



1、居住景观设计教学大纲课程代码074104931课程名称居住景观设计英文名称Residential Landscape Design 课程类别选修课课程性质选修课学时总学时:64 学分4开课学期第7学期开课单位设计学院适用专业环境设计专业授课语言中文先修课程环境设计课程对毕业要求的支撑本课程对学生达到如下毕业要求有如下贡献:1.设计知识:掌握扎实的基础知识和专业技能,能够将艺术与设计的专业知识和理论用于解决复杂的设计实践问题。2.问题分析:能够应用设计学的专业知识和理论,并通过文献研究以识别、表达和分析复杂的设计问题,以获得有效的设计对策。3.设计/开发解决方案:能够针对环境设计复杂问题提出解决



4、征、构成元素,了解现代园林建筑类型的多样性。 6学时(2)采用专题讲授与植物园现场参观相结合的方式,对“广州常见园林植物习性与园林用途”做一定了解,理解园林景观设计中植物配置的原则与方法,树立艺术性、人性化、地域性与生态性相结合的植物设计观点。 5学时 实践课程(8学时)培养学生发现问题、分析问题的能力,通过实践,分析一个基地的情况,包括交通流线、功能分区、景观视线、文化脉络。绘图课程(36学时)通过一个完整的设计过程,引导学生运用园林景观设计的原理及方法解决一个具体的设计问题,并完成一套设计图纸,注重学生创造性思维的开发,使学生掌握园林景观设计的规律与技巧。模型课程(8学时)制作模型表达学生


6、社,1999芦原义信,外部空间设计,中国建筑工业出版社,1985“Residential Landscape Design” SyllabusCourse Code074104931Course TitleResidential Landscape DesignCourse CategorySelective CoursesCourse NatureSelective CourseClass HoursTotal Curriculum Hours: 64Credits4Semester7th SemesterInstituteSchool of DesignProgram OrientedEn

7、vironmental DesignTeaching LanguageChinesePrerequisitesEnvironmental DesignStudent Outcomes (Special Training Ability)This Course is useful for students to meet the following graduation requirements: 1. Design Knowledge: Students should master sound basic knowledge and professional skills and can ap

8、ply what they have learn about art and design to solving complicated problems in practice. 2. Problem Analysis: Students are able to apply professional knowledge and theory they have learn about design and identify, express and analyze complicated design problems through literature research to work

9、out effective solutions. 3. Design/Develop Solution: Students can propose solutions to complicated problems in environmental design. The solutions they design should with various space system, public facilities and art decorations, and demonstrate innovative idea, consider factors including economy,

10、 culture, environmental protection, safety, technology and appearance, etc. 7. Environment and Sustainable Development: Students can understand and assess influences of practices for complicated problems in environmental design and public art on environment and sustainable social development. Course

11、 Objectives1. Through a systematic analysis of landscape examples, the students would be able to understand the types, styles and material structure of small and medium-sized landscape; 1、2、32. Students can not only analyze the traffic streamline, function division, landscape view and cultural conte

12、xt according to the base condition, but also carry out landscape design on the basis of base analysis. 1、2、33. By means of a complete design exercise, enable the students to master the general methods and skills of small and medium-sized landscape design. 2、3、74. Enable the students to find and anal

13、yze problems and solve some design problems by applying related knowledge of landscape design, thereby gradually improve the students ability of solving practical problems using their learned knowledge and skills. 2、3、7Course DescriptionResidential Landscape Design is a compulsory specialty-related

14、course for the environment design majors. Through special subject teaching and topic design, the course can develop the students ability of designing medium-sized landscape. This course plays a supporting and promoting role in developing the students core professional competencies and professional q

15、uality.Teaching Content and Class Hours Distribution1.Introduction: the purpose, significance and content of the course, and the arrangement of the class hours (1 class hour)This part introduces the value of landscape landscape to national ecological livable urban and rural construction goal. To cul

16、tivate students awareness of contributing to national and regional ecological and sustainable development through professional skills.2.Theoretical course(11 class hours)(1)The teacher can give lecture on this course as a special topic, in which he/she should focus on the basic requirements of lands

17、cape design as well as the design methods and styles, so that the students can understand both the landscape construction methods, significance, artistic characteristics and component elements of landscape design, and the diversity of modern landscape architecture styles. (6 class hours)(2)by combin

18、ing special lectures with on-site visits to the botanical garden, the author has a certain understanding of the habits and USES of common garden plants in guangzhou, understands the principles and methods of plant configuration in landscape design, and sets up the view of plant design that combines

19、artistry, humanity, regionalism and ecology. (5 class hours)3.Practical course(8 class hours)Develop the students ability of finding and analyzing problems. Through practice, analyze the base conditions, including traffic streamline, function division, landscape view and cultural context. 4.Drawing

20、course(36 class hours)During a whole design process, the teacher should guide the students to solve a specific design problem using the landscape design principles and methods in designing a landscape architecture, and then finish a set of design drawings. In this process, the teacher should pay att

21、ention to developing the students creative thinking and let them master the rules and skills of landscape design.5.Modeling course(8 class hours)Make models to express each students design. According to the courses need, investigation outside for 1-2 timesExperimental TeachingInvestigate and survey,

22、 make modelsTeaching MethodTeaching method of this course is the combination of classroom teaching, investigate and survey, drawing, homework of modeling, general discussion, etc. Examination MethodThe principle evaluation mode of this course is: the students hand in the design drawings, which are to be evaluated


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