1、杨浦区2016学年第二学期高三模拟质员调研英语学科试卷2017.4II .Grammar nci bcabuhrj Section AI uas standing in the checkout line behind a uornan who looked to be in _21_6(H W hen it uas her lunt io pox. (he cashier greeted her b name and asked her hw she uas doingThe woman looked down. 22 _ purse (25 )I thought could help he
2、r It u&sift a handful ofcash or an oiler of job for her husband, but mabc it xould make hcrlifc betterNh hc&rt pounded as I approached the woman“Excuse me. I said. m 、oicc trembling a bit *1 couldnl help overhearing xxhat ou qid to the cashier II sounds like vourc going through a rcalK hnrd lime rig
3、ht no” I m so sorrx Id like to gne %ou something I handed her the small card from nn purseWhen the uonun read tlw cards onl% tuo- uords. she began to cr And throws g tears, she said: - Yoo hac no idea (26)this means to me 0I zas 3 little slanlcd b her rcpl (27 )(.not do)anthinglikc this before, I di
4、dnt know tvhai kmd of re&ciion I might recede All IcO (or me (2X)(r.八“Oh Would it be OKlogicxou a hug? we embraced. I ualked back (o m car -and bcn (o cr. tooThe words onlhc cad?You MatterA few weeks earlier, a collcag.uc gave me a similar card a group of researchers. Zcalandia is s new contiikiu th
5、ars31 bcnalh the oceanZejiandia is .32 lo be A%c million $q km Most of this nussixe arc4i is cox cred b water, bul ils hialm mountains alrcadx hac ibeir own name: Nc ZealandThe mall countn is the onh pan of Zealand ihal isnt utidcrwatcr. twl the papers aulhorsvanl the huge landmass Io be _33worldwid
6、e as its cnn contincnl“The sociHific value of cl3$sifm Zcalandta as a comment i$ much more than just an extra name on a IM the researchers wrote in their paperScienlHK discovered Zealand) all ibe uax back in 1995. then Parted _34 march on the area ming. undcrualcr and saldlilc mapping 35 After compl
7、eting their、ork. ihcj MereGnalK able to unlc a report suggesting tlul Zcalaiidia be named conuncntBut who decides on hat is a continent and uhat isift * There is, in fact, no oflHcial。&ni/alion that docs Some countries schools teach that there arc six or ccn fixe continents. This changes depend川s Oh
8、 where 卅 ihe world ichool isDuc to their 36 as a continuous ex pansc of land .some dassifX Furopc and Asia as the smG conuncnt - known as Eurasia Schools in Russia and parts of Eastern Europe teach ihisAnd io maU Hungs ccn more cmrusm(, France &nd 招 u decided that Plulc uas iio longer a planet. 76cu
9、rs after its _38 in 1950 Experts argued iht it no longer met the xcquircinciits needed lo be called a planet alongside ll)c eight olhcrs m our solar system ll uas therefore renamed a “dwarfplanet( 培 j: H )” meaning that 39 books, models and museum exhibits all over tbc world had to be 4_But will (he
10、 world take the same notice of Zcalandia The best a io tell is (o keep an eye on our ic(booksIII.Rending (?omprThensionSection AGood revs f oe aukuard teenagers around the xxorid As time goes. b. xcu could 41 up like a compIdcK diflicnt personThis corner from lhe longest running personality s(ud ncr
11、 42 b5 scienlisi. According (o rwemchcw from theof Ediebu席h m the UK. our pcrMuilitx ehaftgci m much fromxouth lo old age that most people s personalities in older age arc barcK 43_ compared to their xoungcr schcs.The rcarchcc anal)/a:d r软uhs from a Mud) in 1947, which aihacd 1.208 texnaga5 in Scotl
12、and aged 14 and askol their teachers to 44 their personHies based on s trutts(外No. more than six decades laccr. the Unncrsilx “Edinburgh lean has managed (ocontact 635 or the 45 siudcnu. and 174 agreed io have I heir pcrsmaliul rcMills. the rcscarclicrs found (hal there is lurdhrclationship between
13、traits people liad as teenagers and those in their odcr xcanLt uas *as if the second tests had been gnen to 4X people. the studss researchers wrote in ihctr report, u hieh eas published in jounrnl P5cholog 3!td AgingTbc results ucrc a surprise because research in the past fbuiid pcrsonalitx 49 in pe
14、ople tested from childhood lo middle-age. and from middle-age to older ageAs the (cam explained, our (xrsonjilih appears stoblc oxer short intcnals SO soihrotighoul adullltood SI. ibe longer the mien al belu ccn ixo iwts of pcnonalin. the.52 the relationship between the tuo (ends to beIts clear that
