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1、2022-2023学年九上英语期末模拟试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。. 单项选择1、 _ I have a cup of tea, Miss Anderson? Of course. Here you are.AMayBMustCNeedDShould2、 What shall we do now? _ its raining hard, let

2、s stay at home.ASo BSince CThough DOtherwise3、Is this your pen, May?No. Its maybe Peters. Hes looking for _.AhimBhisChersDyours4、-The boy is tall enough his age.-Yes, I was much shorter when I was his age.AofBatCfromDfor5、My cousin is heavy because he often eats fast foodAtoo much;too many Btoo many

3、;too muchCmuch too;too much Dtoo much;much too6、-The two old friends were _ busy _ with each other that they forgot the time.-Yes. They hadnt met for over ten years, so they kept talking the whole night.Atoo; to talkBtoo; talkingCso; to talkDso; talking;7、-Look! A book is on the floor .Whose is it?-

4、It_be Ricks.It has his name on it.AmustntBcantCmustDneed8、- Excuse me, Mr. Ma. Could you tell me _.- Im not sure, but its said itll be on next Monday afternoon.Awhere well have the graduation ceremonyBhow soon will we have the graduation ceremonyCwhen well have the graduation ceremonyDhow long well

5、have the graduation ceremony9、Some wild animals are in danger now. We should think about _ to save them.Awhat can we doBwhat we can doChow we can do10、-Which sweater can you choose, the blue one or the red one?-_ is OK, I think. Both go well with my trousers.ABothBEitherCNeitherDNone. 完形填空11、完形填空阅读下

6、面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Every Friday afternoon, Anni, a primary school teacher, asks her students to write down who theyd like to 1 the following week. She also asks the students to recommend one student who has been an 2 student that week. The result is kept secret and nobody 3 her knows i

7、t.And every Friday afternoon, 4 the students go home, Anni takes out those pieces of paper and studies the names.Who is not getting required by anyone else?Who never gets 5 enough to be recommended?Who had a lot of friends last week but 6 this week?You see, Anni is not looking for a new seating form

8、 or “excellent students.” In fact, she is looking for 7 children unnoticed by their classmates.Annis special method is like taking an X-ray of a classroom to see into the hearts of students. It is also like looking for gold - those little 8 who need a little help. And it did work because such kids a

9、re often too 9 to share their loneliness. But as she said - the 10 comes out on those little pieces of paper.After she watched the documentary about teenagers violence(暴力), this 11 woman knew that All Violence Begins With Loneliness. She found that the children unnoticed will try to be noticed in an

10、y way_.And so she_to start fighting violence early. When she sits in her _classroom and studies those names, 12 Anni is doing - is SAVING LIVES.1AplayBplay withCsitDsit with2AhonestBexcellentCimportantDideal3AexceptBbesideCbesidesDincluding4AuntilBbeforeCwhenDafter5AseenBnoticedCwatchedDlooked6Amany

11、BmuchCnoneDsome7ApopularBlonelyCaloneDgood8AstudentBchildConeDones9AshyBpatientCnervousDproud10AopinionBtruthCideaDway11AbraveBhonestCfriendlyDwise12Ain the endBto the endCby the endDat the end13AagreedBrememberedCdecidedDbegan14AcleanBnoisyCemptyDbright15AwhatBwhenChowDwhy. 语法填空12、用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空。将

12、答案填在短文后的横线上。The world needs love and many people need our help. Several years ago, my teacher asked me 1 ( take ) part in a program that helps those who are disabled. Each week, I spend an hour in the classroom 2( help ) with schoolwork, art project, games and other activities, including eating. My

13、mother is a teacher, so I am used to 3 (help) children; however, I found that working with children with special needs would change my life forever.At first, I thought it would be nervous 4(be) with the children who are so different, but gradually I found theres something special about these student

14、s. So there was no need to worry about it. Each Thursday I 5(welcome) by the smiling faces of Thomas, Joey and Missy. Thomas has to sit on the wheelchair. He communicates with simple words like yes or no. Joey, a deaf girl, always welcomed me with a big smile. Missy 6(bear) with a kind of illness an

