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1、Practical writing 简短私人信函:感谢,邀请,求职,道歉等 个人简历 通知 便条:电话留言 & 请假条 电子邮件 邀请函及回函申请表填写简历表填写1编辑pptB级写作应注意以下几点:1、正确使用所学的词组和句型2、语法与标点使用正确,句子结构完整3、句子意思清楚,符合逻辑顺序4、注意连贯性,正确使用连接手段:如first,second等5、正确套用或使用常见的应用文格式历年考过的写作题型:申请表;简历表;简短私人信函;便条;电话留言;通知。其中最常考的是简短信函。其次是个人资料表和通知,便条考的次数最少。2编辑ppt简短私人信函私人信函齐头式:每一行都从左边边缘对齐开始,一律不

2、缩。缩行式:指信的正文开始每段缩进数格。注意同一封信中的缩进格数要统一,如要缩三格都缩三格,一般都缩六格。日期 (date)称呼 (salutation)正文 (body)客套结束语 (complimentary close)签名 (signature)内容一般包括:3编辑ppt June 22, 2005Dear Mr. Brown, Thank you very much for your letter dated 12th March. Could you come over to my company so that we can discuss the details of our

3、cooperation? If yes, please inform me of your flight. I have asked Miss Li from this company to meet you at the airport. Wish you a pleasant journey! Yours sincerely, Zhang LiSample 14编辑ppt日期(date)写信日期一般写在右上角(适用于缩行式),或左上角(齐头式)。日期可以按“日、月、年”的次序排列,也可以按“月、日、年”的次序排列。e.g: 1999年11月20日: November 20, 1999 20

4、 November, 19995编辑ppt月份:January February March April May June July August September October November December星期:Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 6编辑ppt称呼(salutation)称呼写在日期下面,一般所用的称呼有: Dear Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. / Miss, 如果不知道收信人的具体名称,则可以用Dear Sirs / Madam or Sir / Gentlemen / To wh

5、om it may concern7编辑ppt正文(body)1. 看清楚题目要求,尤其注意题目中给出的英文提示,并且正确使用学过的词组和句型,对于自己把握不准的句型和词组尽量不用。2. 语法及标点使用正确,句子结构完整。3. 句子意思清楚,符合逻辑顺序。4. 注意连贯性,正确使用连接词: 如 first, second 等。8编辑ppt客套结束语complimentary close签名signature常用的结束语有: Yours faithfully, Yours truly, Sincerely yours. 写在客套结束语之后,一般应写全名。9编辑pptExercise给John B

6、rown 先生写一封信。内容:已收到他3月12日来信。请他于本月到公司讨论合作的细节。请他将航班告诉你。你公司的李小姐将去机场接他。写信人:杨磊注意:必须包括对收信人的称谓、写信日期、发信人的签名等基本格式。Words for reference: 合作 cooperation; 细节 details; 航班 flight10编辑ppt March 15, 2002Dear Mr. John Brown, We are so happy to receive your letter of March 12. We want to discuss with you the details of

7、the cooperation. Would you like to come to our company on 25 this month? Please tell us which flight you are going to take, and Miss Li in our company will meet you at the airport. Wish you a pleasant journey. Yours sincerely, Yang Lei 11编辑ppt个人简历Sample 1Resume Name:Address:Date of birth:Sex:Marital

8、 status:Job objective:Education:Foreign languages:Hobbies: 61 Fuxing Road, BeijingLi HuaMay 16,1980malesingleseek a job as computer programmerGraduated from the Computer Department of Huaguang Technical College in 2002 with excellent scores/marksStudied English during the 3 years at college. I am ex

9、cellent in reading and can communicate in English.swimming and going online12编辑ppt称呼: Mr. (先生) / Mrs. (夫人) / Ms. (女士)/ Miss (小姐)名字: last name/ family name/ surname (姓) first name/ given name / forename (名)联系方式: Mailing address 寄信地址 permanent address 住址 telephone 电话Mobile phone 手机 email address 电子邮件地

10、址 fax 传真英文地址顺序是由小到大依次为:门牌号和街号/小区名 城市(县要在前面)- 省 邮政编码 国名,个人简历13编辑ppt例如:中国江苏省南京市中山路22号,邮编:210000No.22, Zhongshan Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province 210000, P.R. China 个人信息:Gender / Sex性别: Male男性/ Female女性Date of birth出生日期place of birth 出生地Nationality 国籍(China)Marital status 婚姻状况: Single 未婚/ Married 已婚Heal

11、th condition 健康状况: excellent 极佳/very good 很好/ strong 强壮14编辑ppt教育背景(Educational Background ) 1)From 2003 to 2005 I studied in , majoring in , and obtained a Bachelor/Master/Doctors degree of 2)I graduated from 3)I majored in 4)My main courses include 15编辑ppt电脑技能(Computer skills) good at typing 2) ski

