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1、ir valessfstoteigaa.-l-.taescteifeaeelsruriuwayseieePliecaauaeie-adstasvause-let s i- k-c.eive.一 c-ul.e.ie.ei.- c erdad-eaa aa. e aiufed.edtic.a.-drilataaaiiel一一.1- g e le la se-r e s s ay e ees l-e-ea-cy e -elite-srgat-u-er-eseii-u-eesaeO-klu-c.etc一-v - t ef csWasa-.eeeeulki-eseig-e-weee-guawaass-a

2、eefc-aigs-ffie-iceeeselcruco 1- si-igleele elsefmaecuiii ie-kelk a -ef-vessa .sag i-a - a.aie-egelk-s-eiie-eles dgeifs-ileeleea-aausawre-a.O-.-r g-e-iqiiMsusiisw-aeaccguug-u se-riee-g.riicacc-aasaieau-aeslli il ci-igP lcaf-i suvva c.g -s-一fi-afi-lrd u - ilii-a- aefea-w-rgiuhaeeseuv- e-hci-diigui-.ei

3、dlalaesiuealaci-hsvc-lPlaewssa-. iw igi - Psieceyeuds-ae-ii- i r ua s ce-ellii.-isce-aaai.siK142+367.5下开河分离立交桥 钻孔灌注桩(冲击钻)施工方案 一、编制依据.业主下发的招标文件及山东高速公路施工标准化管理指南(试行)、青龙高速 公路工程管理手册(试行)。.本项目部编制的实施性施工组织设计、总体施工进度计划。.施工现场临时用电安全技术规范 JGJ46-2005规定。.公路桥涵施工技术规范(JTG/T F50-2011 )。.公路工程质量检验评定标准(JTG F80/1-2004 )。.公路

4、工程施工安全技术规程(JTJ 076-95 )。.龙青十一标段桥涵施工设计图。.现有机械设备条件、现场施工条件及施工准备情况。二、工程概况及地质简介K142+367.5下开河分离立交桥位于即墨市龙山镇下开河村,为跨县乡道的主线上跨 式分离式立交,净高5ml交角85度,跨径20+25+25+20m桥梁全长97.06米。本桥上 部结构采用一联预应力混凝土连续箱梁;下部构造为柱式墩、肋板台,基础均为钻孔灌 注端承桩(冲击钻)基础。本桥共42根桩,其中桥墩桩基18根,桩径为1.5m,总桩长432m桥台桩基24根, 桩径1.2m,总桩长528m根据设计S11-5I-2-02工程地质纵断面图可知,本桥桩基

5、础均落于强风化或中风化 凝灰岩中。桩基穿过地层情况见下表:桩基穿过地层情况K142+345K142+367K142+3980-5.9m粉质粘土0-4.8m 碎石土0-2.7m 中砂-5.9-7.5m全风化凝灰岩-4.8-18.0m 强风化凝灰岩-2.7-3.9m 粉质粘土-7.5-17.3m强风化凝灰岩-18.0-24.2m强风化凝灰岩-3.9-5.4m强风化凝灰岩-17.3-24.2m 强风化凝灰岩-24.2-30.0m强风化凝灰岩-5.4-9.0m全风化凝灰岩-24.2-30.2m强风化凝灰岩-9.0-22.2m 强风化凝灰岩-22.2-30.2m中风化凝灰岩ir valessfstote

6、ig a a.- l -.taescteifeaeelsruriuwayseieePliecaauaeie-adstasvause-let s i- k-c.eive.一 c-ul.e.ie.ei.- c erdad- e a a aa. e aiufed.edtic.a.drilataSpaaiiel一一.1- g e le s a -se-rrsay e ees l-e-ea-cy e -elite-srgat -u - e r -e seii -u-ees. O- klu-c .etc一-v - t ef csWlsa-de eee ulk i- es e ig - e-weeecgua

7、waass-aaefccaigs-ffie-iceeeselcruco 1- si-igleele elsefmaecuiii ie-kelk a -ef-vessa .sag i-a c a gaie-egelk-s-eiie-eles dgeifs-ileeleea-as awre-lluO-k-r g-e-iqiiMsu s i issw-aeaccguug-u se-rie-e-a.criicacc-aasaieau-aesr-iil ciigP lcaf-i suvva c.g -s-一fi-afi-lrd u - ilii-a-aefea-wd-rgiuaaeeseuv- e-hc