15、 more studies arc needed io find out thats going on here Bui it could be the first53 that it $ not just oiir cells that nr(:being 54_ throtigboul life - ihc 25 uc think, feeland bchaic might no beK55KWonccihcxighi41 A holdB wakeC endD. cheer42 A carried outB applied toC |Kirtici|)atcd inD. mixflc up
16、43. A. incredibleB. accessibleC changeableD. recognizable44 A assembleB. assessC assumeD access45 A dtertuiigB indhidWC ongiftialD 5”址46 A scoreB rateC commentD rcaiark47 A comparingB rcMOxingC presentingD obscningA oungB similarC amateurD diOcrcni49 A combinationB subihtC translbmiationD flctbihtSO
17、. A. iiKrcasingKB strangekC. subsequent6D. ob* iousl51 A. ThereforeB MoreoverC. HozcicrD. Otherwise52 A strongerB closerC. furtherD uukcr53 A optionB signC sjmpiomD cause54 A replacedB exposedC dividedD. cutivatcd55 A stuck in mudB buried in sandC lost in ihoughlD. $cl in sioikSection B(A)One people
18、 arc responding to food safety concerns is b growing their ous (bod However, not even one Ines on propenx with enough space Ibe a pnxatc pld One solution is commumt gardens, zhich hac become popular worldwide, numbenng in North America alone In addition io providing Iouyosl dehetom food, these publi
19、c spaces oiler cilics a range of other bwefiKConimumtx gardens arc located in a Cenx n or cit and (ended b local residents Often, the land is on a xocofit Id owned tn the cil The site is di sided into managcabk plots. hich max be tended b inditidiMh or (he garden*s mcinbcn cdlccinch Since ihc land i
20、s uuall) publish oviicd. the cost for gardeners to lease it is mimnul. In fact, Nev York City, uhich is hoinc to tnorc than 750 com munitx gardens tended b more than 2(UWMI members, charges px)plc just (1 3 jear to lease a plot Other costs inxohc soil, tools, seeds, fencing . and so on Hozcicr. beca
21、use the、re sharvd b manj people, individual gardeners pa、cr linkA community garden can quickh pay off. in terms of delicious (tvich and icgdnblcs. in addition to bcaulifiil flowers Excess produce caji be Mld for a pvoGt at farmers markets But a gardens benefit dotfl stop there. Thc also bcauliR citi
22、es, foster rtrong rch(ion$hi|H among residents, and lower ail area s crime rate Auard-A%inning spaces like Londons Culpeper (onimunitx Garden ocn ttraK:l lounits. Beautiful and affordable, communitx gardens arc oAcn described as ernse、in crowded cilia.Conimumtx gardens arc designed for those uhoA ar
23、c concerned about food satclxB hc in a bouse %i(h a pnatc plotC can*( aflord to bu organic foodD don t hac tbcir oun propcrt)New York Cil、A i$ owned b 2O.IKMI indiudml gardeners.B charge cidciil、a kx lo 18M tools aid fencingC contaiiu more than 75community gardensD is tended b professional gardeners
24、 and local rcsxlcnls5X What s the benefit ofconiniumtx gardens1A People cm ejg 皿 aid delicious tegadbl gd wtmd wwi B Residents arc more familiar and related uith each otherC The neighborhood is bccomi ng safer but of lower taste People can make: some profit Irom the visiimg lounsu59 The underlined u
25、ord oases “ is closes! in meaning loA cultural and art centersB popular platfbmis for cxchvigcsC peaceful and safe landsD commcrcaai and prosperous places through to October Sh。、moreCh6o%iA w hich 加快 pArkDifTcrcnt parks hac diflcrcnl topographx and ucaihcr patterns this greatly aflccts animal mo% cm
26、cnls at di Hacnl limes of the car If ou want to target certain species of animals, then s.ofiic parks an; better than other、lot ccnain 5Pgds Shou inorv 3) hocnine uhich lodge or safari campA t pical safari camp has bdzeen 10 and 2,)beds, it is an intimate safan cxpcncncc and xcr pcrsoiub/cd Howe,er,
27、 ihcrc arc also hotels in some places, either inside or jusl outside a natKmnl part, which can sleep :mthing up lo 3(M)people Sk、more4) GnidingThe quality, experience and Knowledge of the game at anSalan cam is alntoM ihc most impovlanl factor lo comidcr Good guides am traiHtbcm jour cxpcrciKC from
28、ordinal% to exceptional Show moreS)hat the Best Time of Year to go on SafariUnd-erstandabh ns the elumge w do (he aCin cvpencncc 11 is highly advisable to find oul the best time of % car tor the safan area that %ou arc intending co、i疝 Prices ill change dramaticall between the high and the km season.
