1、设计与创业教学大纲(创意产品开发与当前市场推广模式)课程代码074104811课程名称设计与创业英文名称Design and entrepreneurship课程类别专业基础课课程性质选修学时总学时:32上机学时:0实验学时:0实践学时:32学分2开课学期第七学期开课单位设计学院适用专业工业设计、产品设计、陶瓷设计、交互设计授课语言中文授课先修课程设计专题1、2、3、设计基础、设计概论、设计史、设计管理、交互设计等毕业要求(专业培养能力)本课程对学生达到如下毕业要求有如下贡献:1.工程知识:掌握扎实的基础知识、专业基本原理、方法和手段,能够将数学、自然科学、本专业基础知识和专业知识用于解决复杂
3、进行合理分析,评价解决方案对社会、健康、安全、法律以及文化的影响,并理解应承担的责任。7.环境和可持续发展:能够理解和评价设计实践对环境、社会可持续发展的影响。8.职业规范:具有人文社会科学素养、社会责任感,能够在设计实践中理解并遵守职业道德和规范,履行责任。 9.个人和团队:能够在多学科背景下的团队中承担个体、团队成员以及负责人的角色。10.沟通:能够就设计问题与业界同行及社会公众进行有效沟通和交流,包括撰写报告和设计文稿、陈述发言、清晰表达或回应指令。并具备一定的国际视野,能够在跨文化背景下进行沟通和交流。11.项目管理:理解并掌握基本管理原理与经济决策方法,并能在多学科环境中应用。12.
6、掌握课程的主要目的与任务,了解设计创新与创业对于国家提倡的万众创新、大众创业的政策意义,对于自己职业规划的人生意义。(思政)(二)设计行业成功人士举办设计创新与创业系列讲座3人次/学年12-16学时专题报告1:设计创新与创业的案例研究 4学时专题报告2:设计公司创始人做创业报告 4学时专题报告3:设计创业成功案例分享 4学时专题报告4:创新创业的经验交流及总结 4学时教学要求:针对工业设计、产品设计、服装设计、环境设计等应用型学科类的大学生进行专项讲座,旨在帮助学生获得设计专业技术能力的同时,奠定实践创业的思想意识,为设计类大学生的就业及创业探索出一条新的出路。要求全院设计类本科生三年级同学到
7、场;研究生可自选是否到场参加听讲;要求做好笔记及写出感想或总结;。重点:灌输学生创新与创业的双创意识,从思想上打下毕业后创业的心理准备。难点:由于设计类专家的活动繁忙,课堂时间难以固定,只能是大约的时间段辅以临时安排接待;要求物业后勤的场地配合。(三)设计专项调研、设计方案制定 16学时(1)发现问题、设计机会捕捉4学时(2)设计调研4学时(3)方案设计课内4学时(课外20学时以上)(4)版面审视讨论 4学时教学要求:应用本专业基本原理、方法和手段和设计知识,识别机会、发现问题,以确定设计研究方向。设计调研:能够针对需要设计的复杂问题分析设计满足特定人群和用户需求的产品、系统、服务等信息,并能
8、够充分考虑社会、健康、安全、法律、文化以及环境等因素。设计研究:能够基于设计专业知识,科学和人文并用,通过前期的信息分析综合得出合理有效的结论。使用现代设计工具,选择与使用恰当的技术、资源,提出合理解决方案,并应承担知识产权的责任。重点:发现问题、寻找设计机会难点:合理利用设计知识,提出科学可行的设计创新与创业方案。(四)淘宝众筹、京东众筹等平台的格式与要求说明4学时(1)淘宝众筹计划书的版面设计讲解2学时(2)京东众筹的要求与关注要点分析 2学时重点:两种创业平台的使用方式及相关问题的解答;难点:众筹创业计划书的版面设计、审美、吸引力等要素的把握实验教学(包括上机学时、实验学时、实践学时)实
9、践学时 16学时教学方法课程教学以课堂教学、专家讲座、综合讨论、网络交流等方式共同实施。考核方式本课程注重过程考核,成绩比例为:课堂表现:30%设计调研报告+设计创新与创业计划书:50%众筹版面:20%教材及参考书现用教材:无主要参考资料:1 Galloway, Laura; Brown, Wendy.Entrepreneurship education at university: A driver in the creation of high growth firms?J.Education & Training44.8/9 (2002): 398-405.2 Myrah, Kyleen
10、. A study of public post-secondary entrepreneurship education in British Columbia: The possibilities and challenges of an integrated approach. D.The University of British Columbia (Canada), ProQuest, UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2003. NQ90237.3 Nabi, Ghulam; Holden, Rick.Graduate entrepreneurship:
11、intentions, education and training. J.Education & Training50.7 (2008): 545-551.4 Ruskovaara, Elena; Pihkala, Timo.Teachers implementing entrepreneurship education: classroom practices. J.Education & Training55.2 (2013): 204-216.4 Mushipe, Zuvarashe Judith. Entrepreneurship Education An Alternative R
12、oute to Alleviating Unemployment and the Influence of Gender: An Analysis of University Level Students Entrepreneurial Business Ideas. J.International Journal of Business Administration4.2 (Mar 2013): n/a.5 Lee, Lena; Wong, Poh Kam. Attitude Towards Entrepreneurship Education and New Venture Creatio
13、n. R.SSRN Working Paper Series, Nov 2005.6 Hartenian, Linda S; Schellenger, Michael; Frederickson, Paul.Creation and assessment of an integrated business course: One colleges experience. J.Journal of Education for Business76.3 (Jan/Feb 2001): 149-159.7 Partner, K. How to start an online business. J.
