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1、Unit 10 Mandelas GardenNelson MandelaWas born on July 18, 1918;Jointly established the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) in 1944;Was imprisoned (1962-1990)Was awarded, with F. W. de Klerk, Nobel Peace Prize in 1993;Was elected the first black President of South Africa in 1994;(He and Wi

2、nnie Mandela) divorced in 1996;Resigned from his office without seeking a second term in 1999His elegant style of writingA happy combination of abstract and specific words-abstract: liberating, fulfilled satisfaction, pride, contact, freedom, cultivate, nourish-specific: start a garden, plant, watch

3、, harvestThe use of parallel structures (2,8)The use of figurative language-leaders must also look after their gardens; they, too, plant seeds, and then watch, cultivate, and harvest the results (metaphors, 9)-like gardeners, leaders must take responsibility for what they cultivate. (simile, 9)Apart

4、heid The policy of white government of South Africa from 1950 to the early 1990sDiscrimination (racial segregation)Three major racial groups: White, Bantu(black Africans) and Colored (people of mixed descent), added by a fourth category (Asians, Indians and Pakistanis)Where to live, what jobs to hol

5、d, what type of education to receiveNo representation of nonwhites in national government1990, formal end Non-violence policyMahatma GandhiNelson MandelaAung San Suu Kyi他是现代印度的国父,是印度最伟大的政治领袖,也是现代民族资产阶级政治学说甘地主义的创始人。他的精神思想带领国家迈向独立,脱离英国的殖民统治。他的“非暴力”(ahimsa)的哲学思想,影响了全世界的民族主义者和争取能以和平变革的国际运动。昂山素季(台湾译为翁山苏姬

6、,港澳译为昂山素姬,马新译为昂山舒吉,拉丁转写:Aung San Suu Kyi,1945年6月19日)生于缅甸仰光,是缅甸非暴力提倡民主的政治家。1990年带领全国民主联盟赢得大选的胜利,但选举结果被军政府作废。其后21年间她被军政府断断续续软禁于其寓所中长达15年,在2010年11月13日终于获释。1990年获得萨哈罗夫奖,翌年获得诺贝尔和平奖。非暴力推动缅甸民主化Vegetable vocabularytomato 番茄,西红柿 asparagus 芦笋cucumber 黄瓜 eggplant 茄子bean 菜豆 broad bean 蚕豆bean sprout 豆芽 bamboo sp

7、rout竹笋beet, beetroot 甜菜 garlic 蒜garlic sprout 蒜苗 potato 马铃薯sweet potato 番薯,红薯 pepper 胡椒粉,辣椒 green pepper 青椒 red pepper chilli (干)辣椒 cauliflower 菜花,花椰菜pumpkin 南瓜 cabbage 圆白菜,卷心菜 Chinese cabbage 白菜,青菜 coriander香菜 chive 细洋葱 ginger 姜onion 洋葱 green onion叶用葱lotus root 藕 rape 油菜snake gourd 丝瓜 white/wax gou

8、rds 冬瓜gourd 葫芦 soy 大豆pea 豌豆 spinach 菠菜fennel 茴香 lettuce莴苣,生菜marrow 西葫芦 melon 香瓜,甜瓜mushroom 蘑菇 celery 芹菜leek 韭菜 radish 小红萝卜carrot 胡萝卜 broccoli, broccoli 花椰菜,硬花甘蓝In early 1977, the authorities announced the end of manual labor and arranged some type of work for us to do in the courtyard, so we could s

9、pend our days in our section. (1)the authorities: he people or organizations in charge, here it refers to the prison authoritiesMore examples: city authorities school authoritieslocal authorities health authoritiesmilitary authorities China authoritiesmanual labor: in the past, mandela and other pol

10、itical prisoners were made to work in a quarry cutting stones, which was very hard manual labor.section: the part of prison where Mandela and other prisoners were kept. The end of manual labor was liberating.(1)This arrangement not only freed the prisoners from hard manual labor, but also saved them

11、 long trips to and from the quarry so that they now had time and energy for things they were unable to do in the pastLiberating:He found the end of manual labor liberating.He felt liberated.The news was a bit surprising.Everybody was surprised.to pursue what became two of my favorite hobbies on Robb

12、en Island (1)pursue: to continue trying to do or achieve sth over a long period of time e.g to pursue a career, goal, hobby, etcfavorite: (adj) best liked or most enjoyed e.g Who is your favorite writer?favorite: (n) 1) sth that you like more than others of the same kind; 2) sb who is liked and trea

13、ted better than others e.g Would like more apple pies? Its your favorite. His second daughter was her grandmas favorite.To survive in prison one must develop ways to take satisfaction in ones daily life. (2)one: (formal) people in general, including yourself, any person e.g. Great works of literatur

14、e make one think. One never knows what the weather would be. Note: in everyday English, people usually use “you” rather than “one” e.g. You know, you can be rich and unhappy. If you smoke too much, you may harm your lungs.get satisfaction from sthfind satisfaction in sthtake satisfaction in/from sth

15、: to feel happy or find pleasure in sth e.g. She finds great satisfaction in helping her neighbors to learn English.The boy gets satisfaction from teaching his grandpa how to use the computer.He used to take satisfaction in making fun of others.develop: to create sth over a period of time develop me

16、thods/plans/a new theoryOne can feel fulfilled by,by,by (2)feel fulfilled: to feel happy and satisfied because you are doing useful or important thingsempty of sth: completely without sth e.g. The restaurant was almost empty of customers. The street was empty of anize: to arrange things s

17、o that they can be found or used easily and quickly; to put things in a particular order e.g. He spent some time organizing his bookcase at the weekend.He organized the information he had collected for the essay.one can find the same pride in doing small things(2)take/find pride in (doing) sth: to f

18、eel very pleased about sth or sb (Para. 2) e.g. The little town takes great pride in their recent achievements.The children take pride in wearing school uniform.They gave in. (3)They unwillingly agreed. give in to: to finally agree to what sb wants, after refusing for a period of time (Para. 3) e.g.

19、 The factory finally gave in to the workers demand for a pay raise. When you badly want a cigarette, dont give in to it.Give give in to sbgive up doing/sthgive up to 让给give oneself up togiveaway 赠送,送出,背叛,泄露give way 撤退, 让路, 屈服, 失去控制, 倒塌give out 分发,散发,公布,用尽,出故障some of my comrades joked that I was a mi

20、ner at heart(4)at heart: basically; fundamentally. It is used to say what someones basic character is. In the text, the phrase is used humorously. e.g.People say that in spite of his academic success, he is a farmer at heart.Even at the age of eighty, he is young at heart.hardy plant (5)plants that

21、can live through difficult conditions, such as cold winter or a droughtthrough trial and error. (7)a way of achieving an aim or solving a problem by trying a number of different methods and learning from the mistakes that you made.e.g.We have found a solution through trial and error.The best way of

22、learning to ride a bike is by trial and error.The changed their policies after trial and error.The sense of being the owner of the small patch of earth offered a small taste of freedom. (8)sense: a particular feeling about sththe sense of being different form your peersa deep sense of despaira great

23、 sense of relief In the darkness, they felt a growing sense of danger.Too many electronic products give you an unpleasant sense of being their slave. In some ways, I saw th egarden as a metaphor for certain aspects of my life. (9)certain aspects of my life:his work as a national leader the handling of human relationship in generalhis marriage with Winnie in particularmind their work (9): to take care of sth/sb; to watch or be in charge of sth/sb (Para. 9) e.g. Whos going to mind the department office when Jane is on leave?A lot of grandpare


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