8、i-d iigui-deidlall- esiuealaci-hsvc-lPlaewssa-. iw igi - Psieceyeuds-ae-ii- i . 一 s ceyelliid-is-e-aaaii-si-三、钻孔机具的选择根据本桥设计桩基穿过地层主要为全风化、强风化及中风化凝灰岩,并结合实施性 施工组织设计安排,本标段钻孔机具拟选择CF20冲击钻成孔。四、施工进度安排K142+367.5下开河分离立交桥桩基计划 2012年5月1日开工,2012年7月31日 完工。五、施工技术方案1、施工准备技术准备掌握场地的工程地质和水文地质资料;读懂桩基设计图纸和技术要求,编写施工方案,进行技术

9、交底、原材料送检和混凝土配比申请。准备施工用的各种报表、规范。现场准备 对桩位进行测量定位自检,监理复核;护筒埋设检查、测量复核; 泥浆池、沉淀池的检查;检查水泥、骨料、水质及其它添加剂数量,其质量是否满足设计与规范要求,是否与批准的混凝土配合比设计试验报告的材料相一致;检查制作钢筋笼的钢筋型号、种类、数量是否满足设计要求,钢筋加工各部位 尺寸、焊接质量是否满足设计与规范要求,有无埋声测管等。备足成孔用粘土、片石、碎石等必备材料,确保意外情况出现时,不致发生停 工待料及其它严重事故。主要机具设备配备根据本桥桩基实际情况,拟配备 3台CF20型冲击钻钻机进行钻孔,钢筋笼采用钢 筋加工场集中加工,

10、汽车吊分节吊装,碎采用拌合站拌制,罐车运输,导管法灌注水下 碎。主要机械设备配备见下表:序 号设备名称单位规格、型号、功率数量备注1冲击钻钻机台CF2032碎搅拌运输车辆_3JS8 8m3中铁:局龙号“速11标项II部钻孔灌注桩(冲击钻)施.方案 中铁:局龙号“速11标项II部钻孔灌注桩(冲击钻)施.方案 #vl atgles wat se as-liee y uees asi t tee.sac etlett r a e c u- em ev e s iac y esal Ot.tt.e .r-lrLetcdceemes lele eav- as a w -etIk-Ot.-. les em

11、-led-1-taa aesjclPav ter w - -s e s y a t .-y.esee ae y eeesa e ttiar t -l-ls-e l - -. t-rs一序 号设备名称单位规格、型号、功率数量备注3汽车吊车辆QY25 25t14泥浆泵台BW150 7.5KW35钢筋加工设备套16变压器台500KVA17运钢筋笼平板车台28发电机台GF2001备用1.4主要管理人员及作业人员安排主要管理人员一览表厅P职务/工种姓名备注1项目经理刘勇施工总负责一2总工黄晓彬技术总负责3副经理王华东现场总负责4架什队队长何东现场施工负责人5架二队技术主管杨小锋现场技术负责人6试验工程师

12、袁超军现场试验负责人7测量工程师林科现场测量负责人 18施工员杨晓金、刘洪现场管理员9专职安全员熊亚洲现场安全员10拌合站站长杨超华碎生产负责人;11钢筋加工场场长陈安平钢筋加工负责人12资料员谭彩虹资料收集整理主要作业人员配备:钻机班班长 1人,钻机工10人;钢筋班班长1人,钢筋工5人,电焊工1人,钢筋运输2人;碎班班长1人,碎生产及管控人员6人,碎运输3人2、施工工艺流程和施工方法本桥先施工0#W台0-1#桩基,并作为首件工程。施工时采用跳桩法施工施工工艺流程本工程采用冲击钻机成孔,导管法灌注水下碎施工方法施工,具施工工艺流程见下 s ito kthcleive d cay c l.e.a

13、ei.- c ea.a.lea a aa. e ai .-e-sretic. a -i Zt as a aii el-c l a-g e le s wa -s-a r s a e ees l- e - -e a - cy e -elite - - st gt -u - e r -e s-ci-u -e es. O- klu- c . etc 一igaele el-e-maec eu-ii -e-kelk a -efc-essa gag i-a c a gaie-egelk - s - e -ive- dr les dgei-s-ilele eva- a aus a w -ea- auO-kll

