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1、Unit 1How can we become good learners?Section A(1a2d) . 单词填写1. textbook (n. ) 2. conversation(n. ) 3. aloud(adv. ) 4. 句子(n. ) 5. 有耐心的(adj. ) 6. pronounce(v. )(n. )发音; 读音教科书; 课本交谈; 谈话大声地; 出声地sentencepatientpronunciation. 短语连线1. 制作单词卡 A. have conversations2. 大声朗读 B. spoken English3. 进行对话 C. listen to

2、tapes4. 英语口语 D. read aloud5. 听磁带 E. make word cards. 句型填词1. 你是怎样准备考试的? 我通过和小组成员合作学习。_ do you study for a test? I study_ _ with a group. 2. 大声朗读来练习发音怎么样? What about_ _ to practice pronunciation?Howby workingreading aloud3. 你曾参加过小组学习吗? 是的。通过那种方式我学到了许多东西。_ you_ studied with a group? Yes, I have. _ _ a

3、lot that way. 4. 尽量通过阅读其前后的句子来猜测单词的意思。Try to guess a words meaning_ _ the sentences before and after it. HaveIve learned everby reading1. I study English by working with friends. I study by making word cards. He studies by reading the textbook. _ 2. What about listening to tapes? What about reading

4、aloud to practice pronunciation? _by+v. -ing”结构动词-ing形式1. aloud adv. 大声地; 出声地【语境领悟】*What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 通过大声朗读来练习发音怎么样? *Try to speak loud enough so that people can hear you clearly. 你尽量大声讲话以便于人们能够听清楚。*Dont play the music so loudly. 别把音乐放得这么大声。【妙辨异同】aloud/loud/loudly的

5、用法辨析aloud副词, 意为“大声地; 出声地”, 常与read, call, shout等词连用loud意为“出声(的)地; 大声(的)地”, 常与speak, talk等词连用loudly副词, 意为“大声地; 响亮地; 吵闹地”, 与quietly相对【学以致用】请大声朗读这篇课文。Please_ the text_ . 他们正在舞台上高声歌唱。They are singing_ on the stage. readaloudloudly2. How do you study for a test? 你是怎样准备考试的? I study by working with a group.

6、 我通过和小组成员合作学习。【句型剖析】how引导 句, 常用来提问 引导的方式状语。看问答句,思考特殊疑问by【妙辨异同】 by/in/with的用法辨析by表示“通过方法、手段”等。by doing sth. 意为“通过(方法、途径)做某事”in用某种材料(如用墨水、铅笔等)或用某种语言或者表示衣着、声调、特点等with使用工具、方法或人体部位等【图解助记】【学以致用】(2013重庆中考)You can improve your English _ practicing more. A. byB. withC. ofD. in3. What about listening to tapes

7、? 听磁带怎么样? 【句型剖析】What about/How about. . . ? 意为“怎么样? ”, 常用来征求对方的意见或询问有关情况, about为介词, 其后接名词、代词或动名词。【归纳拓展】常用来提出建议的句型【学以致用】(2013邵阳中考)What about_a rest? OK! Lets go for a walk. A. to takeB. takeC. taking. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. I think reading aloud is a good way to practice_ (pronounce). 2. Just like_ (speak)lan

8、guage, body language varies from culture to culture. 3. I study for a test by_ (work)with friends. pronunciation spokenworking4. Be quiet! He hasnt finished_ (speak). 5. What about_ (join)an English club to improve English? That sounds good. speakingjoining. 句型转换1. Why not ask the teacher for help?

