1、EViews TrainingTables and SpoolsNote: Data and workfiles for this tutorial are provided in: Results: Results.wf1Practice Workfile: Data.wf1 2Data and Workfile DocumentationData.wf1 consist of two pages with the following data: Workfile Page: Data Contains data, graphs, equations used to illustrate e
2、xamples for Tables and Spools. * Note: For this tutorial the Excel data is not included since most of the work is done using tables, equations and graphs created in EViews workfile. 3Data and Workfile DocumentationWorkfile Page: DDTContains macroeconomic data with quarterly frequency over the period
3、 1960Q1 2014Q4. This page is used to illustrate Dated Data Tables. Tables and SpoolsTables and Spools are output objects that are very useful when organizing and presenting your results.Tables are the basis of presentation output, whereas spools hold multiple collections of output objects (tables, g
4、raphs, equations). Spools are useful for organizing results and for working with multiple objects. EViews provides sophisticated tools for customizing the appearance of tables and for managing spools (add/delete/rearrange objects). The main topics of this tutorial are: TablesCreating TablesCustomizi
5、ng TablesSaving/Copying TablesDated Data TablesSpools Creating SpoolsManaging Spools (adding/deleting/hiding/resizing objects)Customizing Spools4Tables Creating Tables in EViews:Example 16It is extremely easy to create Tables in EViews; all you need to do is press the button of the object view of a
6、series, equation, etc. Alternatively, you can also create a Table object in EViews from the main menu (or by issuing a command). Creating a table: Example1 Open eq01 on the Data.wf1 workfile. What you see here is a table view of the estimation output. We can create an independent Table object from h
7、ere, which we can then customize. Click the button on the top menu. Creating Tables in EViews:Example 1 (contd)7Creating a table: Example1 (contd) This creates a table view (shown here), which we can now customize as we wish. Lets first save the table in the workfile. Click the button. The Object Na
8、me dialog box opens up. EViews suggests a name (table01 here); lets go with this name. Click OK.Note that the table is now saved in the workfile with the new name table01. Creating Tables in EViews:Example 28You can also create a Table object in EViews from the main menu (or by issuing a command). C
9、reating a table: Example 2 On the main menu, click Object New Object.The New Object dialog box opens up. Select Table, name the table in the Name for Object section (here table02).Click OK. A new (empty) table is now created and saved in the workfile. Creating Tables in EViews:Example 39We can also
10、create Table objects from the spreadsheet of a series by Freezing the spreadsheet view. Creating a table: Example3 Open payroll series on the Data.wf1 workfile.Click the button on the top menu. The table view is now createdClick the button on the new table object. The Object Name dialog box opens up
11、; name the table table03. Click OK.Editing Tables:Selecting Cells 10Selecting/editing cells is one of the most common tasks in Table Objects. The process is very similar to editing cells in other Windows programs. Editing a Table: Selecting CellsOpen table01 on the Data.wf1 workfile. Click the butto
12、n on the top menu.You can now start typing in text/numbers, etc. Note that when the Edit mode is on, the selected cell is highlighted by a black border around the cell. When the edit mode is off, the selected cell is shaded with a light blue color. Note that you may enter a numerical expression when
13、 edit mode is on and have EViews evaluate that expression. To evaluate a numeric expression enter “=“ followed by the operation you wish to perform (much like in Excel).Editing Tables:Selecting Cells (contd) 11We can also type in directly in the (empty) table object we created earlier. Editing a Tab
14、le: Selecting CellsOpen table02. Click the button on the top menu.Start typing your data/notes here. Table Customization:Title 12It is easy to add a title to a table. Table Customization: TitleOpen table01. From the top menu click Proc Title or simply click the button. The Table Title dialog box ope
15、ns up. Specify here your title (in this case Table 1 Equation 1). Click OK. Table Customization:Title (contd)13The customized table is shown here. Notice that EViews has added the new title in the top center of the table. The table title is different from the name of the table in the workfile (this
16、table is still saved in the workfile as table01). To remove the table title, simply display the title dialog box (by clicking the button or selecting Proc Title) and then delete the title. Table Customization:Grid Lines14You can also add grid lines if you wish. Table Customization: Grid LinesOpen ta
17、ble01. From the top menu click Proc Grid+/- or simply click the button. The grid lines are now added (as seen here). To toggle on or off grids, click the button. Table CustomizationCell Formatting: Content Formatting15It is very easy to format cells in a table object. Table Customization: Formatting
18、Open table01. Click the button so the table is in Edit mode. Highlight the cells you want to change (here we highlight all of them). Click the button on the top menu (or right-click and select Cell Format). Table CustomizationCell Formatting: Content Formatting (contd)16Table Customization: Formatti
19、ngThe Table Options dialog box opens up. It has three tabs: Format, Font/Color and Borders/Lines. The Format tab allows you to modify the display of numeric values, set column width and row height, specify justification and indentation. Here we have selected Thousands separator, and Center for Horiz
20、ontal and Vertical Justification. Click OK. Table CustomizationCell Formatting: Font/Color17You can also change the font size, style and color of your text as well as the background fill color for selected cells. Table Customization: Font/ColorOpen table01. Click the button so the table is in Edit m