29、 so good deals arc t be had in the low season bui il is important to know the diflcrcncc, asour cxpcncncc uill be vasth diflcrcnl Shou more 6) rhe* PriceGoing on safan is ikM cheap、hichc、cr ou do it . but the rice range can be enormous飞oup6 fbc%liai)ougcc arc uo(h it and allo、ou the Hcxibililx to wi
30、sh a and of safari camp in difTcrcrM locations. Shs、mpcc X) Use an /serlAs du can w firom all the tand opiiCHK detailed,b6c. tkrc k gfcat dwl to urtdcntAidand unicss jou g.o on safan scxcral times a scar it is impossible to kno.v all this stuff SM、more( O、TMT IS、O、V TQ I什m、YOl RSAFRIWe arc qualified
31、 travel agent% vho kno、ihis area imnnjtck1Click on the below buttotas lor some lanlasltc sahn ideas60 Which is a dclcntnnmg faclor in choosing a Safari camp? A Means of transportB AccommodationC Weather patternsD Ganic guides 61 John is planning to hac an African Satan in August 20IX He should book
32、it inA. Juh 20IXB Jami an 2OIXC Juh 2017D October 201762 Which of Ilie follouing is FALSE about RGrican Safan1A You cm have a good price but same experience if joo trad in lou seasonB Ifou M diflcrcnl camps in remote areas. Hights tna be unaxoidablcC Fhc more moncA sou pa. the better cxpcncncc xou t
33、l getD Not all the park tune ihc same species of animals(C)A bus、brain can mean a hungry bod、We ollcn seek food alkr focused mcvual aciivil%. like preparing foe an cam archers think ihal hca” boub of llunkinj drain cnag from ik brain, whose cap4icit to More fuel is cn limitedSo the brain, sensing (h
34、at it may soon require more calorics hsteal inocncn( or caloric consumption, uc cat Thu process nu) partly account for the meight gam w ccxnnioiih seen in college studentsScicmisH at the Unncrsitj of Alabama at Birmingham and another tnsiihihon rcccntlx experimented with exercise to coihMct、uch im m
35、oder aid、post - - stuex food consumptionGan Hunter, an exercise phxstologist at L A B. oversav the sludx. Hunter notes that tough activity boih increase? the amount of blood sugar and ltaic( -circulating in ihe blood and increases blood flow to the head Because the brain uses sugar and lactate as fu
36、el, researchers wondered if the increased flow of fiid-rich blood during exercise could feed an exhausted brain and reduce the urvje g overeatThirty - - eight healthy college siudenis were invited to V A B *s exercise lab to repon uhat their favorite pizza was At a later date, the volunteers returne
37、d and spenl 20 minutes dealing with selections from college and graduate school entrance exams. Next, hal fthe students sat quietly fbr 15 minutes, before being given pizza The rest of the volunteers spent those 15 minuies doing intervals on a treadmill two minutes of hard owning followed by about o
38、ne minute of walking, repealed five times Hunter says, that should Minwlatv icIrw of sugar and lactate into |Ik bkodsuvam TIkw students were then allowed to jjorge on pizza, too. But by and large, they did not oscreat In fact, the non-exercisers. however, consumed about 100 calories moreThe study ha
39、s limitations, of course We only looked at lurich Hunter says: the researchers do not know if the mnners consumed extra calorics at dinner They also camioi icll wheihcr other typci of exercise would have the sane eflcci as running, although Hunter says they suspect that if an activity causes someone