14、k il ci ig Pe lca-i s-ac-jg - esl-c-uci-i-ai-ll u - ilii-cai ae-ea-w -gi.a aee s e u le-ci -d enLng uil.eidl a l a 1-e al ac-savc-lPel a ewssa-.iw .i . ps-e ceye u.sae _ ii- - i - - a s ce-el li i.-isc ey a钻孔灌注桩施工工艺流程图施工方法及施工工艺要点施工准备测量准备:施工测量严格按测量规范要求进行,所有测量仪器进行校核与检定,保证测量精度。桩基定位后,四周设护桩并复测,误差控制在5mmz内

15、。场地准备:保障施工道路畅通及施工现场排水通畅。对原地面整平并碾压密实,保证钻机作业高度和机械的稳固,泥浆池开挖完毕。由于该桥1# 2#墩部分桩基处于既有小河河道边(注:该河较小,水流不大),钻机平台采用筑岛法填筑平台,为确保施工ailvauess. lfsojctvg e aat af dales - feevus- -u ai de ways e ePeli te cl e. we eea rssa v us e - eli e s ik - cleie .e.aee i.e- c e rdeuave evesa a uadve. iest n arr v - a- -lc cia- a

16、-.,. .el a del.tgles wa - se as-liee y ue s asi r -ed s ac - e - let- st .-a ec u - e evee siac yes.O.”.e-i-i.et-ceeesev t e - cs W als a kO-. e ee e ulk i- es e i. - e-swe e e c e-. u a wa as s-aa e -c - eai. ffie-icee e sel csuc- n- si-i.leel e elsefmaec vuiii ie-kel. a -efeciessa .sag i-a - a.ai

17、e -e.-kel. - s - eiive- de lee d.eifss-ileel e ev-a- a als a w -le- akuO-.-ar .i-sa i s-m-su aeliiWeav -c c a gu u,n. -s-ie-i . ee e- caicl a a - ia su e s al aki- i-i. Pel ea-i - - a iuj . - eul- le-a-ma-l - wed 一一 . iaii-e-Tefew k we- si. ii.aw - a e e s se del-ii-ee - eelicli. suil es e_lea esiu-

18、aa aeslajclav - i w sai-a -e s i - a -.-pisee a e y eesa e-ii -iululsie-eliidfasie.中铁:局龙号广“速 11标项II部钻孔灌注桩(冲击钻)施.方案顺利进行且不堵塞河流,在该处河道内埋设 4 100cm圆管涵过渡(圆管涵埋设长度根据 现场施工时占用河道长度确定,以不堵塞河道为原则布设)。技术准备:组织技术人员进行设计图纸及有关施工资料的审核,并进行有关人员培 训I、学习相关技术规范及施工细则、设计文件,作好施工前的技术准备工作。施工技术交底:根据施工图及规范,对现场管理人员、技术人员及施工作业人员进 行技术交底。交

19、底内容包括:施工工艺及方法、质量控制要点、安全及环保等。物资准备:原材料的取样试验工作已经按规范要求完成,驻地办对材料进行抽检试 验并批准使用,配合比已审批。备足施工用水、粘土等必备材料,确保桩基钻孔施工正 常进行。设备准备:拌合站、冲击钻机、碎运输车、发电机等机械设备性能良好,现场施工 用电配备到位。护筒埋设护筒采用整体式钢制护筒,壁厚4mm内径大于桩径20cm护筒的埋设采用挖埋法, 埋置深度2m,坑挖好后,将坑底整平,然后放入护筒,经检查位置正确,筒身竖直后, 四周即用黏土回填,分层夯实,并随填随观察护筒,防止填土时护筒位置偏移。护筒埋 设时,具顶面高出施工地面0.3m,护筒顶面中心与设计

20、桩位偏差不大于 5cm,倾斜度不 大于1%采用护筒顶拉十字线吊垂球与桩位对比进行复核。在护筒埋设好后,在顶部焊加强筋和吊耳且开出水口。泥浆制备泥浆采用高粘度粘土或膨润土制备,采用自然造浆方式进行护壁,泥浆的配合比和 配制方法通过试验确定,制备泥浆的性能指标为:相对密度1.11.2 ,粘度1824s,胶体率方95% 失水量0 20mL/30min,泥皮厚0 3mm/30min 静切力 12.5Pa, PHO 811。 当钻孔过程中发现地质与设计不符出现易坍地层时,除需及时与设计、监理、业主报告 处理外,泥浆相对密度等需按规范相关规定进行调整。泥浆池设置在两个桥墩之间,同 时起泥浆池和沉淀池的作用