15、d it makes her really small for her age. In a normal classroom, it would be common to hear a teacher comfort a child who is tapping his pencil, speaking loudly, or making unnecessary noises. However, here, shouts, cries, and other noises are encouraged. Theyre signs of excitement and different ways

16、of communicating.Working with children with special need has changed my life. It has made me7(notice) others need. One of my teachers 8(believe) that we should be part of something bigger than ourselves. I never realized how true this was until I worked with these children. I believe everyone should

17、 get out and do something that makes a difference. 阅读理解A13、Emma Watson, 26, brings her childhood Disney character to life. The British actress played the beautiful girl Belle in Disneys new live-action movie Beauty and the Beast(野兽). She also sang for the role, the first time she has done so in her

18、career. The movie came out in China on March 17. Originally an animation film, it tells how a cursed man-beast is changed into a handsome prince by the love of Belle.To play the lead role in Beauty and the Beast, Watson turned down the offer of La La Land, which won six awards besides the Best Actre

19、ss at this years Oscars. However, she does not regret it. She told Vanity Fair that she believes the movie says something that is important for people to hear.This is not her first time being invited to play a Disney princess. She refused the offer to play Cinderella. But she happily took on Belle b

20、ecause she saw her as a better role model. Belle doesnt mind Beasts ugly appearance and sees his good heart within. “She remains curious, compassionate (有同情心) and open-minded,” she told Total Film. “Shes not easily swayed by other peoples ideas.”But to build her own version of Belle, Watson had a ha

21、nd in shaping the character. She wanted Belle to be busy instead of just playing in the castle all day. So she had the idea of turning Belle into an inventor, like her father. And Belle even made a washing machine herself, though people broke it. She wanted it to free girls from chores (杂务) and allo

22、w them to learn how to read. She told Entertainment Weekly that people who broke the washing machine was symbolic (象征的) of people who broke Belles spirit and pushed her to become the woman they wanted her to be.1According to the passage, what does the movie Beauty and the Beast tell us?AThe reason w

23、hy the beast has an ugly appearance.BBeauties always fall in love with the ugly beasts easily.CBelle loves the beast and doesnt care about his appearance.DA cursed man-beast is changed into a handsome prince by love.2Why did Watson play the lead role in Beauty and the Beast?ABecause she refused to p

24、lay Cinderella.BBecause she had no chance to play in La La land.CBecause she saw Belle as a better role model.DBecause she thought the movie was important for people.3Why did people break Belles washing machine?ABecause they thought the machine was useless.BBecause they had an idea of turning her in

25、to an inventor.CBecause they wanted to push her to be the woman they liked.DBecause they wanted her to be busy instead of playing in the castle.4Which may be the best title for this passage?AA Disneys Princess. BMore than a Beauty.CBeauty and the Beast. DA beautys love story.B14、 In northern China d

26、uring spring, big sandstorm often make trouble for people. Sandstorms usually happen in spring. They have happened in more than 10 provinces in northern China this year. People in southern China dont have to worry about this kind of bad weather. Most of the sand comes from the north of China. In nor

27、thern China, lots of places have few trees and dont get much rain. When there arent many trees, the ground cant keep enough water. Over the years, the ground dries up and turns to sand. When spring comes and the ice melts, the ground becomes loose. Strong winds take the loose sand into the sky. Besi

28、des, in northeast China, there lies some vast deserts.Sandstorms are bad for peoples health. If people breathe in too much sand, they will cough or have serious illnesses. Sandstorms also give farmers lots of problems. Sometimes their sheep get lost in the storms and never come back home. The winds

29、also tear the farmers houses down.What can you do to stop sandstorms? Heres a piece of advice. Ask your parents to help you plant some trees this spring. If you see people cutting down too many trees, tell them about the dangers of sandstorms, and ask your government to stop them.1When do sandstorms

30、 usually happen?AIn summer.BIn spring.CIn winter.DIn autumn2What does the underlined word loose mean in the first paragraph?A肥沃的B贫瘠的C疏松的D大量的3The second paragraph tells us _.Awhy sandstorms happen in northern ChinaBthe dangers of sandstormsCsandstorms arent terrible at allDhow sandstorms happen4Which

