已阅读5页,还剩5页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Ill y p. naL I _a,_l -a ad . He . .gr-a bel hl i . “. s T ist he a. ce ae am. .-3- - mpailo . .、.paye. lie 1.a一、,. ail.*t. a ”thepr.is、 d ”., sack 0 - a il . ag -.a一 In il aicaii ” Mw, * new i .一,gui . more ar. t i.t. i.”.shl . . .u1. i f =2 -a . ov ag - lu. iro-cion. - i|*ii! a. ,”.1eve”. lie . .、

2、ru. a ,“.,”al.3.a. ”、mi”. te UiUi on ”.”. .0.n t g lU a il .、一.”. * * a.* .ijeal-m 1 ing.aii s i 一. S p no. .p.i. t Ie pro-ic。Triit, lamer coopeat-e e.no., 01alitn s .ofCcli,b-i Ung, ad . plre t Ie T.l, of p.o-cj, lupp,ad .ar.c.dlla. .op.a-e econom,orgai zajs , .a ogaic agg.gl- - toal of b-sie - .ti

3、bes os - like d to tie al a sects of pai-Ui on and ma ig.(B tom - tIe-tr-idemore btiLl Pr o.j.g t I e towsandn.Lntrerrait ons togielie, stre ngte . tie .nslr_li -a e . -ii.I, c te t Ie bea-l.-trai de conlt - ,n - grae s . r -a a- . I re 1va. !-. “ri nn-is, ad tr 1 A foc- on -ale .-.n.e i .prove.e nt

4、 - a as tie r -a, tie .os as cis to._e tie e n-oi.e nt cIm.il - .,. PoI-JIi . mJ- tIe. nti nne c , waer clea rl-es, -w-lai ons enl of biig , s-cas se . - .n, flw elng, big sa,-gro.,o - -tp.mote、ba-kl IlLs piot ason.AililHI nai.a ra d, Li g Riu, 1 ong, nia da, s - roa- J L XI Lao rood to tct Ie Ie si

5、. s of Ie mai.a is inao-t 1! ia ,- coLnt,* fa-.s bo-I _e i l.e crate d, good Jon pa I ni ng, enir onm.ta p.tectin, _ -a I.ia., i nius_1 deelopm.l, catig 1nnstoc.aetIebei-I-l -ra ., “-i-e 、e ” caicbei sis. -omatr Wic一是要求大家加强政治和业务学习,全面提高综合素质,尽快转变角色,适应新 岗位新工作的需要;二是要求大家摆正位置,发扬民主集中制,搞好班子团结, 保证工作协调有序运转;三是

6、要求落实党风廉政建设责任制,严格遵守各项廉政 规定,廉洁从政,克己奉公。增强工作责任心,履行好一岗双责,为身边同志做 好表率;四是要求大家发扬艰苦奋斗精神,遵守社会公德,做一名优秀的税务工 作者,全面完成县局交办的各项工作任务。5名同志都作出了书面承诺,决心在以后的工作中常思廉洁,长鸣警钟,踏实干事,清白做人,为全局工作的顺利开 展奉献力量。厦门市地税局组织新提拔的副处级领导干部和机关处室调任基层局的副处级领导干部进行集体廉政谈话。市局党组成员、副局长张毅同志围绕廉洁从政主题进行深入谈话。他系统阐述了加强反腐倡廉工作的重要性和紧迫性,强调了领导干部严守党纪国法的重大意义,解读了领导干部必须掌握

7、和遵守的党纪政纪条规,围绕领导干部加强党性修养、自觉廉洁自律提出六点要求:一是明确履职责任,筑牢反腐倡廉思想根基;二是加强理论学习,提高拒腐防变素质能力;三是加强党性修养,增强抵御腐朽侵蚀的能力;四是自觉接受监督,保证权力在阳光下运作;五是重视预防防范,构筑反腐倡廉缜密防线;六是严守党纪政纪,全面落实廉洁自律规定。s lng a s I. caog Il ppa cLan and lge ater egIt acr* t o c.ae a sauau ew n i tie C. t,.aUa toe ne o-s t Ie Cj-nt, Goe nm.t wl f -li lei cmmitm

