用法:1)主语 + may + be +表语。(表示主语的状态可能是)e.g. You may not be right. 你或许不是正确的。e.g. I cant find my pen. It may be in my bag.我找不到我的笔了,它大概在我包包里吧。e.g. I think she may be at home. 我想他大概在家吧。2)may do (sth.) 也许会做,可能要做。e.g. He may eat ice-cream. 他也许在吃冰淇淋吧。e.g. Its 6 p.m. He may come back soon.

20、 六点了,他也许不久就会回来了。3)may be doing (sth.) 也许正在做,大概正在做。e.g. He may be swimming right now. 他现在也许正在游泳呢。e.g. I think he may be doing his homework now. 我认为大概他现在正在做他的作业呢。辨析:maybe 与may be的区别.may是情态动词,具体用法如前所述。第一种用法中出现的may be后接表语,用于表示对主语身份,地位,年龄,状态,特征等的猜测。第三种用法中出现的may be后接doing,用于对主语正在做某事的推测。maybe adv. 也许、可能。(用

21、于表示对整个句子的推测)(在句中作状语,常位于句首,无需逗号隔开。这种副词的位置比较丰富,慢慢学习并积累即可。) (maybe或may be都可以用来表示推测, 随便用哪个都行,只需要注意遵循其各自用法即可。)e.g. Maybe she cant come this afternoon. 也许她今天下午没法来了。=She may not come this afternoon.她今天下午也许不会来了。 e.g. Maybe you are not right. = You may not be right.e.g. I cant find my pen. It may be in my ba

22、g. = I cant find my pen. Maybe its in my bag.e.g. I think she may be at home. = I think maybe she is at home.e.g. He may eat ice-cream. = Maybe he will eat ice-cream.e.g. Its 6 p.m. He may come back soon. = Its 6 p.m. Maybe he will come back soon.e.g. He may be swimming right now. = Maybe he is swim

23、ming right now.e.g. I think he may be doing his homework now. = I think maybe he is doing his homework now. 知识点大全3aHe plays at least twice a week. 他至少每周踢两次。小知识:at least 意为“至少,不少于;起码”。相当于一个副词。用法:1)置于句首逗号隔开。e.g. At least, I won the game. 至少,我赢得了比赛。e.g. At least, I can still play computer games. 至少,我依然

24、可以玩电脑游戏。2)用于描述“数量或频率”的成分前。e.g. You have to clean your house at least once a week. 你必须至少一周打扫你的房间一次。e.g. That little girl is at least 13 years old. 那个小女生至少13岁了。e.g. I spend at least five hours doing my homework. 我花了至少5小时做我的作业。e.g. You should read at least two or three times a week.How often do they st

25、ay up late? 他们多久熬夜一次?小知识:stay up late 动词词组,意为“熬夜”。Does Sue eat a healthy breakfast? 苏吃一顿健康的早餐吗? 复习:一般来说breakfast/lunch/dinner不可数,因此常用have/eat breakfast/lunch/dinner表示“吃早餐/午餐/晚餐”。但当出现“a/an+形容词+ breakfast/lunch/dinner”时,则用作可数名词,表示“一顿的早餐/午餐/晚餐”。Yes, I do. Every day. 是的,我做。每天(都做)。复习辨析:every day与everyday

26、.1)everyday adj. 每天的,每日的。e.g. everyday food 每天的食物。e.g. everyday homework 每日的作业。2)every day 名词短语,句子中常作时间状语。e.g. I get up at 7 a.m. every day. 我每天7点起床。知识点大全3cWhat can you do to improve your English? 你能做什么来提高英语? 小知识:improve vt. 提高,改善。常见用法:improve sth. 提高水平,改善能力。e.g. I want to improve my English. 我想要提高英

27、语(成绩)。e.g. I need to improve my skills so that I can win the game. 我需要提高技能如此以便我可以赢得比赛。Add more things to the chart. 给表格添加更多东西。小知识:add v.增加 小知识:more adj.更多的 (many与much的比较级)小知识:chart n.图标(可数)I read English books about twice a week. 我大约一周阅读两次英语书。知识点大全1a重要的名词及名词短语junk food 垃圾食品。(不可数)sleep 睡觉。复习:sleep vi

28、. 睡觉。e.g. Jack is sleeping. 杰克正在睡觉。 e.g. You need to sleep for at least 8 hours a day. 你每天至少应睡8小时。小知识:sleep n.睡觉,睡眠。(说明:泛指睡觉时不可数。当强调一段睡觉时间,即:睡一觉时可数。)常见搭配:go to bed=go to sleep 去睡觉,上床睡觉知识点大全1cListen to an interview about two peoples daily habits.听一段关于两个人日常习惯的采访。小知识:daily adj.日常的 常见搭配:daily habits 日常习

