1、精选优质文档倾情为你奉上精选优质文档倾情为你奉上专心专注专业专心专注专业精选优质文档倾情为你奉上专心专注专业1、The use of deferential language is sadly lacking in China. Its a shame! Take time to reflect on yourself.2、My utmost respect goes to the most dedicated teachers in rural and remote China. 3、Far too many students will learn the hard way the cruc
2、ial importance of reading intensively. 4、#外刊点睛# Apple is under fire for approving a controversial iPhone app created by a religious organization that seeks to help gay individuals become heterosexual. #2011年英语二Part A阅读理解第一篇直接考查。原文是be under fire for 题干用be criticized for替换#5、 Contrary to the new resul
3、ts, federal data show a decline in child abuse in 2008. #contrary to 与.相反;child abuse 虐待儿童#6、#外刊点睛# Free Wi-Fi service is becoming an important tool for operators in maintaining quality mobile service during a time of skyrocketing data traffic. # skyrocketing data traffic 飙升的数据流量;skyrocketing 是英语二图表
4、作文加分亮点;traffic 熟词僻义,为考研词汇重要考查方向#7、 COSCO, as the State-owned shipping line formed in 1961 is known, officially landed in the U.S. by registering COSCO Americas in California in 1982. #As is known正如人们所知; State-owned 国有;land 登陆,入驻。# 8、 #外刊点睛# Some analysts say Mario Draghi, the European Central Banks
5、president, might #have a difficult time 很难# convincing investors that the bank will #take decisive action against 对 .采取决定性行动# the euro debt crisis. Currently, college graduates might have a difficult time landing a decent job.9、#外刊点睛# The proportions of undergraduates and homeless young adults #acce
6、ssing social networking sites 访问社交网站# are similar. #形近易混词assess#10、#写作闪光词积累# Mr Yang joins a multitude of Chinese tourists venturing abroad. #a multitude of替换many 大量的,许多# 11、Amazon is planning an advertising-supported tablet computer that will be priced lower than similar models. #tablet computer 平板
7、电脑; price v. 定价#12、Japans Sharp hasnt started #mass producing 量产# screens for Apples next iPhone, #signaling 显示,标志# potential supply problems for the U.S. company as it #gears up to 准备好# #unveil 推出# its next-generation smartphone next month.13、Naocan, a term coined by Chinese netizens, refers to som
8、eone who has a handicapped brain full of unanswerable questions and ridiculous ideas. #一个句子包含几个语法重点:插入语,过去分词、形容词做后置定语,定语从句。# 14、#外刊点睛# Mitt Romney accepted the Republican nomination for president and took aim at Barack Obama as a failed steward of the nations economy. #accept the nomination 接受提名;tak
9、e aim at 瞄准,以.为目标;failed steward 失败的管家,管理人。知道steward在哪年的真题出现过 吗?#There #sits# a cultural hot pot in the picture.#10年大作文#15、 #造句# I am writing to recommend a hit film to you - The Love of the Hawthorn Tree, which is opening across the country to rave reviews now. #2011年英语一小作文# #open to rave reviews获得
10、热烈好评,a hit film热门、卖座的电影# 16、If you want to be #outstanding#, you will need to find a way to #stand out#!#Tips# Guys, you would be well advised to strengthen your English muscle to the maximum extent prior to the exam for the sake of increasing the odds of your success. 17、#外刊点睛# Recent brain-imaging
11、 studies suggest that areas of the brain involved in mood, concentration and conscious thought are hyperconnected, which scientists believe could lead to the problems with focus, anxiety and memory frequently seen in depression近期的脑成像研究表明,大脑中涉及到情绪、注意力和有意识思考的区域是超度(过度)连接的,科学家们相信这会导致抑郁症中常见的与注意力、焦虑和记忆力相关
12、的问题。18、#Breaking News# #造句# According to reliable sources, the preliminary examination of Chinas annual National Entrance Examination for Postgraduates 2013 will be unexpectedly given in Jan. 5th and 6th, 2013. Time is running out. Seize every second!19、 Qihoo 360 has dropped Google as its default s