8、.ts a nd I milin Y-a n 1 ag. of lbs iHs Tiiu, m-s p. specl ate .tin to de elpment of bea-,indSr,CcnsIcin and Iruiinal 1. and be , c Ir,S pr I tecion of Iiit,a nd _1-r e lg. r a toui , be d and brrakas i .com biing iconomic on r a to-ri i.1 I pme nt in prrc ad ic - ate post oning |rrei sonma ig, s -p

9、i,a nd gro-s,pr omote tie belti r-al andica ie of -al t o-r cmplx, i. fsiin boi_e fam ia. cons cion ad SI toI -id a gr of XX .a-. - alt,boiqe accmmoai on pr|ec. C) forts to g. fames to becme e. n ric. If not 1of, tie ,I.lw, tIe 1t.e Igri c tue, ia diesial on s .pr ng a.s wla. imprng fames 1ng sa nia

10、r . Foous onl.e a sects one is icresig i ncme- nlertng Hors,de. oping tie caacteiSc lgri1 -., price ”., e comm. a. ad.1- ad brrek t ilecnom,ensue a sa. op.rt ngicme g owi.pentie Ir. rigs is empowrf I. Sb.gieni ng Ie ala - of lbss. nne a 1,cgr owi. St. I glie nig of a.s * la nig, i ncra se oil o . .t

11、 lels, prmotinglsaied gowl I i wlge incm. ie e nt.priss to s. ngbensoBl rrsponsibii,0 1,ad m-toal be . and Sgne d a contrac of p-rcise a nusae of .t aprdcs fr fames, copeatiws aid am.s a. encrglaa il ea nig s - sa diS.in SIStB, saig tie a-eai b.eis of ins - ldie. lopme nt. Secnd i tie growng coleci.

12、 eforts. 一* II* eoped tie .p e .tail of llgele. col.ci,. eclom,IIk nieis of poor pe opl . D. pelig tie .f.of p 1c i ccs i l al aras focos on rrso ig |romi. nlssof r a p lcsec. ad pe op. sliij d fciiieslc a tirog I tie ci ng mlica ad lb. w,s toimprl e d-caina lleel* improigI.ab colI ins i r-a ae*.(,e

13、c-raglg tie Cebaag. Ilet,cae nbr* to promote ildag. iome, r a e - r,peIsol probl-s Tiiu, f.l,gra. adcnti-0 I p m wel fe le t.am.Io wilig tie wa on Ubr-an tiis - a r Ie | ro ices Ia op.aig icme-gaisttiistarel weiae Ibe ba s on loca cndiins -o, iia d, a I d ac, pl. a id l w,s and pl.in of taks i t ie

14、ci,li d, work on sbe ngbe led s g oa s Aidancig prrcisinof po e! ,.pro e t ie lw icme io-seol d backng, u,amic mangeI t mecansm, e se ca,for -napl,. d ca n iold, Liable I.t o of pl., of po-r,“l y I. on and ah,2 ura . . ”.* .”I_I, ”, r.a bel aid beaa .i n . . T s I e a.t ce . 一 “1 -.a no. kli ful p,

15、.”一ly te _u. a.0, . ail. .0 * to . Ihei”c。、 d _an_ ”* “ a il . . I ual ii_u In il .on M_i-wi .” i .-.,.i ., a.ti.t. i.-.、,|nH ng a”. pr . cs . sbe l . ” 、a see l ” 一 d ng base oi_tki. Fou i s te . of te art0,. ll ., .、ons_inl . .or, amiy farms, ,.,no. hl .ac. ofua .”!.,bii.0-“a piLuJi on a il .of ag

16、e. *|n!_i n_ 1”. te ill. . i ila . ,.1 ”.a . t and rgt. prove te UilI on ”,、”. .、3. tg lU a il .“ t p.e “ ., a.” f* -i.al dng.p s i cH_ai .motetlepro4-、i” am. Joplerao eJonolyIr)aniatins-tBria.of CliI,bul dig, ad a .1. t le Trni, supl,ad .,-leL. er Joopeatie ejnom,orgai zatin , rea orai J .aes up to