14、 PC Pro. Nov. 2014(241 ): 76-788 Xie, Chuanyin; Steiner, Susan D.ENHANCING MANAGEMENT EDUCATION RELEVANCE: JOINT CREATION OF KNOWLEDGE BETWEEN BUSINESS SCHOOLS AND BUSINESS. M.Business Education & Accreditation.Hilo,United States:Institute for Business & Finance Research.2013:1-15.9 Sattelberger, Th
15、omas.BUSINESS EDUCATION 2025: WHATS IN STORE. J.Global Focus5.3 (2011): 10-14.10 Davis, Steven J; Haltiwanger, John; Schuh, Scott.Small business and job creation: Dissecting the myth and reassessing the facts. J.Business Economics29.3 (Jul 1994): 13.11 Molian, David.Entrepreneurial Value Creation: A
16、re Business Schools Playing Their Full Part?J.Journal of Strategic Management Education8.4 (2012): 233-252.12 李涛,张立红,陈吉明,创新与创业课程体系的构建研究,J.洛阳理工学院学报(社会科学版) , 2009,(02):94-9613 伯顿克拉克.建立创业型大学:组织上转型的途径M.北京: 人民教育出版社,200314 王军胜,协同创新与创业型大学的互动与互构,J.郑州大学学报( 哲学社会科学版),2013,3(46):78-8115陆伟家, 张厚军, 施险峰,大学生科技创新与创业能
17、力的培养途径,J.南通大学学报( 教育科学版)2008,6,(24):72-7416蒋胜伟.大学生创业教育浅谈J.武汉科技学院学报, 2004(9): 105.17 周军, 陈琦.浅谈大学生科技创新能力的培养J.广西青年干部学院学报, 2008(1): 32- 34.18 杜野.试论大学生科技创新能力的培养J.思想政治教育研究, 2007(5): 116- 117.19 张玉利,李政主编,创新时代的创业教育研究与实践, M.现代教育出版社,2006.11,第153页 20陈敬良,魏景赋,李琴主编,创新与创业教育 理论与实践探索,复旦大学出版社,2012.01,第112-133页21 杰弗里蒂蒙
18、斯、小斯蒂芬斯皮内利:创业学,周伟民、吕长春译,人民邮电出版社,2005年。22 彭钢创业教育学M江苏教育出版社2001年23 肖云龙创新教育论M湖南大学出版社2000年24 曹威麟,李德才中国高校的创业教育J现代教育科学2002年第3期设计与创业实践教学大纲课程代码074104811课程名称设计与创业英文名称Design and entrepreneurship课程类别专业领域课课程性质必修学时总学时:32上机学时:0实验学时:0实践学时:16学分2开课学期7开课单位设计学院适用专业工业设计、产品设计、陶瓷设计、服装设计、环境空间设计授课语言中文先修课程设计专题1、2、3、设计基础、设计概论
20、等因素。4.研究:能够基于科学和人文研究并用,进行研究,并通过信息综合得到合理有效的结论。5.使用现代工具:能够针对不同的设计对象,开发、选择与使用恰当的技术、资源、。6.工程与社会:能够基于设计社会文化背景知识进行合理分析,评价解决方案对社会、健康、安全、法律以及文化的影响,并理解应承担的责任。7.环境和可持续发展:能够理解和评价设计实践对环境、社会可持续发展的影响。8.职业规范:具有人文社会科学素养、社会责任感,能够在设计实践中理解并遵守职业道德和规范,履行责任。 9.个人和团队:能够在多学科背景下的团队中承担个体、团队成员以及负责人的角色。10.沟通:能够就设计问题与业界同行及社会公众进
23、自己的设计方案写出创业计划书;熟习淘宝众筹、京东众筹等平台上关于创业计划书的格式及相关要求并写出自己的众筹方案。教学内容与学时分配专题报告1:设计创新与创业的案例研究 4学时专题报告2:设计公司创始人做创业报告 4学时专题报告3:设计创业成功案例分享 4学时专题报告4:创新创业的经验交流及总结 4学时设计专项调研、设计方案制定 16学时(其中实践12学时)(1)发现问题、设计机会捕捉4学时(2)设计调研4学时(3)方案设计课内4学时(课外20学时以上)(4)版面审视讨论 4学时教学要求:应用本专业基本原理、方法和手段和设计知识,识别机会、发现问题,以确定设计研究方向。设计调研:能够针对需要设计
25、及创新创业计划书(淘宝众筹书版面),按淘宝众筹书格式评阅,优秀标准:格式完备且创意独特、有市场前景,知识产权无争议者;良好:格式基本完备,创意独特,版面表达清晰;一般:格式欠缺,或不遵守格式,创意明确,版面表述基本无错误;不及格:抄袭别人的创意,格式严重不正确,版面表达无中心思想,不知所言。教材及参考书淘宝众筹书标准格式制定人及制定时间王华斌,2016年12月8日星期四“Design and entrepreneurship” SyllabusCourse Code174227Course TitleDesign and entrepreneurshipCourse CategoryProfe
26、ssional fieldCourse NatureElectiveClass HoursTotal hours: 32 on the machine hours: 0 experimental hours: 0 practice hours: 0Credits2SemesterSixth semesterInstituteDesign schoolProgramOrientedIndustrial design, product design, ceramic design, interaction designTeaching LanguageTeaching in ChinesePrer
27、equisitesDesign topics 1, 2, 3, design basis, design introduction, design history, design management, interaction design, etc.Student Outcomes (Special Training Ability)Graduation Requirements (Professional Development Competence) This course contributes to the following graduation requirements for
28、students:1. Engineering knowledge: master solid basic knowledge, professional basic principles, methods and means, can use mathematics, natural sciences, basic knowledge and professional knowledge of the profession to solve complex design problems, and to contact and master part of the operational k
29、nowledge of the design industry, To lay a knowledge base for solving complex enterprise problems.2. Analysis of the problem: It is possible to apply the basic principles, methods and means of the profession and design the operational knowledge of the industry, identify, express, and analyze the comp
30、lex problems in the design through literature research to obtain effective conclusions.3. Design/Development Solutions: Ability to design solutions to complex problems in design, design products, systems, and services that meet the needs of specific people and users, and reflect innovation in the de
31、sign process, considering social, health, safety, Legal, cultural and environmental factors.4. Research: It is possible to conduct research based on the combination of scientific and humanistic research, and to obtain reasonable and effective conclusions through information synthesis.5. Use modern t
