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1、Computer Science in EnglishDesigned and Programmed ByJiang TongqiangMiao TianshunTeaching Assisted CoursewareComputer Science in EnglishII. Grammatical Notes to the Text III. Words Bank to the TextIV. Exercises of the ChapterI. Pre-reading QuestionsChapter 19 Customer Relationship ManagementII. Gram

2、matical Notes to the Text III. Words Bank to the TextIV. Exercises of the ChapterI. Pre-reading QuestionsChapter 19I. Pre-reading Questions1. What is customer relationship management? Why are customer relationships so important today?2. Describe the advantages of Customer relationship management.3.

3、Name four types of Customers.4. How many capabilities can a typical CRM software provide? Name each of them.1. What is customer relationship management? Why are customer relationships so important today?Reference Key:CRM is the process of acquiring, retaining and growing profitable customers. It req

4、uires a clear focus on the service attributes that represent value to the customer and that create loyalty.The basis of competition has switched from who sells the most products and services to who “owns” the customer, and that customer relationships represent the firms most valuable asset.Chapter 1

5、9I. Pre-reading Questions2. Describe the evolution of enterprise resource planning system.Reference Key:reduces advertising costsmakes it easier to target specific customers by focusing on their needsmakes it easier to track the effectiveness of a given campaignallows organizations to compete for cu

6、stomers based on service, not pricesprevents overspending on low-value clients or understanding on high-value onesspeeds the time it takes to develop and market a product (the marketing cycle)improves use of the customer channel, thus making the most of each contact with a customerChapter 19I. Pre-r

7、eading Questions3. Name four types of Customers.Reference Key:(1). Win Back or Save(2) Prospecting(3) Loyalty(4) Cross-Sell/Up-SellChapter 19I. Pre-reading Questions4. How many capabilities can a typical CRM software provide? Name each of them.Reference Key:(1) Sales Force Automation (SFA)(2) Custom

8、er Service(3) Marketing该句可以简写为:Some say that , and that 。句中的两个连接代词that分别引导了两个并列的宾语从句。第一个宾语从句可以简写为: the basis of competition has switched from who to who 。句中的谓语动词短语:switch from to 意思是“从转换到”。第二个宾语从句是个简单句。1. Some say that the basis of competition has switched from who sells the most products and servic

9、es to who “owns” the customer, and that customer relationships represent the firms most valuable asset.II. Grammatical Notes to the Text该句的主体结构是:It requires a clear focus on the service attributes。此处的主语it指代的是Customer relationship management。句中的两个that引导出两个限定性定语从句,修饰the service attributes。2. It requir

10、es a clear focus on the service attributes that represent value to the customer and that create loyalty.II. Grammatical Notes to the Text该句可以简写为:This is the process。其中的of convincing a customer to stay with the organization at the point作定语,修饰该句的表语the process。句中的they are discontinuing service or convi

11、ncing them to rejoin是一个省略了连接词的定语从句,修饰the point。两个动词discontinuing 和convince 在从句中作谓语动词。尾部的once they have left 是一个时间状语从句,作为该定语从句的一部分。3. This is the process of convincing a customer to stay with the organization at the point they are discontinuing service or convincing them to rejoin once they have left

12、.II. Grammatical Notes to the Text该句的主体结构是:Leading organizations often filter their prospects for contact to exclude customers。句中有三个定语从句,分别由who, who, whoes等引导,修饰customers。句中的exclude customers 意思是“排除顾客,把顾客排除在外”。4. Leading organizations often filter their prospects for contact to exclude customers who

13、 have frequently switched (churners), who have bad credit ratings or whose usage is low.II. Grammatical Notes to the Text该句包含了一个由which引导的定语从句。其中介词in 被提前到which 之前,这是一种常见的语法现象。关系代词whom或which在定语从句中作介词宾语时,介词可放在后面,也可提前构成介词+关系代词whom (先行词指人)/which(先行词指物)引导定语从句(这种方法更为正式)。例如:5. Loyalty is the category in whi

14、ch it is most difficult to gain accurate measures.II. Grammatical Notes to the TextmoreMary is the girl whom I borrowed a book from. = Mary is the girl from whom I borrowed a book. 玛丽就是我向她借书的那个女孩。Is this the room that/which he once lived in? = Is this the room in which he once lived? 这是他曾经住过的房子吗?5.