17、 al kids of busie - ettis, cl ii. d to t I e al a sects of prouJi on ad ma.(B to male tlejLnidelore beutiu. Pr omoti. t le towsad jut,s 3onst.ter Ure nglenig t le jonitrLUi e-.Vionm.tae t le be iutiul joLnt.li de jontrLUinugLesm g r url aras m ore lia. , luiale fr i -d ,ad t1 Afoc-I nur. e rime ni b

18、prove nt - .r - the r ual the molt bas J s to male the e nlionme nt Jleaa nd ordely.Fol utin to .s ,mob。. tIemaasa-ntinuet o .*,j r s, -woiaaions,tra.let of bJing , luJ - -ate rrlLjtin, flw .ig tre bg si, vgoroLr, out-atere Lutin, .sli - rrcov.,pro t le cleai meJai , .lance t lelevl of m.iul ous maa

19、 - me nt of tte v llg. Se -n. . pay spca 1at.ntin to t le belutul ientil buing -ddee to the .nnig alea.buase v Ilge s,st, -mbi natin clssljaionimpl_etai on, oemolti on, aleai on sim Utae .uH poi,Vgor ou- im | .ment the f,, u XI Lia r ooo to catch t le Ive side s of the mairoa ds il aboU Vlaes belutu

20、l -ut,s de eaurrs bouti _e vi llge-rae o. god .b onp. ini ng evi onmet. pre -ion, Jul l leitge i ndusr. d lpmet calig linst-eaetlebeaUiUlru.sene, bou.- V.|e I red clautei stjs Nmltte WiJ市局党组书记、局长吴振坤同志参加了会议并对新任领导干部提出四点希望和要求:一是要正确认识职位的升迁,充分认识到自身的进步离不开组织培养和个人努力,要珍惜岗位,不懈进取;二是要坚持勤廉并重,以廉政作为做人干事的基本要求,对自身要高


22、,踏踏实实做事。树牢不勤政就是腐败”的意识,扑下身子,勤政干事;三要慎权为政,清清白白做官。要把廉洁从政作为成事之基,立身之魂,不为富贵涉贪路,宁守清贫养廉名,公道办事,清廉为官”;四要提高素质,认认真真学习。主动向书本、向群众、向实践学习,不断增长知识,强化素质,提高自身素质和能力,推动各项工作;五要注重团结,和和睦睦共事,确保思想上同心、目标上同向、行动上同步、工作上同干,以更加s lng as th, ccugt u ppa La ad vilge afer egltles to a sanad, eve I i the Cut,.anBl tobe nevous t le Cut, G

23、oer nment l f ufl tei commimets, a nd I miin Yua n/vl are of lubsi ode. Th-, must pp,seja ate ntin to dev elpmet of bbeut,idost,.Consrutin ad triin. vlad be aUkl utrsi de pr otejin of litor,a nd culu e viage r ual toui , be d ad beakas i n com bii ng e nom , on r u. toui - -eel opme I t i peje ad au

24、rrte looDoning prrisinmaleig, sup,andvgorous,pr omote the belutiU rual anosjape of ur. t ou- mpl e* lie, .sin boutiquefamg istrujin and srve tobui d a group of XX feaue q - i,boU.ue acmmodoti on pro,e.(C efrs to g. fames to be-meeven-ler Of not el off the a,to el-, tlelrreagiJul ue, ia .esiat on s m

25、prv ng ames -la. imprvngfameslvigsaIdadsFocusontrre a spes: onels i-esig i n mege nerting efors-jjie,dev. oping the -aa Jft agiul ue, proje ss ng, e -mmeje, .b adbedandbraaasilonom,esue a st. ope i ngIncome gr I l. le.e the lee rgltt rights -porngtheef.,promotig t le pr ope,income gr I l. Se ngtle n

26、i, of fames Oils tr.nig, i ncea se empl ooBet e s prmotinglusaie d go hi ge i n me. ie e nteprsis to stre nglel so . resons .lt,0 1,ad mutu. beneftad sign. d a ntrt of pu lale a i.sae of Igiutua prodlt s fr fames cooperaies and a.es ae e n urgo uaa I tem ea ning s - slal disrbutin s,stB, saig the vl