32、ools: Ability to develop, select, and use the right technology, resources for different design objects.6. Engineering and Society: Ability to conduct a rational analysis based on the design of social and cultural background knowledge, evaluate the impact of the solution on society, health, safety, l
33、aw and culture, and understand the responsibilities.7. Environment and sustainable development: Ability to understand and evaluate the impact of design practices on environmental and social sustainability.8. Professional norms: With humanities and social science literacy and social responsibility, t
34、hey can understand and abide by professional ethics and norms in design practice and fulfill their responsibilities.9. Individuals and Teams: Ability to assume the roles of individuals, team members, and responsible individuals in a multidisciplinary team.10. Communication: Ability to effectively co
35、mmunicate and communicate with industry peers and the public on design issues, including writing reports and design contributions, presenting statements, articulating or responding to instructions. It also has a certain international perspective and can communicate and communicate in a cross-cultura
36、l context.11. Project Management: Understand and master basic management principles and economic decision-making methods, and apply them in a multidisciplinary environment.12. Lifelong learning: Awareness of self-directed learning and lifelong learning, with the ability to continuously learn and ada
37、pt to development.Teaching ObjectivesUpon completion of the course, students will have the following competencies:(1) Master the basic principles and basic knowledge of designing opportunities, and cultivate students basic ability to find problems and solve problems. 1, 2(2) Apply the basic principl
38、es, methods and means of the profession and design industry operational knowledge, identify, express, and analyze complex problems in design through literature research, and design solutions to problems. 2, 3, 4(3) It is possible to conduct a reasonable analysis based on the design of social and cul
39、tural background knowledge, evaluate the impact of the solution on society, health, safety, law and culture, and understand the responsibilities that should be undertaken to cultivate students social practice ability. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11Course DescriptionDesigning college students innovation + entrep
40、reneurship is still a new thing in China, the time is not long, there are not many successes in practice, and there are fewer theoretical achievements. Design and entrepreneurship education has just started in China. Therefore, it is an important and urgent task to strengthen the education of entrep
41、reneurial ideas and the cultivation of entrepreneurial skills of college students in China. Based on this background, this course explores the design mode and method of design-based college students design and entrepreneurship based on Chinas national conditions. The main content is the design and e
42、ntrepreneurial experience of successful experts in the design industry; based on their familiar expertise. Find and discover a problem or market opportunity for special research; design innovation for this problem and give a reasonable design solution; write a business plan for your own design; fami
43、liar with Taobao crowdfunding, Jingdong crowdfunding and other platforms About the format and related requirements of the business plan and write your own crowdfunding plan.Teaching Content and Class Hours Distribution(I) Introduction to the purpose, significance and content of the course organizati
44、on, academic time arrangements 4 hoursTeaching requirements: It is required to master the main purpose and tasks of the course, and to understand the significance of design innovation and entrepreneurship for their own lives.(II) Successful people in the design industry hold a series of lectures on
45、design innovation and entrepreneurship 3 person/year 12-16 hours(1) Lectures on successful people in the design industry 4 hours(2) Lectures on design directors of famous enterprises 4 hours(3) Design Innovation and Entrepreneurial Classic Cases - Corporate Founder Lecture 4-8 HoursTeaching requirem