9、(改为同义句)_ _ asking the teacher for help? 2. Mary studies for an English testby listening to tapes. (对画线部分提问)_ _ Mary_ for an English test? 3. Jenny was so excited that she couldnt say anything at the news. (改为同义句)Jenny was_ excited_ say anything at the news. What/HowaboutHow doesstudytooto4. Have you

10、 ever watched English movies? (作肯定回答)_, I_. 5. Li Ming learns English by watching English programs. (改为一般疑问句)_Li Ming_ English by watching English programs? YeshaveDoes learnUnit 1How can we become good learners?Section A(3a4c) . 单词填写1. discover(v. ) _2. repeat(v. ) _3. memorize(v. ) _4. 秘密; 秘诀(n. )

11、 _5. 语法(n. ) _6. express(v. )_ (n. )表情; 表达; 表达方式答案: 1. 发现; 发觉2. 重复; 重做3. 记忆; 记住4. secret5. grammar6. expression发现; 发觉. 短语互译1. be afraid to _2. as well _3. 记笔记 take_ 4. (在词典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅; 抬头看 look_答案: 1. 害怕去做2. 也; 同样地3. notes4. up. 句型填词1. 你怎样学英语? 我通过小组学习的方式学英语。_ do you learn English? I learn_ studyin

12、g with a group. 答案: How; by2. 你通过大声朗读学英语吗? 是的。它对我的发音有帮助。Do you learn English_ _ _ ? Yes, _ _ . It helps my pronunciation. 答案: by reading aloud; I do3. 我怎样才能读得更快? 通过按意群读你能读得更快。_ _ _ read faster? You can read faster_ _ word groups. 答案: How can I; by reading1. How did Wei Fen improve her English pronun

13、ciation? _ 2. How can she find the meaning of new words? _ 答案: 1. By listening to the conversations in English movies. 2. By looking them up in a dictionary. 3. What is the secret to language learning according to the passage? _答案: Listening to something interesting. 1. be afraid to害怕去做; 不敢去做【语境领悟】*

14、But I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor pronunciation. 但是因为我糟糕的发音, 我害怕问问题。*Betty is afraid of the dark, so she is afraid to go out alone at night. 贝蒂怕黑, 所以她晚上不敢单独出去。【自主归纳】(1)be afraid to do sth. 意为“由于害怕而不敢做某事”。(2)be afraid of . . . 意为“害怕/担心”, 后接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。【归纳拓展】(1)be afraid +that从句,

15、 意为“恐怕; 担心”, 常表示委婉的语气, 口语中that可省略。Im afraid that it will rain tomorrow. 我担心明天会下雨。(2)Im afraid so. 意为“恐怕如此”。多用于情景对话, 对别人的提问作出推测式回答。(3)Im afraid not. 意为“恐怕不是”。【图解助记】 be afraid of与be afraid to的区别【学以致用】安娜害怕狗, 因此她不敢养宠物狗。Anna_ _ _ the dog, so she_ _ _ have a pet dog. 答案: is afraid of; is afraid to2. look

16、up(在词典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅; 抬头看【语境领悟】*I looked them up in a dictionary. 我在词典中查阅它们。*You can look up this word in the vocabulary. 你可以在词汇表里查这个词。【自主归纳】look up意为“(在词典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅; 抬头看”, 是“动词+副词”结构的动词短语。_ (代词/名词)作宾语时, 须放在look up中间; 名词作宾语时, 放在副词up之前或之后均可。答案: 代词【归纳拓展】 由look构成的相关短语【学以致用】(2013杭州中考)This morning I_so

17、me new restaurants on the Internet for I wanted to take Mia to a nice restaurant for her birthday. A. picked up B. looked upC. cleaned up D. gave up【备选要点】I discovered that listening to something interesting is the secret to language learning. 我发现听一些有趣的东西是语言学习的秘诀。【句型剖析】本句是含有宾语从句的主从复合句, 从句中动名词短语作主语, 其

18、句子结构如下图所示: 【自主归纳】(1)动词-ing形式在句中起名词作用时, 称为动名词。动名词可以有自己的定语、宾语或状语, 一起构成动名词短语。动名词(短语)在句中可以作主语、表语、宾语等。(2)动名词(短语)作主语时, 谓语动词要用单数形式。【学以致用】大声朗读能提高你的口语表达技能。_ _ can help you improve your speaking skills. 吃水果和蔬菜有益健康。Eating fruit and vegetables_ good for health. 答案: Reading aloudis介词by的用法【观察领悟】仔细观察例句, 体会句中介词by的具