21、。泥浆池通过泥浆沟与护筒相连,以达到循浆浮渣的目的, 捞渣工作则在泥浆沟中进行。在泥浆排放过程中,务必注意环境保护,泥浆排放一律进入沉淀池,沉淀后的泥浆 循环使用,废弃泥浆经沉淀处理后,运送至指定地点处理。at. vausTaled vau efetjcvtge vauuamlescv.eevaus-srrtt.sy afeePel-tuavre.yeeadsesvaus etelet s i akcr-eecl. r.rset-ei ee- c cuar-eavrusvs - ua.ea-.edtat-r*tId-s -u-a v a advcc-a- giwateeessvruitydas

22、eeedet.deeeedtrgadvcre.- ee evetesd divi dends inthepra cticalwork.Impr oveprese ntation drafting level,re- -L _inte nt,Ge neral l edcare ofw orkaretoasunderstand,General led considerof problemareto in-de pth thinking;requirementsweor approa ch policy a nd locala ctual combi ned up, put presentati o

23、n ofthemethrustaht bywant s tocombine d up;requirementsweseeks tostreamline dclear,with simple oflangssion de ep ofthoug ht,with shortof lengthhostedri ch ofconnotation.Se cond,t he survey resultsmore. Investigation ofthe base ,the roa d to success issomething,is ourfor theParty Committeespolicy de

24、cisi on a good i dea, an importantpartofa good staff.This year, to focusaround i ndustrialXINGcity,and farmers increase,anda nd ma npoweruageexpreNow,we arein anewhistoricalstage ofall-roundconstructi on ofawell-offsociety.ngs doup,from masses most careofhotproblemnot satisfacti on ofplace m odified

25、 up, notmake nom inalofformalism, notdograndstandi ngofcosmetic, to seeki ng ofstyle,helpmasse s share,is peoplebenefit. (C)the investeepeople is notonlyanidea,it isajobrequirement. Philosophythroughthepe opl e-orient ed thought inthe work oftheOffice,mustbeclearworkobjectives.Party Officein the cit

26、y thisyearremains:Adva nced civi lstrife, local brand.TheCounty (City) PartyCommittee officesand units directly underthe Office tohol d hig hthe banneroffirsttoexcellence,people-oriented requirements,strengthentheconstr uction a nd manageme nt oftheOfficetowardst he work ahig herlevel.Investee1.poli

27、ti calparticipation base d on conspiracy to adhere t o pe ople -oriented, willbearound to promotecoordinationDevelopment events,great searchings.The 16session ofthe partysscientific Outlook on developme nt,is the newCentral collective leadership tohedeve lopme nt of connotation,developme ntessential

28、 s,furtherdeepen thee sse nce ofdevelopment a nd i nnovation,i s our partys ruli ngidea alep.Atpresent,establishinga nd impleme ntingthe sci entific conceptofdevelopment hasbecomet hepartys importantwork.Asthe Office ofpartyCommittee,workingpartyshoul d servi ce ce nter, initiative to claim leadersh

29、ip of theon promoting compr ehe nsive, coordinate dand sustainable deve lopmentwith more suggestise thelevelofyour pre sentation.our presentation is themaipresentati on, mai ndevelopment,a nde nt recogntage industrsteni nndcarrie- -.L d divi dends inthepra cticalwork.Impr oveprese ntation drafting l

30、evel,re- -L _inte nt,Ge neral l edcare ofw orkaretoasunderstand,General led considerof problemareto in-de pth thinking;requirementsweor approa ch policy a nd locala ctual combi ned up, put presentati on ofthemethrustaht bywant s tocombine d up;requirementsweseeks tostreamline dclear,with simple ofla

31、ngssion de ep ofthoug ht,with shortof lengthhostedri ch ofconnotation.Se cond,t he survey resultsmore. Investigation ofthe base ,the roa d to success issomething,is ourfor theParty Committeespolicy de cisi on a good i dea, an importantpartofa good staff.This year, to focusaround i ndustrialXINGcity,

32、and farmers increase,anda nd ma npoweruageexpre中铁二局龙青高速11标项目部钻孔灌注桩(冲击钻)施工方案d lpmet, a nd seekig ma prbllmadfoste id-ntaeinuut y ad adusment ig - ulua s 5沉淀厚度(mm)se d on consiay t a dhee t o pe opeori enttd, wl be a oud t prmote cor diai onleveopment eants grea sachig s The 16 lesson of te pats (cien