29、惯。小知识:interview n.采访(可数) 补充:interviewer=reporter n. 记者。(可数)Does Tina have good habits? Tina有着好习惯吗?知识点大全2a重要动词词组go camping in the country 去乡村野营。Rank these activities according to how often you think your classmates do them. (1=most often, 6=least often)根据你所认为的你的同学们做这些事情的频率来排序这些活动。(1代表常,6代表最不常)小知识:ran

30、k v. 给排序小知识:according to 意为“根据”,整体相当于一个介词。 小知识:most often 最常,least often 最不常。(了解即可)知识点大全2bRead the article and complete the pie charts on the next page. 阅读文章并完成下一页中的饼状图。 复习:chart n.图标。(可数)小知识:pie chart 名词短语,意为“饼状图”。(数学统计学中常用的图表之一)小知识:page n. 页,页码。(可数)e.g. Turn to page 51. 翻到51页。小知识:on the next page

31、介词短语,意为“在下一页中”。What Do No.5 High School Students Do in Their Free Time?第五高中的学生们在他们的闲暇时间做些什么?小知识:middle school 初中,high school 高中。小知识:in ones free time 介词短语,意为“在某人的闲暇时光”。e.g. I always play basketball in my free time.Last month we asked our students about their free time activities.上个月我们询问了我们的学生关于他们的闲暇

32、时间的活动。小知识:last month 意为“上个月”,常做时间状语。e.g. I went on vacation last month.补充:next month 意为“下个月”,常做时间状语。e.g. I will go on vacation next month.小知识:ask v. 询问。常见搭配:1)ask ab. a question 问某人一个问题。 ask sb. some questions 问某人一些问题。2)ask sb. about sth. 关于/在方面询问某人。e.g. I wonder how can he ask you about your storie

33、s.e.g. Teacher asked me about that thing just now. e.g. I want to ask Jack about his new book.我想问杰克关于他那本新书的事。3)ask sb. (not) to do (sth.) 叫某人(不要)做某事。e.g. Your mom asked you not to play computer games.Our questions were about exercise, use of the Internet and watching TV. 我们的问题是关于运动,网络的使用以及看电视(这些方面)的

34、。 (建议积累)复习:about 介词,意为“大约”。e.g. She got home at about six p.m.e.g. Its about 100 meters from my home to school. 从我家到学校大约100米。 e.g. I read books for about 4 hours yesterday.小知识:about 介词,意为“关于” 。(作介词时,其后接名词/代词/doing)e.g. This movie is about basketball. e.g. This movie is about me.e.g. This movie is ab

35、out playing basketball.e.g. Can I ask you something about basketball?e.g. Can I ask you something about you?e.g. Can I ask you something about playing basketball?小知识:use of the Internet 英特网的使用。(of结构,后面的前面)小知识:use n. 使用,运用。(不可数)常见搭配:the use of sth. 意为“的使用”。e.g. I want to know about the use of the com

36、puter. 我想要了解关于电脑的使用(方面的事)。e.g. The use of science is good for people. 小知识:use vt. 使用。e.g. Can I use your pen? 我能用你的笔吗?e.g. I need to use some paper. 我需要用一些纸。Here are the results. 这里便是结果。分析:该句为一个“here be”句型。小知识:result n. 结果,后果。(可数)We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day.

37、 我们发现只有我们的学生中百分之十五的人每天锻炼。分析:该句中出现了一个宾语从句。主句时态为一般过去时。从句时态用的一般现在时,可以理解为“客观事实客观真理”。小知识:find v. 找到,发现。常见用法:1)find sb./sth. 找到,发现(强调结果)。e.g. At last, he found his daughter.e.g. I found my pen. It was under the table.2)主语+ find + 宾语从句。 意为“主语发现”。e.g. I find that you are right. 我发现你是对的。e.g. I find that you

38、can play the guitar.e.g. My teacher finds that I will be a scientist.小知识:percent n. 意为“百分数,百分比”(单复同型)常见用法:基数词+percent (of +名词/代词)。 意为“(中的)百分之”。(说明1:名词可以是可数名词单数,可数名词复数,或不可数名词。名词前一般需有形容词性物主代词或定冠词等限定词修饰。代词根据所指代的名词的单复数不同,既可以是单数也可以是复数。)(说明2:做主语时,谓语动词的数要根据上述结构中的名词或代词的数来确定。)(说明3:若没有“of+名词”的话,默认percent为复数。e

39、.g. Eighty percent of the students/them exercise every day. 学生/他们中的80%每天锻炼。e.g. Fifty percent of it/the juice is water. 它/果汁中的50%是水。e.g. 90 percent of it/the body is water. 它/身体中90%是水。e.g. Eighty percent do homework for three hours. 80%的每天做作业做三小时。Forty-five percent exercise four to six hours a week.

