



1、选修一 ULU3英语句子巩固检测This years Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine has been awarded to Tu Youyou, whose research led to the discovery of artemisinin, a c(关键的) new treatment for malaria.The Chinese government formed a team of scientists with the o(目 标) of discovering a new treatment for malaria.Her te

2、am e (评估)280,000 plants for their medical p(性能).Tu Youyou would not a(承认)d(失败).Boiling the sweet wormwood a(明显地)destroyed its medical p(性能).Tu Youyou and her team members even i(坚持)on testing the medicine on themselves to make sure that it was safe.Huang Danian c(承诺)himself to his research in geophy

3、sics.Her c (情况)are beyond our control.He published four e(不一般的:非凡的)physics papers.As a c(结果),he had to flee Germany.Apart from his r(非凡的;显著的)achievements, what docs the passage tell us?What rhetorical d (手法)are used in the passage?The types of p(短语)used in a passage help identify its purpose.The pas

4、sage is likely meant to p(说服).Have you ever forgotten to s(关闭)the TV or computer?However,in the n(不久的)future,we will be living in smart homes.These smart homes will keep us s(安全),save us energy, and provide a more comfortable environment to live in.Today,we have to use s(开关)for our lights,k(旋钮)for o

5、ur a(电器),and r(遥控器)for our TVs anda(空调).We will be using advanced technology every day for a(自动)control of just about everything in our home.The future home will use i(集成传感器)to tell when you leave home each morning, and then go into an e(节能模式)all by itself.Your home will also learn your d(日常生活)and p

6、(爱好).Your lights will come on the i(瞬间)you enter the door.All controls will respond to voice c(指令),so if you want to change your routine, you just say aloud what you want and the home system will o(月艮从).In addition, your smart home will be m(监测)your health for you every day.If you start to have slee

7、p or weight problems, it will send a w(警告)to your phone.Smart toilets will be keeping c(持续的)track of your health as well.They can warn you e(在初期)if there is something a(不 寻常的)or if you have a c(严重的)illness ,such as c(癌 症),and p(潜在地,可能地)save your life.If a water pipe starts I (漏),or there is a short

8、in thee(电线),your smart home will d (发现,查明)it and provide you with the r(有关的)information.This way, you will be able to fix the problem before your home becomes flooded or c(着火).This smart technology is not a f (幻想).Many of these new i (创新,创造)are already a (可 利用的)and being used in some homes.I(从这种意义上)

9、,the home of tomorrow is already the home of today.N(然而),it will take some years before most new homes begin to use this new technology.A smart home is one that i(合并)computers into the s(结构,体系)of the building itself.Care will also be taken to c(结合)the building and surrounding architecture together t

10、o form an effective system.Various people said that the public should o(反对)the idea of developing driverless cars.H(因此),we should c(停止)accepting technology just because it is new.The families of the d(已故的)said it was not enough.There are many different groups pf people around the world who live happ

11、ily in the a(缺席)of new technology.Probably the most well known are the Amish, a group of Christians living inr(乡村的)America.They a (主张)a simple life with an e (重视)on hard work,family, and community.That is better than caring about 1(奢华)or following the lives of the rich and famous.1 found my c(职业)as

12、an Al designer through a social media network.When new technology changes the way we live, it can be a scary p(前 景)。Its difficult to make a(精确的)predictions about the effects on the environment.1 wake up to the sound of the wind b(连续猛击)the c(布)of my tent.1 leave my tent and walk over to the mountain

13、e (边缘).Branches of the Rapa River flow through the v (山谷)below.Sareks mountains used to be covered by v(巨大的)sheets of ice.The Sami people made this t (领土)their home.All new development is b (明令禁止)within park b(边界).At the far side of the valley, an ancient Sami c (小屋)is v (看得见的).The Sami would pick u

14、p their tents and a (陪伴)them.Ive a (采取)some of their habits.Being in such a beautiful and wild place makes me feel b(有幸的)to be alive.I believe that a j (新闻记者)should be completely objective.Whenever I s(打喷嚏),my English teacher says,“Bless you!”He ordered the dish 1(用标签标明)“Pumpkin Pie and Ice Cream”.T

15、he park was set up in Jilin and Heilongjiang, with boundaries s(延 伸)all the way to the border and joining with Russias wildlife reserves.As you w(闲逛)around the fantasy amusement park, you may see Snow White of Mickey Mouse.Disneyland also has many exciting rides to a (消遣,娱乐)you,from e(巨大的,极大的)s(摇摆的)ships to scary free-fa


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