21、ode. Highlight the cells you want to change (here, just the top portion). Click the button on the top menu. The Table Options dialog box opens up; click on Font/Color tab. Table CustomizationCell Formatting: Font/Color (contd)18Table Customization: Font/ColorHere we select Font (Berlin Sans FB Demi
22、Bold here), size 16, check the Underline box, and select color red for Text and green for Fill. Click OK. Table CustomizationCell Formatting: Borders/Lines19You may also add Borders and Lines to your selected cells in a table. Table Customization: Font/ColorOpen table02. Click the button so the tabl
23、e is in Edit mode. Highlight the cells you want to change (shown here)Click the button on the top menu. The Table Options dialog box opens up; click on Borders/Lines tab. Table CustomizationCell Formatting: Borders/Lines (contd)20Table Customization: Font/ColorClick on any of the Presets or Border b
24、uttons to select the desired borders/look. Here we click on the Outside button, the bottom vertical bar middle bar and checked “Double horizontal lines through cell.”Click OK. Table CustomizationCell Annotation: Adding Comments21It is also very easy to add comments to a cell, if you wish. Table Cust
25、omization: CommentsOpen table03. Select the cell you wish to annotate, right-click and select Insert Comment. The Insert Cell Comment dialog box opens up. Type here your comment. Click OK. Table CustomizationCell Annotation: Adding Comments (contd)22Note that if the comment mode is on, the cell cont
26、aining the comment will be displayed with a small red triangle in the upper right-hand corner. When the cursor is placed over the cell, the comment is displayed. If the comment mode is off, the red triangle is not displayed, but the comment will still appear when the cursor is placed over the cell.
27、Use the button to toggle comment mode on or off. Comment mode OffComment mode OnTable CustomizationCell Merging23Merging cells is a useful tool in customizing the look of a table, such as centering text over multiple columns, for example. Table Customization: Cell MergingLets create a new table obje
28、ct. Click on payroll and ism series and open them as a group. Now click the button to create a new table. Click the button and name the table table04 in the Object Name dialog box. Click OK. Lets merge the two top cells in the table (cell B1 and C1) and put a title heading on both columns saying “Ma
29、cro Data.” For this, press the button to turn the edit mode on, select the individual cells (B1 and C1 here), right-click and select Merge Cells +/-. Type “Macro Data” once the cells merge. Table CustomizationCell Merging (contd)24The cells are now merged and one column heading appears in the middle
30、 of the two columns (note: we also performed some light customization, by pressing , clicking the Format tab and centering the Horizontal Justification). If you select the merged cell again, toggling Merge Cells +/- will unmerge cells so they are returned to their original form. Copying Tables25You
31、may copy-and-paste a table to the Windows clipboard.Copying TablesOpen table01 and select the cells you wish to copy. Then select Edit/Copy from the main menu or chose Copy by right-clicking. The Copy Precision dialog box opens up. You can select either the option to carry numbers as they appear on
32、the table, or at their highest precision (here we chose the first option).Click OK after you make your selection. Now paste your table in your application (here we paste it in a word doc). Saving Tables26EViews allows you to save your tables in several file formats (CSV, ASCII, Rich Text Format, or
33、HTML). Saving TablesOpen table04. Click Proc Save table to disk.The Table File Save dialog box opens up. Provide the name of the file under field File name/Path. Under the field File Type, select the type of format you wish to save your table.You may also specify options as to how the numerical valu
34、es in the table are saved (As displayed or Full Precision). Click OK. Dated Data Tables Dated Data TablesThe Dated Data Table is a Group View that offers sophisticated tools to help you construct tables that combine original data along with transformations, frequency conversions, and summary statist
35、ics of the data.The dated data table view of a group Dated Data Table sets up the table automatically and also performs the required calculations (data transformations, frequency conversions, statistical summaries, etc). Note that Dated Data Table View is available only for annual, semi-annual, quar
36、terly or monthly workfiles. 28Creating Dated Data Tables29It is very easy to create dated data tables in EViews. All you need to do is press View Dated Data Table in the object view of a group. Creating a Dated Data Table: Click on the DDT page in the Data1.wf1 workfile. Open group01. Click View Dat
37、ed Data Table on the top menu.Creating Dated Data Tables (contd)30The group window will change to display a dated data table view. This is created using the default settings of Dated Data Tables; each line contains a single year of data for each series at the original frequency (quarterly in this ca
38、se), along with the annual average.You can save the view as a table object by clicking the and then the button.*Note: This output is saved as table01 in the DDT page of the Results.wf1 workfile. Creating Dated Data Tables (contd)31Note that by default, EViews has computed the annual averages of all
39、the data series in the group.If you would like to convert the quarterly data into the annual numbers using another method (such as sum), you can do so by using the button.We will look at table customization in more details below; here we show a quick modification of the table to display annual sums
40、instead of the annual averages. Dated Data Table: Annual Sums Open group01 in the DDT page in the Data1.wf1 workfile. Click View Dated Data Table on the top menu.Click the button in the top menu. This brings up the Dated data table options dialog box. Click on the Table Options tab.Click the Data Fo