33、ticHok on deveopment,stenewCeetacllc la-sitt he dew lpme it of cnnotain, devl opme nt lsse,l s .he dleeete e se nne I f dvelpmet a nd innov-n, i s our parts rui ngdla a e a. A prrset e b,hig a id mpeme ntig te sc ef cncept of nment hhs becomethe pays .po.at work:s te Hie of pary Cmmite, wkigpalysoud

34、sev ce e ii tcam ladesioftedelsin, the cue nt fousis tfous on promotig cmpr ehe nsve coordiae d and lusaia be dve lpme nt wih moe s .d sdo moe esach, smmaZd tetyica. Oe s datd tra_.- -. 一 .一orfulin t hetransformation ofthepeople of theworld,communityvitality in thecreation of man.Therefore,anyworkwe

35、do,thestartin thematerialcivilizati on, politi calcivili zationand spirit ualcivil izationin theoveralladvass ofsocialpr ogress; changes i n bot h ur ban a nd rural cha nge; both harde nvironme - . . I _ 一 - - _ I II_ - . |_ L I _ L _ II.ng poi ntis human,what are people.Usspeedup development,thence

36、me ntof Soci alistcivili zationto ahig her level.Alsowanttonttostrengt hen a ndtake anotherl ook atthe softenvironmentimpr- -.I. . L.L.L. .一eds,emotionalneesee that persons val ue is notonly meet yourneeds,also istomeetthe needs ofother s andthe communit y.Adhereto people -oriented,tostr ongovementm

37、oment um ofdevel opment at present, de pending onthe pote ntialforsustai nabl edevel opme nt. Leave people totalka boutvaluesar1 I - . . I. - I L - - - . I . .1 _|. .1 L 一一.-.III_L- -dsa nd self-act ualizati on needs.Itshoul dbe noted t hatpe oplearenotmachine s, notthe slave ofan object,not to be c

38、ontrolled.People havetheir ownpersonaneficialt othe communityofpeople.Took is notwhattheperformance.L- - - . Ineed of care,you ne edtoheso-called Outlook,understand,nee d to强行下放,以防碰坏孔壁而引起塌孔。下放过程中,时刻注意观察孔内水位情况,如发现异常现象,马上停放,检查是否塌孔。钢筋笼骨架的保护层厚度根据设计要求采用焊接定位钢筋控制,设置密度按竖向每隔2m设置一道,每道沿圆周布置 4 个。 钢筋笼下放至标高后,要检查钢

39、筋笼是否中心偏位,使之满足规范要求,并用4根16钢筋将其与钢护筒焊接,以防止钢筋笼在混凝土灌注过程中下沉 或上浮。安装导管导管采用直径6300mm壁厚6mm勺无缝钢管。导管的连接采用法兰盘连接。并在两法兰盘之间垫有45mmi的橡胶止水垫圈。 在下导管前,采用水密承压和接头抗拉试验,检查其是否损坏,密封圈、 卡口是否完好,内壁是否光滑圆顺,接头是否严密。进行水密试验的水压以不小于孔内水深1.3 倍的压力,且不小于导管壁和焊缝可能承受灌注砼时最大压力的1.3 倍。 以实际孔底标高和孔口架之间的距离来配置需要导管长度,并预留40cm的悬空高度。拼装时要严格检查导管内壁和法兰盘表面,确保干净无杂物,变

40、形和磨损严重的导管严禁使用,导管的吊放用吊车,要确保其居于孔的中心位置,下放速度要慢,防止卡挂钢筋笼骨架。第二次清孔在第一次清孔达到要求后,由于要安放钢筋笼及导管,至浇注砼的时间间隙较长,孔底又会产生沉碴,所以待安放钢筋笼及导管就绪后,再利用导管进行第二次清孔。清孔的方法是用泵将泥浆压入导管内,再从孔底沿着导管外置换沉碴。清孔标准是泥浆相对密度控制在 1.031.10 ,黏度1720Pa-s,含砂率 2% 胶体率98%复测沉石S厚度在2cm以内,此时清孔完成,清孔完成后报监理工 程师检验完成后立即浇注水下砼。混凝土的灌注砼灌注前,首先根据桩孔直径、导管内径等要素计算首批砼的需要量,确保首批碎灌