19、体含义。1. I practice pronunciation by reading aloud. 2. Lets sit by the window. 3. We must get back home by ten oclock at night. 4. She learnt English by herself. 5. English is widely used by people around the world. 【知识构建】by是介词, 后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语, 意义较多, 归纳如下: (1)by表示方式、方法、手段等, 意为“通过/用/靠(而达到某种预期的目的)”, by

20、+doing sth. 意为“通过做某事”在句中作方式状语。 How can I turn on the computer? 我怎样能打开电脑? By pressing this button. 按这个按钮。 (2)表示位置移动, 意为“从经过”。 Ellen flew to Chicago by way of New York. 艾伦经由纽约飞往芝加哥。 (3)表示位置, 意为“靠近; 在旁边”。 The girls are playing by the lake. 女孩们正在湖边玩耍。 (4)表示位置, 意为“沿着”。 He kept walking and passed by me on

21、 his side of the street. 他一直在街对面走着, 与街这边的我交错而过。(5)表示时间, 意为“在之前; 到为止; 不迟于”。My mother will come back by 6: 00. 我妈妈将在6点前回来。(6)用在反身代词之前, 意为“独自”。Tina couldnt move the heavy box by herself. 蒂娜自己搬不动这么重的箱子。(7)表示动作执行者, 用于被动语态, 意为“被; 由”。The house was destroyed by fire. 房子被大火烧毁了。(8)用于某些固定短语中, 如by the way“顺便问一下

22、”, one by one“一个接一个地”, step by step“一步一步地”, by accident“偶然地”等。【学以致用】1. You can improve your listening skills_ (通过听磁带). 2. On the way to my home, youll pass_ (路过一个公园). 3. They are sitting_ (在海边)and chatting. 答案: 1. by listening to tapes2. by a park3. by the sea4. Mum always asks me to be at home_ _ (

23、在十一点之前)at night. 5. There are many different kinds of trees_ (沿河边). 6. He finished the work all_ (他自己). 7. Stamps are used to send letters_(被人们). 8. Lets discuss the questions_ (一个接一个). 答案: 4. before/by eleven oclock5. by the river6. by himself 7. by people8. one by one. 单项选择1. The foreigner spoke_q

24、uickly_I could hardly understand him. A. too; toB. such; thatC. so; thatD. very; that2. Jenny learns new words by_in a dictionary. A. looking up it B. looking up themC. looking for it D. looking them up3. I find_difficult to learn English well in a short time. A. that B. this C. it D. them4. _did yo

25、u tell her about the news? By sending an e-mail. A. What B. Why C. When D. How5. We can learn English by practice_it. A. use B. using C. used D. to use. 完成句子1. 李雷通过与同学进行对话来练习说的技能。Li Lei practices speaking skills_ _ _ with his classmates. 2. 曾经因为我糟糕的发音, 我害怕在课堂上说英语。I was once_ _ speak English in class

26、_ _ my poor pronunciation. 答案: 1. by having conversations2. afraid to; because of3. 我们可以通过读英文报纸和杂志学习新单词。We can learn new words_ _ English newspapers and magazines. 4. 看英文电影也是学习英语的一种好方法。_ English movies_ also a good way to learn English. 5. 我通常通过记笔记和记忆句型来学习英语语法。I usually learn English grammar_ _ note

27、s and_ sentence patterns. 答案: 3. by reading4. Watching; is5. by taking; memorizingUnit 1How can we become good learners?Section B(1a1e) . 单词填写1. pronounce(v. ) _2. increase(v. &n. ) _3. 速度(n. ) _4. 搭档; 同伴(n. ) _答案: 1. 发音2. 增加; 增长3. speed4. partner. 短语互译1. 犯错; 出错 make_2. 加入英语俱乐部 _ an English club3. p

28、ractice speaking _4. get the pronunciation right _答案: 1. mistakes2. join3. 练习口语4. 正确地发音. 句型填词1. 我不知道如何提高我的阅读速度。I dont know_ _ _ my reading speed. 2. 我经常在语法方面出错。I often_ _ _ grammar. 答案: 1. how to increase2. make mistakes inHe doesnt get much writing practice. He should find a pen pal to practice wri