40、 to break into a sweat, it should also increase blood sugar and lactate, feeding the brain and weakening hungers call.According to the passage. may cause many college students to overeat and gain weightA a lot of 6 Which of the following statcnKnts is FALSE9A Mental activities can make people feel h
41、ungryB Physical exercise can tnake people refreshed and suy hungryC Sugar and lactate can help energize and restore people s brainD Its unccnain uhai tvpcs of exercise can cftcctivdy feed the brainSection CDirection% : Cfornplctc I he follow in(*b using (he sentences gi、cn bdo、. eachKcnt-cncc can be
42、 uuxl only once. Sote Ihit there nrv two more wntenos than um need.A When something comes troni uithin ou .ou aas try your best to aruK/c it in a scicnlilic waB P$chologi$ts call this pnxaic speech .language that i$ spoken loud but directed al ourselfC So 20rds so the self. spoken silcntK or loud .
43、arc so much more than ;u$t chatterD We keep the pnxatc speech uc use as children insidebut uc nexer trxih pul theout-loud x CBionE According lo be vcll-lnoxMi ui mg . talking loxoumciris the first sign of madnessF Self-talk is cHkicnt because、hcn vc arc ocal about our thoughts . n nukes a hirgcr imp
44、act on our brainSelf-talk helps us allTalking to ourself seem a tittle $hamcful If ouc ocr been ox er heard cntci/ing ourself for a foolish mislakc or praclicing a speech . x(xi*ll kno*.、the social problems it can cmisc.67But theres no need lor embarrassment Talking lo ourschcs .、bdcr out loud or si
45、lcmlv in our heads. is valuable Far from being a sign of iwsaiuh . scIRalk aikmj us to plan wku c arc going to do . manage our acti、itics and control our emotionsFor example . take a trip lo an preschool and uaich a small girt piling with her t/r Ybu arc %cr Itkch to hour her talking lo herself: off
46、enng herself directions and talking abcwi her problems68We do a lot of Huc arcoungAs children .xcordmg lo the Russian Psxchologjsl Lei gotskx . we use pnsatc speech to control our actions in the same ua% llut uc uc public speech ta coeixol the bcho iot of ochers As we grow older. vc keep this sxsiem
47、 insidePsychological expenments ltac shown that this socallcd inner speech can improc our performance in lasks like idling 、hai ex her people arc ihmking Our 20rds gne us an mteresung of oir sctidiw One rcccM studs (ugtMted thai df-ulk ift mwi cfleciivc uc ulk to ounchcs in the second porooo as ou*
48、rather than T 69 Ifou uanl proof . I urn to a sports channel Youre sine lo see an athlete shouting al himself or krnflf.Iking to ourschcs seems to be a、cr good of solving problems and working through ideas. Hearing diHcrcnt points of cu ntcans our thoughts can end up in diflcrcnt place . just like a
49、 regular dialogue . and might turn out to be one of the keys to human crrohxih Bo words the main idea of the pa3ge and hou n is illustrated Cse jour oun words as fat 出 pwsibleFor thousands of cars . people hate sailed across the oceans lo trade, explore and transport goods Henvexer . not ocn ship am
50、xcs at its po motixator for shipwreck hunters Ships earning documents and anifaci can teach 1$ about ancient chihAUKMK and miponani ccnl$ Foe imtncc . in 1997 the Pandora . which Mink m 791. discox cred off (he coast of AuMralin The Grdings Irom lhe ship helped us undenund lhe cicnls sunounding lite Camous mu (鼻动)on anollicr ihip the Bount) Another important discoxerv off the US coast m 1796 is widely bc icvcd Io be the Qween Anns Roenge. the (lagship of the prix ale BlackbcardProTil h dtiochcf ihoIkc for dupufeck
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