13、earch engine and started using its own instead, a move some analysts argue aimed at taking a bite out of the monopolistic market share of baidu, Chinas search champion. #包含多个必背搭配#20、The mountain of evidence presented during the trial showed that Samsungs copying went far deeper than even we knew. #m
14、ountain的用法形象、地道#When thinking of giving up, xray your wallet 21、#造句# Zuoyeben, an intensely popular microblogger, has made a comeback to Sina Weibo after being banned from the site in June, which is in some degree indicative of Chinas progress. Grave pollution is suffocating urban China.22、 #造句# Exc
15、eptional mental toughness has been one of the conditions for Chamberlains stunning success. 非凡的坚韧不拔的精神是张伯伦获得惊人成功的条件之一。#exceptional, stunning是加分亮点# 23、#外刊点睛# Emerging East Asias exceptional economic openness has been one of the conditions for its great economic success. (新兴的东亚国家异乎寻常的经济开放度是其取得巨大经济成功的条
16、件之一。 ) 24、Happy Qixi, the Chinese version of St. Valentines Day! #version 可以用 equivalent 替换# 25、Way back in the 1980s, this little Zen Buddhist monk won the hearts of a whole generation of Chinese. #体会way表强调,加强语气;little Zen Buddhist monk 禅宗小和尚;win the heart of sb. 赢得某人的心;a whole generation 整整一代(whol
17、e也表强调)#26、Its absurd to expect children who grew up in poverty, with parents who, for example, dropped out of school, to appreciate the value of education without giving them immediate rewards for taking school seriouslyIts absurd to expect people who always look on the negative side to achieve high
18、 personal goals in life. 12年大作文Life often sucks, but an optimistic guy can turn it around.(可用于12年27、How can fast-growing economies ensure that the poor, the disadvantaged, those in remote areas, benefit as well? #fast-growing economies 增长迅速的经济体;ensure 保证,确保;the disadvantaged 弱势群体;remote areas 偏远地区#2
19、8、According to an anonymous netizen, an Infiniti was mistaken for a Chery by anti-Japanese protesters in a Chinese city, thus escaping from being smashed and overturned. #be mistaken for 被误认为#29、100-plus years after the Boxer Rebellion, boycotting Japanese products remains a rallying cry for many Ch
20、inese. (义和团运动一百多年了,抵制日货仍是许多中国人的战斗口号。)# rallying cry在07完形15题直接考查过。#30、The recession and stiff competition from European rivals hurt Lexus, which is hoping its emphasis on hybrid models will differentiate it from the pack. #亮点:differentiate it from the pack 使.脱颖而出;可替换为separate it from the pack;set it
21、apart from the pack# 31、 A host of high-achievers invariably place considerable emphasis on cultivating an optimistic mindset, setting them apart from the pack. #2012年英语一大作文# 32、#写作闪光词积累# #In an effort to# curb fraud and plagiarism in higher-learning institutions, the Ministry of Education began sol
22、iciting public opinion on draft regulations that will govern how those who commit such infractions will be punished. #in an effort to替换in order to# 33、#外刊点睛# Japans foreign ministry appointed Doraemon, a robot cat who travels in time and produces miracles of technology from his pockets, as Japans an
23、ime cultural ambassador. #foreign ministry 外务省(外交部);appoint sb. as 将某人任命为;produce miracles 创造奇迹#34、#外刊点睛# The recession and stiff competition from European rivals hurt Lexus, which is hoping its emphasis on hybrid models will differentiate it from the pack. #亮点:differentiate it from the pack 使.脱颖而出;
24、可替换为separate it from the pack;set it apart from the pack#35、The consequences of losing the lawsuit would be dire for HTC half of its revenues come from the US but there may be a silver lining. #dire consequences严重的的后果;lose the lawsuit败诉;revenue营收;a silver lining一线希望(在英语一和二的阅读A中都直接考查过#36、 A person wi