29、ting. _答案: 句中practice是名词。句中practice是动词。make mistakes犯错; 出错【语境领悟】*I often make mistakes in grammar. 我经常在语法方面出错。*Dont make a mistake like that again. 不要再犯那样的错误。【自主归纳】(1)mistake意为“错误; 过失”, 可数名词, 常构成短语make mistakes或make a mistake, 意为“犯错; 出错”。(2)表示在某一方面出错时, 常与介词in搭配。【学以致用】练习说英语时不要害怕出错。Dont be afraid to_

30、_ _ practicing speaking English. 答案: make mistakes in【备选要点】I dont know how to increase my reading speed. 我不知道如何提高我的阅读速度。【句型剖析】 “疑问词+不定式”结构的用法(1)构成: “疑问词+不定式”结构是英语中常用的一种结构。疑问词是指疑问代词“who, whom, what, which, whose”和疑问副词“when, where, how”等。(2)作用: 这种结构在句中常作主语、宾语和表语。当此结构作宾语时, 可与宾语从句进行同义转换。(3)可跟此结构作宾语的常见动词

31、有tell, know, decide, show, ask, consider, discover, explain, learn等。【学以致用】(2013雅安中考)Students should learn how_problems. A. solveB. solvingC. can solveD. to solve. 用所给词的适当形式填空1. Sometimes, I cant get the_ (pronounce) right. 2. I dont know how_ (improve) my spoken English. 3. The more careful you are,

32、 the fewer_ (mistake) youll make. 4. You can find a pen pal to practice_ (write). 5. She cant_ (spell) English words. She often forgets a lot of new words. 答案: 1. pronunciation2. to improve3. mistakes4. writing5. spell. 单项选择1. My friend Bob likes playing football, so he wants_a football club. A. joi

33、n B. to joinC. to take part D. to take part in2. She often practices_English with her partner. A. speak B. to speakC. speaking D. spoken3. You can_your reading speed by doing more reading. A. increase B. memorizeC. repeat D. discover4. He often makes mistakes_spelling some of words. A. with B. at C.

34、 on D. in5. I often chat with my friends on the Internet. You are so smart! Will you please tell me_? A. how to do B. how to do itC. how to use D. when can I use itUnit 1How can we become good learners?Section B(2a2e) . 单词填写1. born(v. & adj. ) _2. active(adj. ) _3. overnight(adv. ) _4. knowledge(n.

35、) _答案: 1. 出生; 天生的2. 活跃的; 积极的3. 一夜之间; 在夜间4. 知识; 学问5. 能力; 才能(n. ) _6. 创造; 创建(v. ) _7. 大脑(n. ) _8. wise(adj. )_ (adv. )明智地; 聪明地答案: 5. ability6. create 7. brain8. wisely. 短语互译1. 注意; 关注 pay_ to2. 取决于; 依赖 _ on3. 例如 _ example4. 感到厌烦 get_5. be interested in _答案: 1. attention2. depend3. for4. bored5. 对感兴趣6.

36、connect. . . with _7. learn from _8. find out _9. be born with _答案: 6. 把和连接或联系起来7. 从中学习; 从得到教益8. 查明; 找出; 发现9. 天生具有. 句型填词1. 对你来说也更容易对它长时间关注。_ is also_ for you_ _ attention to it for a long time. 2. 即使某些东西你学得很好, 如果你不用它, 你将会忘记它。Even if you learn something well, you_ _ it_ you use it. 答案: 1. It; easier;

37、 to pay2. will forget; unless3. 他通过多次尝试并从错误中吸取教训而成功。He succeeded_ _ many times and _ _ his mistakes. 答案: by trying; learning fromHow many habits of successful learners are mentioned in the passage? What are they? _答案: Four habits. Creating an interest in what they learn; Practicing and learning from

38、 mistakes; Developing their study skills; Asking questions. 1. pay attention to注意; 关注【语境领悟】*It is also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time. 对你来说也更容易对它长时间关注。*You should pay attention to the pronunciation. 你应该注意发音。*We must pay attention to protecting the earth. 我们一定要注意保护地球。【自主归纳】pay