15、Loyalty is the category in which it is most difficult to gain accurate measures.II. Grammatical Notes to the Text这是一个比较句型,主句的主体结构是:It is important to note that;it 是形式主语。比较的部分是:based more on a customers revenue level than tailored to their segments.意思是“更多的是建立在顾客的收入水平上,而不是他所属的群体”。6. It is important to

16、 note that most of these offers are based more on a customers revenue level than tailored to their segments.II. Grammatical Notes to the Text该句的主体结构可简写为:Sales force automation modules help sales staff increase their productivity。介词短语by focusing sales efforts 作状语,表示方式。句中的those是customers的同位语,其后的who引导定

17、语从句修饰those。 7. Sales force automation modules in CRM systems help sales staff increase their productivity by focusing sales efforts on the most profitable customers, those who are good candidates for sales and services.II. Grammatical Notes to the Textmore该句的主体结构为:Bundling is one kind of cross-selli

18、ng。句中的which引导一个定语从句修饰cross-selling;定语从句中形容词短语(比较结构)lower than the total cost of the individual products修饰介词短语at a price 中的price;介词in提前到连接代词which之前,表明which在定语从句中作宾语。8. Bundling is one kind of cross-selling in which a combination of products is sold as a bundle at a price lower than the total cost of

19、the individual products.II. Grammatical Notes to the Textmoreappreciation E7pri:Fi5eiFEn n. 正确评价,欣赏innovative InEJveitiv adj. 创新的,革新(主义)的retention rI5tenFn n. 保留,保持loyalty 5lCiElti n. 忠诚,忠心address E5dres vt. 向致辞,演说convince kEn5vins vt. 使确信,使信服discontinue diskEn5tinju: v. 停止,中止defection di5fekFEn n.

20、缺点,背信selectivity silek5tiviti n. 选择性filter 5filtE vt. 过滤,筛选trim trim vt. 整理,修整migrate mai5reit, 5maireit vt. 使移居,使移植III. Words Bank to the Textpartial 5pB:FEl adj. 部分的,偏袒的disconnect 7diskE5nekt v. 拆开,分离,断开prospect 5prCspekt vi. 寻找,勘探segmentation 7 semEn5teiFEn n. 分割concessionary kEn5seFEnEri adj. 特许

21、的,让步的prescore pri:5skC: vt. 先期评估uncollectible 5QnkE5lektEbl adj. 无法收现的predictive pridiktiv adj. 预言性的,成为前兆的churn tFE:n n. 搅拌,搅动,激动感情screen skri:n n. 筛选affinity E5finiti n. 密切关系,亲和力demographic demE5rAfik adj. 人口统计学的III. Words Bank to the Textattrition E5triFEn n. 摩擦,磨损,消耗vulnerable 5vQlnErEbl adj. 易受攻

22、击的,complementary kRmplE5mentEri adj. 补充的,补足的premium 5primjEm n. 奖赏,赠品margin 5mB:dVin n. 差数,(时间、金额等的)富余enhance in5hB:ns vt. 增加,加强assemble E5sembl v. 集合,聚集forecast 5fC:ka:st vt. 预想,预测consistent kEn5sistEnt adj. 一贯的;始终如一的bundle 5bQndl n. 捆,束,包; v. 捆扎dispatch dis5pAtF vt. 分派,派遣chum tFQm n. 密友,室友III. Wor

23、ds Bank to the TextIV. ExercisesComprehensionFilling BlanksVocabularyTrue or FalseMatching TermsSummaryCloze (Summarizing the Text) Translating SentencesCollocationAnswering QuestionsSelecting WordsConceptual PhrasesTranslation1. CRM is the process of acquiring, and growing profitable customers. It

24、requires a clear on the service attributes that represent value to the customer and that create .2. is the effort to win new, first-time customers.3. Win back or save is the process of convincing a customer to stay with the organization at the point they are . Service or convincing them to rejoin on

25、ce they have left. Of the four categories of campaigns, is the most .1. retaining, focus, loyalty2. Prospecting3. discontinuing, win back, time-sensitiveIV. ExercisesComprehension I. Fill in the following blanks. 4. Through the use of advanced _ tools, organizations can develop models that identify

26、_ customers, which can then be targeted for a _ campaign or offered alternative products.5. The final component of a successful loyalty _ is the development of a predictive _ model.4. data-mining, vulnerable, loyalty5. campaign, churnIV. ExercisesComprehension I. Fill in the following blanks. 1. Loy

27、alty is the effort to win new, first-time customers.2. Up-selling is offering a complementary product to customer.3. There are four types of customer.4. Cross-sell is offering an enhanced product to customer.5. Prospecting is the process of convincing a customer to stay with the organization at the

28、point they are discontinuing service or convincing them to rejoin once they have left.1.F2. F3. T4.F 5. FIV. ExercisesComprehension II. True or False. 1.F2. F3. T4. F5. F(A) up-selling(B) CRM(C) prospecting(D) win backIV. ExercisesComprehension III. Matching the terms. _ The process of acquiring, re

29、taining and growing profitable customers._ determined by the customers needs-based segment, the organization offers an enhanced one to the customer._ The process of convincing a customer to stay with the organization at the point they are discontinuing service or convincing them to rejoin once they