40、 百分之45的(学生)一周锻炼4至6小时。Twenty percent exercise only one to three times a week.百分之20的(学生)一周只锻炼1至3次。小知识:one to three times 1至3次。 one or three times 1或3次。And twenty percent do not exercise at all!并且百分之二十的(学生)根本不锻炼!复习:not at all的用法一、用于表示“根本不,完全不,一点都不”(相当于在传统的not否定句结尾加上了at all用来加强语气)。e.g. I dont like the g

41、irl. I dont like the girl at all. 我一点也不喜欢那个女孩e.g. I was not worried. I was not worried at all. e.g. My mom doesnt like watching TV. My mom doesnt like watching TV at all.我妈妈一点也不喜欢看电视。e.g. They didnt like to study English. They didnt like to study English at all.他曾经完全不喜欢学英语。二、口语中直接连用的“Not at all.”1)

42、用来回答感谢,意为“不用谢,不客气”。e.g. Thank you very much. Not at all. 不客气。 2) 用来回答带有感谢性质的客套话,意为:没什么;哪里哪里。如:e.g. You are very kind. 你真好。 Not at all. 没什么/哪里哪里。3) 用来回答道歉,意为:没关系。如: e.g. Sorry, Im late. 对不起,我迟到了。 Oh, not at all, please come in. 噢,没关系,请进来。 4)用来表示否定(是No的加强说法),意为:一点也不,完全不。e.g. Are you worried? 你担心吗? Not

43、 at all. 一点也不。 e.g. Do you feel sad? 你感到难过吗? Not at all. 一点也不(难过)。We all know that many students often go online, but we were surprised that ninety percent of them use the Internet every day. 我们都知道许多学生通常都上网,但我们很惊讶90%的学生每天都使用网络。小知识:go online 动词词组,意为“上网”小知识:surprised adj. 惊讶的。e.g. I feel surprised. 我感

44、到惊讶。e.g. I am surprised. 我很惊讶。常见搭配:1) 主语+ be surprised + that + 陈述句的宾语从句。 意为“主语对感到惊讶。”(说明:该宾语从句为形容词的宾语从句)e.g. I was surprised that you didnt know who I was. 我很惊讶你不知道我是谁。e.g. Jack is surprised that he is our teacher. 杰克对于他是我们的老师感到很惊讶。小知识:all的用法1)all adj. 所有的。(用于形容三者或三者以上的所有的)用法:修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词。目前只用于肯定

45、句)e.g. All the students like me.e.g. I have three sons. All my sons dont like swimming.2) all 代词。(用于指代三者或者三者以上的所有的)用法:all of。意为“中的全部”,of后接人称代词的宾格的复数或可数名词的复数。(接名词时,这个名词前必须有形容词性物主代词或定冠词等限定词修饰,它表示一种部分与整体的关系)(做主语时,谓语动词用复数)e.g. All of the students like me. = All the students like me.e.g. I have three son

46、s. All of them dont like swimming.=I have three sons. All my sons dont like swimming.3)当all作形容词修饰代词时需后置。(说:1:all应放在助动词/be动词/情态动词之后,实意动词之前。但是若助动词/be动词/情态动词是句子中的最后一个词时,all就要放在它们之前了)(说明2:“代词+all”可以用“all of +代词”来替换)e.g. They all like me. = All of them like me.他们都喜欢我。e.g. We all know him. All of us know

47、him. 我们都认识他。e.g. Are they your friends? I know them all!= Are they your friends? I know all of them!他们是你的朋友们吗?我认识他们所有人!e.g. We are all happy. 我们都很开心。e.g. We are all students. 我们都是学生。e.g. Are you happy? Yes, we all are. 你们开心吗?是的,我们都很开心。e.g. They can all swim. 他们都会游泳。e.g. Can you swim? Yes, we all can

48、.e.g. They are all swimming now. 他们现在都正在游泳。e.g. Are you swimming? Yes, we all are.The other ten percent use it at least three or four times a week.另外百分之十的(学生)使用它至少一周三次或四次。辨析:another, other, the other, others与the others。一、another的用法1)another adj. 另一个,又一个,再一个。(需修饰可数名词单数)2)another 不定代词。意思为“ 另一个,又一个,再一个

49、”。(需指代可数名词单数)(说明:another只能用于三个或以上的人或事物,用于泛指同类人或事物中的三者或三者以上的“另一个,又一个,再一个”。)用法:another = another one = another +可数名词单数。使用前两种时,往往要有前后文。)e.g. I have three sons. One is 15. Another is 10. Another is only 3. = I have three sons. One is 15. Another one is 10. Another one is only 3. = I have three sons. One

