1、OPPOSITE ADJECTIVESVOCABULARY REVIEW1234512345123451234512345What is the opposite of big?TIMEIS UPsmall1TIMEIS UPhardWhat is the opposite of soft?2TIMEIS UPexpensiveWhat is the opposite of cheap?3TIMEIS UPdirtyWhat is the opposite of clean?4TIMEIS UPshortWhat is the opposite of tall?5TIMEIS UPshortW
2、hat is the opposite of long?1TIMEIS UPfatWhat is the opposite of thin?2TIMEIS UPcoldWhat is the opposite of hot?3TIMEIS UPlowWhat is the opposite of high?4TIMEIS UPlightWhat is the opposite of dark?5TIMEIS UPyoungWhat is the opposite of old?1TIMEIS UPwideWhat is the oposite of narrow?2TIMEIS OUTnois
3、yWhat is the opposite of quiet?3TIMEIS OUTfuriousWhat is the opposite of calm?4TIMEIS UPhappyWhat is the opposite of sad?5TIMEIS UPgoodWhat is the opposite of bad?1TIMEIS UPdullWhat is the opposite of bright?2TIMEIS UPoldWhat is the opposite of new?3TIMEIS UPstraightWhat is the opposite of curly?4TI
4、MEIS UPbeautifulWhat is the opposite of ugly?5TIMEIS UPdifficultWhat is the opposite of easy?1TIMEIS UPfastWhat is the opposite of slow?2TIMEIS UPpoorWhat is the opposite of rich?3TIMEIS UPweakWhat is the opposite of strong?4TIMEIS UPfullWhat is the opposite of empty?5 Divide the class into five tea
5、ms and assign a colour to each team. Set the turns by throwing a dice. Click on the number in front of the horse to show the question. The team has to answer it within the time limit (8 seconds). Click on the question mark to show the correct answer. Click on the arrow to go back to the race. If the answer was incorrect, the team loses the turn. If it was
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