12、lled in/at 外语能力(Foreign Language Proficiency) 1) Be able to communicate in English fluently. 2) Have strong ability in English listening, speaking, reading and writing . 工作经历(work experience) From 2004 to 2006 I worked in as sales representative16编辑ppt荣誉, 爱好, 社会活动(Honor, Hobby, Activity) Hobbies: pl

13、aying basketball (volleyball, football, tennis); swimming, skating, skiing;playing the violin, dancing, seeing films; reading, collecting stamps, traveling, taking pictures, cooking 17编辑ppt郑易,男,未婚,1969年生,家住重庆新华路143号,1992年毕业于重庆大学会计系,1992年至1997年在成都大力食品公司任注册会计师(certified accountant)1997年在上海交通大学攻读MBA学位,

14、1999年夏毕业。英语水平较高,能用英语进行日常交际,能熟练使用计算机数据库。性格开朗,善于社会交际,具有合作精神。爱好文学和音乐。联系电话xercise 18编辑pptExercise Name: Zhen YiAddress:Personal data:Work experience:Education:Interests:Others: No.143, Xin Hua Road Chongqing 400023Tel:ear of birth: 1969 Sex: male Marital Status: single 1992-1

15、997:Da Li Food Company, Chengdu, China certified accountant1992: Graduated from Accountant Dept. Chongqing University1997-1999: Shanghai Jiaotong University, MBAArt and musicHigh level in English, can handle daily communication in EnglishGood at using computer data baseOutgoing personality, get on w

16、ell with all sorts of people19编辑pptNotice 标题: 可以直接写上Notice一词,或写出活动名称做标题。应该写在通知上方的中间。正文:一般要写明活动/会议主题、时间、地点、参加人员等。落款:要写上主办活动单位。20编辑ppt常用句型:1. sth. willis going to be held+地点+时间 2. We are going to hold a meeting in where? at when3. sb. will give a lecture about how to prepare an interview.We have invit

17、ed sb. to give a lecture about/ on . 4. There willis going to be+sth.+地点+时间5. Please contact sb. for further information. 6.Please attend it on time. Do be present on time. Everyone All welcome 21编辑pptSample On How To Improve Study HabitsSpeaker: Prof. Liao Zhiming Professor of EducationDate: Friday

18、, 10 SeptemberTime: 2:30p.m. 5:00 p.m.Place: Theatre 401 All WelcomeSample 1Sample 2 Notice Oct. 11, 2003 Those who are going to attend the opening ceremony of the Hi-tech Fair will meet at the school gate at 8:50 tomorrow morning where the bus for the exhibition hall will be waiting. Department off

19、ice The Foreign Languages Dept.22编辑ppt历年真题 (2001年12月) 以公司行政办公室的名义, 按通告的形式, 写一份2001年6月30号公布的通知. 通知包括以下内容1) 时间: 7月7日星期五下午2:002) 会议地点: 公司办公大楼会议厅3) 会议内容: 讨论财务规划4) 出席人员: 各个部门的负责人5) 要求: 每人准备一份建议书参考词汇: 财务规划 financial program, 行政办公室administration office, 部门负责人department headsExercise 23编辑ppt Notice June 30,

20、 2001Subject: Financial program of the companyParticipants: Heads of all sectionsTime: 2 p.m., July 7, FridayPlace: Meeting Hall of Office BuildingNote: Each participant is required to hand in a written proposal The Administration OfficeExercise 24编辑ppt根据下列信息, 以学生会的名义(Students Union)写一个通知:学生会应广大学生的要

21、求, 邀请著名跨国公司(BSC Company)中国公司的人力资源部经理Mrs. Tailor 来校为全体学生开设讲座.1) 内容: 如何为面试做准备2) 时间: 5月22日7:00-8:303) 地点: 教学大楼320教室希望广大学生, 特别是即将毕业求职的学生前往听讲Exercise 25编辑pptExercise 20th May 2005All students, We have invited Mrs. Tailor, the human resources manager of BSC company, to make a lecture. In her lecture, Mrs.

22、 Tailor will introduce how to make preparation for your future interview when you are applying to a job. The lecture will be held at Room 320 of Teaching Building from 7:00 to 8:30 on 22nd, May. We hope that all students, especially those who are going to graduate, will come to this lecture. Student

23、s Union 26编辑ppt便条date(日期), time (时间) signed by (留言人) from (来电人) (电话留言)message ( 事由)to(收电人)留言27编辑pptSample 2Sample 1 (1) 9:50 a.m. Monday(3)Mr. Smith,(4)Mr. Chang of Pearson Company has just rung you up, saying that he is so sorry he (5)wont be able to come over this afternoon. He hopes to see you at

24、 nine tomorrow morning. Please wait for him at your office then, or ring him back if the time doesnt suit. (2)Alice Zhou (1) 3 p.m. Tuesday(3) Dear Williams,(4) Just a line to tell you that tomorrows meeting has been put off because of the lecture. Please tell the others about the change. (2) Jones