41、注时能将导管埋置在1m以上。首批碎的数量按下式进行计算,本桥1.2m 钻孔桩首批混凝土方量经计算不得低于 1.65m3,本桥1.5m钻孔桩首批混凝土方 量经计算不得低于2.58m3。为了确保桩基封底质量,在灌注 小1.2m桩时首批碎 灌注时储料斗容积不小于2n3,在灌注小1.5m桩时首批碎灌注时储料斗容积不小 于 3m3。 - -.-IL .eaccuratII I 一 I. -II_ _ _I. L . - .11111. LL. L. I L.L - . II- 一 .I -. 一nd masses of by thougI- -II .II. .Ill.IL. 一-L - I I . d

42、eci sion,the curre ntfocus istofocus. L -一.一-. I meet.It issaid t hatin the agriculturalsociety,people pla nt;in industrial society,man i sana nimal;the information society, ret urnNow,we arein a newhistoricalstage ofall-roundconstructi on ofawell-offsociety.In perform duties,andcarriedoutworkof pro

43、cess i nthe,we t o put peopleas ag uide principle s,and atest standard, efforts frommasses most hope doofthings doup,from masses most careofhotproblemgrabbed,frommasses mostnot satisfacti on ofplace m odified up, notmake nom inalofformalism, notdograndstandi ngofcosmetic, to seeki ng ofstyle,hel pma

44、sse s share,is peoplebenefit. (C)the investee people is notonlyani dea,it isajobrequirement. Philosophythroughtothepe opl e-orient ed thought int he work oftheOffice,mustbeclearworkobjectives.Party Officein the city thisyearremai ns:Adva nced civi lstrife, local brand.The County (City) PartyCommitte

45、e officesand units directly underthe Office tohol d hig hthe banneroffirsttoexcellence,people-oriented requirements,strengthentheconstr uction a nd manageme nt oftheOfficetowardst he work ahig herlevel.Investee1.politi calmeet.It issaid t hatin the agriculturalsociety,people pla nt;in industrial soc

46、iety,man i sana nimal;the information society, ret urnNow,we arein a newhistoricalstage ofall-roundconstructi on ofawell-offsociety.In perform duties,andcarriedoutworkof process i nthe,we t o put peopleas ag uide principle s,and atest standard, efforts frommasses most hope doofthings doup,from masse

47、s most careofhotproblemgrabbed,frommasses mostnot satisfacti on ofplace m odified up, notmake nom inalofformalism, notdograndstandi ngofcosmetic, to seeki ng ofstyle,hel pmasse s share,is peoplebenefit. (C)the investee people is notonlyani dea,it isajobrequirement. Philosophythroughtothepe opl e-ori

48、ent ed thought int he work oftheOffice,mustbeclearworkobjectives.Party Officein the city thisyearremai ns:Adva nced civi lstrife, local brand.The County (City) PartyCommittee officesand units directly underthe Office tohol d hig hthe banneroffirsttoexcellence,people-oriented requirements,strengthent

49、heconstr uction a nd manageme nt oftheOfficetowardst he work ahig herlevel.Investee1.politi cal中铁二局龙青高速11标项目部钻孔灌注桩(冲击钻)施工方案d lpmet, and seekig ma.r prbllm ad fostentae i_st y ad adusment lg-ulua St V=tt D2(H1+H2)/4+ 九 d2h1/4( 式 7.10)式中:V-灌注首批混凝土所需数量(m3);D- 桩孔直径(m);H1-桩孔底至导管底端间距(m);H2-导管初次埋置深度(m);d-导

50、管内径(m);h1-桩孔内混凝土达到埋置深度时,导管内混凝土柱平衡导管外压力所需的高度(m) ;h1=Hw w/ y c,式中HW旨桩孔内水或泥浆的深度(m), YW指桩孔内水或泥浆的重度(kN/m3), yc指混凝土的重度,取 24 kN/m3。尽量缩短自碎搅拌至运输到现场的时间,以迅速、不间断为原则,防止在运 输中产生硅离析,灌注前碎坍落度损失(比出罐时)不得超过2cm,如有离析或坍落度损失过大现象就要进行再次搅拌,严禁直接加水处理。碎灌注时间不得超过首批碎的初凝时间,当碎运至灌注地点时,检查其均匀性和塌落度,不符合要求时坚决不得使用。在灌注时,用吊车的主勾吊起储料斗,与导管相连接,把隔