25、th a strong internal drive will #relentlessly pursue# his or her target and be more likely to #thrive# in the #stiff competition#. 关于个人成功所需要的品质的漫画作文常考,所以这个包含好几个词汇亮点的句子必背!37、Amid an upsurge of anti-Japanese sentiment, some nationalist netizens are calling on all Chinese to teach the Japs a lesson by
26、boycotting Japanese goods.38、The chaos highlights the vulnerability of even the best-protected websites and could shake public confidence in the booming global e-commerce economy. #vulnerability 脆弱性,弱点(07年Text 4 直接考查;亮点短语:shake confidence 动摇信心;booming economy 繁荣的经济#39、Their confidence would not be s
27、haken no matter what the adversity or challenge is. #可以用在07或12年英语一大作文中# 背!40、Despite fierce / violent / stiff / keen / cut-throat competition, our business in 2012 saw / witnessed robust growth. #我写的这个句子也必须背一下,体会替换,以及加分搭配robust growth 强劲增长# 41、Despite global economic uncertainty and a tightening cre
28、dit market in China, the trust sector in 2011 saw tremendous growth. (尽管全球经济形势动荡,信贷市场紧缩,但信托行业在2011年却实现了巨大的增长。)#体会despite, see的用法和几个基于名词的搭配。本句很值得背诵。#42、纽约时报文章标题: Ryan Has Kept Close Ties to Donors on the Right #重要核心替换,考研多次考查:keep close ties to = keep close links to = be closely / intimately linked wi
29、th(to) # 43、Nippon Steel is seven weeks away from formally #merging with 与.合并# Sumitomo Metal Industries to form the worlds second-biggest steelmaker by output after ArcelorMittal. #体会after的用法#44、 This trend involves a multitude of factors. #亮点:involve 涉及;a multitude of 许多的,大量的#45、Motorola Mobility,
30、 the ailing cellphone maker that Google bought in May, told employees Sunday that it would lay off 20 percent of its work force and close a third of its 94 offices worldwide. #ailing 境况不佳的;buy=acquire 收购;lay off 解雇#46、The closing ceremony of the London Games was filled with memorable performances by
31、 iconic British stars, including the Who, Eric Idle, Russell Brand, Fatboy Slim and the Spice Girls. #closing ceremony闭幕式;memorable performance令人难忘的表演;iconic star偶像明星# Ge Yous performance in the movie is memorable and touching47、Curiositys safe landing on the Red Planet marks a giant leap for techno
32、logy. #亮点:giant leap 巨大飞跃,巨大进展(步)#48、纽约时报文章标题:N.Y.C. Homeless Shelters in Record Demand; New Facilities Planned #shelter在06年那篇讲美国无家可归的人的完形第12题考查过。外刊是王道!# 49、Opponents of the policy argue that it is ill-timed, given a dismal job market that is especially grim for Americans under 30 who do not have co
33、llege degrees. #观点句。体会修饰job market的dismal和grim两个形容词;given=considering#50、They say Liu Xiang aspires to compete in the Brazil Olympics. Personally, Liu should quit the game to enjoy his life. You are welcome to voice your opinion about this in English.51、typhoon 台风;hurricane 飓风;cyclone 龙卷风,旋风;breeze
34、微风52、A world-renowned hurdler, an idol who once enjoyed immense popularity and was the source of national pride, has divided Chinese.53、There is little doubt that Nokia will launch a N8successor highlighting a high-definition camera. #句型:There is little doubt that.几乎没有疑问的是,几乎毫无疑问的是。语气比There is no do
35、ubt要缓和点。#54、As housing costs on Chinas mainland skyrocket - raising concerns of a property bubble there - monied buyers are heading abroad, moving into markets that look, in comparison, like a bargain. #housing costs 住房成本;skyrocket 飙升;property bubble 房地产泡沫#55、Huawei is becoming an increasingly power
36、ful global player, capable of going head-to-head with the best in intensely competitive markets. #注意increasingly powerful , be capable of, intensely competitive markets几个用法,作文中为加分词汇# 56、Only overseas, they have said, can they find #an abundance of 大量的,丰富的,许多的# educated midlevel engineers, low-wage w