46、ents: Specialized lectures are given to college students in applied disciplines such as industrial design, product design, fashion design, and environmental design. The purpose is to help students acquire the professional skills of design and lay the ideology of practical entrepreneurship. Employmen
47、t and entrepreneurship explore a new way out. The third-grade undergraduate students of the design class are required to attend the school; the graduate students can choose whether to attend the lectures; ask for notes and write their thoughts or conclusions.Emphasis: Inculcate the duality of studen
48、ts innovation and entrepreneurship, and lay the psychological preparation for starting a business after graduation.Difficulties: Due to the busy activities of design experts, the classroom time is difficult to fix, only the approximate time period is supplemented by temporary arrangements; the venue
49、 for property logistics is required.() Design special research and design plan development 16 hours(1) Discover problems, design opportunities to capture 4 hours(2) Design and research 4 hours(3) Program design 4 hours in class (20 hours or more after class)(4) Layout review 4 hoursTeaching requirem
50、ents: Apply the basic principles, methods and means of this major and design knowledge to identify opportunities and identify problems to determine the direction of design research. Design research: It can analyze the products, systems, services and other information that meet the needs of specific
51、people and users for complex problems that need to be designed, and can fully consider social, health, safety, legal, cultural and environmental factors. Design research: It can be based on design expertise, science and humanity, and draws reasonable and effective conclusions through preliminary inf
52、ormation analysis. Use modern design tools, choose and use the right technology, resources, propose reasonable solutions, and assume responsibility for intellectual property.Focus: Identify problems, find design opportunitiesDifficulties: rational use of design knowledge, and propose scientific and
53、feasible design innovation and entrepreneurial programs.() Description of the format and requirements of platforms such as Taobao Crowdfunding and Jingdong Crowdfunding(1) The layout design of Taobao crowdfunding plan 2 hours(2) Jingdong crowdfunding requirements and attention points analysis 2 clas
54、s hoursFocus: How to use the two entrepreneurial platforms and answers to related questions;Difficulties: grasping the elements of layout design, aesthetics, attraction, etc. of crowdfunding business planExperimental Teaching12 hours of practical studyTeaching MethodComprehensive discussion, network
55、 communication and other means to implement together. Free choice of design direction, social research, network research, design proposals, writing business plans, designing Taobao crowdfunding layout and commenting it.Examination MethodSubmit research report and innovation and entrepreneurship plan
56、 (Taobao crowdfunding book layout), review according to Taobao crowdfunding book format, excellent standards: complete format and unique creativity, market prospects, intellectual property rights are not controversial; good: basic format is complete, creative Unique, clear layout; general: lack of f
57、ormat, or non-compliance with the format, clear idea, the layout is basically error-free; failing: copying other peoples creativity, the format is seriously incorrect, the layout expression has no central idea, I do not know what to say.Teaching Materials and Reference BooksTaobao crowdfunding stand
58、ard format设计创新与创业实践教学内容与学时分配实验项目编号实验项目名称实验学时实验内容提要实验类型实验要求每组人数主要仪器设备与软件设计机会4学时(1)发现问题、设计机会捕捉学时以上)调查性必做1-2人无设计调研4学时(2)设计调研调研性必做1-2人无方案设计课内4学时(课外20学时)(3)方案设计综合性必做1-2人无调研报告撰写调研报告综合性必做1-2人无创业计划书设计创业计划书探索性必做1-2人无“CourseTitle” SyllabusCourse CodeCourse TitleCourse CategoryGeneral Basic CourseGeneral Education CourseDisciplinary Basic CourseSpecialty-related CoursePractice CourseCourse NatureCompulsory CourseElective CourseClass HoursCreditsSemesterInstituteProgram OrientedTeaching LanguagePrerequisitesStudent Outcomes (S
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