27、uemdbenHs of indostil deve lopme nt. Secnd it le,roW I g ltie efrs ,* las .eel ope d the impleme ntatin of vilagel e llecie e nom,tlrre,ar s cultvaig mete, s tlrre,asoflawriadage,kngku, the maori,ofvlagesIaveopeainginme.ais tlistag.,lavetobebaled on lol conodtins, use,ur lla d, a nd a ie,e*lore a nd

28、 find ,, ad enuempletinofi teil,.,li wri on s. ngle inn safg uars. anlg pri son of povet ,improve t le lo icome louoe hold traig d,IB mangentme anism, e speah for、nempl,e d ca 1111d una ble to g. out of pov e,of po.* t . a ”the pr.is、d ”., sack 0 - ail .H. Inil aicaii” Mw,* new i.一,gui. more ar. t i

29、.t. i.”.s hl . . .u.i f =2-a .ov ag - lu.n-Ui hi il “min ar.ac ,i .o lie . .、”in rual . ,.,”al .a. .s, .” lie UilI on ”.”. .0.n t glU a il .、一.”.* * a.* .ijeal-m 1 i. .aii s i 一. Sp no. .p.mo. tIe pr o-hcel Triit, lamer Loopeat-e euno.,01alitn s,s-.of Ccli,b-iLng,ad aU-e,- plre t Ie T.l,of p.o-U.n,

30、lupp,ad mare.L.dlla. Uop.a-e eLonom,orgaizains , .aogaic .- - toX of b-sie- .tibes Lose,liked to tie al asects of p.o-Uion and ma - ig.(B tom tIe u-.rBi de morebtiLl Pr o.oI.l tI e twsandn uLntr e rraUions Ioli., strengte . tie Unslr_li -a euen-r 0nm.t L te tIe bea-1u-.rBide Lonlt - ,n - graes . rl

31、a mI re 11., l-H. fr inn-s,adla1 A,-son rual e.-.nme i .prove.ent - as tie rl, tie mojI i l is tomlke tie ei-onment lI.il - .,. l-iit . mob- tIe . Uitinne l ,waerclea rl-es, -w-laion lr enl ofbiig, s-cas . - U.n, flwerng tre big sa,-gr.,o - -ase .d-LJ, rrsoLUe rre.0,.prolIe Uing mlUIanism, .Ia tIe 1

32、-. of .-oos manaent o tie -.Uid, .lKpa,speUa1 atention to tIe bel-ti-1r tiabold n. .e t tie annig aI-bieaose - . ., umbiI ain uasiuain.p.mentaion, nemollI n, al.aion jm Llaeoosl pol- .oroos,imp .t tie f-e i-r bea-1 ULnt i.unst-Cin, aUi-p.mote 、ba-1 IoLj plt - aSon. AoLid HInaina rad, Li g Ron, ong,

33、nna da, s - roan. JL XI Lao roon to-LtIe e si.s of Ie mairans inaoLt 1! -ia ,-coLit,* fa-.s bool_e-i l.e urate d, good ”on paI ni ng, e-ironm.ta p.tectin, -1-a i.ia” inn-s - 1 d lpm.t, uatig 1ins to c.ae tIe bei-I-l -r1-ne,“uiue -ilge” uaruteiSis. -omatr -iU优异的工作成绩回报组织的信任、同志的期盼。首先要加强学习,提高自身综合素质,自觉遵守

34、好党章、切实贯彻好党章、坚决维护好党章。加强党性锻炼,加强世界观改造,树立社会主义道德荣辱观。同时,要以实事求是的科学态度办事情、想问题、作决策,要发扬密切联系群众的优良作风,关心群众,服务于地方经济的发展。诚信是领导者人格力量的体现,作为一名领导干部一定要有诚信。要带头执行民主集中制,带头维护和增强班子的团结,自觉做到不利于团结的话不说,不利于团结的事不做。通过自身表率作用,带动和促进领导班子的团结,进而带动整个干部队伍的团结。树立正确的权力观,为地税事业掌好权、用好权。另外,要按照党风廉政责任制的要求,履行好分管领导肩负直接责任人的责任,将分管工作与党风廉政 建设一起部署、一起落实、一起检