31、 of the following is NOT a way to stop sandstorms?APlant more trees in spring.BStop people to cut down too many trees.CDont stay outside when sandstorms happen.DTell people about the dangers of sandstorms.5Which is the best title for this passage?_ASandstormsBHow we can stop sandstormsCWhy sandstorm

32、s only happen in northern ChinaDSandstorms can influence most of ChinaC15、Would you like to live in a city where buildings turn the lights off for you, and self-driving cars will find the nearest parking space themselves? Although it might sound a lttle far from you, living in a smart city like this

33、 could happen sooner than you think.Great changes have taken place in towns that we have lived in for centuries, while completely new cities are being built. One such place is the city of Songdo. Every home there will have a telepresence system(远程遥控系统)- allowing users to control the heating and lock

34、s, take part in video meetings, and receive education, health care and government services. Around the city, escalators ( 自动扶梯 ) will only move when someone is on them, and offices and schools will all be connected to the system.The great mind behind Songdo is from the company Cisco. In fact, techno

35、logy companies around the world such as IBM, Siemens and Microsoft are already in the business. About 75% of the worlds population will live in cities by 2050, so cities will need to be more modern to deal with the coming problems. Making cities smarter is one way out, and I think this will in turn

36、make cities greener, said Dan Hill, head of a research company.1According to the text, living in a smart city _Ais not a green way Bwill be far from youCwill soon become true Dis completely impossible2What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?AA city of the future. BA meeting in Songdo.CA plan to build a hou

37、se. DA report on public health.3Which company offers the great mind to build Songdo?ACisco. BIBM. CSiemens.yagnoOLED DMicrosoft.4Dan Hill thinks that making cities smarter is one way to_.Adrive people out of cities Bcontrol the worlds population Cdevelop his own company Dsolve the cities coming prob

38、lems5Which of the following might be the best title for the text?AFuture Education BSmart Cities CGovernment Services DFamous CompaniesD16、Fathers Day is a perfect opportunity to express your deepest feelings. Ties and wallets are nice. But dont you think that Dad can feel bored getting the same gif

39、ts every time? So try a little change this year. Here are a few gift ideas for Fathers Day with different tastes and interests. These might help you to select Fathers Day gifts. These Fathers Day gift ideas can be fit for dads, uncles or men who are like your father.For Trendy(新潮的) DadsIf your dad l

40、oves to carry a fashionable thing, giving him a pair of cool sunglasses is a wonderful idea. He might own some already but he would welcome another one with a warm smile. Perfumes(香水) and deodorants(除臭剂) can also be given.For Trendy(新潮的) DadsIf your dad loves to carry a fashionable thing, giving him

41、 a pair of cool sunglasses is a wonderful idea. He might own some already but he would welcome another one with a warm smile. Perfumes(香水) and deodorants(除臭剂) can also be given.For Sporty DadsSporty dad loves a Fathers Day gift for fun and sports. So you can give him something that is within his are

42、a of interest. Golf, rackets or tennis set would be a nice sporty idea. If he loves indoor games, you may give him chess or cards set or anything else like dartboards(掷镖游戏的靶).For Sporty DadsSporty dad loves a Fathers Day gift for fun and sports. So you can give him something that is within his area

43、of interest. Golf, rackets or tennis set would be a nice sporty idea. If he loves indoor games, you may give him chess or cards set or anything else like dartboards(掷镖游戏的靶).For Bibliophile(爱书者) DadsIf your dad loves to spend time reading, there can be no better idea than to give him a nice book. You

44、 should be a little thoughtful and keep your dads choice in mind. On Fathers Day you may also select books for your father and maybe you can share the beautiful relationship between a father and a child.For Bibliophile(爱书者) DadsIf your dad loves to spend time reading, there can be no better idea tha

45、n to give him a nice book. You should be a little thoughtful and keep your dads choice in mind. On Fathers Day you may also select books for your father and maybe you can share the beautiful relationship between a father and a child.For Technology DadsThere are a lot of things in the market for Dads

