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1、Words and expressionsUnit3 Under the sea 1. 学生能够了解本单元单词的基本用法。2. 学生能够辨析易混淆词的用法,并能熟练运用。3. 学生能够掌握重点难点词的拓展及其用法。 本节课为unit3 的单词和短语教学,单词本来是零散的,易混的,但是本节课运用了从点到线,从线到面的词汇教学方法,使重点难点单词成了容易掌握的单词块,单词串,从而实现了知识即词汇的重新组合,这一点也符合新的英语教学大纲的要求。 首先,用听本单元的单词录音进行导入,让学生从整体上感知下单词。然后,对重点单词进行讲解,既有对单词用法的拓展,又有对短语释义的延伸。讲解和巩固练习结合,让学

2、生加深理解词汇用法并当堂掌握。而且,练习形式多样化,有翻译,有填空,有选择,从各个角度来对词汇关进行突破。unit3 Words and expressions2. annual annual adj. /n. 每年的, 一年一次的, 年刊, 年鉴 an annual event 一年一度的活动 an annual report 年度报告 annual ring 年轮 annually 年年地, 每年地 2.Witness 用作动词,意思是“亲眼看到”,如: 你亲眼看到那场事故了吗? Did you _ the accident?witnesswitness 还可表示“作证”、“证明”,常用“

3、witness to sth/doing sth”例如:他作证说他看到那个人进入大楼的.He _ to having seen the man enter the building.witnessed witness 还可以用作名词,表示“目击者”、“证人”, 她被传唤作被告证人。She was called as a _ _ .defense witnessbe a witness to .是的目击者 bear / give witness to sth为作证3. accommodation.1) 房间,住所2) lodgings, rooms and food 膳宿(在英英中为不可数,在美

4、英中为可数,常用复数) accommodate v. accommodating adj. accommodator n. 适应,调节亲切的,易打交道的调节者4. opposite adj. 相反的;对立的; 对面的; 相对的(常与to, from 连用) n. 相反的人或物 prep. 在.的对面 辨析: opposite, contrary opposite 指位置,方向, 地位, 性质, 意义等对立的,相反的,” e.g. “True and false” have the opposite meaning. contrary 指“两物朝相反的方向发展”, 含有“互相冲突,不一致”的意思

5、. eg. Your plan is contrary to mine. 5. teamwork team n.队,组 vi. 协同工作 teammate n. 队友 6. flee (fled, fled)vt. 逃避, 逃跑, 逃走vi.消散, 逃, 消失他杀死了仇敌, 逃往了国外. He killed his enemy and _.flee from 逃离某地, 逃脱= escape from = run away from翻译: 他们从着火的房子里逃出来了. They fled from the burning house.fled the country7 dragged drag

6、 :pull sb./sth along with effort eg. He dragged the table into the cornerdrag down 把人拖垮drag ones feet 故意拖延drag in 拉进去drag on 拖延,拉长8.Depths 表示底层, 深处The depths of the oceanThe depths of the jungleThe depths of the country The depths of winter The depths of ones heart The depths of despair海洋深处丛林深处穷乡僻壤隆

7、冬心灵深处绝望的深渊 注意1. The river is 5 miles long and 2 meters wide .= The river is 5 miles _ _ and 2 meters _ _ .in lengthin width2. deep (adj. adv.) “深的,深,迟”, 指具体深度. deeply (adv.) “ 深深地”,带有感情色彩. 9.urged urge sb to do sth 催促/怂恿某人做某事 urge its importance 强调其重要性 n. 迫切要求;强烈的欲望 an urge to do sth 10 reflect (vt.

8、 vi.) 反射,映射,思考 1)After _ for a time , he decided not to go there . 2) The mountains _ in the lake were very beautiful . reflect on (upon) 仔细考虑, 思考 我要思考一下下一步该怎么做. I will reflect on what to do next on reflection 再三考虑reflecting reflected 11. pure. adj. 纯粹的, 无垢的, 清白的 e.g. 1)The sweater is made of pure w

9、ool. 2)The air in the forest is purer and cleaner than that in the city. 短语: pure and simple 完完全全的,十足的 By _ coincidence we met in Beijing for the second time. A. pure B. purity C. through D. poorA12.be/ become (well) aware of / that 对知道,明白;意识到 我希望在情况影响你前,你能察觉到。I want you to be aware of the situation

10、 before it affects you. 我很清楚他就是我要求助的人。 I am well aware that he is the one I should turn to.13 neat neat adj. 整齐的,匀称的, 好的(口语) e.g. Our classroom is always neat. 辨析:neat, clean 二者都表示“整洁的” 区别在于: neat: 侧重整齐的 clean: 侧重干净的e.g. She keep her desk neat. The school is very clean. 14. narrow n. 狭窄部分,海峡,隘路 a. 狭

11、窄的,精密的,有限的,勉强的,眼光短浅的 They had to worm their way through the narrow tunnel.他们得钻过狭窄的隧道. He was narrow - minded ,we shouldnt let him do the great task. 短语: a narrow escape 九死一生 in a narrow sense 在狭义上15.upside down (2)The office is being decorated, so everything is _. e.g. Look at Jack. His jacket is _.

12、 上下翻转的;颠倒的;乱七八糟的 upside down inside out inside out反了的,里外颠倒(1)There is a car accident. The car is _ upside down16. sucking. suck ones teeth 啧啧的不胜羡慕 suck knowledge into ones mind 吸收知识17. sharp sharp. adj 锋利的, 锐利的 e.g. He cut the watermelon in two with a sharp knife. 1.My grandfather is nearly 70 years

13、 old, but his mind is still sharp. 2.Her step mother sharp words hurt her deeply. 3.There was a sharp rise in the price of food recently. 4.The meeting starts at three oclock sharp.敏捷的刻薄的急剧的整点的18. tasty (adj.) “好吃的,可口的”= delicious taste ( v. n.) “吃,品尝,尝起来,味道” This is a _ meal .2) The cake _ sweet ,b

14、ecause it has a sweet _ . The patient _ for two days .tastytastes tastehasnt tasted 19.scared to death scare to death 吓坏了,吓得要死 starve to death 饿死 beat sb to death 打死某人 sentence sb to death 判某人死刑 be tired to death 累极了 be bored to death 烦透了 work oneself to death 积劳而死注意: scare to death 中介词 to 表示到达某种结果。

15、类似的, My income this month has amounted to 5000 dollars . She tore the letter to pieces. The train slowed to a stop. When Mary heard the story of the hero, she was moved _ tears. A. at B . to C. by D. withB20. shallow shallow 浅的, 肤浅的, 浅显的 2)His paper werent published, for it was rather shallow. 注意:深、浅 深度深浅: deep shallow 颜色深浅:dark light 1)The water in Picture one is _ while the water in Picture Two is deep. shallow21. boundary n. 界限; 分界线 e.g


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