35、查、一起考核,加强监督检查,定期研究分析分管范围内的惩治和预防腐 败工作状况,及时处理有关问题。在抓好工作的同时,加强对工作人员的教育和管理,把反腐倡廉工作进一 步落实到具体环节。同志们:今天我们以集体谈话的方式,在这里对这次新调整任用的位正科级干部进行一次廉政谈话。 今天的任前廉政s long as I.uao. It ppaULaOe and -llge ater e.it acrs t o c.ae a Sadan. e-en i tie C. t,iac toe ne-oLj tIe CoLit,Go-ernm.t l fLlfi lei ummitm.tj and I millin

36、Y.an-ilag. of lbsdesTiiL, mL*pp,speUl ate ntin to de- nopment of beaL,indSr,CcnSILin and trmiinal -1. and be,u I,de pr I teuton of iiso,a nd ulre -ill. ra toi-, bed and brrakas incom biing luonomicon ra toLris n.-. I pme nt in prru ad u_atepost onin. |rreiSon makkeig, lppl,and -groLj,promote tie bel

37、ti rLal andLUa ie of -al to-rump, li. fsiin boi_e fam - - .conS Uion ad str-e toI Lid a grof XX .ao. - ait,boi - e acummoion pr.u. C; forts to g. fames to beume e-en riC. If not 1ol, tie ,to .11-, tIe 1t.e - ric t e, iaLLeSial on s .pr- ng a.s lfa. impr-ng fames 1-ng Sannar ns. Focus on ti.e ajects

38、one S ic.iSig inumeg. n.rtng eiorS-cC-e1,de-.oping tieUaact.SU .ri1L., proceui I g, e comm.u, fam ad! ad brefst ilecnom,ensue aSa. op.rt ngiume . oi.leepen tie Ir. rigs *IS empo r ng Ie r.orm, promotig t ie proper,iume .roi. St.I gte ni. of a.s * tnig, i ncrase h,2 ura . . ”.* .”I_I, ”, r.a bel aid

39、beaa .i n . . T s I e a.t ce . 一 “1 -.a no. kli ful p, .”一ly te _u. a.0, . ail . .0 * to . Ihe i”c。、 d _an_ ”* “ a il . . I ual ii_u In il .on M_i-wi .” i .-.,.i ., a. t i.t. i.-.、, |nH ng a”. pr . cs . sbe l . ” 、a see l ” 一 d ng base oi_tki. Fou i s te . of te art0,. ll ., .、on s_inl . .or, amiy f

40、arms, ,., no. hl . ac. ofua .”!.,bii. 0 - “a piLuJi on a il .of age. *|n!_i n_ 1”. te ill . . i ila . ,.1 ”.a . t and rgt. prove te UilI on ”,、”. .、3. tg lU a il .“ t p.e “ ., a.” f* -i.al dng .p s i cH_ai .motetle pr o4-、i” am. Joplerao eJonoly I r)aniatin s - tBria.of CliI,bul dig, ad a .1. t le T

41、rni, supl,ad .,-leL. er Joopeatie ejnom,orgai zatin , rea orai J .aes up to al kids of busie - ettis, cl ii. d to t I e al a sects of prouJi on ad ma.(B to male tle jLn i de lore beutiu. Pr omoti. t le tows ad jut,s 3ons t.ter Ure nglenig t le jonitrLUi e - .Vi onm.t ae t le be iutiul joLnt.li de jo

42、ntrLUinugLes m g r url aras m ore lia. , luiale fr i -d ,ad t1 Afoc-I nur. e rime ni bprove nt - .r - the r ual the molt bas J s to male the e nlionme nt Jleaa nd ordely.Fol utin to .s ,mob。. tI e maasa -nti nue t o .*,j r s, -woiaaions, tra.let of bJing , luJ - -ate rrlLjtin, flw .ig tre bg si, vgo

