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1、定语从句经典精讲(上)主讲教师:八十中高级教师开篇语开心自测讲解题一:Its helpful to phildren in a situationthey can see themselves differently.D. whereA.tB. whenC. which题二:The prize will go to the writer story shows the most imagination.A.tB. whichC. whoseD. what题三:Ill never fA. which题四:et the day I spentB. whenibet.C. whereD. whatY

2、ou might search on theernet for comments or news stories about this school mayerest you.A. where题五:B. /C.tD. whatHow I regret the hours wastedhe woods and fields, I should have studied.A. whereB. whatC. whichD. when主要考点梳理定语?让回忆一下初中的一些熟悉的句型:This is a red apple. This is a tall man.This is a handsome t

3、all boy.This is the factory near our school. This is a basket full of fruits.请给下列选项按照形容词的顺序排序。1. This is a flower.A. yellow2. This is a bridge.A. GermanB. littleB. stoneC. smallD. beautifulE. gray“美小圆旧黄,法国木书房”“限观形龄“限描大颜类”“冠观数大形,新色国材名”从句?让回忆一下初中熟悉的句型。I saidt I would go there the next day.I dont know

4、whats wrong with Susan.Do you know where the bus sion is?初中和高中结合起来一、这就是那个妇女。1. This is the woman.二、那个妇女昨天帮助了我。2. The woman helped me yesterday.三、这就是昨天帮助了那个妇女。3. This is the helped me yesterday woman. This is the woman.The woman helped me yesterday.This is the woman she helped me yesterday.This is th

5、e woman helped me yesterday.Lets practice一、这就是那个昨天帮助了。二、这就是那个昨天坐在我旁边的男孩。三、这就是那个刚才借给我字典的。定义及相关术语1.定语从句:修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。定语从句一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词之后。先行词:被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词。关系词:引导定语从句的词叫关系词。2.3.关系词有关系代词和关系副词关系代词有:t, which, who,whom, whose, as 等。关系副词有: when, where, why关系词通常有下列三个作用:A.引导定语从句; B.代替先行词;C.在定语从句中担当一个成分。T

6、he man who is shaking hands with my father is aman.本讲知识网络关系词先行词从句缺少成分whowhomwhicht/如何选连接词?黄金:第一步:首划先行词,区分人或物。第二步:分析定语从句部分缺何种成分。(分析主谓宾定状补)第三步:根据分析,选择恰当的连词。主谓宾定状补The boy saw a butterfly flyinghe small garden just now.分析句子成分:He visited the school yesterday.He workedhe school yesterday.He is happy at th

7、e party.什么叫做“主谓宾”全齐?1. I bought an apple yesterday.先行词(人或物或一句话)连接词从句缺何种成分人who主语人whom宾语物which主语或宾语翻译法:这件事人或物as主语或宾语翻译法:正如,正像物when时间状语prep. + which物where地点状语prep. + whichthe reason物why原因状语for + which人或物whose名词定语of+whom/which +the关系词先行词从句缺少成分who人主语whom人宾语which物主语或宾语t人或物主语、宾语或表语/人或物宾语as人或物主语或宾语when时间名词时

8、间状语where地点名词地点状语whythe reason原因状语whose人或物名词的定语aswhenwherewhywhoseI arrived in Beijing last month.I told him the story just now.The house was destroyed att time.金题精讲题一:These are the people and plaI wrote abouty last novel.A. which题二:I will never fA. whichI will never fA. which题三:B. whoC.tD. whatet th

9、e days I spent in Beijing.B. whatC. whenD. whereet the days I studied in Beijing.B. whatC. whenD. whereThis is the most beautiful park I have ever seen.A. whichB.tC. whomD. whereThis is the second book I received today.A. whichB.tC. whomD. whatThis is all I can do for you.A.tB. whatC. whichD. whoThi

10、s is the very book I want to share with you.A. what“代高序”B. whichC.tD. where“代高序”原则的前提条件:先行词必须是“物”“代高序”原则可以使用斜杠吗?题四:This is the movie we talked about just now.This is the movie about we talked just now.A. which题五:B.tC. /D. whomThis is the woman we talked about just now.This is the woman about we talk

11、ed just now.A. who题六:B. whomC.tD. whichE. /This is the reason he was late for school.A. whyB. becauseC. /D. whichThis is the reason he gave me the other day.A. why题七:B. for whichC.tD. becauseThis is the woman daughter is a nurse.A. whichB.tC. /D. whoseThis is the house windows faouth.A. whichB.tC. /

12、D. whoseThis is the house windows faouth.A. of whichB. of whomC. of which theD. of whom theThis is the woman daughter is a nurse.A. of whichB. of whomC. of which theD. of whom theThis is the woman the daughter of whom is a nurse.This is the woman of whom the daughter is a nurse.This is the house the

13、 windows of which fa This is the house of which the windows fawhose=of which the/of whom theouth.outh.题八: Tom i Tom iA. as题九:ch a strange boy no one can understand.ch a strange boy no one can understand him.B.tC. whomD. whichIt is so heavy a box no one can lift.It is so heavy a box no one can lift it.A. as suchasthe same as asassoasB.tC. whomD. which先行词人物一句话主语who/tt/whichwhich; as宾语及物(whom/t)(t/which)介词(提前)whomwhich定语whose+名词=of whom+the +名词=the+名词+of whom


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