30、have left._ The effort to win new, first-time customers.1.B2. A3. D4. C1. Describe the advantages of customer relationship management (CRM).IV. ExercisesComprehension IV. Answer the following questions. reduces advertising costsmakes it easier to target specific customers makes it easier to track th

31、e effectiveness of a campaignallows organizations to compete for customers based on service, not pricesprevents overspending on low-value clients or understanding on high-value onesspeeds the time it takes to develop and market a product improves use of the customer channel, thus making the most of

32、each contact with a customer2. Can you describe the four types of customer?IV. ExercisesComprehension IV. Answer the following questions. (1). Win Back or Save(2) Prospecting(3) Loyalty(4) Cross-Sell/Up-Sell3. Explain the meaning of “cross sell” and “up selll” by example.IV. ExercisesComprehension I

33、V. Answer the following questions. Cross-Sell: to identify complementary offerings that a customer would like. For instance, a basic long-distance customer could be a candidate to buy Internet access.Up-selling: the organization offers an enhanced one. For example, replacing an analog data line with

34、 ISDN is a good example of an up-sell.V. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.IV. ExercisesVocabulary discontinue trim complementary selectivity screen premium innovative filter vulnerable 1. He was one of the most creative and _ engineers of his generation.

35、 innovative V. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.IV. ExercisesVocabulary discontinue trim complementary selectivity screen premium innovative filter vulnerable 2. Ill have to _ these weekly visits. discontinue V. Fill in the blanks with the words given be

36、low. Change the form where necessary.IV. ExercisesVocabulary discontinue trim complementary selectivity screen premium innovative filter vulnerable 3. The soldiers specialized in going out in small groups, to kill with a very high degree of _ . selectivity V. Fill in the blanks with the words given

37、below. Change the form where necessary.IV. ExercisesVocabulary discontinue trim complementary selectivity screen premium innovative filter vulnerable 4. The best prevention for cholera is to boil or _ water, and eat only well-cooked food. filter V. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Chan

38、ge the form where necessary.IV. ExercisesVocabulary discontinue trim complementary selectivity screen premium innovative filter vulnerable 5. Grass shears are specially made to _ grass growing in awkward places. trim V. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.I

39、V. ExercisesVocabulary discontinue trim complementary selectivity screen premium innovative filter vulnerable 6. The airline had not been searching unaccompanied baggage by hand, but only _ it on X-ray machines. screening V. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necess

40、ary.IV. ExercisesVocabulary discontinue trim complementary selectivity screen premium innovative filter vulnerable 7. Plants that are growing vigorously are less likely to be _ to disease. vulnerable V. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.IV. ExercisesVocab

41、ulary discontinue trim complementary selectivity screen premium innovative filter vulnerable 8. Even if customers want “solutions”, most are not willing to pay a _ for them. premiumIV. ExercisesCollocation V. Look at the following sentence taken from your reading passage. Just think about what else

42、you can “address” and fill in the sentences with the right words.e.g. CRM allows a company to address all of the types of customers it serves at different points in their life cycle and to choose the marketing program that best fits a customers attitude toward the company.IV. ExercisesCollocation 2.

43、 He is due to address a co_ on human rights next week. nference 1. Ap _ should be addressed to: The business affairs editor. plicationIV. ExercisesCollocation 4. He addressed his re _ to Eleanor, ignoring Maria. marks 3. The two foreign ministers did not address each _ directly when they last met. o

44、therIV. ExercisesCollocation 6. Throughout the book we have addressed ou_ to the problem of ethics.rselves5. Mr. King sought to address those fe_ when he spoke at the meeting. arsIV. ExercisesSummary VII. Choose the best one of the four answers given to fill in each blank.CRM is the philosophy, poli

45、cy and coordinating strategy connecting different players within an organization so 1 to coordinate their efforts in creating an overall valuable series of experiences, products and services for the 2 . The objectives of a CRM strategy must consider a companys 3 situation and its customers needs and

46、 expectations. Information gained through CRM initiatives can support the development of marketing strategy by developing the organizations knowledge in areas 4 identifying customer segments, improving customer retention, improving product offerings by better understanding customer needs, and by ide

47、ntifying the organizations most 5 customers. IV. ExercisesSummary CRM strategies can 6 in size, complexity and scope. Some companies consider a CRM strategy to only focus on the management of a 7 of salespeople. However, other CRM strategies can cover customer 8 across the entire organization. Many

48、commercial CRM software packages that are 9 provide features that serve sales, marketing, 10 management, project management and finance.IV. ExercisesSummary 1. A. asB. thatC. orderD. well2. A. supplierB. consumerC. venderD. customer3. A. worseB. specific C. betterD. special4. A. such asB. byC. like D. as 5. A. particularB. wealth C. profitable D. attractive6. A.


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