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1、八年级期末复习高频词汇运用A篇Day 1词汇运用.Theie is a (笔直的)toad between the two villages. Andy always plays tricks on others, so (JL乎)no one in his class likes him.Readers Digest is one of the most popular (杂 志)in China.Eveiyone (相信)that health is veiy important.(2019南京)Helen treats her students in a (耐心的)and underst

2、anding way. When you feel (无聊的),you can read some interesting stories. Maiy got a poor result in the Chinese exam and she did even(bad) in the maths exam. The boy is (will) to share things with his friends. If you take more exercise, youll be (health) than before.Young people working at Shanghai Dis

3、neyland are getting(busy) as more tourists visit the park.【参考答案】1 .straight2.almost3. magazines4. believes 5.patient6. bored7.worse8, willing9.healthiei 10. busier动词填空Fang Zongwen (choose) to go back to his hometown to teach after he left school.Wearing glasses (make) him look smart.(2019,湖南常德)There

4、 (be) a lot of rain here every year.You can go to your friends when sometliing (wony) you.Millie would like something (drink).What gieat it sounds like (buy) my cousin a toy lony!saw a dog (lie) at the school gate tliis moniing.My mother asked me (not care) only about myself.(2019湖北荆门)All of us are

5、looking fbnvard to (win) the volleyball match in Hong Kong.Eveiyone thinks that keeping pets often (bring) us a lot of fim.【参考答案】1 .chose2. makes 3.is4. wonies 5. to diink6.to buy 7. lying 8. not to care 9. winning 10. bringsDay 2词汇运用.(2019 镇江)Tlie twin boys are not only of the same(重量),but also the

6、 height.(2019苏州期末)I turned around and saw a(微笑的)girl with long black hair. I think my cousin will glow into a (英俊的) young man iii a few years.Chinese people are (勤奋的)and kind. She speaks (极好的)American English. I think she must be an American. My friend Nick does everything as (care) as his mother.He

7、 feels even (thirsty) after eating an ice cream. Mr Wang is our teacher and friend as well. He is (help) to us. Daniel is one of the slowest (swim) in my class.(2019-徐州)You are lucky,Linda. Ybu didnVt hurt (you).【参考答案】1 .weight2. smiling3.handsome4.hard-working5.excellent6.carefiilly 7. thii,stier 8

8、.helpfill 9.swimmers10.yourself动词填空Wow,the cake tastes good! Who (make) it?Not many people (have) computers more than twenty years ago.ItVs important to practise (speak) English every day.(2019 湖南常德)I don*t want (be) fat.5.1 always (trust) what my grandfather said when I was a child.6. Does Sue have

9、 problems (talk) to them in Japanese?7.If you (be not) nervous tomorrow, you will pass the exam.He (share) the room with me at last.Would you please (not play) football in the street?. Aim hopes her father (buy) her a new bike.【参考答案】1 .made2.had3.speaking 4.to be 5, trnsted9. not play 10. will buy6.

10、 talking 7. ai-en/are not 8. sharedDay 3词汇运用. Doing lots of listening practice is one of the (秘诀)of becoming a good English listener.James (撞)my pencil case onto the floor when he walked past my desk.would (选择)Max as my best friend.(2019四川遂宁)Tlie lovely boy often (分享)his toys with other kids.Maiy ca

11、me second in the writing (竞赛)。You can find (far) iiifbnnation with the help of the Internet.Jack likes to make faces aftei class. How (fim) he is!Summer is the (hot) season in a year.The (humour) joke made all of us laugh.Yesterday was very bad to me, and today is even (bad).【参考答案】1. secrets2. knock

12、ed3. choose4. petition6.further7. fiiniiy8.hottest9.humorous 10.worse动词填空1 .Never (say) any bad things about others,will you?believe you (find) your lost dog one day. What about (tiavel) to HongKong this winter holiday?.Look! Tom with his two cousins (play) with his panot over there.-Why does the gi

13、rl keep laughing?She got a letter and it said she (come) fiist in the English test.Keep (smile) to your problems. You are sure to go tliiough them.(2019湖北鄂州)Look! The Browns (eat) supper in the kitchen. The English teacher (test) the whole class on Unit 1 yesterday. Thanks for (care) about me so muc

14、h.The kind gill is willing (help) her friends any time.【参考答案】secrets2. knocked3. choose4. petition6.fxuther7, fhnny8.hottest9.humorous 10.worse词汇运用felt veiy (紧张的)when I went to the important meeting for the fiist time.Helen nevei tells (谎言)。She is a tme friend.Don*t be (害羞的) when you speak English t

15、o foreign friends.think Jolin is a(努力的)student. He is able to leam English better than before. My cousin looks like my uncle with a (方形的)face. Tlie worlds (liigh) glass-bottom bridge was open early 2017 iii Zhangjiajie.Water came into the radio, and now it is (use).(2019淮安)The journey was a little b