37、orkers and at-the-ready suppliers. #造句# You will need an abundance of self-confidence to be a high achiever. 57、Despite threats of a veto from President Obama, the House passed its own #cybersecurity bill 网络安全法案# in April, which called for more information sharing between national security and #inte
38、lligence agencies 情报机构# and businesses. 58、Ye dismissed any concerns about doping. (叶驳斥(批驳)了任何关于服用兴奋剂的担忧。或:叶对任何关于服用兴奋剂的担忧不予理会(不屑一顾)。) #体会外刊标题# Japanese Dismiss Concerns Over Toyota Recalls59、The bulk of the major IPOs this year are trading below their offering prices. #the bulk of 大多数,大部分;IPO = Init
39、ial Public Offering 首次公开募股;offering price 发行价# (考研常考经济类文章,了解一些常见经济名词是有必要的。)60、Apple asserts that Samsung made a deliberate decision to copy the iPhone and iPad, in both product design and software that creates the user experience. #重要动词:assert 断言、坚称# 61、The people most likely to succeed are those wh
40、o maintain a positive mental attitude when in adverse situations. #用在2012年英语一大作文#62、The customers most likely to opt against upgrading to Windows 7 because of money are businesses. #亮点用法:opt against doing sth. 选择不做某事(反义:opt for doing sth.) ;替换常见用法 choose not to do sth.#最有可能因为开支问题而选择不去升级(系统)到 Windows
41、 7的是那些企业客户。63、China, a country that once isolated itself from the rest of the world, is opening up to a diversity of foreign cultures, as evidenced by the picture. #用在那篇文化火锅的作文中#64、India, a country that once aspired to double-digit growth, can now only dream of ridding itself of double-digit inflati
42、on. #亮点:插入语做India的同位语,其中又有that引导定语从句修饰a country。once和now构成时间对比,为阅读考点。此句式写法可以用于考研作文,为加分亮点#65、U. N. officials say aid workers are #in a race against time # to save thousands of earthquake victims stranded in remote mountain villages near the epicenter. 联合国官员说,救援人员正在争分夺秒地抢救几千名被困在震中附近边远山村的地震灾民。66、Some a
43、re also finding ways to take their money out of the country, contributing to unusual downward pressure on the currency. # downward pressure 下行压力# 67、# 写作闪光加分表达积累# #造句# We should take a hard look at the growing gap between haves and have-nots. We urgently need to take a hard look at how we treated th
44、e environment. (12年英语一大作文)#take a hard look at 严加(认真)审视#68、If current trends continue, China could overtake Europe as Africas second-largest oil export market by 2020. (如果现有趋势继续,中国可能到2020年超越欧洲成为非洲的第二大石油出口市场。)#overtake A as 超越A成为#69、Heavy rain flooded roads and caused 223 flights to be cancelled in t
45、he capital. #heavy rain 暴雨;flood 淹没;cancel flights 取消航班#70、 Washington has scrambled to assess if cyber security had been compromised by the raid on Googles Gmail system, reflecting increasing concerns among global policymakers. # scramble to 赶着干某事; compromise cyber security 危害网络安全;increasing concer
46、ns 日益担忧#71、#voice加分亮点!# 我也来写个句子:A wealth of students opt for our books and courses to #voice# their support for diandian. They have my most sincere thanks! /燕守伟老师: #造句# Many Chinese voice #increasing concerns about# social issues like food safety. 72、#写作闪光词积累# Given this, politicians might be expect
47、ed to #do all in their power# to ensure that Americas teachers are good ones.#do all in ones power to do sth尽全力做某事# #造句#We are supposed to do all in our power to curb this undesirable trend before it goes too far. #all 可以用everything 替换 # #外刊例句# Still reeling from a net loss of $2 billion during its
48、first quarter, Nokia is #doing everything in its power# to forge ahead with something new. 73、#写作闪光词积累#San Francisco #stands a fair chance of# becoming the first major American city without a daily newspaper.#stand a fair chance of 很有可能.# #造句# People with a positive frame of mind stand a fair chance