50、 is 15. Another son is 10. Another son is only 3. 我有三个儿子。一个(儿子)15岁。另一个(儿子)10岁。再一个(儿子)只有3岁。e.g. I have three apples. I ate two apples. And I gave another to my friend John. = I have three apples. I ate two apples. And I gave another one to my friend John. = I have three apples. I ate two apples. And

51、I gave another apple to my friend John.我有三个苹果。我吃了2个。我把另一个(苹果)给了我朋友约翰。e.g. There are a lot of clothes in your store. I just dont like this dress. Please give me another. = There are a lot of clothes in your store. I just dont like this dress. Please give me another one.= There are a lot of clothes in

52、 your store. I just dont like this dress. Please give me another dress.你的店里有许多衣服。我就是不喜欢这件裙子。请给我另一件(裙子)。e.g. I have another dress. Let me show you. 我有另一件裙子。让我给你看看。(因为此例句中无前后文,因此不建议用前两者用法。强行使用会导致指代不明。)二、other的用法1)other adj. 其它的。(需修饰可数名词复数)用法:“other+可数名词复数”用于泛指其它的人或事物。e.g. I saw many paintings. Some pa

53、intings are good. Other paintings are bad. 三、the other的用法1)the other 特指两者中的另一个。(此时的other为可数名词。特指的原因是有the。)e.g. I have two apples. The first apple is red. The other is green.2)the other +可数名词复数。特指一定范围中的其他的人或事物。(此时的other为形容词。特指的原因是有the。 )e.g. There are some apples on the table. Some of them are green.

54、 The other apples are red and yellow.四、others的用法。other+可数名词复数=others。也是用于泛指其它的人或事物。e.g. I saw many paintings. Some paintings are good. Others are bad. 五、the others的用法the other +可数名词复数=the others。也是用于特指一定范围中的其他的人或事物。e.g. There are some apples on the table. Some of them are green. The others are red a

55、nd yellow.总结:记忆方法。another单独记;the other有特别用法;有the即特指,没the即泛指;(the) other+可数名词复数 = (the) othersMost students use it for fun and not for homework.大多学生用它为了好玩而不是为了家庭作业。小知识:for fun 介词短语,意为“为了好玩,为了高兴”。在例句中做了目的状语。常见搭配:do (sth.) for fun. 做某事为了好玩/高兴,为了好玩/高兴而做某事。e.g. I learn another language for fun. 我学另一门语言为了

56、好玩。e.g. I do math homework just for fun. 我做数学作业只是为了好玩。e.g. John played computer games for fun. 约翰为了好玩而玩了电脑游戏。The answers to our questions about watching television were also interesting. 对我们提出的有关看电视的问题的答案也挺有意思。(建议积累)分析:作为整体看的话,该例句的主语为“the answers to our questions about watching television”。该例句的系动词(谓

57、语动词)为were,而interesting做了该句的表语。复习:answer v. 回答,答复,回应。常见搭配:1)answer sb. 给某人答复,回答/回应某人。e.g. Answer me! Why dont you love me? 回答我!你为什么不爱我?e.g. When can you answer him? 你什么时候可以给他答复?2)answer sth. 回答。e.g. Please answer my question. 请回答我的问题。小知识:answer n. 回答,答案。(可数)e.g. Whats your answer? 你的答案是什么?常见搭配:1)a/th

58、e/形容词性物主代词+ answer to sth. (对于/针对) 的答案。2)the/形容词性物主代词/无 + answers to sth. (对于/针对) 的答案。上述两种意思为“的答案/回答”e.g. Is this your answer to my question? 这就是对于我的问题的答案?e.g. But the answer to my question is wrong!但是针对我的问题的答案是错的!e.g. You didnt give me an answer to my question. 你没有针对我的问题给出答案。e.g. There is not an ea

59、sy answer to this problem. 对于这个问题没有简单的答案。Although many students like to watch sports, game shows are the most popular.虽然很多学生喜欢看体育(节目),但游戏类节目是最受欢迎的。小知识:置于句首时,although = though 均为连词,意为“虽然,尽管”。用于引导让步状语从句。(主从句时态请参照when引导的时间状语从句)(注意:在英语中,当表示“虽然,但是.”这样的逻辑关系时,although/though和but不能在同一个逻辑关系中使用。正如because与so不能

60、再同一个逻辑关系中使用是一样的道理。也就是说,在一个句子中,用了although/though就不用but,反之亦然。)e.g. Although/Though you hurt me, I can still help you. = You hurt me, but I can still help you.e.g. Although/Though you are sad, keep working. = You are sad, but keep working.e.g. Although/Though the car is old, it still runs well. = The c


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