41、rmat tab. Under Display options, Frequency Conversion, select Sum then Transform from the drop-down menu. Click OK. Creating Dated Data Tables (contd)32The Annual numbers have now changed to reflect the frequency conversion which is based on the sum of all four quarters. *Note: This output is saved
42、as table02 in the DDT page of the Results.wf1 workfile. Dated Data Table CustomizationYou may set options to customize an existing dated data table view through the Dated data table options dialog box by clicking the button on top menu.The dialog has four separate tabs: Table Options, Data Format, F
43、onts and Labels/Headers.Note: Once you modify the dated data table options for a group, EViews will remember these settings for the next time you open the view for the group.33Dated Data Table Customization:Table Options34The first tab in the dialog, Table Options, provides options to control the ge
44、neral style of the table.Column Groupings:Dated data tables display data in one or two groups of columns. These are defined in the Column grouping frequency field.The First and Second drop-down menus determine the content of the two groups. For the First group you have the option to chose from Nativ
45、e Frequency (default) or lower frequency such as Annual (and Quarterly if your native frequency is Monthly). For the Second drop-down menu, you also have the option of choosing no second frequency.Note that in our earlier examples, we had two column groupings: in the First group, we had the data dis
46、played in Native frequency (quarterly, in our case). In the Second group (column) the data was displayed in the Annual format and we used two different ways to convert the frequency (average and sum). Dated Data Table Customization:Table Options (contd)35Column Groupings:Open group01 in the DDT page
47、 in the Data1.wf1 workfile. Click View Dated Data Table on the top menu.Click the button in the top menu. This brings up the Dated data table options dialog box. Click on the Table Options tab.Under Column grouping frequency, select Annual from the First drop-down menu. Select None for the Second dr
48、op-down menu. Click OK. Suppose we would like to suppress the Native Frequency and display only the data in Annual frequency (converted by averaging quarterly data). Dated Data Table Customization:Table Options (contd)36The output is shown here. The customization we performed has eliminated the quar
49、terly data columns and the Dated Data Table now shows only annual data.*Note: This output is saved as table03 in the DDT page of the Results.wf1 workfile. Dated Data Table Customization:Table Options: Example 137Data Display: Example 1Open the dated data table view of group01 by clicking View Dated
50、Data Table on the top menu.Click the button on the top menu. The Dated data table options dialog box opens up. In the Table Options tab, under Column grouping frequency, select Annual from the First drop-down menu. Select None for the Second drop-down menu. Select the Data display field and type the
51、 number 4 in the empty field next to it. This instructs EViews to display 4 years per row.Click OK. You can control the amount of data contained in each line of the Dated Data Table output through the Data display field. For example, you can display multiple years of data in a row or single year of
52、data with a subset of observations from that year.Dated Data Table Customization:Table Options: Example 1 (contd)38The output is shown here. The Dated Data Table has now added more columns (three additional columns) to the display. This is esthetically more pleasing than the display shown in the pre
53、vious example. *Note: This output is saved as table04 in the DDT page of the Results.wf1 workfile. Dated Data Table Customization:Data FormatThe Data Format tab of the Dated data table options dialog box determines the actual values and display formats of the data in the table.You can control the fo
54、llowing settings:Data to customize here you can select whether you want to display one or two lines of values for each series in the group.Display options/Transformation here you can select whether you want to display the original data or transformations of data. Display options/Frequency Conversion
55、 here you can select the method used to perform any frequency conversion.Data units & label format here you can select the format used to display numbers.39Dated Data Table Customization:Data Format (contd)40Data to customize:The Series drop-down menu allows you to specify the data format for all se
56、ries in the table, or for a specific series.The Row drop-down menu allows you to choose whether to change the data format settings for the first or for the second display row of the element selected in the series.Transformation:The Transformation menu under Display options section offers quick acces
57、s to the most commonly employed transformations.Dated Data Table Customization:Data Format (contd)41Frequency conversion:The Frequency conversion menu under Display options allows you to select the desired frequency for the specified data.Data Labeling and formatting:The Data units and label format
58、section allows you to define the default settings. you can specify:FormatUnitsLabel SeparatorDelimiterDated Data Table Customization:Data Format (contd)42Data Format Example:Open the dated data table view of group01 by clicking View Dated Data Table on the top menu.Click the button on the top menu.
59、The Dated data table options dialog box opens up. In the Table Options tab, under Column grouping frequency, select Annual from the First drop-down menu and None for the Second drop-down menu. Type 4 in the Data display field. Lets modify the table to show both the level of the payroll series and th
60、e one-period percent change. Dated Data Table Customization:Data Format (contd)43Data Format Example:Now click on the Data Format tab. Under Data to customize section, select PAYROLL from the Series field and Second under Row field. Under Display options, select “1 Period % change” from the Transfor
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