49、 of getting ahead in this increasingly fierce society. 74、Chinas Ministry of Commerce said the U.S. should be fair in any investigation into allegations telecommunications-equipment maker ZTE Corp. sold banned U.S. telecom equipment in Iran. #investigation into 可以用probe into替换# 75、 #写作闪光词积累# They ne
50、ed to #wake up to# the huge social changes happening in their countries and think about how to cope with the consequences. #wake up to认识到,察觉到# #造句#We need to wake up to the potential consequences of not valuing honesty. 76、Republican governors, eager for new revenues to ease budget strains, are drop
51、ping their longtime opposition to imposing sales taxes on online purchases, a significant political shift that could soon bring an end to tax-free sales on the Internet. #体会本句动词用法#77、 Apple takes a comprehensive approach to measuring our environmental impact and all of our products meet the strictes
52、t energy efficiency standards backed by the US government . 78、 A new law comes into force in France making it compulsory for drivers to carry two breathalyser kits, in a move aimed at cutting drink-driving accidents.#come into force 生效,开始实施;cut drink-driving accidents 减少酒驾事故# 79、A new lottery syste
53、m for #issuing# car license plates has been introduced in Beijing, #in a move aimed at# alleviating this citys chronic traffic congestion.80、The mortality rate in Wales from cancer is only slightly higher than the UK average. #mortality rate 死亡率 = death rate;slightly higher 稍高# #补充例句# Overall the pr
54、oportion of arrests for ethnic minorities was #slightly higher# than for white people81、 #写作闪光词积累#A growing number of foreign and Chinese companies now check the authenticity of diplomas as well. #a growing number of替换more and more# 82、 J.P. Morgan Chase said traders appear to have hidden problems i
55、n a portfolio whose losses have ballooned to $5.8 billion. #hidden problem 隐性问题;balloon v. 激增(形象用法,原意气球)#This pictures #hidden meaning# is not difficult to grasp.83、Nokia is closing two regional sales offices in China and laying off staff as it reorganizes its operations in the worlds largest smartp
56、hone market. #lay off 解雇;reorganize its operations 重组业务# 84、The price of the low-cost loans the International Monetary Fund provided was usually a requirement that the borrower slash spending or devalue its currency or both. #IMF 国际货币基金组织;地道搭配:slash spending 大幅度削减支出、开支#85、There is compelling evidenc
57、e that entire populations of marine mammals are at potential risk from increasingly intense man-made underwater noise. #compelling evidence 令人信服的证据;population 种群;at potential risk 处于潜在的风险中;intense noise 强烈的噪音#86、The past few years have seen some setbacks on this front, notably in Afghanistan, where
58、the Taliban regime stopped all girls from going to school. #加分句型:The past few years have seen sth.过去的几年里出现了某物;加分短语 on this front 在这方面#87、 Japans financial regulator says cameramaker Olympuss former auditors must submit plans detailing how they will improve their oversight.#detail v.详细说明;improve thei
59、r oversight 提高监管=strengthen their supervision;financial regulator 金融监管机构# 88、 Taiwanese handset maker HTC said its unaudited second-quarter net profit fell 58% to $247 million due to intense competition and a slowing global economy. #必背重点搭配:handset maker 手机制造商;net profit 净利润;intense competition 激烈竞争
60、# 89、Central banks in China, the euro zone, the U.K. and other countries took new steps to bolster growth amid mounting worries the global economic slowdown is worsening. #mounting worries 越来越担忧;worries后是省略了that的同位语从句#90、A new law comes into force in France making it compulsory for drivers to carry
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