16、oring. We didn*t enjoy(we) at all. Mi Green is so senous that he always thinks (careful) before making a decision.(2019盐城)A good neiglibour is (good) than a brother far away.【参考答案】1. say 2. will find 3. travelling4. is playing5.came.6. smiling 7. are. eating 8. tested9.caring10, to help动词填空1. His co

17、usin (know) a lot about computer work when he was ten.felt sad because this pair of glasses (not fit) me at all.Who is best at (play) basketball in your class?I dont know when (start) tomonow moniing, either. Ill check it fbr you.She comes fiom Australia. She (not know) much about Chinese culture.To

18、m asked his mother to buy him an iPhone X and she (agiee).We often see our teacher. Miss Wu, (work) in the office at lunchtime.Childien must learn to tiy (be) kind to other people.How much time do you spend at weekends (paint) the back door?He has some problems (speak) English because he often keeps

19、 quiet in English classes【参考答案】1. knew 2. didnt fit 3. playing 4. to start 5.doesnt know6.agreed7. work8.to be9. painting 10, speakingDay 5词汇运用Now lets (讨论)what well do this weekend.(2019泰州)Now in China,more and more people are willing to use Huaweis products instead of (夕卜国的) ones.(在期间) your stay i

20、n this hotel, you can enjoy three freemeals.Tom often (主动提出)to help me when I have problems.How many (语言)do you leani in your new school?The football player was one of Pauls (hero) when he was at school.Is (Bntaiii) English different aom American English?Johns school has a (read) week every tenn.Pm

21、sure you need a (health) lifestyle if you want to be strong.Who is the fastest (run) in the world now?【参考答案】discuss2. foreign3. During4. offers5.languages6.heroes7. British.8. reading9.healthylO.numer动词填空1.1 wont go to the theatre if you (not go) with me.(2019,常州)He (draw) on the beach fiom 7 to 9 o

22、clock yesterday morning.(2019无锡)Can you pour me some tea,please,Jenny?Aie you sure?I (tliiiik) you preferred coffee. Millie is interested in (play) the piano after class. Miss Liu seems (be) very happy with our work. Who do you think (get) the most points in the coming exam?.Which will you choose (w

23、atch), football matches or TV series?(lose) my wallet when I was shopping ill the mall last Satiuday.Nobody knows what (happen) to him last week.Our English teacher (wear) a new suit today.【参考答案】1. dont go2,was drawing3. thought4.playing5.to be6. will get 7. to watch 8. lost 9.happened10.wearsDay 6词

24、汇运用.(2019苏州期末)Ding Zhaozhong won the Nobel Prize for (物理) in 1976.The boy (完成)his homework about half an hour ago.Do you often play (羽毛球)or table teimis with your friends after school?. Do most students wear school (制服)in your school?. Be carefill! Dont look (从头至尾)the questions so quickly. His fathe

25、r works for a (day) newspaper in the centre of the city.(2019南京)一Where are our seats,Henry?Wc should sit in the (five) row.He has (little) pocket money than me. The boy was too cold and hungiy to go any (far). Kate does homework the most (care) of all the students. She seldom makes mistakes.【参考答案】1

26、.Physics2.finished 3. badminton 4.unifbnns 5. thiough6. daily7. fifth8.1ess9.farther 10. cai-efiilly动词填空.-When you (finish) your homework? Just now.These Americans knew a lot more about Cliina after (come) here.It usually takes me 20 minutes (ride) to school.This kind of fruit( go) bad easily. Dont

27、leave it in the air for over 24 hours.Jolin and his cousin (make) a model plane last Sunday.There (be) a trip in our school next month, isnt there?My dad told me that China(have) the third largest area in the world.Thanks a lot for (agiee) to let us go on the school trip.Look! She is wearing a new s

28、kirt and (look) so happy.These days Mr Wang (write) about his trip to Hainan.【参考答案】1. did,ing 3. to ride* 4. goes 5. made6.is going to be 7.has8.agreeing9.looks10.is writingDay 7词汇运用.(10分)She wants to be a singer as (著名的) as Celine Dion.-How soon will they (完成)their work?Maybe in ten days.WeChat is

29、an important part of our (日常的)life.We (讨论)what to do for the sports meeting last week.One of the (文章)was so interesting that I couldnt stop reading it.(2019 ,贵州贵阳)Giiiyang 5 developing so (quick) that more and more giaduates choose to work here.To me, (leani) foreign languages is really fim.I learne

30、d some diffeiences between (Britain) English and American English.To get (far) iiifbnnation about our school, you can visit our school website.If you want to get help from others, you should be much (polite).【参考答案】1. famous 2. finish3. daily 4. discussed5.articles6. quickly 7. learning 8. Bntish 9.

31、farther 10, politer/more polite动词填空.(10分)As we all kiiowjiglit (travel) faster than sound.(2018 无锡)Pd like to give my thanks to Alice for (share) her exciting experiences in Afiica.Zhang like spends 6 hours practising (play) table temiis every day.It rained heavily yesterday,s。my father (drive) me to school.We always have a gieat time (chat) with each other.(take) a bus is much faster than walking.Be quiet! The students (ha*ve)


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