39、attention to意为“注意; 关注”, 其中to为介词, 后跟名词、代词或动词-ing形式作宾语。【学以致用】I have trouble learning English this term. You should pay more_to your teachers advice. A. timeB. attentionC. useD. heart2. unless conj. 除非; 如果不【语境领悟】*Even if you learn something well, you will forget it unless you use it. 即使某些东西你学得很好, 如果你不用

40、它, 你将会忘记它。*Well go hiking unless it rains tomorrow. 如果明天不下雨, 我们就去远足。【自主归纳】(1)unless“除非; 如果不”, 作连词, 用来引导状语从句, 常可以转化为“if. . . not. . . ”的同义句。(2)若主句为一般将来时, unless引导的条件状语从句要用一般现在时表示将来。【学以致用】(2013盐城中考)Learning to write is learning to think. You dont know things clearly_you can write them down. A. unlessB

41、. ifC. sinceD. whether3. It is not enough to just study hard. 仅仅努力学习是不够的。【句型剖析】Its+adj. +to do sth. 意为“做某事是(怎么样的)”。句中it作形式主语, 真正的主语是句中的动词不定式“to just study hard”。在这个句型中, 句首的it作形式主语, 真正的主语是句中的动词不定式to do sth. 。【妙辨异同】Its+adj. +for sb. +to do sth. 句中形容词描述活动特征, 如difficult, easy, hard, important等Its+adj. +

42、of sb. +to do sth. 句中形容词描述不定式逻辑主语的性格、品质, 如kind, good, nice, clever, polite等【学以致用】(2013雅安中考)It is important_people_learn team spirit. A. of; ofB. of; toC. for; toD. to; to. 单项选择1. If one is_in something, his or her brain is more active. A. interestB. interestingC. interestedD. interests2. You can con

43、nect what you need to learn_something interesting while learning a language. A. to B. with C. from D. of3. Dont be afraid of making mistakes. Just keep_what youve learned. A. practice B. practiced C. practicing D. to practice4. Thomas Edison invented the light bulb_trying again and again. A. by B. w

44、ith C. in D. from5. _is important_English well. A. That; learn B. That; learningC. It; learn D. It; to learn. 完成句子1. 人生来就有思考的能力。Humans_ _ _ the ability to think. 2. 你是否成功常常取决于你努力的程度。Whether_ _ you can succeed usually _ _ how hard you work. 答案: 1. are born with2. or not; depends on3. 对你所学的东西产生兴趣, 那么你

45、就不会感到厌倦。Creating_ _ _ what you learn, you wont get bored. 4. 在课堂上, 你可以通过写下关键词来记笔记。You can take notes_ _ _ key words. 5. 我们的老师要求我们注意书写。Our teacher asked us to_ _ _ our writing. 答案: 3. an interest in4. by writing down5. pay attention toUnit 1How can we become good learners?Section B(3aSelf Check) prep

46、are v. 准备【语境领悟】*If you prepare well for a test, then theres nothing to worry about! 如果你为考试做好了准备, 就没有什么事情可担心了! *Our English teacher was preparing the lessons when I came into the office. 我进办公室时, 我们的英语老师正在备课。【自主归纳】(1)prepare作不及物动词时, 常与介词for搭配, 构成短语prepare for“为作准备”。(2)prepare用作及物动词, 后常接名词或代词作宾语。【学以致用】

47、The students are busy preparing_the final exam. A. atB. forC. inD. with【创新写作】3b. Write a letter to your friend. Give him/her some advice about the best ways to learn English. Use your notes in 3a. Best ways to learnReasonsExamples1. Being interestedin what you doIf you are interested in something, y

48、our brain will be more active and. . . If you like music, you can learn English by listening to English songs. Best ways to learnReasonsExamples2. Developingstudy skillsIts not enough to just study hard. You should know the best way you can study. You can take notes by writing down key wordsor by dr

49、awing a mind map. 3. PracticingPractice makesperfect. Keep practicingwhat youvelearned. Use the following expressions to help you: There are three good ways to. . . I think you should. . . If you do this, you will. . . It is also a good idea to. . . because. . . You could try to improve your English

50、 by. . . This will help you to. . . 【思路点拨】(1)体裁: 应用文。(2)人称: 第二人称。(3)时态: 一般现在时和一般将来时。【写作模板】【妙笔成篇】 Dear Li Ming, _ _ _ Yours, Mary【参考范文】Dear Li Ming, I know you want to improve your English and you need some help. There are three good ways to learn English. I think you should be interested in learning

51、 English first. If you do this, your brain will be more active and its also easier for you to pay attention to it for a long time. You can connect learning English with something interesting. For example, if you like music or movies, you can listen to English songs or watch English-language movies.