25、28编辑pptExercise 根据下面所给情况写一留言条。Time: 5:00p.m., 星期一From : MaryTo: LilyPerson taking the message: Li LeiContent: 她让你明天下午六点在家等她。 5:00 p.m. MondayLily, Mary called just now when you were out. She asked you to be waiting for her at home at 6:00 tomorrow afternoon. Li Lei29编辑pptExercise _ (上午9点35分) Paul,Th

26、is morning I came to your office but _(你不在). I want to get my pay of this month because I badly need it. Would you please _ (告诉我)when you are in? _ (我的电话号码是) 54742568. George 9:35 a.m.you were outlet me knowMy phone number is30编辑ppt请假条Sample 1 4th MarchDear Mr. White, I am writing to ask for a sick

27、leave of three days, starting from today to 6th March, both days inclusive. I enclose the doctors certificate and hope that you will grant me the leave. Yours faithfully, Simon Li31编辑ppt请假条Sample 2 FridayDear Manager, Id like to apply for three days leave of absence from the 7th to the 9th. I have t

28、o return home to see my grandmother, who is now deadly ill. I shall be very grateful if you will excuse my absence. Yours respectfully, Zhang Yan 32编辑ppt电子邮件电子邮件构成:邮件头、正文和签名1、邮件头包括:2、正文。书写格式与常规信件相同。3、签名寄件人(from)邮件地址收件人(to)邮件地址抄送(Cc)时间(Date)主题行(subject)33编辑pptSample根据下列内容写一封电子邮件发件人:John Smith (js456)

29、收件人:假日酒店(marketing)发件时间:12月10日事由:1. 因行程改变,取消12月5日以John Smith的名义在贵酒店预订的12月10日到15日的两个单人房间。2. 表示歉意,并询问是否需要支付违约金。3. 要求回信确认。Words for Reference: 假日酒店:Holiday Inn, 取消:cancel, 违约金:cancellation penalty.电子邮件34编辑ppt参考答案 E-mail MessageTo: Holiday Inn marketing From: John Smith js456Date: 10th DecemberSubject:

30、Cancellation of Hotel BookingDear Sir or Madam, Im writing to inform you that due to the change of the schedule, I have to cancel the booking of the two single rooms from 12th to 15th of December, which was made in the name of John Smith on the 5th of December. I am very sorry for the inconvenience

31、thus caused and I want to know if the cancellation penalty should be paid. Im looking forward to your reply and confirmation. Yours faithfully, John Smith35编辑ppt邀请函及回函邀请函又称为请贴或请柬。邀请别人参加宴会、出席活动等,都需要事前发出邀请函。而收到邀请函的人,不管接受与否均应回复。邀请函一般包括活动时间、地点、内容等。常见的格式有: 1. 邀请人invites you to a party/reception etc(活动名称)

32、at place(活动地点)on date (日期)at time(具体时间) 2. You are warmly invited to attend a party/reception etc (活动名称)at place(活动地点) on date(日期) at time(具体时间) 3. 邀请人request the pleasure of 被邀请人at dinner/ party/ reception etc (活动名称) at place(活动地点) on date(日期) at time(具体时间)36编辑ppt回函一般包括两种:接受和婉谢. 常见格式如下:接受: (被邀请人)ac

33、cept with pleasure (邀请人)s kind invitation to dinner (party, reception, etc 活动名称) at (place活动地点) on (date日期)at (time具体时间).2. 婉谢: (被邀请人)present their compliments to (邀请人), and regret that a previous engagement prevents them from accepting the invitation to dinner (party, reception, etc 活动名称) at (place

34、活动地点) on (date日期)at (time具体时间).37编辑pptThe Chairman ofFar East Shipping GroupRequestsThe honor of your presenceAt the opening ceremonyOn Monday morning, the fifth of MarchFrom nine to eleven oclock2851 Pudong AvenueShanghai主人的姓名或头衔恭请你的光临日期,钟点地点Personal formal invitation38编辑ppt Mr. Sun ZhiweiRequests

35、the pleasure of_scompany at _on _, the _ of _at _ oclock _at _Mr. and Mrs. Zhang HuadinnerFriday18th January7:00pmSuite 402,No. 120 Jianguo West RoadPersonal formal invitation39编辑ppt Mr. William SregoryAccepts with pleasureThe kind invitation ofThe Local Bank Tellers ClubSaturday, May the sixthAt fo

36、ur oclockSuite 13 of the Howard Building Sample Formal acceptance 40编辑ppt Mr. and Mrs. Barry GreenRegret that a previous engagementPrevents their acceptingThe kind invitation to dinnerAt the home ofMr. and Mrs. John SmithOn Monday, the fourth of April Sample Formal refusal 41编辑ppt Dear Jim, We are having several colleagues for dinner at 7:00p.m on Friday, May the fifth, at the Oriental Express. We all hoping you can join us. You


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