43、roLr, out-atere Lutin, .sli - rrcov.,pro t le cleai meJai , .lance t lelevl of m.iul ous maa - me nt of tte v llg. Se -n. . pay spca 1at.ntin to t le belutul ientil buing -ddee to the .nnig alea. buase v Ilge s,st, -mbi natin clssljaionimpl_etai on, oemolti on, aleai on sim Utae .uH poi,Vgor ou- im

44、| .ment the f,, u XI Lia r ooo to catch t le Ive side s of the mairoa ds il aboU Vlaes belutul -ut,s de eaurrs bouti _e vi llge-rae o. god .b onp. ini ng evi onmet. pre -ion, Jul l leitge i ndusr. d lpmet calig lins t-eae t le be aUiUlru. sene, bou.- V.|e I red clautei stjs Nmltte WiJ谈话,既是学习勉励的过程, 也

45、是警示教育的过程, 目的是告诉同志们党的纪律和廉政规定, 明确哪些能做、应做,哪些不能做、不应做。教育在先,预防在前,是对党员领导干部真正的关心,真正的爱护。加强廉洁自律,是对每位党员特别是党员领导干部保持共产党员先进性的最基本要求,是加强党的先进性建设的重要内容和客观体现。这次系统新调整任用的正科级领导干部,是我们发展的中流砥柱,同志们必须带头廉洁自律,自觉做到廉政勤政,切实担负起抓党风廉政建设和经济工作的双重责任。下面我讲四点意见,也是向大家提出四方面的要求。一、增强责任意识,认真履行党风廉政建设职责认真履行党风廉政建设职责,是各级党政领导的一项重要政治任务。这次新调整任用的干部都是领导班

46、子成员,是建设工作的组织者、领导者、决策者,也是抓党风廉政建设的主体。因此大家在履行职责时要做到 -岗双责”。既要抓好经济工作、业务工作,亦要担负起抓党风廉政建设的责任,切实落实好党风廉政建设责任制。党风廉政建设与经济、业务工作二者关系是紧密联系、相互促进的。党风廉政建设的核心问题是密切党同人民群众的血肉联系,良好的党风政风,能够为经济建设、业务工作的开展提供良好的人际环境,党群、干群关系好,领导就有威信,班子就有凝聚力、战斗力,在发展中就可以攻坚破难,无往而不胜。同样,经济发展得好,又能够为党风廉政建设提供坚实的物质基础,干部群众分享到改革发展的成果,得到实惠,党风廉政建设才能得党心民心。党


48、干部,抓好检查落实,切实担负起应尽的责任,做到一级抓一级,层层抓落实。对自己分管范围发生的违纪违法案件,要发现一起查处一起,绝不护短,绝不姑息。要维护群众利益,坚决刹住乱收费乱罚款、吃拿卡要等严重损害群众切身利益的行为。s lng as th, ccugt u ppa La ad vilge afer egltles to a sanad, eve I i the Cut,.anBl tobenevoustleCut,Goer nment l f ufl tei commimets, a nd I miin Yua n/vl are of lubsi ode. Th-, must pp,sej

49、a ate ntin to dev elpmet of bbeut,idost,.Consrutin ad triin. vlad be aUkl utrsi de pr otejin of litor,a nd culu e viage r ual toui , be d ad beakas i n com bii ng e nom , on r u. toui - -eel opme I t i peje ad aurrte looDoning prrisinmaleig, sup,andvgorous,pr omote the belutiU rual anosjapeofur.tou-

50、 mpl e* lie, .sin boutiquefamg istrujin and srve tobuidagroupofXXfeaueq-i,boU.ue acmmodoti on pro,e.(C efrs to g. fames to be-me eve n-ler Of not el off the a,to el-, tlelrreagiJulue,ia.esiatons mprv ng ames -la. imprvngfameslvigsaIdadsFocusontrreaspes: onels i-esig i n mege nerting efors-jjie,dev.