52、It is also a good idea to develop your study skills because its not enough to just study hard. You should find the best way you can study. For example, you can take notes by writing down key words or by drawing a mind map. You could try to improve your English by practicing more. This will help you

53、improve your English listening, speaking, writing and so on. Remember, “Practice makes perfect. ”You should keep practicing what youve learned and you shouldnt be afraid of making mistakes. No one can succeed overnight. I hope all these will be helpful to you. Yours, Mary. 从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空practice, t

54、ake notes, worry about, develop, prepare1. I usually_ in class by writing down key words. 2. They are busy_ for the school talent show. 3. He is stressed out. He is_ the final exam. 答案: 1. take notes2. preparing3. worrying about4. Could you give me some advice on how_ my study skills, Mr. Green? Cer

55、tainly. 5. You can_ speaking English by having conversations with others. 答案: 4. to develop5. practice. 单项选择1. How do you improve your pronunciation? _listening to tapes and repeating out loud. A. WithB. FromC. OnD. By2. Do you have_on how to improve reading speed? A. an advice B. some advicesC. any

56、 advices D. any advice3. _is a good idea to learn more words by reading English books and newspapers. A. This B. That C. It D. He4. You can practice what youve learned by_exercises. A. do B. to do C. doing D. done单元复习课Unit 1. 词汇速记1. 交谈; 谈话(n. ) _2. 大声地; 出声地(adv. ) _3. 句子(n. ) _4. 发现; 发觉(v. ) _5. 秘密;

57、 秘诀; 秘密的(n. & adj. ) _6. 语法(n. ) _答案: 1. conversation2. aloud3. sentence4. discover5. secret6. grammar7. 增加; 增长(v. & n. ) _8. 能力; 才能(n. ) _9. 创造; 创建(v. ) _10. 大脑(n. ) _11. 活跃的; 积极的(adj. ) _12. 回顾; 复习(v. & n. ) _13. 知识; 学问(n. ) _14. 终身的; 毕生的(adj. ) _答案: 7. increase8. ability9. create 10. brain11. act

58、ive12. review13. knowledge 14. lifelong15. pronounce(v. ) _ (n. )发音; 读音16. express(v. ) _ (n. )表情; 表示; 表达方式17. wise(adj. ) _ (adv. )明智地; 聪明地答案: 15. pronunciation16. expression17. wisely. 短语互译1. 制作单词卡 _ word cards2. 大声朗读 read_3. 记笔记 _ notes4. 注意; 关注 pay_ to5. 犯错; 出错 make_答案: 1. make2. aloud3. take4.

59、attention5. mistakes6. 天生具有 _7. be afraid to _8. depend on _9. connect. . . with _10. look up _答案: 6. be born with7. 害怕去做8. 取决于; 依赖; 依靠9. 把和连接或联系起来10. 查阅; 抬头看. 句型攻关1. 你是如何学习英语的? _ do you learn English? 我通过看英语节目来学习。I learn_ _ English programs. Howby watching2. 你通过听磁带来改善你的发音吗? Do you improve your pron

60、unciation_ _ to tapes? 是的。它对我的发音有很大帮助。Yes, I do. It_ my pronunciation a lot. by listeninghelps3. 我怎样才能提高阅读速度? _ can I increase my reading speed? 你可以通过多阅读来提高。You can increase it_ _ a lot. Howby reading4. 大声朗读是学习语言的一种很好的方法。_ _ _ a great way to learn a language. 5. 我怎样才能改进我说话的技能? _ can I_ my speaking s


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