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1、Our globe is in danger.humid adj. 潮湿的(moist; damp) e.g. Intheeast, theairishumidinsummer.panel n. 板(a flat rectangular piece of glass, wood, metal, etc.)trap v. 挡住(prevent something such as gas or water from getting away) e.g. This is called the greenhouse effect, and the gases that trap the heat ar

2、e greenhouse gases.carbon monoxide n. 一氧化碳ScriptJohn: How is your grandma (1)_ _?Nora: Over the last few years, granny has been complaining that (2)_ _. She believes the weather has changed.John: What she means is the climates long-term conditions. Weather refers only to day-to-day conditions.Nora:

3、Yeah. She says summer is hotter, and winter wetter. But I tried to comfort her, saying, “Its all in your mind, granny.”John: Shes right, you know. The greenhouse effect (3)_.(To be continued) getting along during this unusually hot weather the hot, humid weather is killing herdoes bring global warmi

4、ng and rainScript(Continued)Nora: How can I explain global warming and greenhouse gases to a 97-year-old granny?John: Tell her the Earth now is like a real greenhouse made of glass panels that let in light and trap heat.Nora: Think shell want to know that carbon monoxide from Earth makes greenhouse

5、gases?John: (4)_ _.Nora: Ill tell granny (5)_ _, or to use aerosol spray on her hair.John: OK. Joke about it, but it wont be so funny when (6)_. Everybody should know what causes global warming. Otherwise we wont stop it not to burn any more wood or coalthe polar ice caps melt and oceans riseGlobal

6、warming Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earths near-surface air and oceans in recent decades and its projected continuation. The term “global warming” is a specific example of the broader term “climate change”, which can also refer to global cooling. In common usage

7、the term refers to recent warming and implies a human influence.Greenhouse gas A greenhouse gas (sometimes abbreviated GHG) is a gas in an atmosphere that absorbs and emits radiation within the thermal infrared range. This process is the fundamental cause of the greenhouse effect. The primary greenh

8、ouse gases in the Earths atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone. In the Solar System, the atmospheres of Venus, Mars, and Titan also contain gases that cause greenhouse effects. Greenhouse gases greatly affect the temperature of the Earth; without them, Earths

9、surface would average about 33 (59) colder than at present.Rainforests will soon be only a memory.donation n. 捐赠(something given to a person or an organization in order to help them) e.g. Illbesendingthemadonationin appreciationof theirhelp.dense adj. 稠密的; 浓密的(with a lot of things that are closely t

10、ogether) e.g. Thecityhasadensemanufacturingpopulation.vegetation n. 植物(plants of an area or a region) e.g. Thesparsevegetationwillonlyfeed asmall populationofanimals.Alaska 阿拉斯加州(美国州名)logger n. 伐木者(a person who cuts trees)Susan: Hey, Chris. There is an environmental group on campus (1)_.Chris: So wh

11、at?Susan: So what?! Dont you want to save the rainforests?Chris: But therere no rainforests in our country. (2)_ _.Susan: Come on. A rainforest is any forest where (3)_ _. Tropical rainforests can be found in hot, tropical areas, but there are also cool rainforests, including one in southeast Alaska

12、.Chris: How did you know that?Script(To be continued)asking for donations to save the rainforests They need hot, tropical climates heavy rainfall leads to dense vegetation(Continued)Susan: Well, Ive just read a book on rainforests. You know, 140 million people live in the worlds rainforests, and 35

13、percent of the worlds (4)_ _.Chris: Wow! Im impressed. So what else have you learned?Susan: Most of the worlds rainforests (5)_ _ loggers, farmers and developers. They are disappearing at a rate of 100 acres a minute!Chris: Its terrible!Susan: Yeah. Weve got to (6)_. Now, would you like to give a do

14、nation?Chris: Sure.Script plant and animal species exist only inrainforests are in danger of destruction byfind a way to save themRainforests Rainforests are forests characterized by high rainfall, with definitions based on a minimum normal annual rainfall of 1750-2000 mm (68-78 inches). The monsoon

15、 trough, alternatively known as the intertropical convergence zone, plays a significant role in creating the climatic conditions necessary for the Earths tropical rainforests. Around 40% to 75% of all biotic species are indigenous to the rainforests. It has been estimated that there may be many mill

16、ions of species of plants, insects and microorganisms still undiscovered in tropical rainforests. Tropical rainforests have been called the “jewels of the Earth” and the “worlds largest pharmacy”, because over one quarter of natural medicines have been discovered there. Rainforests are also responsi

17、ble for 28% of the worlds oxygen turnover, sometimes misnamed oxygen production, processing it through photosynthesis from carbon dioxide and consuming it through respiration.What a terrible sandstorm!Mongolia n. 蒙古国airborne adj. 空中传播的(carried through the air) e.g. Also, it helps to prevent dust and

18、 other airborne contaminates from flowing into the room.afforestation n. 植树造林(the act of planting trees in order to make a forest) e.g. Wehavedecidedto transform themountains by afforestation.Susan: Hey, John. Youre back. A few days ago, (1)_ _.John: Oh, thats bad.Susan: (2)_. I had to wear a scarf

19、around my head.John: The dust, as I know, comes from Mongolia. And from my reading in science, Ive heard the dust often (3)_ _.Susan: This is a serious problem in many parts of the world, and unfortunately our city is one of them.Script(To be continued) a big sandstorm hit our cityThe air was full o

20、f dirt and sand and dust comes after a long period of drought(Continued)John: And if the drought continues, the soil is easily airborne. And then if the wind comes, (4)_ on the cold air that rises up, and it can travel very long distances.Susan: Normally, when theres a wind, it can clear the air, an

21、d you have beautiful weather. But when the dust is brought in with the wind, then you cant breathe, you cant see well, and its dangerous for driving, or for walking.Script(To be continued)the soil can be lifted up(Continued)John: Yeah. You know, when the dust is lifted up, it can go as high as 3,000

22、 meters. And its not just China that has problems, but many other countries. For example, the middle of Australia sometimes has dust storms, and some of the dust goes up very high, goes across the ocean, and falls down on New Zealand.Susan: Not a very nice neighbor.John: Is there a solution to the p

23、roblem?Susan: We need to (5)_ so that the soil can stay where it is.John: No wonder the government is (6)_ _ _.Scriptplant more trees and grass launching a new forestation program in a bid to address the environmental problemSandstorm A dust storm or sandstorm is a meteorological phenomenon common i

24、n arid and semi-arid regions. Dust storms arise when a gust front or other strong wind blows loose sand and dirt from a dry surface. Particles are transported by saltation and suspension, a process that moves soil from one place and deposits it in another. The Sahara and dry lands around the Arabian

25、 peninsula are the main terrestrial sources of airborne dust, with some contributions from Iran, Pakistan and India into the Arabian Sea, and Chinas significant storms deposit dust in the Pacific.(To be continued)(Continued) It has been argued that recently, poor management of the Earths dry lands,

26、such as neglecting the fallow system, are increasing dust storms from desert margins and changing both the local and global climate, and also impacting local economies. The term sandstorm is used most often in the context of desert sandstorms, especially in the Sahara, or places where sand is a more

27、 prevalent soil type than dirt or rock, when, in addition to fine particles obscuring visibility, a considerable amount of larger sand particles are blown closer to the surface. The term dust storm is more likely to be used when finer particles are blown long distances, especially when the dust storm affects urban areas.Watch a video cli


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