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1、Module one Antarctica: the Last Continent第一页,编辑于星期五:十一点 二十八分。 True or false 1.There are mountains and vocanoes in Antarctica. 2. Not many animals live there.3.There arent many plants.4. There are lots of white rocks in Antarctica.5. People guessed that Antarctica existed before it was discovered.6.

2、The first person to land on Antarctica was British.7.France was one of the first countries to sign the Antarctica Treaty.8. The treaty has three main aims.TFTFTFTT第二页,编辑于星期五:十一点 二十八分。Para 1- _ 1. climate: 2. area:The land 3.mountain: 4. ice: 5. wind:The landColdestDriest14 millionFifth largest annua

3、l rainfall close to zeroTrans-Antarctica mountain range from east to westCut the continent in two90% of the worlds iceTwo km thick5kmFrom the pole to the coastlineRound the coastConclusion :Not a more inhospitable place第三页,编辑于星期五:十一点 二十八分。Phrases in this part.1. with annual rainfall close to zero2.

4、cutting the continent in two3. in a frozen state4. a more inhospitable place第四页,编辑于星期五:十一点 二十八分。Para 2-_Full of wildlife: Few types of Plants: Reason : Plants and animalsAdapt toLong winter night182 daysExtreme coldLack of rainfallTwo types of flowering plantsNo treesMosses, algae and lichen第五页,编辑于星

5、期五:十一点 二十八分。世界上约有20种企鹅,全局部布在南半球,以南极大陆为中心,北至非洲南端、南美洲和大洋洲,主要分布在大陆沿岸和某些岛屿上。 南极企鹅有7种:帝企鹅、阿德利企鹅、金图企鹅又名巴布亚企鹅、帽带企鹅又名南极企鹅、王企鹅又名国王企鹅、喜石企鹅和浮华企鹅。这7种企鹅都在南极辐合带以内繁殖后代。南极地区以外的企鹅有加岛环企鹅、洪氏环企鹅、麦氏环企鹅、斑嘴环企鹅、厚喙企鹅、竖冠企鹅、黄眼企鹅、白翅鳍脚企鹅和小鳍脚企鹅等10多种,属于温带和亚热带种类,其个体都比南极企鹅小,有的背部带有白色斑点。第六页,编辑于星期五:十一点 二十八分。南极企鹅加岛环企鹅麦士环企鹅第七页,编辑于星期五:十一

6、点 二十八分。巴布亚企鹅白鳍企鹅第八页,编辑于星期五:十一点 二十八分。斑嘴环企鹅凤冠企鹅第九页,编辑于星期五:十一点 二十八分。洪士环企鹅皇企鹅第十页,编辑于星期五:十一点 二十八分。Para 3 -_What make it a great place for reseachers?A great place for reseachersIce - thousands of years - a window on the past - informationGases and mineralsvolcanic dust - what weather likeRocksmeteorites

7、from outer space -evidence of extra-terrestrial lifePhrases:1.In the form of 2.Stand out第十一页,编辑于星期五:十一点 二十八分。 Para 4-_What happened in the following years?1. Two thousand years ago:2. In the 15th century:3. Until the late 18th century:4. On 11th December ,1911The discovery of AntarcticaPhrases: The

8、last to be discovered The first man to set foot on第十二页,编辑于星期五:十一点 二十八分。 Para 5 -_ when:The treaty countries: aims The Antarctica Treaty196112 countriesAims:To prevent the commercial and military use of the continent.In particularTo keep Antarctica free from nuclear tests and radioactive waste.b. To promote international scientific projects.c. To end arguments about who owns the land.第十三页,编辑于星期五:十一点 二十八分。Summary W


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