同源高考阅读训练-埃及旅行记 等3则 2023届高考英语复习备考_第1页
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1、同源高考阅读训练埃及旅行记 等3那么2023届高考英语复习备考埃及旅行记埃及因金字塔和木乃伊而闻名,是许多游客的理想目的地。Egypt is known for its ancient artifacts, tombs, pyramids, and pharaohs. One of its most famous rulers, a boy king named Tutankhamen, has been a source for one of the greatest archeological (考古学的) discoveries in the world.Recently, my fam

2、ily and I visited Egypt for eight days. Located in Northern Africa, the country is home to more than 105 million people. While there, we explode red the pyramids, tombs, and temples built by the ancient Egyptians.Even before I visited any historical sites, I noticed great differences between Egypt a

3、nd the United States. In the places I visited, I rarely saw traffic lights at the crossroads.Many buildings appeared unfinished ed. Often the top floor still had concrete pillars (柱子) and wires sticking out, as if another floor was to be built. Our guides gave us two different explanations for this.

4、 One was that an unfinished building wasnt taxed. We were also told that when a father ran out of money, his son was supposed to finish the house.The first site we toured was the Great Pyramid of Giza. It was built more than 4, 500 years ago by the pharaohs Khufu, Khafre, and Measure. While ex parts

5、 still dont know how such an amazing structure could be built so long ago, Egyptologists (埃及古 物学者)think that ramps (活动梯) were used to pull the heavy blocks up into position. It was long thought that enslaved people built the pyramids, but that isnt true. Egyptian laborers who helped in the construct

6、ion were finally buried near the king, which was considered a great honor.We also saw temples made of cut rock. The Abu Simbel Temples were my favorite part of Egypt, “ said my 10 year old sister, Vida, “Seeing the amazing temples was definitely worth the long drive and 4 am wake up call. ”What can

7、we know about Tutankhamen?He discovered many ancient art if acts.He was a king in Egypt.He was famous for his travel to No rather Africa.He made friends with many pharaohs in Egypt.How long did the author stay in Egypt?About one week.About half a month.About one month.About half a year.What/s specia

8、l about Egypt according to the text?Many buildings appear old.An unfinished building should also be taxed.Traffic lights can hardly be seen at the crossroads.Sons should build houses for par cents.Which of the following does Vida like best?A. Pyramids. B. Tombs.C. Pharaohs. D. Temples.Difficult sent

9、enceWhile experts still dont know how such an amazing structure could be built so long ago, Egyptologists think that ramps were used to pull the heavy blocks up into position. 虽然专家们还不知道如此惊人的建筑是如何在很久以前被建成的,但埃及古物学者认 为活动梯在那个时候就被用来把重型石块拉到相应位置。【点石成金】该句中,while引导一个让步状语从句,意为“虽然”;主句中,Egypt colorists是 主语,thin

10、k是谓语,that引导一个宾语从句。守护“旧”音乐在大英图书馆的深处,有超过35万张CD和25万张密纹唱片,以及大量的78 转光盘和盒式磁带,这些无一不是流行音乐爱好者眼中的无价之宝。Deep in the British Library lie the priceless treasures for pop music lovers. Housed across the main building in St Pancreas and the Library s Boston Spa site are more than 350, 000 CDs and 250, 000 LPs (密纹唱片

11、),as well as around a quarter of a million 78 RPM discs and numerous cassette tapes.Andy Linehan, the Library s Curator (馆长) of Popular Music Collections, feels he and his team are not only preserving pop, but theyre also honoring history. One of the British Library s functions is to be the cultural

12、 memory of the nation. We do that with books, journals and newspapers and its absolutely right that we should also do it with music, “ he said.The treasures in the British Library rely on donations from record labels, artists and members of the public. As Andy noted, “If you publish a book, newspape

13、r or magazine in the UK, you re legally obliged to send a copy to the British Library, but that law does not apply to sound recordings/Among the treasures are an early voice recording of Florence Nightingale and a cassette tape that was sold at gigs (现场演唱会)in the early 1980s by a sixth form band cal

14、led On A Friday. There are also old blues, rare LPs from the 1950s and promotional copies of Beatles singles that only had a couple of hundred pressings.When it comes to preservation, the team is tirelessly transferring music from media that s vulnerable and digitizing (数字化)it for generations to com

15、e. If anyone can save anything from an old tape which is not in very good condition, its our engineers. Because they have equipment and know how to play back everything, v Andy explained.Private companies and specialist record labels are also trying their best to ensure music is safeguarded for gene

16、rations to come. Iron Mountain Entertainment Services offers digital transfer and preservation services for music as well as other media. Cherry Red Records Chairman lain McKay said, Its about looking after all that material and letting it see the light of day. We re music fans who are also protecto

17、rs.nWhat does Andy think of preserving pop?It is a tiring job.It is significant in the long term.It needs workers with good memories.It needs support from the local government.What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?Some sound recording treasures in the British Library.A voice recording of Florence

18、Nightingale.Some publication laws in Britain.A famous band called On A Friday.Who contributes a lot in the process of saving old tapes?A. Members of the public. B. Law makers.C. Engineers. D. Singers.What does the underlined word “safeguarded“ in the last paragraph mean?A. Defended. B. Preserved. C.

19、 Changed. D. Written.Useful expressionscassette tape盒式磁带rely on依赖be obliged to do (法律规定)必须做apply to适用于when it comes to 当谈及play back 播放尖端技术拯救大象和犀牛在非洲,每年都有大量的大象和犀牛被偷猎。现在,非洲的科学家正在利用脱氧 核糖核酸(DNA)测试,将非法贩运者与被猎杀的大象和犀牛联系起来,以进行抓捕, 为大象和犀牛保驾护航。1 A great number of elephants and rhinos are hunted in Africa every

20、year. Poachers(偷猎者) kill elephants for their tusks and rhinos for their horns to earn money even though it is against the law. Then other people, called traffickersbuy the tusks and horns, ship them out of the country and sell them again for even more money.2 Elephant tusks can sell for about $450 a

21、 pound ($1000 a kilogram) . Rhino horns can sell for more than $27, 000 a pound ($60, 000 a kilogram). Sometimes the tusks and horns are made into cups, artworks or jewelry (珠宝).Sometimes they are made into powder, which people eat as medicine.It has been hard to catch the criminals (罪才B) . Usually

22、by the time the dead animals were found, the poachers were far away. Until recently, African scientists are using DNA to help find the criminals and send them to prison. They are using DNA tests to connect traffickers with elephants and rhinos that have been Idled. Computers are used to build comple

23、te lists of the DNA of almost all of the elephants and rhinos in Africa. These DNA records allow the scientists to build powerful tools for protecting the animals.Now when tusks or horns are found on a ship in another country, DNA tests can show where they come from. This information can lead to qui

24、ck actions in the country where the animals were killed. With the new DNA information, it is easier to prove that someone has been involved (牵涉) in killing animals for their tusks or horns.So far, these DNA records have been used to send poachers and traffickers to prison in many countries in Africa

25、. People hope that by punishing poachers and traffickers, they can save the lives of more African elephants and rhinos.What is mainly talked about in paragraph 1?The loss of the tusks and horns in Africa.People s ways of living in Africa.The places where wild animals live in Africa.Elephants and rhinos being hunted in Africa.Why are the numbers mentioned in paragraph 2?To show that tusks and horns are expensive.To show how many elephants and rhinos are left?To attract readers attention to tusks use.To attract s


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