46、 who love latest technology. You can buy a new mobile,a camera, a lap top and DVDs. Other ideas include electronic shavers, massager(按摩器) or exercise equipment.For Technology DadsThere are a lot of things in the market for Dads who love latest technology. You can buy a new mobile,a camera, a lap top

47、 and DVDs. Other ideas include electronic shavers, massager(按摩器) or exercise equipment.1The writer suggests you should change Fathers Days gifts, because _.ADad doesnt want to cost too muchBthe children arent rich enoughCties and wallets are not niceDDad will feel bored2We should select _ for sports

48、 dads.Aexercise equipment BsunglassesCbooks Dchess3If you have a book as a Fathers Day gift, you should send it to your_.Abibliophile dad Btechnology dadCsports dad Dtrendy dad4If you want to send your father a camera, _.Ayour father must be fashionable manByour father must love sportsCyour father s

49、hould be a technology manDyou must be a technology person5This passage mainly tells us_.Asome advertisements Bthe history of Fathers DayCsome stories Dsome suggestionsE17、“Earworms”, some people call them. Songs that get stuck in your head go round and round, sometimes for days, sometimes for months

50、. For no clear reason you cannot help yourself from humming or singing a tune by Lady Gaga.To a psychologist, the most interesting thing about earworms is that they show a part of our mind that is clearly outside of our control. Earworms arrive without permission and refuse to leave when we tell the

51、m to. They are parasites(寄生虫), living in a part of our minds.If you have got a earworm you can suffer an attack of it simply by someone mentioning the tune, without having to hear it. This proves that earworms are a part of long-term memory. Human have an “inner ear”, for remembering phone numbers,

52、for instance. When it gets infected with earworms, rather than review our plans for the day, or lists of things to remember, the inner ear gets stuck on a few short bars of music or a couple of phrases from a song. A part of us that we normally do not have to think about, that should just do what we

53、 ask, has been turned against us, upsetting us with a request that we never asked for. The mind is an inner world which we do not have complete knowledge of, or have control over.Fortunately psychology can provide some advice on how to deal with an uncontrollable mind. Consider the famous “dont thin

54、k of a white bear” problem, which tell you to try not to think about white bears or to do something else, to avoid both thinking of the white bear and not thinking of the white bear. For earworms, the solution may be the same. Our inner ear has become infected with an earworm. This is a part not und

55、er our control, so just sending in instructions to “shut up” is unlikely to be of much help (and has been shown to make it worse). Much better is to employ the inner ear in another task. If your mind is poisoned by Brittany Spears Toxic, for instance, then try singing Kylie Minogues Cant Get You Out

56、 Of My Head. Let me know if it works!1According to the passage, earworms are _.Asongs that keep going round in our mindBtunes by pop singers like Lady GagaCparasites clearly under our controlDworms that live in a part of our brain2Which of the following statement is TRUE?ASinging songs may get earwo

57、rms out of your head.BEarworms are used for keeping long-term memory.CHumans do not have complete control over their mind.DYou wont suffer from earworms unless you hear the song.3What does “it” in the last paragraph refer to?AThe instruction to shut up your mind.B“Dont think of the white bear” probl

58、em.CKylie Minogues Cant Get You out Of My head.DThe relation between earworms and popular songs.4What is the passage mainly about?AThe causes and influences of earworms.BWhat earworms are and how to deal with them.CHow to clear earworms from your head.DThe relation between earworms and popular songs

59、.F18、Saying “thank you” is probably the first thing most of us learn to do in a foreign language. After all, were brought up to be kind and polite.So, what exactly are you supposed to say when “thank you” is only the 20thmost popular way to express gratitude (感激)? According to a recent report, 19 ot

60、her ways of expressing gratitude finished ahead of “thank you” in a poll (投票) of 3,000 people.Pollsters found almost half those asked preferred the more informal (非正式的) “cheers”, while others liked to use such expressions as “ta”, “great” and “nice one”.So, just what is the right form of words to ex


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