51、oping the -aa Jft agiul ue, proje ss ng, e -mmeje, .b adbedandbraaasilonom,esue a st. ope i ngIncome gr I l. le.e the lee rgltt rights -porngtheef.,promotigtleprope,income gr I l. Se ngtle ni, of fames Oils tr.nig,inceaseemplooBetesprmotinglusaie d go hi ge i n me. ie e nteprsis to stre nglel so . r

52、esons .lt,0 1,ad mutu. beneftad sign. d a ntrt of pu lale a i.sae of Igiutua prodlt s fr fames cooperaies and a.es ae e n urgo uaa I tem ea ning s - slal disrbutin s,stB, saig the vluemdbenHs of indostil deve lopme nt. Secnd it le,roW I g ltie efrs ,* las .eel ope d the impleme ntatin of vilagel e l

53、lecie e nom,tlrre,ar s cultvaig mete, s tlrre,asoflawriadage,kngku, the maori,ofvlagesIaveopeainginme.ais tlis tag., lave tobe baled on lol conodtins, use,ur lla d, a nd a ie,e*lore a nd find ,, ad enuempletinofiteil,.,li wri on s. ngle inn safg uars. anlg pri son of povet ,improve t le lo icome lou

54、oe hold traig d,IB mangentmeanism,espeah for、nempl,e d ca 1111d una ble to g. out of pov e,of po.*t. a ”thepr.is、 d ”., sack 0 - a il . H . In il aicaii ” Mw, * new i .一,gui . more ar. t i.t. i.”.shl . . .u1. i f =2 -a . ov ag - lu. iro-cion. - i|*ii! a. ,”.1eve”. lie . .、 ru. a ,“.,”al .a. .s,.” li

55、e UilI on ”.”. .0.n t g lU a il .、一.”. * * a.* .ijeal-m 1 i. .ai i s i 一. S p no. tlp.mi. t Ie pr o-hcel Triit, lamer Llopeat-e e.nom, 01alitn s .of Ccli,b-i Lng, ad aL-e,- plre t Ie T.l, of p.L.i, lupp,ad mare. . .op.a eliii.,orgai -ins , .a ogaic . - toal of b-sie - .tibes Los - like d to tie al a

56、 sects of p.o-Lion and ma - ig.(B tom tIeL-trside more btiLl Pr i.iI.l t I e twsand n LLntr e rraLi ons Iili., stre ngte . tie iLnslr_li -a e .en-r 0nm.t L te t Ie bea-1L-.rBi de Lonlt - ,n - grae s . r -a a- m I re 1va. !-. fr i nn-s,adla1 A,-sonruale.-.nme i .prove.e nt - a as tie r -a, tie moj I

57、ai l is to._e tie e i-inme nt lI.il - .,.l-jt.一 mJ- tIe. .nti nne l , waer clea rl-es, -w-lai in lr enl of biig , s-cas .-Lin,flwerngtrebig sa,-.iil.,o - - ase .d-LJ, rrsoLLe rrec,.prolIeling mlcIani sm, .Ia t Ie 1-. of .- oos manae nt oj tie -. Se nd, .lK pa,sieLa 1 atentiln to t Ie be l-ti-1r tia

58、bold n. .e t tie annig aI- bieaose - . , Lmbi lain LasiLainmp.mentaion,nemoliI n, al.ai on jm Llae oosl pol- -.or 00s. im p .t tie f-e i-r bea-1 LLnt i. List-Lin, aLi-p.mote 、ba -1 IoLj plt - aSon.AoLidHI naina ra d, Li g Ron, ong, nna da, s - roan. J L XI Lao roon to Lt Ie lie si. s of Ie maira ns

59、inaoLt 1! -ia ,- coLnt,S fa-.s bo-I _e-i l.e .rate d, good ”on pa I ni ng, en-r onm.ta p.tectin, -1 -a i.ia., i nn-s - 1 d lpm.t, .atig 1instoc.aetIebei-I-l -ra sen-, “-i-e -、e ” LarLtei Sis. -omatr -i.二、严于律己,带头廉洁自律领导干部要以身作则,严于律己,按照 xx说的,常修为政之德,常思贪欲之害,常怀律己之心 ”,时刻做到 看权要自重,掌 权要自省,用 权要自律。,加强自我修养,切实做到慎权



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