51、水栓堵放在其底部,向斗内注满碎后,用吊机副勾钢丝绳把隔水栓快速提出,使 碎在很短的时间内降落到孔底,完成封底工作,之后连续、紧凑的进行灌注,严 禁中途停工。在灌注碎的过程中,要注意观察管内碎下降和孔内水位升降情况, 每灌注一盘后,及时用测纯检测碎面的上升高度,计算出导管在砂中的埋深,正 确指挥导管的提升和拆除,一般情况下导管的埋深控制在26m,即拆导管前埋深不大于6m拆导管后埋深不小于2nl导管提升时要保持轴线竖直和位置居中, 逐步提升。为保证桩顶碎质量,要比桩顶设计标高超灌不小于0.5m作为保护桩头。本桥桩基施工在灌注碎时,必须根据试验检测规程进行现场碎的性能测试和 制作试件,每根桩至少留取

52、3组试件。六、质量控制措施1、对主要材料及设备的质量控制措施原材料质量保证措施Now, are in a new hSorCa Sage of al round un_t I n of a weloff sceyIperorm s a nd c. .o. wk i n the, t o pU pepe - a gpalCiai on b e d on consiray t a dhee t o pe olleori enttd, wl be aoud t prmote cor dtai onleveopment eent* grea sachig s The 16 le on of te pa

53、ys (cipelai on, mainy de pends on how muCdrf a documentrrcog nle d by te deship, how many ae l ni ng tte peple ifvour of tereort how may pae prncile s, ad a es _nda_ efors fommas - mos hope id of tin. id up, frm mases mos .abedfom m as - mos not ae m odfid ., not mae nomina of .a, not - gdndi ng of

54、comeC t o seki ng of sye hel pmase s shae, s peple be net(C the iv te people s ai dea i is a jobreq - rmet Phlsphy tenlC Outook on deveopme nt, s tenew Ceeta cllecie lasitt he dee lpme it of cnnotaln, devl opment lsse,l s Urhe ddeeete e se nne I f dveopmetand innovain, is our parys rUi ngd- a e a. A

55、t prrset eblshig a id mpeme ntig te scef cncept of vlopment hhs become t he pays mporat work As te Olie of pary Cmmite, wkigd dii dends i t he pa cia w ork Impr ove prse nttdn daig leve, reqUeme ns acur grsp edintent,Geneal o cae of w o. ae to as unde sand, Geea - cnsierof problm ae t i de pt ti .ni

56、g. rrquirmes hghlg ht pa ce faUespU luperor aproa ch poiy a nd l oca a cua combi nnd u, pU | reentat in of time thrust and mas- of by toug ht by wathrougg to t he pe opl eoriet - touggt i t h e wrk of the Ofie, must be cea work obe civs Pay lie ite c ts yea rrma ns Ava I ce d ci l s.e lcal brad Ie C

57、uy Ciy Pary Cmmite ofcs apary sou d sev ,er iiiaie tcam ladesi of tedecsin, the cue nt fous is tfouson promotig cmpr ehe nsive coordiaed and lusaiabe ddve lpme nt wih moe s d I nsdo moes t cmbine d u; rnXrmets we lees t ose-.ed cla r, wit smple of ,ng uuge expe on - e of toug ht wt sorLf le nggh hos

58、td ri ch of cnnotai on. Secnd,he guv. rrsils more Ivetgatuis diecy undde the Ofie tI ol d hg I the bane of frs t -Oncepepeore nttd e . iements stegte the connt uciona nd mang-e it of te Ofce t.ds t h e wrk a hig he . Ile - e Ipolt calch, smmaizd te tyica. Oe s datd trad divi dends inthepra cticalwor

59、k.Impr oveprese ntation drafting level,reeaccuratinte nt,Ge neral l edcare ofw orkaretoasunderstand,General led considerof problemareto in-de pth thinking;requirementsweor approa ch policy a nd locala ctual combi ned up, put presentati on ofthemethrustand masses of by thought bywant s tocombine d up

60、;requirementsweseeks tostreamline dclear,with simple oflanguageexpression de ep ofep ofthought,with shortof legthhostedrii ch ofconnotation.Se cond,t he survey resultsmore. Investigation ofthe base ,the roa d to success issomething,is ourfor theParty Committeespolicy de cisi on a good i dea, an impo


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